17 research outputs found

    Mental health at different stages of cancer survival: a natural language processing study of Reddit posts

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    IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to use text-based social media content analysis from cancer-specific subreddits to evaluate depression and anxiety-loaded content. Natural language processing, automatic, and lexicon-based methods were employed to perform sentiment analysis and identify depression and anxiety-loaded content.MethodsData was collected from 187 Reddit users who had received a cancer diagnosis, were currently undergoing treatment, or had completed treatment. Participants were split according to survivorship status into short-term, transition, and long-term cancer survivors. A total of 72524 posts were analyzed across the three cancer survivor groups.ResultsThe results showed that short-term cancer survivors had significantly more depression-loaded posts and more anxiety-loaded words than long-term survivors, with no significant differences relative to the transition period. The topic analysis showed that long-term survivors, more than other stages of survivorship, have resources to share their experiences with suicidal ideation and mental health issues while providing support to their survivor community.DiscussionThe results indicate that Reddit texts seem to be an indicator of when the stressor is active and mental health issues are triggered. This sets the stage for Reddit to become a platform for screening and first-hand intervention delivery. Special attention should be dedicated to short-term survivors

    Probing Tectonic Topography in the Aftermath of Continental Convergence in Central Europe

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    Continental topography is at the interface of processes taking place at depth in the Earth,at its surface,and above it.Topography influences society, not only in terms of slow processes of landscape change and earthquakes,but also in terms of how it affects climate.The Pannonian Basin–Carpathian Orogen System in Central and Eastern Europe represents a key natural laboratory for the development of a new generation of models for ongoing orogeny and its effect on continental topography development (Figure 1).This system comprises some of the best documented sedimentary basins in the world,located within the Alpine orogenic belt, at the transition between the western European lithosphere and the East European Craton. It includes one of the most active seismic zones in Europe,with intermediate depth (50–220 km) mantle earthquakes of significant magnitude occurring in a geographically restricted area in the Vrancea zone of southeastern Romania

    Сверхлегкие генераторные модули для КВЧ-терапии

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    Разработаны миниатюрные генераторные модули для КВЧ-терапии, лег-ко фиксируемые в любом месте тела пациента. Могут быть использованы не только в медицине

    Toward understanding the post-collisional evolution of an orogen influenced by convergence at adjacent plate margins; Late Cretaceous-Tertiary thermotectonic history of the Apuseni Mountains

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    The relationship between syn- to post-collisional orogenic shortening and stresses transmitted from other neighboring plate boundaries is important for understanding the kinematics of mountain belts, but has received little attention so far. The Apuseni Mountains are an example of an orogen in the interference zone between two other subduction systems located in the external Carpathians and Dinarides. This interference is demonstrated by the results of a combined thermochronological and structural field study that quantifies the post-collisional latest Cretaceous-Tertiary evolution. The exhumation history derived from apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology indicates that the present-day topography of the Apuseni Mountains originates mainly from latest Cretaceous times, modified by two tectonic pulses during the Paleogene. The latter are suggested by cooling ages clustering around ∼45 Ma and ∼30 Ma and the associated shortening recorded along deep-seated fault systems. Paleogene exhumation pulses are similar in magnitude (∼3.5 km) and are coeval with the final collisional phases recorded in the Dinarides and with part of the Carpathian rotation around the Moesian promontory. These newly quantified Paleogene exhumation and shortening pulses contradict the general view of tectonic quiescence, subsidence and overall sedimentation for this time interval. The Miocene collapse of the Pannonian Basin did not induce significant regional exhumation along the western Apuseni flank, nor did the subsequent Carpathian collision. This is surprising in the overall context of Pannonian Basin formation and its subsequent inversion, in which the Apuseni Mountains were previously interpreted as being significantly uplifted in both deformation stages. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union


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    The paper presents the results of an experimental research in which a comparison is made between the combustion phases of a gasoline engine operating with a lean mixture and addition of hydrogen and a standard operating one

    Synthesis and characterization of tailor-made N-vinylpyrrolidone copolymers and their blend membranes with polyvinyl alcohol for bioethanol dehydration by pervaporation

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    Tailor-made poly( N -vinylpyrrolidone- co -(2-[dimethylamino]ethyl methacrylate)) P(NVP- co -DMAEMA) and poly( N -vinylpyrrolidone- co - N -vinylimidazole) P(NVP- co -PNVIm) with defined monomer molar ratio are synthesized via free radical polymerization. The random copolymers are fully characterized and then blended with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to investigate their chemical and thermal properties as membrane materials. Composite membranes are further prepared from the PVA/copolymer blends on a porous support, which are evaluated in terms of separation performance for the dehydration of ethanol by pervaporation. The membranes prepared from the blends exhibit up to four times higher water permeances than pristine PVA membrane, albeit the selectivity is slightly lower. Nevertheless, the membranes from blends with a ratio of 95:5 (PVA/copolymer) show improved selectivity and higher permeance values compared to the commercial PERVAP TM 4155-80, especially the blends composed by the copolymers of coPDMAEMA60 and coPDMAEMA20. The membrane prepared from the blend containing the homopolymer coPDMAEMA100 exhibits the highest water/ethanol selectivity and shows stable separation performance throughout the whole long-term stability test. Thus, this study demonstrated that by synthesizing tailored copolymers (rather using the commercial ones) and blending with PVA, the separation performance of membranes can be significantly improved and tuned for specific dehydration processes

    Mental health at different stages of cancer survival: A natural language processing study of Reddit posts

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    The purpose of this study was to use text-based social media content analysis from cancer-specific subreddits to evaluate depression and anxiety-loaded content. Natural language processing, automatic, and lexicon-based methods were employed to perform sentiment analysis and to identify depression and anxiety-loaded content. Data were collected from 187 Reddit users who had received a cancer diagnosis, were currently undergoing treatment or had completed treatment. Participants were split according to survivorship status into short-term, transition, and long-term cancer survivors. A number of 72524 posts were analysed across the three cancer survivor groups. The results showed that short-term cancer survivors had significantly more depression-loaded posts and more anxiety-loaded words than long-term survivors, with no significant differences relative to the transition period. The topic analysis showed that long-term survivors, more than other stages of survivorship, have resources to share their experiences with suicidal ideation and mental health issues while providing support to their survivor community. The results indicate that Reddit texts seem to be an indicator of when the stressor is active and mental health issues are triggered. This sets the stage for Reddit to become a platform for screening and first-hand intervention delivery. Special attention should be dedicated to short-term survivors