126 research outputs found

    Recompte de 1991 de Falcó marí (Falco eleonorae) al Parc Nacional Cabrera

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    Les Illes, algunes imatges de l’Arxipèlag de la Ventura

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    Home i natura: els usos tradicionals del sòl i la pesca

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    Cabrera, lloc de pas de les antigues rutes marítimes de la mediterrània occidental, illa en els límits de l'habitable, ha estat escassament poblada. La naturalesa, d'una banda, i els condicionants socials i històrics, de l'altra, s'han aliat per allunyar la societat. Així i tot, l'home ha utilitzat els recursos naturals de l'Arxipèlag. Les activitats ramadera, agrícola, forestal i pesquera es repeteixen al llarg de la història amb intensitat variable. D'altra banda, l'ús militar i, més modernament, el turístic, també han tingut repercussions sobre el paisatge. En aquest article feim un breu repàs de les activitats tradicionals de l'home a Cabrera, analitzant-les des de la perspectiva històrica.The harsh nature and social and historic constraints have made Cabrera be nearly always very scantly populated during all its history. The antique merchant ship routes have made use of the port of Cabrera, and the natural resources of the island have always been exploited (farming, livestock raising and fishing). In more recent times Cabrera has been used military and now days the most important usage of the archipelago is tourism. We discuss the traditional activities of man on Cabrera with a historical perspective

    Adenine as a Halogen Bond Acceptor: A Combined Experimental and DFT Study

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    In this work, we report the cocrystallization of N9-ethyladenine with 1,2,4,5-tetrafluoro-3,6-diiodobenzene (TFDIB), a classical XB donor. As far as our knowledge extends, this is the first cocrystal reported to date where an adenine derivative acts as a halogen bond acceptor. In the solid state, each adenine ring forms two centrosymmetric H-bonded dimers: one using N1···HA6–N6 and the other N7···HB6–N6. Therefore, only N3 is available as a halogen bond acceptor that, indeed, establishes an N···I halogen bonding interaction with TFDIB. The H-bonded dimers and halogen bonds have been investigated via DFT (Density Functional Theory) calculations and the Bader’s Quantum Theory of Atoms In Molecules (QTAIM) method at the B3LYP/6-311+G* level of theory. The influence of H-bonding interactions on the lone pair donor ability of N3 has also been analyzed using the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surface calculations.This research was funded by MINECO/AEI from Spain, project numbers ENE2015-63969, CTQ2017-85821-R FEDER and SEV2015-0496We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer reviewe

    Bases per a la Gestió del Paisatge de la Serra de Tramuntana : 13 propostes i 55 projectes

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    Màster Oficial en Estudis Territorials i de la Població. Departament de Geografia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Programa troncal 2013-2014, Gener 2014Coordinació projecte Troncal: Oriol Nel·lo ColomMòduls docents: Ordenació, Planejament i Gestió del Territori: Oriol Nel·lo Colom, Rufí Cerdán Heredia -- Temes Avançats: Enric Mendizàbal Riera, Albert Pèlachs Mañosa -- Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica, Planejament i Paisatge: Anna Badia Perpinyà, Albert Pèlachs Mañosa -- Ciutat i Espais Metropolitans: Àngel Cebollada Frontera, Carles Donat MuñozCoordinació continguts: Esteve Dot JutglaConferenciants: Vicent Maria Rosselló Verger, Juli Esteban Noguera, Ricard Pié Ninot, Xavier Campillo Besses, Pere Sala Martí, Joan Nogué FontConferenciants de Mallorca: Miquel Grimalt (Director del Departament de Ciències de la Terra, Universitat de les Illes Balears), Onofre Rullan (Departament de Ciències de la Terra, Universitat de les Illes Balears), Jaume Mateu (Departament de Ciències de la Terra,Universitat de les Illes Balears), Maria Lluïsa Dubon (geògrafa), Bartomeu Deyà (Director gerent del Consorci Serra de Tramuntana Patrimoni Mundial), Miquel Rayó (escriptor), Sebastià Torrens (fotògraf), Joan Sastre (escriptor), Vicenç Sastre (escriptor)Redactors: Grup1: Sara González Pérez, Antón Magarolas Navarro, Ilaria Sanna -- Grup2: Giulia Garolla, Alberto Innocenti, Javier Martín Úceda, Dalila Serusi -- Grup 3: Francesco Finotto, Maria Lidmäe, Sara Serilli, María Torres Bagur -- Grup 4: Giulia Battiston, Sergi Del Olmo Parisi, Elena Vettoretti, Rafael Vicente Salar -- Grup 5: Roberta Fadda, Daniela Pinna, Gloria Veloz, Francesc Vila Palà -- Grup 6: Fernanda Avellaneda Viteri, Giulia Cubadda, Xavier Delclòs Alió, Francesco Luigi FerrariEl Màster d'Estudis Territorials i de la Població és un programa de postgrau del Departament de Geografia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona que té per objectiu la formació de professionals en el camp de la demografia, el planejament i l'ordenació del territori. En el seu itinerari d'Estudis Territorials, el programa ofereix una orientació essencialment aplicada, de tal manera que inclou un exercici troncal en el que els participants elaboren, en equip, amb finalitats didàctiques i sota la direcció dels docents, un document de planejament que compta amb tots els elements d'una proposta professional de planejament. Enguany, el tema escollit per a l'exercici troncal ha estat el reconeixement territorial i la redacció d'una proposta per a la gestió del paisatge de la Serra de Tramuntana de Mallorca. El document que teniu a les mans és el resultat de l'exercici, en el qual 23 alumnes, procedents de 4 països diversos, dividits en 6 equips, i sota la direcció de 10 professors, han redactat efectivament unes Bases per a la Gestió del Paisatge de la Serra de Tramuntana. El document resultant, conté, tal com s'ha indicat, tots els elements propis d'un document d'ordenació del territori: Memòria, Valoració, Diagnosi, Objectius, Propostes i Projectes. D'acord amb les característiques del programa, l'exercici s'ha realitzat a partir d'una voluntat d'integració dels continguts, transversalitat de les propostes, contextualització dels ensenyaments teòrics i un mètode aplicat, en el que han tingut un paper central el treball de camp i el treball en grup. Per això, s'han integrat els quatre mòduls que configuren el primer semestre del Màster en un sol programa i calendari d'ensenyaments i activitats, d'acord amb allò que figura en el Quadern Troncal que podreu trobar al final d'aquest volum

    Interaction between cardiovascular risk factors and body mass index and 10-year incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer death, and overall mortality

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    The effect of above-normal body mass index (BMI) on health outcomes is controversial because it is difficult to distinguish from the effect due to BMI-associated cardiovascular risk factors. The objective was to analyze the impact on 10-year incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer deaths and overall mortality of the interaction between cardiovascular risk factors and BMI. We conducted a pooled analysis of individual data from 12 Spanish population cohorts with 10-year follow-up. Participants had no previous history of cardiovascular diseases and were 35-79years old at basal examination. Body mass index was measured at baseline being the outcome measures ten-year cardiovascular disease, cancer and overall mortality. Multivariable analyses were adjusted for potential confounders, considering the significant interactions with cardiovascular risk factors. We included 54,446 individuals (46.5% with overweight and 27.8% with obesity). After considering the significant interactions, the 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease was significantly increased in women with overweight and obesity [Hazard Ratio=2.34 (95% confidence interval: 1.19-4.61) and 5.65 (1.54-20.73), respectively]. Overweight and obesity significantly increased the risk of cancer death in women [3.98 (1.53-10.37) and 11.61 (1.93-69.72)]. Finally, obese men had an increased risk of cancer death and overall mortality [1.62 (1.03-2.54) and 1.34 (1.01-1.76), respectively]. In conclusion, overweight and obesity significantly increased the risk of cancer death and of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease in women; whereas obese men had a significantly higher risk of death for all causes and for cancer. Cardiovascular risk factors may act as effect modifiers in these associations

    Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4.4 million participants

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    BACKGROUND: One of the global targets for non-communicable diseases is to halt, by 2025, the rise in the age-standardised adult prevalence of diabetes at its 2010 levels. We aimed to estimate worldwide trends in diabetes, how likely it is for countries to achieve the global target, and how changes in prevalence, together with population growth and ageing, are affecting the number of adults with diabetes. METHODS: We pooled data from population-based studies that had collected data on diabetes through measurement of its biomarkers. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in diabetes prevalence—defined as fasting plasma glucose of 7·0 mmol/L or higher, or history of diagnosis with diabetes, or use of insulin or oral hypoglycaemic drugs—in 200 countries and territories in 21 regions, by sex and from 1980 to 2014. We also calculated the posterior probability of meeting the global diabetes target if post-2000 trends continue. FINDINGS: We used data from 751 studies including 4 372 000 adults from 146 of the 200 countries we make estimates for. Global age-standardised diabetes prevalence increased from 4·3% (95% credible interval 2·4–7·0) in 1980 to 9·0% (7·2–11·1) in 2014 in men, and from 5·0% (2·9–7·9) to 7·9% (6·4–9·7) in women. The number of adults with diabetes in the world increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 (28·5% due to the rise in prevalence, 39·7% due to population growth and ageing, and 31·8% due to interaction of these two factors). Age-standardised adult diabetes prevalence in 2014 was lowest in northwestern Europe, and highest in Polynesia and Micronesia, at nearly 25%, followed by Melanesia and the Middle East and north Africa. Between 1980 and 2014 there was little change in age-standardised diabetes prevalence in adult women in continental western Europe, although crude prevalence rose because of ageing of the population. By contrast, age-standardised adult prevalence rose by 15 percentage points in men and women in Polynesia and Micronesia. In 2014, American Samoa had the highest national prevalence of diabetes (>30% in both sexes), with age-standardised adult prevalence also higher than 25% in some other islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. If post-2000 trends continue, the probability of meeting the global target of halting the rise in the prevalence of diabetes by 2025 at the 2010 level worldwide is lower than 1% for men and is 1% for women. Only nine countries for men and 29 countries for women, mostly in western Europe, have a 50% or higher probability of meeting the global target. INTERPRETATION: Since 1980, age-standardised diabetes prevalence in adults has increased, or at best remained unchanged, in every country. Together with population growth and ageing, this rise has led to a near quadrupling of the number of adults with diabetes worldwide. The burden of diabetes, both in terms of prevalence and number of adults affected, has increased faster in low-income and middle-income countries than in high-income countries. FUNDING: Wellcome Trust

    National trends in total cholesterol obscure heterogeneous changes in HDL and non-HDL cholesterol and total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio : a pooled analysis of 458 population-based studies in Asian and Western countries

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    Background: Although high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and non-HDL cholesterol have opposite associations with coronary heart disease, multi-country reports of lipid trends only use total cholesterol (TC). Our aim was to compare trends in total, HDL and nonHDL cholesterol and the total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio in Asian and Western countries. Methods: We pooled 458 population-based studies with 82.1 million participants in 23 Asian and Western countries. We estimated changes in mean total, HDL and non-HDL cholesterol and mean total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio by country, sex and age group. Results: Since similar to 1980, mean TC increased in Asian countries. In Japan and South Korea, the TC rise was due to rising HDL cholesterol, which increased by up to 0.17 mmol/L per decade in Japanese women; in China, it was due to rising non-HDL cholesterol. TC declined in Western countries, except in Polish men. The decline was largest in Finland and Norway, at similar to 0.4 mmol/L per decade. The decline in TC in most Western countries was the net effect of an increase in HDL cholesterol and a decline in non-HDL cholesterol, with the HDL cholesterol increase largest in New Zealand and Switzerland. Mean total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio declined in Japan, South Korea and most Western countries, by as much as similar to 0.7 per decade in Swiss men (equivalent to similar to 26% decline in coronary heart disease risk per decade). The ratio increased in China. Conclusions: HDL cholesterol has risen and the total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio has declined in many Western countries, Japan and South Korea, with only a weak correlation with changes in TC or non-HDL cholesterol.Peer reviewe