281 research outputs found

    Correlates of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Young Adults with Spina Bifida *

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    Objective Based on social ecological theory, this study was designed to examine the unique relationships between multi-level ecological factors and psychological symptoms in young adults with spina bifida (SB). Method A sample of 61 individuals with SB, 18–25 years of age, completed standardized self-report measures of attitude toward SB, satisfaction with family functioning, Chronic Care Model (CCM) services, and depressive and anxiety symptoms. A chart review yielded SB clinical data. Results High rates of depressive and anxiety symptoms were found. Hierarchical regression analysis identified the proximal individual (attitude toward SB) and family (satisfaction with family functioning) factors as more strongly related to depressive symptoms than the distal healthcare system factor (CCM services). Self-reported pain was the only ecological factor associated with anxiety symptoms. Conclusions Study findings provide a potential foundation for multi-factor screening of young adults with SB at risk for psychological symptoms

    How and Why Does a Fly Turn Its Immune System Off?

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    The fly immune response is actively turned down, and if it is not, pathology results

    Replication and shedding kinetics of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in juvenile rainbow trout

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    Viral replication and shedding are key components of transmission and fitness, the kinetics of which are heavily dependent on virus, host, and environmental factors. To date, no studies have quantified the shedding kinetics of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), or how they are associated with replication, making it difficult to ascertain the transmission dynamics of this pathogen of high agricultural and conservation importance. Here, the replication and shedding kinetics of two M genogroup IHNV genotypes were examined in their naturally co-evolved rainbow trout host. Within host virus replication began rapidly, approaching maximum values by day 3 post-infection, after which viral load was maintained or gradually dropped through day 7. Host innate immune response measured as stimulation of Mx-1 gene expression generally followed within host viral loads. Shedding also began very quickly and peaked within 2 days, defining a generally uniform early peak period of shedding from 1 to 4 days after exposure to virus. This was followed by a post-peak period where shedding declined, such that the majority of fish were no longer shedding by day 12 post-infection. Despite similar kinetics, the average shedding rate over the course of infection was significantly lower in mixed compared to single genotype infections, suggesting a competition effect, however, this did not significantly impact the total amount of virus shed. The data also indicated that the duration of shedding, rather than peak amount of virus shed, was correlated with fish mortality. Generally, the majority of virus produced during infection appeared to be shed into the environment rather than maintained in the host, although there was more retention of within host virus during the post-peak period. Viral virulence was correlated with shedding, such that the more virulent of the two genotypes shed more total virus. This fundamental understanding of IHNV shedding kinetics and variation at the individual fish level could assist with management decisions about how to respond to disease outbreaks when they occur. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Accounting Problems Under the Excess Profits Tax

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    DNA vaccines based on subunits from pathogens have several advantages over other vaccine strategies. DNA vaccines can easily be modified, they show good safety profiles, are stable and inexpensive to produce, and the immune response can be focused to the antigen of interest. However, the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines which is generally quite low needs to be improved. Electroporation and co-delivery of genetically encoded immune adjuvants are two strategies aiming at increasing the efficacy of DNA vaccines. Here, we have examined whether targeting to antigen-presenting cells (APC) could increase the immune response to surface envelope glycoprotein (Env) gp120 from Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV- 1). To target APC, we utilized a homodimeric vaccine format denoted vaccibody, which enables covalent fusion of gp120 to molecules that can target APC. Two molecules were tested for their efficiency as targeting units: the antibody-derived single chain Fragment variable (scFv) specific for the major histocompatilibility complex (MHC) class II I-E molecules, and the CC chemokine ligand 3 (CCL3). The vaccines were delivered as DNA into muscle of mice with or without electroporation. Targeting of gp120 to MHC class II molecules induced antibodies that neutralized HIV-1 and that persisted for more than a year after one single immunization with electroporation. Targeting by CCL3 significantly increased the number of HIV-1 gp120-reactive CD8(+) T cells compared to non-targeted vaccines and gp120 delivered alone in the absence of electroporation. The data suggest that chemokines are promising molecular adjuvants because small amounts can attract immune cells and promote immune responses without advanced equipment such as electroporation.Funding Agencies|Research Council of Norway; Odd Fellow</p

    Anopheles Imd Pathway Factors and Effectors in Infection Intensity-Dependent Anti-Plasmodium Action

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    The Anopheles gambiae immune response against Plasmodium falciparum, an etiological agent of human malaria, has been identified as a source of potential anti-Plasmodium genes and mechanisms to be exploited in efforts to control the malaria transmission cycle. One such mechanism is the Imd pathway, a conserved immune signaling pathway that has potent anti-P. falciparum activity. Silencing the expression of caspar, a negative regulator of the Imd pathway, or over-expressing rel2, an Imd pathway-controlled NFkappaB transcription factor, confers a resistant phenotype on A. gambiae mosquitoes that involves an array of immune effector genes. However, unexplored features of this powerful mechanism that may be essential for the implementation of a malaria control strategy still remain. Using RNA interference to singly or dually silence caspar and other components of the Imd pathway, we have identified genes participating in the anti-Plasmodium signaling module regulated by Caspar, each of which represents a potential target to achieve over-activation of the pathway. We also determined that the Imd pathway is most potent against the parasite's ookinete stage, yet also has reasonable activity against early oocysts and lesser activity against late oocysts. We further demonstrated that caspar silencing alone is sufficient to induce a robust anti-P. falciparum response even in the relative absence of resident gut microbiota. Finally, we established the relevance of the Imd pathway components and regulated effectors TEP1, APL1, and LRIM1 in parasite infection intensity-dependent defense, thereby shedding light on the relevance of laboratory versus natural infection intensity models. Our results highlight the physiological considerations that are integral to a thoughtful implementation of Imd pathway manipulation in A. gambiae as part of an effort to limit the malaria transmission cycle, and they reveal a variety of previously unrecognized nuances in the Imd-directed immune response against P. falciparum

    miR-1289 and “Zipcode”-like Sequence Enrich mRNAs in Microvesicles

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    Despite intensive studies, the molecular mechanisms by which the genetic materials are uploaded into microvesicles (MVs) are still unknown. This is the first study describing a zipcode-like 25 nucleotide (nt) sequence in the 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) of mRNAs, with variants of this sequence present in many mRNAs enriched in MVs, as compared to their glioblastoma cells of origin. When this sequence was incorporated into the 3′UTR of a reporter message and expressed in a different cell type, it led to enrichment of the reporter mRNA in MVs. Critical features of this sequence are both a CUGCC core presented on a stem-loop structure and a miRNA-binding site, with increased levels of the corresponding miRNA in cells further increasing levels of mRNAs in MVs

    Annexin A6-Induced Alterations in Cholesterol Transport and Caveolin Export from the Golgi Complex

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    Annexin A6 (AnxA6) belongs to a family of Ca2+-dependent membrane-binding proteins and is involved in the regulation of endocytic and exocytic pathways. We previously demonstrated that AnxA6 regulates receptor-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal targeting of low-density lipoproteins and translocates to cholesterol-enriched late endosomes (LE). As cholesterol modulates the membrane binding and the cellular location of AnxA6, but also affects the intracellular distribution of caveolin, we investigated the localization and trafficking of caveolin in AnxA6-expressing cells. Here, we show that cells expressing high levels of AnxA6 are characterized by an accumulation of caveolin-1 (cav-1) in the Golgi complex. This is associated with a sequestration of cholesterol in the LE and lower levels of cholesterol in the Golgi and the plasma membrane, both likely contributing to retention of caveolin in the Golgi apparatus and a reduced number of caveolae at the cell surface. Further strengthening these findings, knock down of AnxA6 and the ectopic expression of the Niemann–Pick C1 protein in AnxA6-overexpressing cells restore the cellular distribution of cav-1 and cholesterol, respectively. In summary, this study demonstrates that elevated expression levels of AnxA6 perturb the intracellular distribution of cholesterol, which indirectly inhibits the exit of caveolin from the Golgi complex

    Wolbachia Stimulates Immune Gene Expression and Inhibits Plasmodium Development in Anopheles gambiae

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    The over-replicating wMelPop strain of the endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis has recently been shown to be capable of inducing immune upregulation and inhibition of pathogen transmission in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In order to examine whether comparable effects would be seen in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, transient somatic infections of wMelPop were created by intrathoracic inoculation. Upregulation of six selected immune genes was observed compared to controls, at least two of which (LRIM1 and TEP1) influence the development of malaria parasites. A stably infected An. gambiae cell line also showed increased expression of malaria-related immune genes. Highly significant reductions in Plasmodium infection intensity were observed in the wMelPop-infected cohort, and using gene knockdown, evidence for the role of TEP1 in this phenotype was obtained. Comparing the levels of upregulation in somatic and stably inherited wMelPop infections in Ae. aegypti revealed that levels of upregulation were lower in the somatic infections than in the stably transinfected line; inhibition of development of Brugia filarial nematodes was nevertheless observed in the somatic wMelPop infected females. Thus we consider that the effects observed in An. gambiae are also likely to be more pronounced if stably inherited wMelPop transinfections can be created, and that somatic infections of Wolbachia provide a useful model for examining effects on pathogen development or dissemination. The data are discussed with respect to the comparative effects on malaria vectorial capacity of life shortening and direct inhibition of Plasmodium development that can be produced by Wolbachia