1,630 research outputs found

    Representation of the Main Stereotypes of Orthodox and Uniate Polemists (16th – 17th century) in Scientific Works of the Representatives of Kyiv Theological Academy (1819-1920): Interpretative Textual Analyses

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    Scholars of the Kiev Theological Academy exhibited an interest in the polemic literature of the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth century. First of all, they analysed the themes of the polemics, suggesting and justifying their own account of the development of the polemic literature. Secondly, as a result of long research, members of the Kyiv Theological Academy determined the three main roles of the polemic literature. In their view, it was: 1) a vital historical source for research on the legal status of the Orthodox and Uniate Churches in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; 2) a refined mode of protest of the Orthodox ministry against the effects of the Union of Brest (1596); 3) a source on the moral and intellectual disposition of apologists and opponents of the Union. In the context of the polemic literature, the Kiev academicians endeavoured to form a stereotype of “progressive” Orthodox polemics using both positive and negative argumentation. The positive argumentation is connected with the transformation of Orthodox literacy from one of simple presentation of information to a more scientific approach. The negative argument for the progressiveness of Orthodox polemics is based in the questioning of the objectivity of the Uniate polemic legacy, which was labelled as tendentious

    Comparing Enterprise Architecture Frameworks – A Case Study at the Estonian Rescue Board

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    Igal organisatsioonil on strateegilised eesmärgid, mida ta soovib saavutada. Ilma tervikliku arhitektuurita, mis kombineerib kõik erinevad elemendid - äriprotsessid, infosüsteemid, andmevood ja platvormid -, ei saa olla kindel, kas või kuidas viivad investeeringud eemärkide täitmisele. Kuna ühegi Eesti riigiasutuse kohta ei ole teadaolevalt selleteemalist uurimust tehtud, valiti selles magistritöös juhtumiuuringu näiteks Päästeamet. Magistritöös antakse esmalt süstemaatiline ülevaade erialasest kirjandusest eesmärgiga leida sobivad organisatsiooni arhitektuuri raamistikud ning kriteeriumid raamistike võrdleva analüüsi läbiviimiseks ja edasiseks hindamiseks Päästeameti näitel. Valitud allikate põhjal vastatakse uurimisküsimustele. See aitas tuvastada seitse ettevõtte arhitektuuri raamistikku, mida hinnati ja jättis alles kolm raamistikku edasiseks rakendamiseks: The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), The Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Seejärel modelleeritakse juhtumiuuringus erinevaid raamistikke kasutades detailselt 2-3 teenust ning viiakse kirjanduse ülevaates kirjeldatud kriteeriumite abil läbi hindamine ja arutelu Päästeameti töötajatega. Juhtumiuuring ja kohapealne kohtumine päästeametis seadsid ettevõtte organisatsioonide arendamiseks organisatsiooni arhitektuuri raamistikud jaoks kõige olulisemad kaks peamist asjaolu: organiseerida arhitektuur seisukohtadesse, mis on organisatsiooni infoküsimuste struktuuri alamhulk ja mõista, kuidas organisatsiooni eesmärgid on toetatud. Töö tulemus on heaks aluseks organisatsiooni arhitektuuri edasisele arendamisele Päästeametis ja teistes Eesti riigiasutustes.Every organisation has strategic goals it wants to achieve, and if it does not have an architecture combining all different elements such as business processes, enabling information systems, data flows and platforms, it will not be sure which investments will lead to achieving which objectives. Since there has not been any research like this performed for Estonian Government Organisations, the Estonian Rescue Board is taken as an example for conducting a case study. A systematic literature review is performed, for identifying Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, criteria for performing a comparative analysis of the framework as well as for the further evaluation at the Estonian Rescue Board. The identified final papers are analysed in order to answer the Research Questions (RQ). This helped to identify seven Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, which were evaluated and left only three frameworks for further implementation: The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), The Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). In the case study, the selected frameworks are modelled, showing 2 or 3 services in details, with further evaluation and discussion of them during the meeting at the Rescue Board, following the criteria, which are described in the literature review. Case study and on-site meeting at the Rescue Board set two main things to be the most vital while developing Enterprise Architecture Framework in the organisation: organising architecture into views that are subsets of the organisation information architecture and understanding how the goals in the organisation are supported. This can be a good backbone for further developing Enterprise Architecture in the Rescue Board, and other Estonian Government Organisations in general

    Social media marketing (SMM)-tools using in publishing industry in Ukraine: descriptive analysis

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    In modern conditions of society development, the role and importance of the intellectual capital of the nation are increasing as well as the value of knowledge. The main source of accumulation of knowledge is book output. However, the changes in the world and the postsoviet information space, pushed the publishing industry representatives to talk about getting in a communication vacuum, which affects the positioning of publishing and promoting publishing products in the market. This, in turn, leads to constant loss of communication with readers and buyers. This situation requires search of ways and methods of information disseminating, which should be effective, mass, and at the same time enjoy the high level of trust among people. One of the most effective and most popular of these tools allows you to combine great marketing opportunities and sales process of publishing products is social media

    Джерела вивчення питання укладання Берестейської унії та полеміки щодо неї на основі наукових досліджень представників Київської духовної академії (The historical sources for the themas of conclusion the Union of Brest and description of the polemic literature based on researches of the Kyiv Theological Academy's scientists )

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    У статті автором проведено аналіз джерельної бази з питання укладання Берестейської унії та полеміки щодо неї на основі неопублікованих наукових праць представників Київської Духовної Академії (Sources of study concluding the Union of Brest and controversy about it through research representatives of the Kiev Theological Academy. In the article the author has conducted the analysis historical sources base for the themes of conclusion the Union of Brest and description of the polemic literature, based on unpublished researches of the Kievan Teological Academy’s scientists

    Interference hierarchical, heterarhichnyh and cognitive models of advertising communication (Взаємовплив ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделей рекламної комунікації)

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    In the article has considered the general features of advertising models of effective communication between sellers and consumers. The author analyzed and explained the different approaches of hierarchical, heterarhichical and cognitive models in advertising communication (У статті подано загальну характеристику моделей вивчення ефективності рекламної комунікації. Головна увага зосереджена на розгляді ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделях та аналізі різних підходів до їх вивчення

    Використання BTL-реклами та інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій в рекламній стратегії просування товару на ринок. (The use of BTL-advertising and integrated marketing communications in publicity strategy of advancement of commodity to the market)

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    У статті розглядаються поняття BTL-реклами та інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій, які використовуються як допоміжні засоби реклами під час реалізації стратегій просування товару на ринку – стратегії проштовхування та стратегії протягування. (In the article examined the concepts of BTL-advertising and computer-integrated marketing communication, which are used as auxiliary facilities of advertising during realization of strategies of advancement of commodity at the market – strategy of pushing through and strategy of reaching.

    Висвітлення становлення та науково-просвітницької діяльності Київської духовної академії (1819-1919 рр.) у науковому доробку М.С. Грушевського (The Explication of Establishment and of Scholarly and Educational Activities of Kiev Theological Academy (1819-1919) in the Scholarly Heritage of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi)

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    Діяльність Київської духовної академії має вагоме культурне та наукове значення, адже академісти зробили значний внесок у розвиток богословських, філософських, філологічних та історичних наук. М.С. Грушевський звертався до вивчення діяльності цього навчального закладу, згадував про його значення в «Ілюстрованій історії України». Встановлено, що хоча вчений не завжди відгукувався про навчальний заклад як прогресивний та передовий, бо його наука, на думку вченого, носила схоластичний характер, все ж підтримував епістолярний діалог з деякими викладачами та студентами. (The activities of Kiev Theological Academy have significant cultural and academic importance because its researchers have contributed to the development of theological, philosophical, philological and historical sciences. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi researched the activity of this institution and mentioned its importance in The Illustrated History of Ukraine. It is emphasised that Hrushevskyi did not always speak of this establishment as of a progressive and leading institution because, according to him, the research of the Academy was of scholastic nature. However, Hrushevskyi maintained epistolary dialogue with some teachers and students.