68 research outputs found

    Novel molecular catalysts for water oxidation: towards artificial photosynthesis

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    L’objectiud’aquesta tesi és el desenvolupamenticaracteritzacióde nouscatalitzadors per a l’oxidació d’aigua a partir complexos metàl•lics, especialment amb metalls de la primera sèrie de transició. En el segon capítol d’aquesta tesi s’explora la activitat catalítica homogènia per a l’oxidació d’aigua d’un compost de ruteni d’enllaç metall-metall, [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4]. Aquest catalitzador esta estabilitzat perlligands disponibles i de baix cost, per tant no requereix el disseny delligands orgànics. El tercer capítol d’aquesta tesi estudia l’activitatcatalítica d’un nou compost de cobalt basat en la química dels polioxometalts: [Co9(H2O)6(OH)3(HPO4)2(PW9O34)3]16− (Co9). Els nostres experiments demostren que aquest compost és un catalitzador homogeni per a l’oxidació d’aigua produïda químicament, electroquímicament o induïda per llum. En el quart capítol d’aquesta tesi es relata la preparacióicaracterització d'unpolímerbasaten un compost de cobalt de tipus blau de Prússia, hexacianoferratde cobalt (CoHCF),queposseeixmoltes delescaracterístiquesclau: es formaa partir de metalls abundants, funcionaa pHneutreicondicions ambientalsi ésrobust.The objective of this thesis is the development and characterization of new catalysts for the oxidation of water from metal complexes, especially first row transitionmetals. In the second chapter of this thesis we explore the homogeneous catalytic oxidation of water with a metal-metal bonded ruthenium compound [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4]. This catalyst is stabilized by available and inexpensive ligands, so it does not require the design of organic ligands. The third chapter of this thesis report the catalytic activity of a new cobalt compound based on polioxometalate chemistry [Co9(H2O)6(OH)3( HPO4 )2(PW9O34)3]16-( Co9). Our experiments show that this compound is a homogeneous catalyst for the oxidation of water produced chemically, induced by light or electrochemically. The fourth chapter of this thesis describes the preparation and characterization of a Prussian blue type polymer: cobalt hexacyanoferrate (CoHCF), which posses many of the key features necessaries for a viable WOC: it is formed from inexpensive metals, it works at neutral pH and ambient conditions and it is robust

    Soft Templating and Disorder in an Applied 1D Cobalt Coordination Polymer Electrocatalyst

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    Disordered materials with resilient and soft-templated functional units bear the potential to fill the pipeline of robust catalysts for renewable energy storage. However, for novel materials lacking long-range order, the ability to discern local structure with atomic resolution still pushes the boundaries of current analytical and modeling approaches. We introduce a two-pillar strategy to monitor the formation and unravel the structure of the first disordered onedimensional cobalt coordination polymer catalyst, Co-dppeO2. This target material excels through proven high performance in commercial alkaline electrolyzers and organic transformations. We demonstrate that the key architecture behind this activity is the unconventional embedding of hydrated {H2O-Co2(OH)2-OH2} edge-site motifs, nested into a flexible organic matrix of highly oxidized and bridging hydrophobic dppeO2 ligands. Our combination of in situ spectroscopy and computational modeling of X-ray scattering and absorption spectra, backed with complementary experimental techniques, holds the key to understanding the atomic-range structure of important disordered materials

    Water splitting with polyoxometalate-treated photoanodes: Enhancing performance through sensitizer design

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    Visible light driven water oxidation has been demonstrated at near-neutral pH using photoanodes based on nanoporous films of TiO2, polyoxometalate (POM) water oxidation catalyst [{Ru4O4(OH)2(H2O)4}(γ-SiW10O36)2]10- (1), and both known photosensitizer [Ru(bpy)2(H4dpbpy)]2+ (P2) and the novel crown ether functionalized dye [Ru(5-crownphen)2(H2dpbpy)] (H22). Both triads, containing catalyst 1, and catalyst-free dyads, produce O2 with high faradaic efficiencies (80 to 94%), but presence of catalyst enhances quantum yield by up to 190% (maximum 0.39%). New sensitizer H22 absorbs light more strongly than P2, and increases O2 quantum yields by up to 270%. TiO2-2 based photoelectrodes are also more stable to desorption of active species than TiO2-P2: losses of catalyst 1 are halved when pH > TiO2 point-of-zero charge (pzc), and losses of sensitizer reduced below the pzc (no catalyst is lost when pH < pzc). For the triads, quantum yields of O2 are higher at pH 5.8 than at pH 7.2, opposing the trend observed for 1 under homogeneous conditions. This is ascribed to lower stability of the dye oxidized states at higher pH, and less efficient electron transfer to TiO2, and is also consistent with the 4th 1-to-dye electron transfer limiting performance rather than catalyst TOFmax. Transient absorption reveals that TiO2-2-1 has similar 1st electron transfer dynamics to TiO2-P2-1, with rapid (ps timescale) formation of long-lived TiO2(e-)-2-1(h+) charge separated states, and demonstrates that metallation of the crown ether groups (Na+/Mg2+) has little or no effect on electron transfer from 1 to 2. The most widely relevant findings of this study are therefore: (i) increased dye extinction coefficients and binding stability significantly improve performance in dye-sensitized water splitting systems; (ii) binding of POMs to electrode surfaces can be stabilized through use of recognition groups; (iii) the optimal homogeneous and TiO2-bound operating pHs of a catalyst may not be the same; and (iv) dye-sensitized TiO2 can oxidize water without a catalyst

    Structural, spectroscopic and theoretical studies of a diruthenium(II,II) tetraformamidinate that reversibly binds dioxygen

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    The reaction of Ru2(O2CMe)4 with N,N'-bis(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)formamidine (Hdmof) in refluxing toluene solutions yields Ru2(dmof)4 as a diamagnetic red solid that is extremely airsensitive. The crystal structure reveals the expected paddlewheel arrangement of ligands around the Ru2 4+ core, with a relatively long Ru-Ru bond (2.4999(8) Å) that is consistent with a σ2 π4 δ2 π*4 electronic configuration. This is supported DFT calculations that show this electronic structure results from destabilization of the δ* orbital due to antibonding interactions with the formamidinate ligands. The cyclic voltammogram of Ru2(dmof)4 in a 0.1 M n Bu4NPF6 / CH2Cl2 solution shows two redox processes, assigned as successive oxidations corresponding to the Ru2 4+/5+ and Ru2 5+/6 redox couples. Changes in the electronic absorption spectra associated with these oxidation processes were probed using a UV/vis spectroelectrochemical study. Ru2(dmof)4 reacts with dioxygen in solution to generate a purple compound that decomposes within an hour at room temperature. Bubbling N2 gas through the purple solution regenerates Ru2(dmof)4, as evidenced by UV/vis spectrometry and cyclic voltammetry, suggesting that the dioxygen reversibly binds to the diruthenium core

    Probing polyoxometalate-protein interactions using molecular dynamics simulations

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    The molecular interactions between the Ce(IV)-substituted Keggin anion [PW11O39Ce(OH2)4]3- (CeK) and hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We compared the analysis of CeK with the Ce(IV)-substituted Keggin dimer [(PW11O39)2Ce]10- (CeK2) and the Zr(IV)-substituted Lindqvist anion [W5O18Zr(OH2)(OH)]3- (ZrL) in order to understand how POM features such as the shape, the size, the charge or the type of incorporated metal ion influence the POM···protein interactions. Simulations revealed two regions of the protein, in which the CeK anion interacts strongly: the cationic sites formed by Arg21 on one hand and by Arg45 and Arg68 on the other. The two sites can be related with the observed selectivity in the hydrolytic cleavage of HEWL. The POMs chiefly interact with the side chains of the positively charged (arginines and lysines) and the polar uncharged (tyrosines, serines and aspargines) residues via electrostatic attraction and hydrogen bonding with the oxygens of the POM framework. The CeK anion shows higher protein affinity than the CeK2 and ZrL anions, because it is less hydrophilic and it has the right size and shape for stablishing interactions with several residues simultaneously. The larger and more negatively charged CeK2 anion has a high solvent-accessible surface, which is sub-optimal for the interaction, while the smaller ZrL anion is highly hydrophilic and it cannot interact simultaneously with several residues so efficiently

    Polyoxometale-stabilized metal nanoparticles: Potential candidates for energy storage applications

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado a SmallChem International Online Conference, celebrada del 17 al 18 de febrero de 2021.Peer reviewe

    Activity and Stability of the Tetramanganese Polyanion [Mn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10— during Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation

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    In natural photosynthesis, the oxygen evolving center is a tetranuclear manganese cluster stabilized by amino acids, water molecules and counter ions. However, manganese complexes are rarely exhibiting catalytic activity in water oxidation conditions. This is also true for the family of water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) obtained from POM chemistry. We have studied the activity of the tetranuclear manganese POM [Mn4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10—(Mn4), the manganese analog of the well-studied [Co4(H2O)2(PW9O34)2]10— (Co4), one of the fastest and most interesting WOC candidates discovered up to date. Our electrocatalytic experiments indicate that Mn4 is indeed an active water oxidation catalysts, although unstable. It rapidly decomposes in water oxidation conditions. Bulk water electrocatalysis shows initial activities comparable to those of the cobalt counterpart, but in this case current density decreases very rapidly to become negligible just after 30 min, with the appearance of an inactive manganese oxide layer on the electrode

    Polyoxometalate-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles and Hybrid Electrode Assembly Using Activated Carbon

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    The intersection between the field of hybrid materials and that of electrochemistry is a quickly expanding area. Hybrid combinations usually consist of two constituents, but new routes toward more complex and versatile electroactive hybrid designs are quickly emerging. The objective of the present work is to explore novel triple hybrid material integrating polyoxometalates (POMs), silver nanoparticles (Ag0 NPs), and activated carbon (AC) and to demonstrate its use as a hybrid electrode in a symmetric supercapacitor. The tri-component nanohybrid (AC/POM-Ag0 NPs) was fabricated through the combination of AC with pre-synthesized &sim;27 nm POM-protected Ag0 NPs (POM-Ag0 NPs). The POM-Ag0 NPs were prepared using a green electrochemical method and characterized via UV-vis and IR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Afterward, the AC/POM-Ag0 NPs ternary nanocomposite material was constructed and characterized. The electrochemical behavior of AC/POM-Ag0 NPs&rsquo; modified electrodes reveal that the nanomaterial is electroactive and exhibits a moderately higher specific capacitance (81 F/g after 20 cycles) than bare AC electrodes (75 F/g) in a symmetrical supercapacitor configuration in the voltage range 0 to 0.75 V and 20 mV/s, demonstrating the potential use of this type of tri-component nanohybrid for electrochemical applications