36 research outputs found

    Characterisation of a highly diverged mitochondrial ATP synthase Fo subunit in Trypanosoma brucei.

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    The mitochondrial F1Fo ATP synthase of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei has been previously studied in detail. This unusual enzyme switches direction in functionality during the life cycle of the parasite, acting as an ATP synthase in the insect stages, and as an ATPase to generate mitochondrial membrane potential in the mammalian bloodstream stages. Whereas the trypanosome F1 moiety is relatively highly conserved in structure and composition, the Fo subcomplex and the peripheral stalk have been shown to be more variable. Interestingly, a core subunit of the latter, the normally conserved subunit b, has been resistant to identification by sequence alignment or biochemical methods. Here we identified a 17 kDa mitochondrial protein of the inner membrane, Tb927.8.3070, that is essential for normal growth, efficient oxidative phosphorylation, and membrane potential maintenance. Pulldown experiments and native PAGE analysis indicated that the protein is both associated with the F1Fo ATP synthase, and integral to its assembly. In addition, its knockdown reduced the levels of Fo subunits, but not those of F1, and disturbed the cell cycle. Finally, analysis of structural homology using the HHpred algorithm showed that this protein has structural similarities to Fo subunit b of other species, indicating that this subunit may be a highly diverged form of the elusive subunit b

    Single point mutations in ATP synthase compensate for mitochondrial genome loss in trypanosomes

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    Viability of the tsetse fly-transmitted African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei depends on maintenance and expression of its kinetoplast (kDNA), the mitochondrial genome of this parasite and a putative target for veterinary and human antitrypanosomatid drugs. However, the closely related animal pathogens T. evansi and T. equiperdum are transmitted independently of tsetse flies and survive without a functional kinetoplast for reasons that have remained unclear. Here, we provide definitive evidence that single amino acid changes in the nuclearly encoded F(1)F(O)–ATPase subunit γ can compensate for complete physical loss of kDNA in these parasites. Our results provide insight into the molecular mechanism of compensation for kDNA loss by showing F(O)-independent generation of the mitochondrial membrane potential with increased dependence on the ADP/ATP carrier. Our findings also suggest that, in the pathogenic bloodstream stage of T. brucei, the huge and energetically demanding apparatus required for kDNA maintenance and expression serves the production of a single F(1)F(O)–ATPase subunit. These results have important implications for drug discovery and our understanding of the evolution of these parasites

    Mitochondrial DNA is critical for longevity and metabolism of transmission stage Trypanosoma brucei.

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    The sleeping sickness parasite Trypanosoma brucei has a complex life cycle, alternating between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. A tightly controlled developmental programme ensures parasite transmission between hosts as well as survival within them and involves strict regulation of mitochondrial activities. In the glucose-rich bloodstream, the replicative 'slender' stage is thought to produce ATP exclusively via glycolysis and uses the mitochondrial F1FO-ATP synthase as an ATP hydrolysis-driven proton pump to generate the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). The 'procyclic' stage in the glucose-poor tsetse midgut depends on mitochondrial catabolism of amino acids for energy production, which involves oxidative phosphorylation with ATP production via the F1FO-ATP synthase. Both modes of the F1FO enzyme critically depend on FO subunit a, which is encoded in the parasite's mitochondrial DNA (kinetoplast or kDNA). Comparatively little is known about mitochondrial function and the role of kDNA in non-replicative 'stumpy' bloodstream forms, a developmental stage essential for disease transmission. Here we show that the L262P mutation in the nuclear-encoded F1 subunit γ that permits survival of 'slender' bloodstream forms lacking kDNA ('akinetoplastic' forms), via FO-independent generation of ΔΨm, also permits their differentiation into stumpy forms. However, these akinetoplastic stumpy cells lack a ΔΨm and have a reduced lifespan in vitro and in mice, which significantly alters the within-host dynamics of the parasite. We further show that generation of ΔΨm in stumpy parasites and their ability to use α-ketoglutarate to sustain viability depend on F1-ATPase activity. Surprisingly, however, loss of ΔΨm does not reduce stumpy life span. We conclude that the L262P γ subunit mutation does not enable FO-independent generation of ΔΨm in stumpy cells, most likely as a consequence of mitochondrial ATP production in these cells. In addition, kDNA-encoded genes other than FO subunit a are important for stumpy form viability

    The endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein complex localizes to the mitochondrial - endoplasmic reticulum interface and its subunits modulate phospholipid biosynthesis in Trypanosoma brucei.

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    The endoplasmic reticulum membrane complex (EMC) is a versatile complex that plays a key role in membrane protein biogenesis in the ER. Deletion of the complex has wide-ranging consequences including ER stress, disturbance in lipid transport and organelle tethering, among others. Here we report the function and organization of the evolutionarily conserved EMC (TbEMC) in the highly diverged eukaryote, Trypanosoma brucei. Using (co-) immunoprecipitation experiments in combination with mass spectrometry and whole cell proteomic analyses of parasites after depletion of select TbEMC subunits, we demonstrate that the TbEMC is composed of 9 subunits that are present in a high molecular mass complex localizing to the mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum interface. Knocking out or knocking down of single TbEMC subunits led to growth defects of T. brucei procyclic forms in culture. Interestingly, we found that depletion of individual TbEMC subunits lead to disruption of de novo synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC) or phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the two most abundant phospholipid classes in T. brucei. Downregulation of TbEMC1 or TbEMC3 inhibited formation of PC while depletion of TbEMC8 inhibited PE synthesis, pointing to a role of the TbEMC in phospholipid synthesis. In addition, we found that in TbEMC7 knock-out parasites, TbEMC3 is released from the complex, implying that TbEMC7 is essential for the formation or the maintenance of the TbEMC

    Oxidative phosphorylation is required for powering motility and development of the sleeping sickness parasite Trypanosoma brucei in the tsetse fly vector

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    The single-celled parasite Trypanosoma brucei is transmitted by hematophagous tsetse flies. Life cycle progression from mammalian bloodstream form to tsetse midgut form and, subsequently, infective salivary gland form depends on complex developmental steps and migration within different fly tissues. As the parasite colonizes the glucose-poor insect midgut, ATP production is thought to depend on activation of mitochondrial amino acid catabolism via oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). This process involves respiratory chain complexes and F1Fo-ATP synthase and requires protein subunits of these complexes that are encoded in the parasite's mitochondrial DNA (kDNA). Here, we show that progressive loss of kDNA-encoded functions correlates with a decreasing ability to initiate and complete development in the tsetse. First, parasites with a mutated F1Fo-ATP synthase with reduced capacity for OXPHOS can initiate differentiation from bloodstream to insect form, but they are unable to proliferate in vitro. Unexpectedly, these cells can still colonize the tsetse midgut. However, these parasites exhibit a motility defect and are severely impaired in colonizing or migrating to subsequent tsetse tissues. Second, parasites with a fully disrupted F1Fo-ATP synthase complex that is completely unable to produce ATP by OXPHOS can still differentiate to the first insect stage in vitro but die within a few days and cannot establish a midgut infection in vivo. Third, parasites lacking kDNA entirely can initiate differentiation but die soon after. Together, these scenarios suggest that efficient ATP production via OXPHOS is not essential for initial colonization of the tsetse vector but is required to power trypanosome migration within the fly. IMPORTANCE African trypanosomes cause disease in humans and their livestock and are transmitted by tsetse flies. The insect ingests these parasites with its blood meal, but to be transmitted to another mammal, the trypanosome must undergo complex development within the tsetse fly and migrate from the insect's gut to its salivary glands. Crucially, the parasite must switch from a sugar-based diet while in the mammal to a diet based primarily on amino acids when it develops in the insect. Here, we show that efficient energy production by an organelle called the mitochondrion is critical for the trypanosome's ability to swim and to migrate through the tsetse fly. Surprisingly, trypanosomes with impaired mitochondrial energy production are only mildly compromised in their ability to colonize the tsetse fly midgut. Our study adds a new perspective to the emerging view that infection of tsetse flies by trypanosomes is more complex than previously thought

    Mistargeting of aggregation prone mitochondrial proteins activates a nucleus-mediated posttranscriptional quality control pathway in trypanosomes.

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    Mitochondrial protein import in the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei is mediated by the atypical outer membrane translocase, ATOM. It consists of seven subunits including ATOM69, the import receptor for hydrophobic proteins. Ablation of ATOM69, but not of any other subunit, triggers a unique quality control pathway resulting in the proteasomal degradation of non-imported mitochondrial proteins. The process requires a protein of unknown function, an E3 ubiquitin ligase and the ubiquitin-like protein (TbUbL1), which all are recruited to the mitochondrion upon ATOM69 depletion. TbUbL1 is a nuclear protein, a fraction of which is released to the cytosol upon triggering of the pathway. Nuclear release is essential as cytosolic TbUbL1 can bind mislocalised mitochondrial proteins and likely transfers them to the proteasome. Mitochondrial quality control has previously been studied in yeast and metazoans. Finding such a pathway in the highly diverged trypanosomes suggests such pathways are an obligate feature of all eukaryotes

    A Msp1-containing complex removes orphaned proteins in the mitochondrial outer membrane of <i>T. brucei</i>

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    The AAA-ATPase Msp1 extracts mislocalised outer membrane proteins and thus contributes to mitochondrial proteostasis. Using pulldown experiments, we show that trypanosomal Msp1 localises to both glycosomes and the mitochondrial outer membrane, where it forms a complex with four outer membrane proteins. The trypanosome-specific pATOM36 mediates complex assembly of α-helically anchored mitochondrial outer membrane proteins such as protein translocase subunits. Inhibition of their assembly triggers a pathway that results in the proteasomal digestion of unassembled substrates. Using inducible single, double, and triple RNAi cell lines combined with proteomic analyses, we demonstrate that not only Msp1 but also the trypanosomal homolog of the AAA-ATPase VCP are implicated in this quality control pathway. Moreover, in the absence of VCP three out of the four Msp1-interacting mitochondrial proteins are required for efficient proteasomal digestion of pATOM36 substrates, suggesting they act in concert with Msp1. pATOM36 is a functional analog of the yeast mitochondrial import complex complex and possibly of human mitochondrial animal-specific carrier homolog 2, suggesting that similar mitochondrial quality control pathways linked to Msp1 might also exist in yeast and humans

    In situ structure of trypanosomal ATP synthase dimer reveals a unique arrangement of catalytic subunits

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    We used electron cryotomography and subtomogram averaging to determine the in situ structures of mitochondrial ATP synthase dimers from two organisms belonging to the phylum euglenozoa: Trypanosoma brucei, a lethal human parasite, and Euglena gracilis, a photosynthetic protist. At a resolution of 32.5 Å and 27.5 Å, respectively, the two structures clearly exhibit a noncanonical F1 head, in which the catalytic (αβ)3 assembly forms a triangular pyramid rather than the pseudo-sixfold ring arrangement typical of all other ATP synthases investigated so far. Fitting of known X-ray structures reveals that this unusual geometry results from a phylum-specific cleavage of the α subunit, in which the C-terminal αC fragments are displaced by ∼20 Å and rotated by ∼30° from their expected positions. In this location, the αC fragment is unable to form the conserved catalytic interface that was thought to be essential for ATP synthesis, and cannot convert γ-subunit rotation into the conformational changes implicit in rotary catalysis. The new arrangement of catalytic subunits suggests that the mechanism of ATP generation by rotary ATPases is less strictly conserved than has been generally assumed. The ATP synthases of these organisms present a unique model system for discerning the individual contributions of the α and β subunits to the fundamental process of ATP synthesis

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    A novel formulation of inhaled sodium cromoglicate (PA101) in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic cough: a randomised, double-blind, proof-of-concept, phase 2 trial

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    Background Cough can be a debilitating symptom of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and is difficult to treat. PA101 is a novel formulation of sodium cromoglicate delivered via a high-efficiency eFlow nebuliser that achieves significantly higher drug deposition in the lung compared with the existing formulations. We aimed to test the efficacy and safety of inhaled PA101 in patients with IPF and chronic cough and, to explore the antitussive mechanism of PA101, patients with chronic idiopathic cough (CIC) were also studied. Methods This pilot, proof-of-concept study consisted of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in patients with IPF and chronic cough and a parallel study of similar design in patients with CIC. Participants with IPF and chronic cough recruited from seven centres in the UK and the Netherlands were randomly assigned (1:1, using a computer-generated randomisation schedule) by site staff to receive PA101 (40 mg) or matching placebo three times a day via oral inhalation for 2 weeks, followed by a 2 week washout, and then crossed over to the other arm. Study participants, investigators, study staff, and the sponsor were masked to group assignment until all participants had completed the study. The primary efficacy endpoint was change from baseline in objective daytime cough frequency (from 24 h acoustic recording, Leicester Cough Monitor). The primary efficacy analysis included all participants who received at least one dose of study drug and had at least one post-baseline efficacy measurement. Safety analysis included all those who took at least one dose of study drug. In the second cohort, participants with CIC were randomly assigned in a study across four centres with similar design and endpoints. The study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02412020) and the EU Clinical Trials Register (EudraCT Number 2014-004025-40) and both cohorts are closed to new participants. Findings Between Feb 13, 2015, and Feb 2, 2016, 24 participants with IPF were randomly assigned to treatment groups. 28 participants with CIC were enrolled during the same period and 27 received study treatment. In patients with IPF, PA101 reduced daytime cough frequency by 31·1% at day 14 compared with placebo; daytime cough frequency decreased from a mean 55 (SD 55) coughs per h at baseline to 39 (29) coughs per h at day 14 following treatment with PA101, versus 51 (37) coughs per h at baseline to 52 (40) cough per h following placebo treatment (ratio of least-squares [LS] means 0·67, 95% CI 0·48–0·94, p=0·0241). By contrast, no treatment benefit for PA101 was observed in the CIC cohort; mean reduction of daytime cough frequency at day 14 for PA101 adjusted for placebo was 6·2% (ratio of LS means 1·27, 0·78–2·06, p=0·31). PA101 was well tolerated in both cohorts. The incidence of adverse events was similar between PA101 and placebo treatments, most adverse events were mild in severity, and no severe adverse events or serious adverse events were reported. Interpretation This study suggests that the mechanism of cough in IPF might be disease specific. Inhaled PA101 could be a treatment option for chronic cough in patients with IPF and warrants further investigation