72 research outputs found

    Goldilocks Forgetting in Cross-Situational Learning

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    Given that there is referential uncertainty (noise) when learning words, to what extent can forgetting filter some of that noise out, and be an aid to learning? Using a Cross Situational Learning model we find a U-shaped function of errors indicative of a "Goldilocks" zone of forgetting: an optimum store-loss ratio that is neither too aggressive nor too weak, but just the right amount to produce better learning outcomes. Forgetting acts as a high-pass filter that actively deletes (part of) the referential ambiguity noise, retains intended referents, and effectively amplifies the signal. The model achieves this performance without incorporating any specific cognitive biases of the type proposed in the constraints and principles account, and without any prescribed developmental changes in the underlying learning mechanism. Instead we interpret the model performance as more of a by-product of exposure to input, where the associative strengths in the lexicon grow as a function of linguistic experience in combination with memory limitations. The result adds a mechanistic explanation for the experimental evidence on spaced learning and, more generally, advocates integrating domain-general aspects of cognition, such as memory, into the language acquisition process

    Applications of isothermal titration calorimetry - the research and technical developments from 2011 to 2015

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    Isothermal titration calorimetry is a widely used biophysical technique for studying the formation or dissociation of molecular complexes. Over the last 5years, much work has been published on the interpretation of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) data for single binding and multiple binding sites. As over 80% of ITC papers are on macromolecules of biological origin, this interpretation is challenging. Some researchers have attempted to link the thermodynamics constants to events at the molecular level. This review highlights work carried out using binding sites characterized using x-ray crystallography techniques that allow speculation about individual bond formation and the displacement of individual water molecules during ligand binding and link these events to the thermodynamic constants for binding. The review also considers research conducted with synthetic binding partners where specific binding events like anion-π and π-π interactions were studied. The revival of assays that enable both thermodynamic and kinetic information to be collected from ITC data is highlighted. Lastly, published criticism of ITC research from a physical chemistry perspective is appraised and practical advice provided for researchers unfamiliar with thermodynamics and its interpretation

    The Long Persistence of Regional Entrepreneurship Culture: Germany 1925-2005

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    We investigate the persistence of levels of self-employment and new business formation in different time periods and under different framework conditions. The analysis shows that high levels of regional self-employment and new business formation tend to be persistent for periods as long as 80 years and that such an entrepreneurial culture can even survive abrupt and drastic changes in the politic-economic environment. We thus conclude that regional entrepreneurship cultures do exist and that they have long-lasting effects

    Floating Zone Growth of Large and Defect-free Ca<sub>12</sub>Al<sub>14</sub>O<sub>33</sub> Single Crystals

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    The growth of high-quality single crystals of Ca<sub>12</sub>Al<sub>14</sub>O<sub>33</sub> (C12A7, mayenite) with lengths of several centimeters and diameters of up to 1.5 cm by the floating zone technique is described. In contrast to earlier reports, an atmosphere with reduced oxygen content (2% O<sub>2</sub>/98% N<sub>2</sub>) was used. The formation of large gas bubbles in the molten zone as well as the presence of tiny gas inclusions in the crystals are the main obstacles of the floating zone growth. In order to avoid both problems, a two-step crystallization was applied. In the first step, the polycrystalline feed rod was crystallized with a comparatively high speed of 5 mm/h, while in the second melting step a low growth speed of 0.2 mm/h was applied. Contaminations by silicon or zirconium were identified as an additional severe problem. Such contaminations can be avoided using grinding devices made of polyamide. The crystals obtained grow preferably parallel to the ⟨211⟩-direction of the cubic space group <i>I</i>4̅3d. They are completely transparent and suited for optical investigations and single-crystal neutron diffraction

    Enhancement of spin mixing conductance in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaNiO3/SrRuO3 heterostructures

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    Spin pumping and the effective spin-mixing conductance in heterostructures based on magnetic oxide trilayers composed of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO), LaNiO3 (LNO), and SrRuO3 (SRO) are investigated. The heterostructures serve as a model system for an estimation of the effective spin-mixing conductance at the different interfaces. The results show that by introducing a LNO interlayer between LSMO and SRO, the total effective spin-mixing conductance increases due to the much more favorable interface of LSMO/LNO with respect to the LSMO/SRO interface. Nevertheless, the spin current into the SRO does not decrease because of the spin diffusion length of LNO≈3.2 nm in the LNO. This value is two times higher than that of SRO. The results show the potential of using oxide interfaces to tune the effective spin-mixing conductance in heterostructures and to bring novel functionalities into spintronics by implementing complex oxides.Publikationsfond ML

    Berufliche Bildung im Handwerk: Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Kontext von Digitalisierung und demografischem Wandel

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    Das Handwerk ist eine tragende Säule der deutschen Wirtschaft. Die duale Berufsausbildung hat hierbei eine besondere Bedeutung zur Sicherung des eigenen Fachkräftebedarfs. Die demografische Entwicklung, der Trend zur Höherqualifizierung, aber auch technische Veränderungen, die sich mit den Schlagwörtern 'Digitalisierung 4.0' bzw. 'Wirtschaft 4.0' zusammenfassen lassen, stellen nicht nur das Handwerk vor besondere Herausforderungen. Verbunden ist dies mit der Frage, ob und wie es auch in Zukunft gelingt, den eigenen Fachkräftebedarf zu decken. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung von Ausbildung und Beschäftigung im Handwerk und beleuchtet Herausforderungen sowie Ansatzpunkte zur Steigerung der Attraktivität der beruflichen Bildung im Handwerk. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtungen liegt - soweit möglich - auf Nordrhein-Westfalen. Jedoch werden die Ergebnisse an denen für Deutschland insgesamt sowie anderer Bundesländer gespiegelt. Dieses Wissenschaftliche Diskussionspapier geht auf einen Auftrag der Enquetekommission VI zur 'Zukunft von Handwerk und Mittelstand in Nordrhein-Westfalen gestalten - Qualifikation und Fachkräftenachwuchs für Handwerk 4.0 sichern, Chancen der Digitalisierung nutzen, Gründungskultur und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken' des Landtags von Nordrhein-Westfalen an das Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung zum 28.6.2016 zurück (Landtag NRW Information 16/395). (Autorenreferat, BIBB-Doku) "Skilled crafts are a cornerstone of the German economy. Dual vocational education and training is particularly important in this context to ensure that Germany's demand for skilled workers is met. Demographic change, the trend towards higher-level qualifications, and also technical changes, summarised under the headings of 'Digitalisation 4.0' or 'Economy 4.0', not only pose a particular challenge for skilled crafts. This is also linked to the issue of if and how Germany's attempts to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future will also be successful. This discussion paper provides an overview of how initial education and training, and employment have developed in the skilled crafts. The paper also examines the challenges and starting points with regard to increasing the attractiveness of vocational education and training in the skilled crafts. Wherever possible, the focus of consideration is on North Rhine-Westphalia. However, the findings reflect both Germany as a whole and other federal states. This academic discussion paper originates from the appointment of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, as of 28/06/2016, by the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament's commission of enquiry VI on 'Shaping the future of skilled crafts and small and medium-sized enterprises in North Rhine-Westphalia - ensuring qualifications and future generations of skilled workers for Skilled Crafts 4.0, exploiting opportunities of Digitalisation 4.0, consolidating start-up culture and competitiveness' (NRW State Parliament Information 16/395). (Authors' abstract, BIBB-Doku

    Berufliche Bildung im Handwerk: Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Kontext von Digitalisierung und demografischem Wandel

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    Das Handwerk ist eine tragende Säule der deutschen Wirtschaft. Die duale Berufsausbildung hat hierbei eine besondere Bedeutung zur Sicherung des eigenen Fachkräftebedarfs. Die demografische Entwicklung, der Trend zur Höherqualifizierung, aber auch technische Veränderungen, die sich mit den Schlagwörtern 'Digitalisierung 4.0' bzw. 'Wirtschaft 4.0' zusammenfassen lassen, stellen nicht nur das Handwerk vor besondere Herausforderungen. Verbunden ist dies mit der Frage, ob und wie es auch in Zukunft gelingt, den eigenen Fachkräftebedarf zu decken. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung von Ausbildung und Beschäftigung im Handwerk und beleuchtet Herausforderungen sowie Ansatzpunkte zur Steigerung der Attraktivität der beruflichen Bildung im Handwerk. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtungen liegt - soweit möglich - auf Nordrhein-Westfalen. Jedoch werden die Ergebnisse an denen für Deutschland insgesamt sowie anderer Bundesländer gespiegelt. Dieses Wissenschaftliche Diskussionspapier geht auf einen Auftrag der Enquetekommission VI zur 'Zukunft von Handwerk und Mittelstand in Nordrhein-Westfalen gestalten - Qualifikation und Fachkräftenachwuchs für Handwerk 4.0 sichern, Chancen der Digitalisierung nutzen, Gründungskultur und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit stärken' des Landtags von Nordrhein-Westfalen an das Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung zum 28.6.2016 zurück (Landtag NRW Information 16/395). (Autorenreferat, BIBB-Doku)Skilled crafts are a cornerstone of the German economy. Dual vocational education and training is particularly important in this context to ensure that Germany's demand for skilled workers is met. Demographic change, the trend towards higher-level qualifications, and also technical changes, summarised under the headings of 'Digitalisation 4.0' or 'Economy 4.0', not only pose a particular challenge for skilled crafts. This is also linked to the issue of if and how Germany's attempts to meet the demand for skilled workers in the future will also be successful. This discussion paper provides an overview of how initial education and training, and employment have developed in the skilled crafts. The paper also examines the challenges and starting points with regard to increasing the attractiveness of vocational education and training in the skilled crafts. Wherever possible, the focus of consideration is on North Rhine-Westphalia. However, the findings reflect both Germany as a whole and other federal states. This academic discussion paper originates from the appointment of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, as of 28/06/2016, by the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament's commission of enquiry VI on 'Shaping the future of skilled crafts and small and medium-sized enterprises in North Rhine-Westphalia - ensuring qualifications and future generations of skilled workers for Skilled Crafts 4.0, exploiting opportunities of Digitalisation 4.0, consolidating start-up culture and competitiveness' (NRW State Parliament Information 16/395). (Authors' abstract, BIBB-Doku)2., aktualisierte Auflag