22 research outputs found

    Production of three-body Efimov molecules in an optical lattice

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    We study the possibility of associating meta-stable Efimov trimers from three free Bose atoms in a tight trap realised, for instance, via an optical lattice site or a microchip. The suggested scheme for the production of these molecules is based on magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances and takes advantage of the Efimov effect in three-body energy spectra. Our predictions on the energy levels and wave functions of three pairwise interacting 85Rb atoms rely upon exact solutions of the Faddeev equations and include the tightly confining potential of an isotropic harmonic atom trap. The magnetic field dependence of these energy levels indicates that it is the lowest energetic Efimov trimer state that can be associated in an adiabatic sweep of the field strength. We show that the binding energies and spatial extents of the trimer molecules produced are comparable, in their magnitudes, to those of the associated diatomic Feshbach molecule. The three-body molecular state follows Efimov's scenario when the pairwise attraction of the atoms is strengthened by tuning the magnetic field strength.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures (final version

    Comparison of Relativistic Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions

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    We investigate the difference between those relativistic models based on interpreting a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction as a perturbation of the square of a relativistic mass operator and those models that use the method of Kamada and Gl\"ockle to construct an equivalent interaction to add to the relativistic mass operator. Although both models reproduce the phase shifts and binding energy of the corresponding non-relativistic model, they are not scattering equivalent. The example of elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the one-photon-exchange approximation is used to study the sensitivity of three-body observables to these choices. Our conclusion is that the differences in the predictions of the two models can be understood in terms of the different ways in which the relativistic and non-relativistic SS-matrices are related. We argue that the mass squared method is consistent with conventional procedures used to fit the Lorentz-invariant cross section as a function of the laboratory energy.Comment: Revtex 13 pages, 5 figures, corrected some typo

    Self-consistent Green's function method for nuclei and nuclear matter

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    Recent results obtained by applying the method of self-consistent Green's functions to nuclei and nuclear matter are reviewed. Particular attention is given to the description of experimental data obtained from the (e,e'p) and (e,e'2N) reactions that determine one and two-nucleon removal probabilities in nuclei since the corresponding amplitudes are directly related to the imaginary parts of the single-particle and two-particle propagators. For this reason and the fact that these amplitudes can now be calculated with the inclusion of all the relevant physical processes, it is useful to explore the efficacy of the method of self-consistent Green's functions in describing these experimental data. Results for both finite nuclei and nuclear matter are discussed with particular emphasis on clarifying the role of short-range correlations in determining various experimental quantities. The important role of long-range correlations in determining the structure of low-energy correlations is also documented. For a complete understanding of nuclear phenomena it is therefore essential to include both types of physical correlations. We demonstrate that recent experimental results for these reactions combined with the reported theoretical calculations yield a very clear understanding of the properties of {\em all} protons in the nucleus. We propose that this knowledge of the properties of constituent fermions in a correlated many-body system is a unique feature of nuclear physics.Comment: 110 pages, accepted for publication on Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Close-to-threshold Meson Production in Hadronic Interactions

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    Studies of meson production at threshold in the hadron--hadron interaction began in the fifties when sufficient energies of accelerated protons were available. A strong interdependence between developments in accelerator physics, detector performance and theoretical understanding led to a unique vivid field of physics. Early experiments performed with bubble chambers revealed already typical ingredients of threshold studies, which were superseded by more complete meson production investigations at the nucleon beam facilities TRIUMF, LAMPF, PSI, LEAR and SATURNE. Currently, with the advent of the new cooler rings as IUCF, CELSIUS and COSY the field is entering a new domain of precision and the next step of further progress. The analysis of this new data in the short range limit permits a more fundamental consideration and a quantitative comparison of the production processes for different mesons in the few--body final states. The interpretation of the data take advantage of the fact that production reactions close-to-threshold are characterized by only a few degrees of freedom between a well defined combination of initial and exit channels. Deviations from predictions of phase-space controlled one-meson-exchange models are indications of new and exciting physics. Precision data on differential cross sections, isospin and spin observables -- partly but by no means adequately available -- are presently turning up on the horizon. There is work for the next years and excitement of the physics expected. Here we try to give a brief and at the same time comprehensive overview of this field of hadronic threshold production studies.Comment: 100 pages, Review article to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. Vol. 49, issue 1 (2002

    Investigation of the Exclusive ^{3}He(e,e'pn)p Reaction

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    Cross sections for the ^{3}He(e,e'pn)p reaction were measured for the first time at energy transfers of 220 and 270 MeV for several momentum transfers ranging from 300 to 450 MeV/c. Cross sections are presented as a function of the momentum of the recoil proton and the momentum transfer. Continuum Faddeev calculations using the Argonne V18 and Bonn-B nucleon-nucleon potentials overestimate the measured cross sections by a factor 5 at low recoil proton momentum with the discrepancy becoming much smaller at higher recoil momentum.Comment: 5, pages, 3 figure

    The Transverse Asymmetry AT\bf A_{\bf T'} from Quasi-elastic 3He(e,e)^3\vec{\rm He}(\vec{e},e') Process and the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor

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    We have measured the transverse asymmetry from inclusive scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from polarized 3He nuclei at quasi-elastic kinematics in Hall A at Jefferson Lab with high statistical and systematic precision. The neutron magnetic form factor was extracted based on Faddeev calculations with an experimental uncertainty of less than 2 %.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex, accepted for publication in PR

    Precision Measurement of the Spin-dependent Asymmetry in the Threshold Region of 3He(e,e)^3\vec{\mathrm{He}}(\vec{e},e')

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    We present the first precision measurement of the spin-dependent asymmetry in the threshold region of 3He(e,e)^3\vec{\rm He}(\vec{e},e') at Q2Q^2-values of 0.1 and 0.2 (GeV/c)2^2. The agreement between the data and non-relativistic Faddeev calculations which include both final-state interactions (FSI) and meson-exchange currents (MEC) effects is very good at Q2Q^2 = 0.1 (GeV/c)2^2, while a small discrepancy at Q2Q^2 = 0.2 (GeV/c)2^2 is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let