521 research outputs found

    Hvordan kan barnehagen tilpasse opplæringen til flerspråklige barn med sen språkutvikling?

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    Mange barnehagebarn med flerspråklig bakgrunn tilegner seg majoritetsspråket som en naturlig del av språkutviklingen. Med språket kommer også sosialiseringsprosessene og man ser barnegruppen som en kommunikativ helhet. Det er derimot noen barn som har vansker med å tilegne seg språk, og kan havne utenfor de uformelle og pedagogstyrte sosialiseringsarenaene. For disse barna blir det viktig å sette inn ressurser og tiltak for å så tidlig som mulig forsøke å motvirke at språket blir et hinder for videre utvikling. Språkvansker er et stort og komplekst begrep. Det kan være en møysommelig jobb å finne frem til diagnostiske årsaker som forklarer vanskene, og en av utfordringer fagfolk står ovenfor når det gjelder et barn med annet morsmål enn norsk, er blant annet mulighetene til detaljert kartlegging og vurdering. Et av motivene for denne oppgaven er å se på hvordan vi kan gi barna støtte så tidlig som mulig, slik at de får en god opplevelse av å være aktør i egne omgivelser

    Reading for Pleasure through Literature Circles

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    Atomic-level structure characterization of an ultrafast folding mini-protein denatured state

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    Atomic-level analyses of non-native protein ensembles constitute an important aspect of protein folding studies to reach a more complete understanding of how proteins attain their native form exhibiting biological activity. Previously, formation of hydrophobic clusters in the 6 M urea-denatured state of an ultrafast folding mini-protein known as TC5b from both photo-CIDNP NOE transfer studies and FCS measurements was observed. Here, we elucidate the structural properties of this mini-protein denatured in 6 M urea performing 15N NMR relaxation studies together with a thorough NOE analysis. Even though our results demonstrate that no elements of secondary structure persist in the denatured state, the heterogeneous distribution of R2 rate constants together with observing pronounced heteronuclear NOEs along the peptide backbone reveals specific regions of urea-denatured TC5b exhibiting a high degree of structural rigidity more frequently observed for native proteins. The data are complemented with studies on two TC5b point mutants to verify the importance of hydrophobic interactions for fast folding. Our results corroborate earlier findings of a hydrophobic cluster present in urea-denatured TC5b comprising both native and non-native contacts underscoring their importance for ultra rapid folding. The data assist in finding ways of interpreting the effects of pre-existing native and/or non-native interactions on the ultrafast folding of proteins; a fact, which might have to be considered when defining the starting conditions for molecular dynamics simulation studies of protein folding

    Thailand – 2012

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    The Potential of Nuclear SMR in the Norwegian Energy Mix : Economic and financial analysis of SMRs in Norway

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    The primary purpose of this thesis is to determine the feasibility of incorporating small modular reactors (SMR) into the Norwegian energy mix, considering Norway's role in a larger integrated power market with direct grid connections to several European countries. Three analyzes were conducted to evaluate this: Initially, we conducted a literature review to determine if there is room for nuclear energy in the Norwegian energy mix and to compare nuclear energy with other relevant sources on a variety of financial and socioeconomic metrics to determine its potential value relative to relevant alternatives. Finally, we conducted a profitability analysis to determine the potential value creation of an SMR project. This approach aims to provide a nuanced perspective on the potential of allowing nuclear energy production in Norway. The primary findings suggest that SMR technology has significant potential in the Norwegian energy mix. With the green transition, the market analysis predicts a substantial increase in energy demand through 2050. In addition, the energy prices observed over the past few years are likely to decrease by 2030. With the current energy policies, however, there is a substantial risk of deviations between demand and supply, thereby severely jeopardizing the power balance and causing volatile power prices. Potentially resolvable by the addition of a stable and to a large extent dispatchable energy source, such as SMR. The comparative analysis demonstrates that nuclear energy has acquired an undeservedly negative reputation, despite appearing to be one of, if not the most environmentally friendly and secure energy source available today. In addition to being highly cost-competitive with sources such as offshore wind and solar, especially when the need for energy storage and external costs is considered. Our analysis of profitability is based on several assumptions. Seeing as SMR is a new and untested technology, its validity is difficult to assess. Nevertheless, based on these assumptions, our findings indicate that SMR projects would require reasonable financing in order to create shareholder value due to their substantial initial investment. With the long and stable cash flow, however, our base case estimates indicate that a project could achieve a payback period of approximately 20 years, with an accumulated positive net cash flow of between 60 and 70 billion NOK. Which, with discounting effects included, results in a net present enterprise value of 2-3 billion NOK. In addition, a levelized cost of electricity of around 65 øre/Kwh is achieved, which is particularly competitive compared to offshore wind.nhhma

    Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP). Contaminant data for shellfish 1998-2001

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    Årsliste 2002This report is a compilation of data on contaminant concentrations in marine shellfish used in the Norwegian contribution to the Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP) and concerns mainly selected metals organochlorines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that were collected during the period 1998-2001.Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT

    Put your money where your mouth is : Prediksjonsmarkeders styrker og svakheter i lys av forskningen på gruppebeslutningstaking

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    Hvordan kan man ta så gode gruppebeslutninger som mulig? Noen metoder som det anbefales å bruke er gruppediskusjon, Delphi-metoden og statistisk gruppe. Ingen av dem gjør hva gode metoder egentlig bør: Stimulere kritisk tankegang, la de som er mer smarte eller som har viktige opplysninger få mer innflytelse, eller å tilby insentiver. ‘Prediksjonsmarked’, er en slags måte å skaffe prediksjoner på ved å få folk til å inngå veddemål. Det har egenskapene som andre metoder mangler, noe som også leder til bedre prediksjoner. Noen eksperter har uttalt at prediksjonsmarkeder er utsatt formanipulasjon. For eksempel fra de sommåtte ønske å sabotere prediksjonene. Forskning tyder på at dette ikke stemmer. Det er i praksis vanskelig å manipulere markeder

    The cash-for-care reform and immigrant fertility: fewer babies of poorer families?

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    Cash-for care policies are contested in many contexts, as they represent an incentive for childrearing over work that may reduce labour market participation, especially among immigrant women. From 1 July 2017, immigrants (both the mother and the father) from outside the European Economic Area must have at least 5 years of residence in Norway to be entitled to cash-for-care benefits. Previous research indicates that this reform did not lead to increased labour market participation of mothers and fathers treated by the reform. In this article, we examine whether the changes in the cash-forcare benefits policy have resulted in a substantive change in income and if the reform had an impact on the childbearing behaviour among those affected by the reform. Our descriptive analyses indicate no change in employment rates and household income. To detect possible changes in fertility, we employ a Difference-in-Difference approach, in which we compare the treatment group with four comparison groups. Overall, we find no substantial effect of the cash-for-care reform on childbearing behaviour.This work was funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusio

    Vibrasjonsanalyse : Feildeteksjon i Kulelager: Prosessering av Vibrasjonssignaler, Algoritmer, og Envelope Spektrum

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    Masteroppgave fornybar energi ENE500 - Universitetet i Agder 2017The report deals with fault detection and diagnosis of roller element bearings. Vibration and shaft position sensor data combined with three algorithms are tested to determine which combination may detect bearing faults early and reliably. Experimental data from an accelerated life-time test is used to verify the performance. Results show that the vibration signal combined with a fast spectral correlation algorithm yields the most reliable diagnosis

    Skal vi undre sammen?

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    I rammeplanen beskrives undring som en arbeidsmetode som skal ligge til grunn for arbeidet i barnehagen. Som kommende profesjonsutøver kjenner jeg på dette ansvaret, og i utarbeidelsen av oppgaven stilte jeg meg selv spørsmålet: «er jeg klar for dette?». For å kunne handle i tråd med lovverk og styringsdokumenter kjenner jeg på et behov for kunnskap rundt temaet. Jeg har derfor valgt å undersøke hvordan ansatte i barnehagen opplever og tilnærmer seg arbeidet med undring i barnehagen. Jeg er opptatt av og engasjert i ansvaret vi har som voksne i barnehagen i møte med barn, og anser det som relevant med tilstrekkelig kunnskap for å handle i tråd med både mine egne verdier, og barnehagens verdigrunnlag. Denne oppgaven kan forhåpentligvis sette lys på temaet undring i barnehagen, og bidra til en økt bevissthet rundt arbeidet med det. Spørsmål som: «Hva er undring for de ansatte i barnehagen?», «Hvordan arbeider de med det?», og «Hva anser de som viktig i sin egen rolle?» har vært sentrale for meg i utarbeidelsen av oppgaven, og har til slutt munnet ut i problemstillingen: «Hvordan forstås undring av ansatte i barnehagen, og hvordan arbeider de med det?»publishedVersio