409 research outputs found

    Análise técnica e econômica para a incorporação de Facts em sistemas de potência

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    This article shows a methodology for the technical and economic analysis of the incorporation of Facts devices in electrical power systems. The methodology proposed consists of a deterministic stage and a stochastic stage which involve aspects of technical and economic feasibility, respectively. The first stage is based on a non-linear binary mixed programming model developed at AMPL in order to minimize generation of safety given the location of a Facts device. The second stage employs an energetic model based on a stochastic dynamic dual programming (SDDP) which determines the cost-benefit ratios of the incorporation of Facts for different hydrothermal series. In order to illustrate the applicability of the methodology proposed, a case study is shown in the Colombian electrical system, taking into account the incorporation of a Statcom in the Atlantic Coast. Additionally, it is shown that the solution proposed resolves oscillatory instability problems of power, identified in minimum generation scenarios before critical contingencies.En este artículo se presenta una metodología para el análisis técnico y económico de la incorporación de dispositivos Facts en sistemas eléctricos de potencia. La metodología propuesta consta de una fase determinista y una estocástica que consideran aspectos de factibilidad técnica y económica, respectivamente. La primera fase se basa en un modelo de programación no lineal binario mixto desarrollado en AMPL que pretende minimizar la generación de seguridad dada la ubicación de un dispositivo Facts. La segunda fase utiliza un modelo energético basado en programación dual dinámica estocástica (SDDP) que determina las relaciones beneficio/costo de la incorporación de Facts para diferentes series hidrotérmicas. Para ilustrar la aplicabilidad de la metodología propuesta se presenta un estudio de caso en el sistema eléctrico colombiano considerando la incorporación de un Statcom en la costa atlántica. Adicionalmente, se muestra que la solución propuesta resuelve problemas de inestabilidad oscilatoria de tensión identificados en escenarios mínimos de generación ante contingencias críticas.Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma metodologia para a análise técnica e econômica da incorporação de dispositivos Facts em sistemas elétricos de potência. A metodologia proposta consta de uma fase determinista e uma estocástica que consideram aspectos de factibilidade técnica e econômica, respectivamente. A primeira fase baseia-se num modelo de programação não linear binário misto, desenvolvido em AMPL que pretende minimizar a geração de segurança dada a localização de um dispositivo Facts. A segunda fase utiliza um modelo energético baseado em programação dual dinâmica estocástica (SDDP) que determina as relações custobenefício da incorporação de Facts para diferentes séries hidrotérmicas. Para ilustrar a aplicabilidade da metodologia proposta, apresenta-se um estudo de caso no sistema elétrico colombiano considerando a incorporação de um Statcom no litoral atlântico colombiano. Além disso, mostra-se que a solução proposta resolve problemas de instabilidade oscilatória de tensão identificados em cenários mínimos de geração ante contingências críticas

    Plant Breeding and Management Strategies to Minimize the Impact of Water Scarcity and Biotic Stress in Cereal Crops under Mediterranean Conditions

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    Wheat and rice are two main staple food crops that may suffer from yield losses due to drought episodes that are increasingly impacted by climate change, in addition to new epidemic outbreaks. Sustainable intensification of production will rely on several strategies, such as efficient use of water and variety improvement. This review updates the latest findings regarding complementary approaches in agronomy, genetics, and phenomics to cope with climate change challenges. The agronomic approach focuses on a case study examining alternative rice water management practices, with their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity for ecosystem services. The genetic approach reviews in depth the latest technologies to achieve fungal disease resistance, as well as the use of landraces to increase the genetic diversity of new varieties. The phenomics approach explores recent advances in high-throughput remote sensing technologies useful in detecting both biotic and abiotic stress effects on breeding programs. The complementary nature of all these technologies indicates that only interdisciplinary work will ensure significant steps towards a more sustainable agriculture under future climate change scenarios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Von Hippel-Lindau protein is required for optimal alveolar macrophage terminal differentiation, self-renewal, and function

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    The rapid transit from hypoxia to normoxia in the lung that follows the first breath in newborn mice coincides with alveolar macrophage (AM) differentiation. However, whether sensing of oxygen affects AM maturation and function has not been previously explored. We have generated mice whose AMs show a deficient ability to sense oxygen after birth by deleting Vhl, a negative regulator of HIF transcription factors, in the CD11c compartment (CD11c Delta Vhl mice). VHL-deficient AMs show an immature-like phenotype and an impaired self-renewal capacity in vivo that persists upon culture ex vivo. VHL-deficient phenotype is intrinsic in AMs derived from monocyte precursors in mixed bone marrow chimeras. Moreover, unlike control Vhl(fl/fl), AMs from CD11c Delta Vhl mice do not reverse pulmonary alveolar proteinosis when transplanted into Csf2rb(-/)(-) mice, demonstrating that VHL contributes to AM-mediated surfactant clearance. Thus, our results suggest that optimal AM terminal differentiation, self-renewal, and homeostatic function requires their intact oxygen-sensing capacity

    Heterozygous and Homozygous Variants in SORL1 Gene in Alzheimer's Disease Patients: Clinical, Neuroimaging and Neuropathological Findings

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    In the last few years, the SORL1 gene has been strongly implicated in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We performed whole-exome sequencing on 37 patients with early-onset dementia or family history suggestive of autosomal dominant dementia. Data analysis was based on a custom panel that included 46 genes related to AD and dementia. SORL1 variants were present in a high proportion of patients with candidate variants (15%, 3/20). We expand the clinical manifestations associated with the SORL1 gene by reporting detailed clinical and neuroimaging findings of six unrelated patients with AD and SORL1 mutations. We also present for the first time a patient with the homozygous truncating variant c.364C>T (p.R122*) in SORL1, who also had severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Furthermore, we report neuropathological findings and immunochemistry assays from one patient with the splicing variant c.4519+5G>A in the SORL1 gene, in which AD was confirmed by neuropathological examination. Our results highlight the heterogeneity of clinical presentation and familial dementia background of SORL1-associated AD and suggest that SORL1 might be contributing to AD development as a risk factor gene rather than as a major autosomal dominant gene.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/01067) and AGAUR from the Autonomous Catalan Government (2017SGR1134). Dr. Víctor Antonio Blanco-Palmero is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Spanish Biomedical Research Institute) through a “Río Hortega” contract (CM18/0095). Dr. Sara Llamas-Velasco is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; Spanish Biomedical Research Institute) through a “Juan Rodés” contract (JR 18/00046).S

    Grupo español de cirugía torácica asistida por videoimagen: método, auditoría y resultados iniciales de una cohorte nacional prospectiva de pacientes tratados con resecciones anatómicas del pulmón

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    Introduction: our study sought to know the current implementation of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for anatomical lung resections in Spain. We present our initial results and describe the auditing systems developed by the Spanish VATS Group (GEVATS). Methods: we conducted a prospective multicentre cohort study that included patients receiving anatomical lung resections between 12/20/2016 and 03/20/2018. The main quality controls consisted of determining the recruitment rate of each centre and the accuracy of the perioperative data collected based on six key variables. The implications of a low recruitment rate were analysed for '90-day mortality' and 'Grade IIIb-V complications'. Results: the series was composed of 3533 cases (1917 VATS; 54.3%) across 33 departments. The centres' median recruitment rate was 99% (25-75th:76-100%), with an overall recruitment rate of 83% and a data accuracy of 98%. We were unable to demonstrate a significant association between the recruitment rate and the risk of morbidity/mortality, but a trend was found in the unadjusted analysis for those centres with recruitment rates lower than 80% (centres with 95-100% rates as reference): grade IIIb-V OR=0.61 (p=0.081), 90-day mortality OR=0.46 (p=0.051). Conclusions: more than half of the anatomical lung resections in Spain are performed via VATS. According to our results, the centre's recruitment rate and its potential implications due to selection bias, should deserve further attention by the main voluntary multicentre studies of our speciality. The high representativeness as well as the reliability of the GEVATS data constitute a fundamental point of departure for this nationwide cohort

    Abnormal accumulation of autophagic vesicles correlates with axonal and synaptic pathology in young Alzheimer’s mice hippocampus

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    Dystrophic neurites associated with amyloid plaques precede neuronal death and manifest early in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this work we have characterized the plaque-associated neuritic pathology in the hippocampus of young (4- to 6-month-old) PS1M146L/APP751SL mice model, as the initial degenerative process underlying functional disturbance prior to neuronal loss. Neuritic plaques accounted for almost all fibrillar deposits and an axonal origin of the dystrophies was demonstrated. The early induction of autophagy pathology was evidenced by increased protein levels of the autophagosome marker LC3 that was localized in the axonal dystrophies, and by electron microscopic identification of numerous autophagic vesicles filling and causing the axonal swellings. Early neuritic cytoskeletal defects determined by the presence of phosphorylated tau (AT8-positive) and actin–cofilin rods along with decreased levels of kinesin-1 and dynein motor proteins could be responsible for this extensive vesicle accumulation within dystrophic neurites. Although microsomal Aβ oligomers were identified, the presence of A11-immunopositive Aβ plaques also suggested a direct role of plaque-associated Aβ oligomers in defective axonal transport and disease progression. Most importantly, presynaptic terminals morphologically disrupted by abnormal autophagic vesicle buildup were identified ultrastructurally and further supported by synaptosome isolation. Finally, these early abnormalities in axonal and presynaptic structures might represent the morphological substrate of hippocampal dysfunction preceding synaptic and neuronal loss and could significantly contribute to AD pathology in the preclinical stages

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since July 2014. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the fourteenth from SDSS overall (making this, Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes public data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (July 2014-2016). Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS); the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data driven machine learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS website (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release, and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020, and will be followed by SDSS-V.Comment: SDSS-IV collaboration alphabetical author data release paper. DR14 happened on 31st July 2017. 19 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by ApJS on 28th Nov 2017 (this is the "post-print" and "post-proofs" version; minor corrections only from v1, and most of errors found in proofs corrected

    Development and evaluation of a machine learning-based in-hospital COVID-19 disease outcome predictor (CODOP): A multicontinental retrospective study

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    New SARS-CoV-2 variants, breakthrough infections, waning immunity, and sub-optimal vaccination rates account for surges of hospitalizations and deaths. There is an urgent need for clinically valuable and generalizable triage tools assisting the allocation of hospital resources, particularly in resource-limited countries. We developed and validate CODOP, a machine learning-based tool for predicting the clinical outcome of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. CODOP was trained, tested and validated with six cohorts encompassing 29223 COVID-19 patients from more than 150 hospitals in Spain, the USA and Latin America during 2020-22. CODOP uses 12 clinical parameters commonly measured at hospital admission for reaching high discriminative ability up to 9 days before clinical resolution (AUROC: 0.90-0.96), it is well calibrated, and it enables an effective dynamic risk stratification during hospitalization. Furthermore, CODOP maintains its predictive ability independently of the virus variant and the vaccination status. To reckon with the fluctuating pressure levels in hospitals during the pandemic, we offer two online CODOP calculators, suited for undertriage or overtriage scenarios, validated with a cohort of patients from 42 hospitals in three Latin American countries (78-100% sensitivity and 89-97% specificity). The performance of CODOP in heterogeneous and geographically disperse patient cohorts and the easiness of use strongly suggest its clinical utility, particularly in resource-limited countries

    Preclinical models for prediction of immunotherapy outcomes and immune evasion mechanisms in genetically heterogeneous multiple myeloma

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    The historical lack of preclinical models reflecting the genetic heterogeneity of multiple myeloma (MM) hampers the advance of therapeutic discoveries. To circumvent this limitation, we screened mice engineered to carry eight MM lesions (NF-κB, KRAS, MYC, TP53, BCL2, cyclin D1, MMSET/NSD2 and c-MAF) combinatorially activated in B lymphocytes following T cell-driven immunization. Fifteen genetically diverse models developed bone marrow (BM) tumors fulfilling MM pathogenesis. Integrative analyses of ∼500 mice and ∼1,000 patients revealed a common MAPK-MYC genetic pathway that accelerated time to progression from precursor states across genetically heterogeneous MM. MYC-dependent time to progression conditioned immune evasion mechanisms that remodeled the BM microenvironment differently. Rapid MYC-driven progressors exhibited a high number of activated/exhausted CD8+ T cells with reduced immunosuppressive regulatory T (Treg) cells, while late MYC acquisition in slow progressors was associated with lower CD8+ T cell infiltration and more abundant Treg cells. Single-cell transcriptomics and functional assays defined a high ratio of CD8+ T cells versus Treg cells as a predictor of response to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB). In clinical series, high CD8+ T/Treg cell ratios underlie early progression in untreated smoldering MM, and correlated with early relapse in newly diagnosed patients with MM under Len/Dex therapy. In ICB-refractory MM models, increasing CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity or depleting Treg cells reversed immunotherapy resistance and yielded prolonged MM control. Our experimental models enable the correlation of MM genetic and immunological traits with preclinical therapy responses, which may inform the next-generation immunotherapy trials

    Comparison of seven prognostic tools to identify low-risk pulmonary embolism in patients aged <50 years

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