94 research outputs found


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    O encontro de um jovem francês com a língua portuguesa, e todas as aventuras, de Portugal ao Brasil e até a Guiana francesa, que seguiram

    La Guyane, un territoire Caraïbe en voie de sud-américanisation

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    Sur la côte nord de l’Amérique du sud, la Guyane semble plutôt appartenir au monde caraïbe par son histoire, son peuplement et ses liens politico-économiques. Cependant, le haut niveau de vie découlant de son statut français et européen en fait un exutoire pour des dizaines de milliers d’immigrants originaires du Brésil voisin mais aussi, de plus en plus, du Pérou, amenant une prise de conscience par les autorités tant brésiliennes que guyanaises et françaises de sa situation d’interface entre Caraïbes, Amérique du sud et Europe. La récente admission de la France comme membre observateur du Traité de Coopération amazonien pour la Guyane montre le nouvel intérêt que suscite chez ses voisins cette terre française d’Amérique. Mais statut politique, écarts socio-économiques et mentalités freinent une plus grande intégration dans son environnement géographique.On the north coast of South America, French Guiana is appearing more as a caribbean territory because his history, his historical culture and his political and economical relations. But the high standard of living allowed by the french and european statute is transforming it as an outlet for ten of thousands of immigrants natives of the bordering Brazil and more and more Peru, inducing a sudden awareness of his situation of interface between the Caribbean world, South America and Europa. The recent admission of France as observer in the Organization of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty owing to French Guiana is proving the new interest for this french country in America. But political statute, social and economical differences and mentalities are obstructing a greater integration in his geographical surroundings

    La Guyane et le brésil, ou la quête d’intégration continentale d’un département français d’Amérique

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    Seule collectivité française d’outre-mer continentale, la Guyane, département français sur la côte septentrionale de l’Amérique du sud, est davantage perçue comme caraïbe, et connaît encore un grand isolement au sein de son continent d’appartenance géographique. Pourtant, les accords de coopération se multiplient depuis une quinzaine d’années avec ses voisins amazoniens, et un pont va bientôt franchir le fleuve-frontière Oyapock pour la relier au Brésil, rompant des siècles de conflits ou d’i..

    AS GUIANAS E O BRASIL DA CONTENÇÃO À CONTINENTALIZAÇÃO, OU PERIGOS E VANTAGENS DE UMA INTERFACE CARIBENHA E EUROPEIA (Guianas and Brazil, from the containment to the continentalization, or perils and advantages of a Caribbean and European interface)

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    Depois de séculos de isolamento reforçado pelos receios do Brasil em relação à situação política do Caribe durante a Guerra fria, as Guianas (República da Guiana, Suriname e Guiana francesa), depois de uma integração informal por fluxos ilícitos, estão agora entrando num processo de continentalização, participando de projetos de integração continental na América do Sul, concretizado pela construção de pontes fronteiriças com o Brasil. Foi de fato este Estado que percebeu a situação de interface privilegiada, num mundo cada vez mais globalizado, destes territórios entre a América do Sul, o Caribe e a União Europeia. Palavras-chave: Guianas; Amazônia; territorialidade; fronteira; integração regional. ABSTRACT After centuries of isolation increased by Brazil’s fears because the political situation of Caribbean during the Cold War, the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana), after an informal integration with illicit exchanges, are yet going into a continentalization process with continental integration projects in South America, materialized by the construction of border bridges with Brazil. By the way, this state understood, in an always more globalized world, the privileged situation of interface for theses territories between South America, Caribbean and European Union. Key-words: Guianas; Amazonia; territoriality; boundary; regional integration. RÉSUMÉ Après des siècles d’un isolement renforcé par les craintes du Brésil envers la situation politique de la Caraïbe pendant la Guerre froide, les Guyanes (Guyana, Surinam et Guyane française), après une intégration informelle par des flux illicites, entament maintenant un processus de continentalisation, par la participation à des projets d’intégration continentale en Amérique du Sud concrétisé par la construction de ponts frontaliers avec le Brésil. Ce fut de fait cet Etat qui perçut le mieux la situation d’interface privilégiée, en pleine mondialisation, de ces territoires entre Amérique du Sud, Caraïbe et Union Européenne. Palabras clave: Guyanes ; Amazonie; territorialité; frontière; intégration régionale. DOI: 10.5654/actageo2013.0715.000

    Guiana Francesa e Amapá: dinâmicas políticas e econômicas (1940-1945)

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    As relações entre Brasil (Amapá) e Guiana Francesa caracterizaram-se, no decorrer do século XX, por aproximações e distanciamentos que, ainda hoje, não se estruturaram de forma clara. Por um lado, disputaram por muito tempo fronteiras em comum, implicando em conflitos armados, entreveros diplomáticos e desconfianças. Por outro, ambas entidades políticas intercambiaram imigrantes, atividades econômicas e comerciais. O primeiro lustro dos anos 1940 foi o período em que se estruturou o Território Federal do Amapá, hoje Estado, e a Guiana Francesa enquanto Estado francês de ultramar. Contribuir para entender essa errática relação, tendo em vista ainda o impacto da Segunda Guerra Mundial, é o objetivo deste artigo

    Entre criação do Amapá e intercâmbios econômicos, as consequências da Segunda Guerra mundial nas relações entre o Brasil e a Guiana Francesa

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    As relações entre Brasil (Amapá) e Guiana Francesa caracterizaramse, no decorrer do século XX, por aproximações e distanciamentos que, ainda hoje, não se estruturaram de forma clara. Contribuir para entender essa errática relação, tendo em vista o impacto da Segunda Guerra Mundial, é o objetivo deste artig

    Entre criação do Amapá e intercâmbios econômicos, as consequências da Segunda Guerra mundial nas relações entre o Brasil e a Guiana Francesa

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    As relações entre Brasil (Amapá) e Guiana Francesa caracterizaramse, no decorrer do século XX, por aproximações e distanciamentos que, ainda hoje, não se estruturaram de forma clara. Contribuir para entender essa errática relação, tendo em vista o impacto da Segunda Guerra Mundial, é o objetivo deste artig

    Puzzle-solving in Psychology: the Neo-Galtonian vs. Nomothetic Research Focuses

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    Accepté pour publication dans New Ideas in PsychologyInternational audienceWe compare the neo-Galtonian and nomothetic approaches of psychological research. While the former focuses on summarized statistics that depict average subjects, the latter focuses on general facts of form 'if conditions then restricted outcomes'. The nomothetic approach does not require quantification as a convenient way of statistical modeling. The nice feature of a general fact is its falsifiability by the observation of a single case. Hence, as a clear sense of scientific error is re-introduced in the research paradigm, we detail two kinds of puzzle-solving: repairing general facts by contraction or by expansion of the initial conditions. This style of research does not require that researchers depend on highly skilled engineers in data analysis, as the very structure of a general fact can be established by scrutinizing a contingency table

    Revealing the pace of river landscape evolution during the Quaternary: recent developments in numerical dating methods

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    During the last twenty years, several technical developments have considerably intensified the use of numerical dating methods for the Quaternary. The study of fluvial archives has greatly benefited from these enhancements, opening new dating horizons for a range of archives at distinct time scales and thereby providing new insights into previously unanswered questions. In this contribution, we separately present the state of the art of five numerical dating methods that are frequently used in the fluvial context: radiocarbon, Luminescence, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), 230Th/U and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) dating. We focus on the major recent developments for each technique that are most relevant for new dating applications in diverse fluvial environments and on explaining these for non-specialists. Therefore, essential information and precautions about sampling strategies in the field and/or laboratory procedures are provided. For each method, new and important implications for chronological reconstructions of Quaternary fluvial landscapes are discussed and, where necessary, exemplified by key case studies. A clear statement of the current technical limitations of these methods is included and forthcoming developments, which might possibly open new horizons for dating fluvial archives in the near future, are summarised

    Streptococcus agalactiae clones infecting humans were selected and fixed through the extensive use of tetracycline

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    Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is a commensal of the digestive and genitourinary tracts of humans that emerged as the leading cause of bacterial neonatal infections in Europe and North America during the 1960s. Due to the lack of epidemiological and genomic data, the reasons for this emergence are unknown. Here we show by comparative genome analysis and phylogenetic reconstruction of 229 isolates that the rise of human GBS infections corresponds to the selection and worldwide dissemination of only a few clones. The parallel expansion of the clones is preceded by the insertion of integrative and conjugative elements conferring tetracycline resistance (TcR). Thus, we propose that the use of tetracycline from 1948 onwards led in humans to the complete replacement of a diverse GBS population by only few TcR clones particularly well adapted to their host, causing the observed emergence of GBS diseases in neonates. \ua9 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved