9 research outputs found

    Skärgård 40 år

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    Skärgård 40 år – Inledaren: 40 år av Nina Söderlund – Skärgården som politisk passion av Stefan Wallin – Världsunika Österbottens skärgård av Olav Jern – Med 40 års perspektiv på skärgårdsforskning av Nina Söderlund – Femton år med tidskriften Skärgård av Håkan Eklund – Inspirerande vattenskap av Cecilia Lundberg – Karlö – en pärla längst i norr av Pia Prost – Ett gott liv – tankar om att leva och överleva i skärgården av Ester Miiros-Hollsten – Ön där 130 000 får har rumpan åt samma håll av John Wrede, Micaela Jansson och Pia Prost – Utlandsröster: Kan du bli gammal på din ö? av Dorthe Winther – Skärgårdsfotograf Ralf Nikander – Skärinytt Bokhörnan: – ”Där stalp en igen!” av Nina Söderlund – Ett fartygs livshistoria av Kristin Mattsson – Sista bilde

    Glucocortiocoid Treatment of MCMV Infected Newborn Mice Attenuates CNS Inflammation and Limits Deficits in Cerebellar Development

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    Infection of the developing fetus with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a major cause of central nervous system disease in infants and children; however, mechanism(s) of disease associated with this intrauterine infection remain poorly understood. Utilizing a mouse model of HCMV infection of the developing CNS, we have shown that peripheral inoculation of newborn mice with murine CMV (MCMV) results in CNS infection and developmental abnormalities that recapitulate key features of the human infection. In this model, animals exhibit decreased granule neuron precursor cell (GNPC) proliferation and altered morphogenesis of the cerebellar cortex. Deficits in cerebellar cortical development are symmetric and global even though infection of the CNS results in a non-necrotizing encephalitis characterized by widely scattered foci of virus-infected cells with mononuclear cell infiltrates. These findings suggested that inflammation induced by MCMV infection could underlie deficits in CNS development. We investigated the contribution of host inflammatory responses to abnormal cerebellar development by modulating inflammatory responses in infected mice with glucocorticoids. Treatment of infected animals with glucocorticoids decreased activation of CNS mononuclear cells and expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-β and IFNγ) in the CNS while minimally impacting CNS virus replication. Glucocorticoid treatment also limited morphogenic abnormalities and normalized the expression of developmentally regulated genes within the cerebellum. Importantly, GNPC proliferation deficits were normalized in MCMV infected mice following glucocorticoid treatment. Our findings argue that host inflammatory responses to MCMV infection contribute to deficits in CNS development in MCMV infected mice and suggest that similar mechanisms of disease could be responsible for the abnormal CNS development in human infants infected in-utero with HCMV

    Robotiikka haastaa ja helpottaa hoitotyötä sairaalaosastolla

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    Robotiikan merkitys hoitotyössä tulee tulevaisuudessa korostumaan, samalla kun etsitään ratkaisuja ja vaihtoehtoja työn kehittämiselle ja sen luonteen muutokselle. Hoitohenkilökunnan työtä pyritään kohdistamaan ydinosaamisalueille, ja hoidollisia tuloksia voidaan parantaa robotiikkaa ja automatiikkaa hyödyntäen. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin osana Laakson yhteissairaalan hanketta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää robotiikan haasteita ja helpottavia tekijöitä hoitotyössä. Tutkimuskysymyksenä oli minkälaisia hyötyjä ja haasteita robotiikka tuo sairaanhoitajan työhön sairaalaosastolla? Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa aiheesta ajantasaista ja tutkittua tietoa robotiikan hyödyntämistä varten. Opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin erilaisten robotiikan ratkaisujen vaikutusta sairaanhoitajan työhön sairaalaosastolla. Lisäksi selvitettiin, voisiko robotiikka helpottaa sairaanhoitajien tiettyjä työtehtäviä sairaalaosastolla ja lisätä henkilökunnan tyytyväisyyttä työhön, esimerkiksi vähentämällä työn kuormitusta. Samalla selvitettiin minkälaisia haasteita robotiikan implementointi voi tuoda työhön. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja aineisto kerättiin seuraavista tietokannoista; Cinahl Complete, Medline ja Medic. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto koostui kymmenestä tieteellisestä julkaisusta. Artikkeleista kuusi oli suomenkielisiä ja neljä englanninkielistä kansainvälistä tutkimusta. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen induktiivista sisällönanalyysin metodia. Aineistosta etsittiin tutkimuskysymyksiin vastaavat kohdat, jotka sitten pelkistettiin ja ryhmiteltiin ala-, ylä- ja pääluokiksi. Opinnäytetyön tuloksissa ilmeni, että robotiikan hyödyt sairaanhoitajan työssä liittyvät hoitohenkilökunnan työhyvinvoinnin parantamiseen, hoitotyön kohdentamiseen, laadun parantamiseen ja työvälineenä olemiseen. Tuloksista voidaan todeta, että robotiikan haasteet sairaanhoitajan työssä liittyvät eettisiin ja käytettävyyteen liittyviin haasteisiin sekä negatiivisiin ajatuksiin robotiikasta

    Sweden’s shift towards mandatory sustainability reporting : An investigation of non-financial disclosure by Swedish firms in light of the Directive 2014/95/EU

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    In 2014, the European Union enforced the new directive 2014/95/EU, shifting voluntary disclosure of non-financial information into mandatory. On December 31, 2016, the Swedish government implemented the directive into the Swedish Annual Account Act (ÅRL) with a more extensive regulation than stipulated by the EU's minimum requirements. In this thesis, an investigation of the EU directive's effects on Swedish firms' disclosure of non-financial information has been conducted through content analysis. 27 firms and a total of 308 reports during the time period 2014 to 2021 have been analyzed. Institutional theory, legitimacy theory, and stakeholder theory have guided the analysis of the findings. The results demonstrate that the level of non-financial disclosure has experienced a positive change due to the implementation of the directive. However, it is conducted that other pressures and influences in firm's environment, than solely the EU directives effects, can constitute possible explanations for the increase in firms´ disclosure of non-financial information during the period

    Sweden’s shift towards mandatory sustainability reporting : An investigation of non-financial disclosure by Swedish firms in light of the Directive 2014/95/EU

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    In 2014, the European Union enforced the new directive 2014/95/EU, shifting voluntary disclosure of non-financial information into mandatory. On December 31, 2016, the Swedish government implemented the directive into the Swedish Annual Account Act (ÅRL) with a more extensive regulation than stipulated by the EU's minimum requirements. In this thesis, an investigation of the EU directive's effects on Swedish firms' disclosure of non-financial information has been conducted through content analysis. 27 firms and a total of 308 reports during the time period 2014 to 2021 have been analyzed. Institutional theory, legitimacy theory, and stakeholder theory have guided the analysis of the findings. The results demonstrate that the level of non-financial disclosure has experienced a positive change due to the implementation of the directive. However, it is conducted that other pressures and influences in firm's environment, than solely the EU directives effects, can constitute possible explanations for the increase in firms´ disclosure of non-financial information during the period

    Using phosphoglucose isomerase-deficient (pgi1Δ) Saccharomyces cerevisiae to map the impact of sugar phosphate levels on d-glucose and d-xylose sensing

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    Abstract Background Despite decades of engineering efforts, recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae are still less efficient at converting d-xylose sugar to ethanol compared to the preferred sugar d-glucose. Using GFP-based biosensors reporting for the three main sugar sensing routes, we recently demonstrated that the sensing response to high concentrations of d-xylose is similar to the response seen on low concentrations of d-glucose. The formation of glycolytic intermediates was hypothesized to be a potential cause of this sensing response. In order to investigate this, glycolysis was disrupted via the deletion of the phosphoglucose isomerase gene (PGI1) while intracellular sugar phosphate levels were monitored using a targeted metabolomic approach. Furthermore, the sugar sensing of the PGI1 deletants was compared to the PGI1-wildtype strains in the presence of various types and combinations of sugars. Results Metabolomic analysis revealed systemic changes in intracellular sugar phosphate levels after deletion of PGI1, with the expected accumulation of intermediates upstream of the Pgi1p reaction on d-glucose and downstream intermediates on d-xylose. Moreover, the analysis revealed a preferential formation of d-fructose-6-phosphate from d-xylose, as opposed to the accumulation of d-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate that is normally observed when PGI1 deletants are incubated on d-fructose. This may indicate a role of PFK27 in d-xylose sensing and utilization. Overall, the sensing response was different for the PGI1 deletants, and responses to sugars that enter the glycolysis upstream of Pgi1p (d-glucose and d-galactose) were more affected than the response to those entering downstream of the reaction (d-fructose and d-xylose). Furthermore, the simultaneous exposure to sugars that entered upstream and downstream of Pgi1p (d-glucose with d-fructose, or d-glucose with d-xylose) resulted in apparent synergetic activation and deactivation of the Snf3p/Rgt2p and cAMP/PKA pathways, respectively. Conclusions Overall, the sensing assays indicated that the previously observed d-xylose response stems from the formation of downstream metabolic intermediates. Furthermore, our results indicate that the metabolic node around Pgi1p and the level of d-fructose-6-phosphate could represent attractive engineering targets for improved d-xylose utilization

    Glucocortiocoid Treatment of MCMV Infected Newborn Mice Attenuates CNS Inflammation and Limits Deficits in Cerebellar Development

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    Children Born Small for Gestational Age: Differential Diagnosis, Molecular Genetic Evaluation, and Implications

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