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    O "Projeto Planejar: produção arquitetônica" visa a promover uma arquitetura comunitária, atendendo entidades sem fins lucrativos através da realização de projetos arquitetônicos, de acessibilidade, paisagísticos e afins, bem como de assessoria técnica, para espaços de uso comunitário no Município de Blumenau. Também são beneficiadas outras entidades que visam ao bem comum em caráter universal, ou mesmo a comunidade universitária, por meio de serviços técnicos internos. Esse processo envolve atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, numa integração inter e multidisciplinar. A metodologia de trabalho é aplicada por meio de etapas claramente definidas pelo processo do fazer arquitetônico, abrangendo primeiramente (i) o contato com a comunidade para a definição da problemática, seguindo (ii) os estudos preliminares com o respectivo levantamento de dados, (iii) o partido geral e o anteprojeto, (iv) a aprovação da proposta pela comunidade, (v) o projeto executivo, e (vi) a entrega oficial dos projetos. Todas as etapas são realizadas pelos acadêmicos devidamente assessorados por docentes, viabilizando a construção dos espaços físicos necessários de forma econômica e ambientalmente adequada. Esse artigo apresenta os trabalhos realizados para três associações de moradores, que com uma equipe técnica de 4 docentes e 11 discentes beneficiaram 7.500 pessoas. Como resultado tem-se que a comunidade atendida organizou-se, social e politicamente, em torno do novo espaço edificado, os acadêmicos desenvolveram consciência e responsabilidade social, além de sistematizarem melhor e de maneira prática o conhecimento adquirido no ensino da graduação. Extensão, ensino e pesquisa se interconectam e se manifestam interdependentes. O fato de diversas comunidades contatadas terem executado serviços ambientais e obras civis sem o devido acompanhamento técnico e sem a aprovação dos órgãos competentes trouxe novas discussões ao meio acadêmico, que acabaram orientando as ações de trabalho para as atividades correntes, bem como revertendo em novas metas para ações futuras. Com o despertar da consciência ambiental da população envolvida e da criação de espaços comunitários com acessibilidade universal, que visam o lazer, a recreação, a cultura, os esportes e a sociabilidade como um todo, considera-se que o Projeto Planejar está alcançando plenamente seus objetivos.The project "Planning architecture" aims at promoting a communitarian architecture, benefiting non profit organizations through the accomplishment of accessibility, landscape architectonic projects, and so on. In addition, technical consultancy is provided for the organization of communitarian spaces in Blumenau, Brazil. The university community is also benefited by means of internal technical services, as the work includes multidisciplinary integrated education, research and community service,. The methodology follows (i) contact the community for problems definition, (ii) data-collection, (iii) preliminary project, (iv) approval of the proposal by the community, (v) executive project, and (vi) official delivery of the projects. All stages are carried out by students assisted by their advisers, making the construction of the necessary spaces economically and environmentally adjusted. This study presents the activities and results carried out by 4 advisers and 11 students in three communities benefiting 7500 people. The results are rewarding. The community organized itself, social and politically, considering the new spaces and the students developed social consciousness and responsibility, and learned to systemize in a practical way the theoretical knowledge acquired during the regular courses. The interconnection between community services, education and research becomes evident. Several communities have been executing environmental services and civil workmanship without technical advice and official approval of competent agencies, which brought new discussions and actions into the academy. The main results were the technical assistance of the work already in development in the communities, the discussion of new goals and the proposal of future actions. We consider the t “Planning Project” reached its objectives by putting forward the individual environmental awareness and creating communitarian spaces with universal accessibility, that aim leisure, recreation, culture, sports and other social activities in the communities.El "Proyecto planificar: producción arquitectónica" propone promover una arquitectura comunitaria, atendiendo entidades sin finalidad de lucro, a través de la realización de proyectos arquitectónicos, de accesibilidad, paisajísticos y afines, como también asesoría técnica, para espacios de uso comunitario en Blumenau. También son atendidas otras entidades que plantean el bien común en carácter universal, tal como la comunidad universitaria, que participa con servicios técnicos internos. Este proceso involucra actividades de enseñanza, investigación y extensión, en una integración inter y multidisciplinar. La metodología de trabajo es aplicada por medio de etapas definidas por el proceso del que hacer arquitectónico, abarcando (i) el contacto con la comunidad para la definición de la problemática, (ii) los estudios preliminares con el respectivo levantamiento de datos, (iii) el anteproyecto, (iv) la aprobación de la propuesta por la comunidad, (v) el proyecto ejecutivo, y (vi) la entrega oficial de los proyectos. Todas las etapas son realizadas por alumnos debidamente asesorados por docentes, posibilitando la construcción de los espacios físicos necesarios de manera económica y ambientalmente adecuada. Este articulo presenta los trabajos hechos para tres asociaciones de vecinos, que con una equipe técnica de 4 docentes y 11 académicos beneficiaron 7.500 personas. Como resultado obtenido tenemos que: la comunidad atendida se organizó, social e políticamente en el nuevo espacio edificado, los alumnos desarrollaron conciencia y responsabilidad social, además de estructurar mejor y de manera práctica el conocimiento adquirido en la enseñanza da graduación. Extensión, enseñanza e investigación se interconectan y se exteriorizan interdependientes. El hecho de que diversas comunidades hayan ejecutado servicios ambientales y obras civiles sin la debida conducción técnica y sin la aprobación de los órganos competentes trajo nuevas discusiones al medio académico, que consiguieron orientar las acciones de trabajo para las actividades corrientes, como también originar nuevas metas para acciones futuras. Con el despertar de la conciencia ambiental de la población involucrada y de la creación de espacios comunitarios con accesibilidad universal, que visan el ocio, la recreación, la cultura, los deportes y la sociabilidad como un todo, se considera que el Proyecto Planificar está alcanzando plenamente sus objetivos

    Planning architecture: for a communitarian architecture

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    The project "Planning architecture" aims at promoting a communitarian architecture, benefiting non profit organizations through the accomplishment of accessibility, landscape architectonic projects, and so on. In addition, technical consultancy is provided for the organization of communitarian spaces in Blumenau, Brazil. The university community is also benefited by means of internal technical services, as the work includes multidisciplinary integrated education, research and community service,. The methodology follows (i) contact the community for problems definition, (ii) data-collection, (iii) preliminary project, (iv) approval of the proposal by the community, (v) executive project, and (vi) official delivery of the projects. All stages are carried out by students assisted by their advisers, making the construction of the necessary spaces economically and environmentally adjusted. This study presents the activities and results carried out by 4 advisers and 11 students in three communities benefiting 7500 people. The results are rewarding. The community organized itself, social and politically, considering the new spaces and the students developed social consciousness and responsibility, and learned to systemize in a practical way the theoretical knowledge acquired during the regular courses. The interconnection between community services, education and research becomes evident. Several communities have been executing environmental services and civil workmanship without technical advice and official approval of competent agencies, which brought new discussions and actions into the academy. The main results were the technical assistance of the work already in development in the communities, the discussion of new goals and the proposal of future actions. We consider the t "Planning Project" reached its objectives by putting forward the individual environmental awareness and creating communitarian spaces with universal accessibility, that aim leisure, recreation, culture, sports and other social activities in the communities.</p


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    O "Projeto Planejar: produção arquitetônica" visa a promover uma arquitetura comunitária, atendendo entidades sem fins lucrativos através da realização de projetos arquitetônicos, de acessibilidade, paisagísticos e afins, bem como de assessoria técnica, para espaços de uso comunitário no Município de Blumenau. Também são beneficiadas outras entidades que visam ao bem comum em caráter universal, ou mesmo a comunidade universitária, por meio de serviços técnicos internos. Esse processo envolve atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, numa integração inter e multidisciplinar. A metodologia de trabalho é aplicada por meio de etapas claramente definidas pelo processo do fazer arquitetônico, abrangendo primeiramente (i) o contato com a comunidade para a definição da problemática, seguindo (ii) os estudos preliminares com o respectivo levantamento de dados, (iii) o partido geral e o anteprojeto, (iv) a aprovação da proposta pela comunidade, (v) o projeto executivo, e (vi) a entrega oficial dos projetos. Todas as etapas são realizadas pelos acadêmicos devidamente assessorados por docentes, viabilizando a construção dos espaços físicos necessários de forma econômica e ambientalmente adequada. Esse artigo apresenta os trabalhos realizados para três associações de moradores, que com uma equipe técnica de 4 docentes e 11 discentes beneficiaram 7.500 pessoas. Como resultado tem-se que a comunidade atendida organizou-se, social e politicamente, em torno do novo espaço edificado, os acadêmicos desenvolveram consciência e responsabilidade social, além de sistematizarem melhor e de maneira prática o conhecimento adquirido no ensino da graduação. Extensão, ensino e pesquisa se interconectam e se manifestam interdependentes. O fato de diversas comunidades contatadas terem executado serviços ambientais e obras civis sem o devido acompanhamento técnico e sem a aprovação dos órgãos competentes trouxe novas discussões ao meio acadêmico, que acabaram orientando as ações de trabalho para as atividades correntes, bem como revertendo em novas metas para ações futuras. Com o despertar da consciência ambiental da população envolvida e da criação de espaços comunitários com acessibilidade universal, que visam o lazer, a recreação, a cultura, os esportes e a sociabilidade como um todo, considera-se que o Projeto Planejar está alcançando plenamente seus objetivos.The project "Planning architecture" aims at promoting a communitarian architecture, benefiting non profit organizations through the accomplishment of accessibility, landscape architectonic projects, and so on. In addition, technical consultancy is provided for the organization of communitarian spaces in Blumenau, Brazil. The university community is also benefited by means of internal technical services, as the work includes multidisciplinary integrated education, research and community service,. The methodology follows (i) contact the community for problems definition, (ii) data-collection, (iii) preliminary project, (iv) approval of the proposal by the community, (v) executive project, and (vi) official delivery of the projects. All stages are carried out by students assisted by their advisers, making the construction of the necessary spaces economically and environmentally adjusted. This study presents the activities and results carried out by 4 advisers and 11 students in three communities benefiting 7500 people. The results are rewarding. The community organized itself, social and politically, considering the new spaces and the students developed social consciousness and responsibility, and learned to systemize in a practical way the theoretical knowledge acquired during the regular courses. The interconnection between community services, education and research becomes evident. Several communities have been executing environmental services and civil workmanship without technical advice and official approval of competent agencies, which brought new discussions and actions into the academy. The main results were the technical assistance of the work already in development in the communities, the discussion of new goals and the proposal of future actions. We consider the t “Planning Project” reached its objectives by putting forward the individual environmental awareness and creating communitarian spaces with universal accessibility, that aim leisure, recreation, culture, sports and other social activities in the communities.El "Proyecto planificar: producción arquitectónica" propone promover una arquitectura comunitaria, atendiendo entidades sin finalidad de lucro, a través de la realización de proyectos arquitectónicos, de accesibilidad, paisajísticos y afines, como también asesoría técnica, para espacios de uso comunitario en Blumenau. También son atendidas otras entidades que plantean el bien común en carácter universal, tal como la comunidad universitaria, que participa con servicios técnicos internos. Este proceso involucra actividades de enseñanza, investigación y extensión, en una integración inter y multidisciplinar. La metodología de trabajo es aplicada por medio de etapas definidas por el proceso del que hacer arquitectónico, abarcando (i) el contacto con la comunidad para la definición de la problemática, (ii) los estudios preliminares con el respectivo levantamiento de datos, (iii) el anteproyecto, (iv) la aprobación de la propuesta por la comunidad, (v) el proyecto ejecutivo, y (vi) la entrega oficial de los proyectos. Todas las etapas son realizadas por alumnos debidamente asesorados por docentes, posibilitando la construcción de los espacios físicos necesarios de manera económica y ambientalmente adecuada. Este articulo presenta los trabajos hechos para tres asociaciones de vecinos, que con una equipe técnica de 4 docentes y 11 académicos beneficiaron 7.500 personas. Como resultado obtenido tenemos que: la comunidad atendida se organizó, social e políticamente en el nuevo espacio edificado, los alumnos desarrollaron conciencia y responsabilidad social, además de estructurar mejor y de manera práctica el conocimiento adquirido en la enseñanza da graduación. Extensión, enseñanza e investigación se interconectan y se exteriorizan interdependientes. El hecho de que diversas comunidades hayan ejecutado servicios ambientales y obras civiles sin la debida conducción técnica y sin la aprobación de los órganos competentes trajo nuevas discusiones al medio académico, que consiguieron orientar las acciones de trabajo para las actividades corrientes, como también originar nuevas metas para acciones futuras. Con el despertar de la conciencia ambiental de la población involucrada y de la creación de espacios comunitarios con accesibilidad universal, que visan el ocio, la recreación, la cultura, los deportes y la sociabilidad como un todo, se considera que el Proyecto Planificar está alcanzando plenamente sus objetivos

    Survival of pancreatic cancer cells lacking KRAS function

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    Activating mutations in the proto-oncogene KRAS are a hallmark of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), an aggressive malignancy with few effective therapeutic options. Despite efforts to develop KRAS-targeted drugs, the absolute dependence of PDAC cells on KRAS remains incompletely understood. Here we model complete KRAS inhibition using CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing and demonstrate that KRAS is dispensable in a subset of human and mouse PDAC cells. Remarkably, nearly all KRAS deficient cells exhibit phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and induced sensitivity to PI3K inhibitors. Furthermore, comparison of gene expression profiles of PDAC cells retaining or lacking KRAS reveal a role of KRAS in the suppression of metastasis-related genes. Collectively, these data underscore the potential for PDAC resistance to even the very best KRAS inhibitors and provide insights into mechanisms of response and resistance to KRAS inhibition

    Pericytes contribute to airway remodeling in a mouse model of chronic allergic asthma

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    Myofibroblast accumulation, subepithelial fibrosis, and vascular remodeling are complicating features of chronic asthma, but the mechanisms are not clear. Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) regulate the fate and function of various mesenchymal cells and have been implicated as mediators of lung fibrosis. However, it is not known whether PDGF-BB signaling via PDGFRβ, which is critical for the recruitment of pericytes to blood vessels, plays a role in airway remodeling in chronic asthma. In the present study, we used a selective PDGFRβ inhibitor (CP-673451) to investigate the role of PDGFRβ signaling in the development of airway remodeling and lung dysfunction in an established mouse model of house dust mite-induced chronic allergic asthma. Unexpectedly, we found that pharmacological inhibition of PDGFRβ signaling in the context of chronic aeroallergen exposure led to exacerbated lung dysfunction and airway smooth muscle thickening. Further studies revealed that the inflammatory response to aeroallergen challenge in mice was associated with decreased PDGF-BB expression and the loss of pericytes from the airway microvasculature. In parallel, cells positive for pericyte markers accumulated in the subepithelial region of chronically inflamed airways. This process was exacerbated in animals treated with CP-673451. The results indicate that perturbed PDGF-BB/PDGFRβ signaling and pericyte accumulation in the airway wall may contribute to airway remodeling in chronic allergic asthma

    Survival of pancreatic cancer cells lacking KRAS function

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    Activating mutations in the proto-oncogene KRAS are a hallmark of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), an aggressive malignancy with few effective therapeutic options. Despite efforts to develop KRAS-targeted drugs, the absolute dependence of PDAC cells on KRAS remains incompletely understood. Here we model complete KRAS inhibition using CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing and demonstrate that KRAS is dispensable in a subset of human and mouse PDAC cells. Remarkably, nearly all KRAS deficient cells exhibit phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and induced sensitivity to PI3K inhibitors. Furthermore, comparison of gene expression profiles of PDAC cells retaining or lacking KRAS reveal a role of KRAS in the suppression of metastasis-related genes. Collectively, these data underscore the potential for PDAC resistance to even the very best KRAS inhibitors and provide insights into mechanisms of response and resistance to KRAS inhibition

    Interoception and Autonomic Correlates during Social Interactions. Implications for Anorexia

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the bodily-self in Restrictive Anorexia, focusing on two basic aspects related to the bodily self: autonomic strategies in social behavior, in which others’ social desirability features, and social cues (e.g., gaze) are modulated, and interoception (i.e., the sensitivity to stimuli originating inside the body). Furthermore, since previous studies carried out on healthy individuals found that interoception seems to contribute to the autonomic regulation of social behavior, as measured by Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA), we aimed to explore this link in anorexia patients, whose ability to perceive their bodily signal seems to be impaired. To this purpose, we compared a group of anorexia patients (ANg; restrictive type) with a group of Healthy Controls (HCg) for RSA responses during both a resting state and a social proxemics task, for their explicit judgments of comfort in social distances during a behavioral proxemics task, and for their Interoceptive Accuracy (IA). The results showed that ANg displayed significantly lower social disposition and a flattened autonomic reactivity during the proxemics task, irrespective of the presence of others’ socially desirable features or social cues. Moreover, unlike HCg, the autonomic arousal of ANg did not guide behavioral judgments of social distances. Finally, IA was strictly related to social disposition in both groups, but with opposite trends in ANg. We conclude that autonomic imbalance and its altered relationship with interoception might have a crucial role in anorexia disturbances

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| &lt; 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Search for Physics beyond the Standard Model in Events with Overlapping Photons and Jets

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    Results are reported from a search for new particles that decay into a photon and two gluons, in events with jets. Novel jet substructure techniques are developed that allow photons to be identified in an environment densely populated with hadrons. The analyzed proton-proton collision data were collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in 2016 at root s = 13 TeV, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1). The spectra of total transverse hadronic energy of candidate events are examined for deviations from the standard model predictions. No statistically significant excess is observed over the expected background. The first cross section limits on new physics processes resulting in such events are set. The results are interpreted as upper limits on the rate of gluino pair production, utilizing a simplified stealth supersymmetry model. The excluded gluino masses extend up to 1.7 TeV, for a neutralino mass of 200 GeV and exceed previous mass constraints set by analyses targeting events with isolated photons.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of b jet shapes in proton-proton collisions at root s=5.02 TeV

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    We present the first study of charged-hadron production associated with jets originating from b quarks in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The data sample used in this study was collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 pb(-1). To characterize the jet substructure, the differential jet shapes, defined as the normalized transverse momentum distribution of charged hadrons as a function of angular distance from the jet axis, are measured for b jets. In addition to the jet shapes, the per-jet yields of charged particles associated with b jets are also quantified, again as a function of the angular distance with respect to the jet axis. Extracted jet shape and particle yield distributions for b jets are compared with results for inclusive jets, as well as with the predictions from the pythia and herwig++ event generators.Peer reviewe