67 research outputs found

    A constru??o discursiva da mineiridade a partir de jornais marianenses.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Letras. Departamento de Letras, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.No contexto social, lingu?stico e cultural do Brasil, variados tra?os culturais t?m seu papel nas diferentes regi?es do pa?s. No estado de Minas Gerais, o fen?meno da mineiridade ? um desses tra?os que merecem ser pensados especialmente se levarmos em considera??o suas manifesta??es discursivas. Sendo assim, o que chamaremos de imagin?rio s?cio-discursivo de mineiridade pode ser depreendido de diferentes tipos de m?dia impressa, como ? o caso dos jornais marianenses. Neste trabalho, procuraremos destacar elementos do imagin?rio s?ciodiscursivo de mineiridade identific?veis nos jornais que circula(ra)m na cidade de Mariana ? MG, a saber Voz de Marianna, O Germinal e O Cruzeiro. Assim, ao utilizarmos categorias oriundas das teorias do discurso, procuraremos identificar formas dessa representa??o na m?dia marianense. Porque a pesquisa aborda o tema do imagin?rio de mineiridade, julgamos necess?rio tratar de tal fen?meno com o objetivo de suplementar a an?lise pretendida com reflex?es que a auxiliar?o e igualmente trar?o contribui??es importantes. Procuraremos tamb?m trazer exemplos de diferentes g?neros textuais/discursivos recorrentes nos jornais estudados que refor?am o(s) discurso(s) de mineiridade e pautaremos nosso trabalho em um modelo de an?lise discursiva representado por categorias como nome pr?prio como designador de mem?ria, f?rmulas discursivas e destacabilidade nas formas de aforiza??o, sobreassevera??o e particita??o, elementos bastante recorrentes nos jornais de Mariana ? MG analisados. Este trabalho se inscreve em categorias de an?lise discursiva contribuindo, com isso, com estudos dessa ?rea do conhecimento e sendo tamb?m uma possibilidade de reflex?o sobre a mem?ria, compreens?o das representa??es de regionalismos, como ? o caso do imagin?rio s?ciodiscursivo de mineiridade, e an?lise de como esse imagin?rio se faz presente nos jornais marianenses, permanecendo como elemento caracter?stico da sociedade mineira.In Brazilian social, linguistic and cultural context, it is widely accepted that varied cultural traits have their role/place in different regions of the country. In the Southeast region and, more specifically, in the state of Minas Gerais, the phenomenon of ?mineiridade? (which are the social traits usually attributed to people from Minas Gerais) is one of those Brazilian characteristics that deserves special attention discursively speaking. Therefore, what we will call in this thesis socio-discursive imaginary of ?mineiridade? can be captured from different types of newspapers from Mariana-MG/Brazil and their recurrent genres. In this thesis, we will look for elements of the socio-discursive imaginary of ?mineiridade? that can be identified in the discursive construction of three newspapers from Mariana-MG/Brazil, named Voz de Marianna, O Germinal and O Cruzeiro, that form part of the collection of UFOP/ICHS managed by GEDEM - Group of Studies on Speech and Memory. Thus, when using categories derived from discourse theories, we will try to identify types of this representation in Marian media. As the research approaches the subject of the imaginary of ?mineiridade?, we consider necessary to deal with such phenomenon with the purpose of supplementing the intended analysis with reflections that will help it and bring to it important contributions. We will also try to bring examples of discursive genres in the studied newspapers that reinforce the discourse(s) of ?mineiridade?. We will guide our research to a discursive analysis model represented by categories such as names and surnames as memory designators, discursive formulas and detachability in the ways of aphorizing, surassertion, etc., elements that are recurrent in the discursive construction of the newspapers analyzed. This thesis is part of discursive analysis categories, contributing with studies of this area of knowledge and being a possible meditation on the memory. It also is a kind of understanding of regionalisms representations like the socio-discursive imaginary of ?mineiridade?, and it is an analysis of how this imaginary is present in the Marian newspapers, remaining as a characteristic element of Brazilian society

    No disks around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young sigma Orionis cluster?

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    We report on the analysis of 2MASS near-infrared data of a sample of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the sigma Orionis cluster. Youth and cluster membership have been spectroscopically confirmed using the Li I spectral line. We find little evidence in the JHKs colour-colour diagram for near-infrared excess emission for these cluster members. By comparison with model expectations, at most 2 out of 34 stars show (H-K) colour consistent with a near-infrared excess. This scarcity of near-infrared signatures of circumstellar disks in the lower-mass and substellar regimes of this cluster contrasts with findings in younger clusters, hinting at an age dependence of the disk frequency. Taking into account the apparent cluster age, our result supports the idea of a relatively fast (few Myr) disk dissipation and extends this conclusion to the substellar regime. We also find some evidence that, in this cluster, the disk frequency as measured by the Ks-band excess may be mass dependent.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Accretion in Brown Dwarfs: an Infrared View

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    This paper presents a study of the accretion properties of 19 very low mass objects (Mstar .01-0.1 Msun) in the regions Chamaeleon I and rho-Oph For 8 objects we obtained high resolution Halpha profiles and determined mass accretion rate Macc and accretion luminosity Lacc. Pabeta is detected in emission in 7 of the 10 rho-Oph objects, but only in one in Cha I. Using objects for which we have both a determination of Lacc from Halpha and a Pabeta detection, we show that the correlation between the Pabeta luminosity and luminosity Lacc, found by Muzerolle et al. (1998) for T Tauri stars in Taurus, extends to objects with mass approx 0.03 Msun; L(Pab) can be used to measure Lacc also in the substellar regime. The results were less conclusive for Brgamma, which was detected only in 2 objects, neither of which had an Halpha estimate of Macc. Using the relation between L(Pab) and Lacc we determined the accretion rate for all the objects in our sample (including those with no Halpha spectrum), more than doubling the number of substellar objects with known Macc. When plotted as a function of the mass of the central object together with data from the literature, our results confirm the trend of lower Macc for lower Mstar, although with a large spread. Some of the spread is probably due to an age effect; our very young objects in rho-Oph have on average an accretion rate at least one order of magnitude higher than objects of similar mass in older regions. As a side product, we found that the width of Halpha measured at 10% peak intensity is not only a qualitative indicator of accretion, but can be used to obtain a quantitative estimate of Macc over a large mass range, from T Tauri stars to brown dwarfs. Finally, we found that some of our objects show evidence of mass-loss.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, A&A in pres

    A multi-wavelength census of star formation activity in the young embedded cluster around Serpens/G3-G6

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    Aims. The aim of this paper is to characterise the star formation activity in the poorly studied embedded cluster Serpens/G3-G6, located ~ 45' (3 pc) to the south of the Serpens Cloud Core, and to determine the luminosity and mass functions of its population of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). Methods. Multi-wavelength broadband photometry was obtained to sample the near and mid-IR spectral energy distributions to separate YSOs from field stars and classify the YSO evolutionary stage. ISOCAM mapping in the two filters LW2 (5-8.5 um) and LW3 (12-18 um) of a 19' x 16' field was combined with JHKs data from 2MASS, Ks data from Arnica/NOT, and L' data from SIRCA/NOT. Continuum emission at 1.3 mm (IRAM) and 3.6 cm (VLA) was mapped to study the cloud structure and the coldest/youngest sources. Deep narrow band imaging at the 2.12 um S(1) line of H2 from NOTCam/NOT was obtained to search for signs of bipolar outflows. Results. We have strong evidence for a stellar population of 31 Class II sources, 5 flat-spectrum sources, 5 Class I sources, and two Class 0 sources. Our method does not sample the Class III sources. The cloud is composed of two main dense clumps aligned along a ridge over ~ 0.5 pc plus a starless core coinciding with absorption features seen in the ISOCAM maps. We find two S-shaped bipolar collimated flows embedded in the NE clump, and propose the two driving sources to be a Class 0 candidate (MMS3) and a double Class I (MMS2). For the Class II population we find a best age of ~ 2 Myr and compatibility with recent Initial Mass Functions (IMFs) by comparing the observed Class II luminosity function (LF), which is complete to 0.08 L_sun, to various model LFs with different star formation scenarios and input IMFs.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, 3 online tables, accepted by A&

    Accretion properties of T Tauri stars in sigma Ori

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    Accretion disks around young stars evolve in time with time scales of few million years. We present here a study of the accretion properties of a sample of 35 stars in the ~3 million year old star-forming region sigma Ori. Of these, 31 are objects with evidence of disks, based on their IR excess emission. We use near-IR hydrogen recombination lines (Pa_gamma) to measure their mass accretion rate. We find that the accretion rates are significantly lower in sigma Ori than in younger regions, such as rho-Oph, consistently with viscous disk evolution. The He I 1.083 micron line is detected (either in absorption or in emission) in 72% of the stars with disks, providing evidence of accretion-powered activity also in very low accretors, where other accretion indicators dissapear.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte

    Tracing the origins of permitted emission lines in RU Lupi down to AU scales

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    Most of the observed emission lines and continuum excess from young accreting low mass stars (Classical T Tauri stars -- CTTSs) take place in the star-disk or inner disk region. These regions have a complex emission topology still largely unknown. In this paper the magnetospheric accretion and inner wind contributions to the observed permitted He and H near infrared (NIR) lines of the bright southern CTTS RU Lupi are investigated for the first time. Previous optical observations of RU Lupi showed a large H-alpha profile, due to the emission from a wind in the line wings, and a micro-jet detected in forbidden lines. We extend this analysis to NIR lines through seeing-limited high spectral resolution spectra taken with VLT/ISAAC, and adaptive optics (AO) aided narrow-band imaging and low spectral resolution spectroscopy with VLT/NACO. Using spectro-astrometric analysis we investigate the presence of extended emission down to very low spatial scales (a few AU). The HeI 10830 line presents a P Cygni profile whose absorption feature indicates the presence of an inner stellar wind. Moreover the spectro-astrometric analysis evidences the presence of an extended emission superimposed to the absorption feature and likely coming from the micro-jet detected in the optical. On the contrary, the origin of the Hydrogen Paschen and Brackett lines is difficult to address. We tried tentatively to explain the observed line profiles and flux ratios with both accretion and wind models showing the limits of both approaches. The lack of spectro-astrometric signal indicates that the HI emission is either compact or symmetric. Our analysis confirms the sensitivity of the HeI line to the presence of faint extended emission regions in the close proximity of the star.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Accretion and ejection properties of embedded protostars: the case of HH26, HH34 and HH46 IRS

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    We present the results of a near-IR spectroscopic analysis on 3 young embedded sources (HH26IRS, HH34IRS and HH46IRS) belonging to different star-forming regions and displaying well developed jet structures. The aim is to investigate the source accretion and ejection properties and their connection. We used VLT-ISAAC spectra (R~9000, H and K bands) to derive in a self-consistent way parameters like the star luminosity, the accretion luminosity and the mass accretion rate. Mass loss rates have also been estimated from the analysis of different emission features. The spectra present several emission lines but no photospheric features in absorption, indicating a large veiling in H and K. We detected features commonly observed in jet-driving sources (HI,[FeII],H_2,CO) and also a number of emission lines due to permitted atomic transitions, like NaI and TiI. The NaI 2.2um doublet is observed along with CO(2-0) band-head emission, indicating a common origin in an inner gaseous disc heated by accretion. We find that accretion provides ~50% and ~80% of the bolometric luminosity in HH26IRS and HH34IRS, as expected for accreting young objects.Mass accretion and loss rates spanning 10^-8 - 10^-6 Msun/yr have been measured. The derived Mloss/Macc is ~0.01 for HH26IRS and HH34IRS, and >0.1 for HH46IRS, numbers that are in the range of values predicted by MHD jet-launching models and found in the most active classical T Tauri stars. Comparison with other similar studies seems to indicate that Class Is actually having accretion- dominated luminosities are a limited number. Although the analysed sample is small, we tentatively present some criteria to characterise such sources. Studies like the one presented here but on larger samples of candidates should be performed in order to test and refine these criteria.Comment: Accepted for A&A - 13 pages, 7 figure

    Direct evidence of a sub-stellar companion around CT Cha

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    In our ongoing search for close and faint companions around T Tauri stars, we found a very faint (Ks=14.9mag, Ks_0=14.4mag) object, just ~2.67" northwest of the Chamaeleon star-forming region member CT Cha corresponding to a projected separation of ~440AU at 165+/-30 pc. We show that CT Cha A and this faint object form a common proper motion pair from data of the VLT Adaptive Optics (AO) instrument NACO taken in February 2006 and March 2007 and that the companion is by >=4 sigma significance not a stationary background object. Our AO integral field spectroscopy with SINFONI in J, and H+K bands yields a temperature of 2600+/-250K for the companion and an optical extinction of A_V=5.2+/-0.8mag, when compared to spectra calculated from Drift-Phoenix model atmospheres. We demonstrate the validity of the model fits by comparison to several other well-known young sub-stellar objects. Relative flux calibration of the bands was achieved using photometry from the NACO imaging data. We conclude that the CT Cha companion is a very low-mass member of Chamaeleon and very likely a physical companion to CT Cha, as the probability for a by chance alignment is <=0.01. Due to a prominent Pa-Beta emission in the J-band, accretion is probably still ongoing onto the CT Cha companion. From temperature and luminosity (log(Lbol/Lsun)= -2.68+/-0.21), we derive a radius of R=2.20+0.81-0.60 R_Jup. We find a consistent mass of M=17+/-6 MJup for the CT Cha companion from both its luminosity and temperature when placed on evolutionary tracks. Hence, the CT Cha companion is most likely a wide brown dwarf companion or possibly even a planetary mass object.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Accretion in rho-Ophiuchi brown dwarfs: infrared hydrogen line ratios

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    Mass accretion rate determinations are fundamental for an understanding of the evolution of pre-main sequence star circumstellar disks. Magnetospheric accretion models are used to derive values of the mass accretion rates in objects of very different properties, from brown dwarfs to intermediate-mass stars; we test the validity of these models in the brown dwarf regime, where the stellar mass and luminosity, as well as the mass accretion rate, are much lower than in T Tauri stars. We have measured simultaneously two infrared hydrogen lines, Pab and Brg, in a sample of 16 objects in the star-forming region rho-Oph. The sample inc ludes 7 very low mass objects and brown dwarfs and 9 T Tauri stars. Brown dwarfs where both lines are detected have a ratio Pab/Brg of ~2. Larger values, >=3.5, are only found among the T Tauri stars. The low line ratios in brown dwarfs indicate that the lines cannot originate in the column of gas accreting from the disk onto the star along the magnetic field lines, and we suggest that they form instead in the shocked photosphere, heated to temperatures of ~3500 K. If so, in analogy to veiling estimates in T Tauri stars, the hydrogen infrared line fluxes may provide a reliable measure of the accretion rate in brown dwarfs.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&