1,819 research outputs found

    Light structures phototroph, bacterial and fungal communities at the soil surface

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    The upper few millimeters of soil harbour photosynthetic microbial communities that are structurally distinct from those of underlying bulk soil due to the presence of light. Previous studies in arid zones have demonstrated functional importance of these communities in reducing soil erosion, and enhancing carbon and nitrogen fixation. Despite being widely distributed, comparative understanding of the biodiversity of the soil surface and underlying soil is lacking, particularly in temperate zones. We investigated the establishment of soil surface communities on pasture soil in microcosms exposed to light or dark conditions, focusing on changes in phototroph, bacterial and fungal communities at the soil surface (0–3 mm) and bulk soil (3–12 mm) using ribosomal marker gene analyses. Microbial community structure changed with time and structurally similar phototrophic communities were found at the soil surface and in bulk soil in the light exposed microcosms suggesting that light can influence phototroph community structure even in the underlying bulk soil. 454 pyrosequencing showed a significant selection for diazotrophic cyanobacteria such as Nostoc punctiforme and Anabaena spp., in addition to the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. The soil surface also harboured distinct heterotrophic bacterial and fungal communities in the presence of light, in particular, the selection for the phylum Firmicutes. However, these light driven changes in bacterial community structure did not extend to the underlying soil suggesting a discrete zone of influence, analogous to the rhizosphere

    Prototype design for grading structures in powder bed fusion processes

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Mary Ann Liebert via the DOI in this record While targeted alignment in certain additive manufacturing (AM) methods such as material extrusion (MEX) and stereolithography (SLA) has been well documented in the research community, a method for targeted alignment of added fillers or fibrous materials in powder bed fusion (PBF) AM devices has yet to be successfully achieved. Similarly, incorporation of multimaterials does not work easily with any of the AM technologies. This study creates a prototype design that could be integrated into a PBF system to allow for multimaterial layer deposition and alignment of powders and powder blends. The rheological properties of polyamide powder and a range of polyamide composite blends (incorporating milled carbon fibre, graphite flakes, polytetrafluoroethylene, and glass microspheres) in different concentrations were studied, and together with the particle size distribution and particle morphology analysis were applied for the design of a prototype hopper for incorporation in the PBF system to create targeted multimaterial deposition. Different concept designs, multichambered and multi-hopper with hopper angles calculated specifically for the composite blend powders selected, were proposed. Initial deposition trials outside a PBF process were tested, and the deposited layers were measured.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilQineti

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Towards a unified dynamical scaling relation for galaxies of all types

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    We take advantage of the first data from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field (SAMI) Galaxy Survey to investigate the relation between the kinematics of gas and stars, and stellar mass in a comprehensive sample of nearby galaxies. We find that all 235 objects in our sample, regardless of their morphology, lie on a tight relation linking stellar mass (MM_{*}) to internal velocity quantified by the S0.5S_{0.5} parameter, which combines the contribution of both dispersion (σ\sigma) and rotational velocity (VrotV_{rot}) to the dynamical support of a galaxy (S0.5=0.5Vrot2+σ2S_{0.5}=\sqrt{0.5V_{rot}^{2}+\sigma^{2}}). Our results are independent of the baryonic component from which σ\sigma and VrotV_{rot} are estimated, as the S0.5S_{0.5} of stars and gas agree remarkably well. This represents a significant improvement compared to the canonical MM_{*} vs. VrotV_{rot} and MM_{*} vs. σ\sigma relations. Not only is no sample pruning necessary, but also stellar and gas kinematics can be used simultaneously, as the effect of asymmetric drift is taken into account once VrotV_{rot} and σ\sigma are combined. Our findings illustrate how the combination of dispersion and rotational velocities for both gas and stars can provide us with a single dynamical scaling relation valid for galaxies of all morphologies across at least the stellar mass range 8.5<log(M/M)<<log(M_{*}/M_{\odot})<11. Such relation appears to be more general and at least as tight as any other dynamical scaling relation, representing a unique tool for investigating the link between galaxy kinematics and baryonic content, and a less biased comparison with theoretical models.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Witchcraft and the Somerset idyll : The depiction of folk belief in Walter Raymond’s novels

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    The work of Walter Raymond (1852-1931) is now largely forgotten. Yet his Somerset novels, complemented by his ethnographic writings, contain depictions of local witchcraft belief that are worthy of study in literary and historical contexts. They raise issues regarding the fictional depiction of rural life and tradition, and the value of fiction as a folkloric and historical sourcePeer reviewe

    Resample-smoothing of Voronoi intensity estimators

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    Voronoi estimators are non-parametric and adaptive estimators of the intensity of a point process. The intensity estimate at a given location is equal to the reciprocal of the size of the Voronoi/Dirichlet cell containing that location. Their major drawback is that they tend to paradoxically under-smooth the data in regions where the point density of the observed point pattern is high, and over-smooth where the point density is low. To remedy this behaviour, we propose to apply an additional smoothing operation to the Voronoi estimator, based on resampling the point pattern by independent random thinning. Through a simulation study we show that our resample-smoothing technique improves the estimation substantially. In addition, we study statistical properties such as unbiasedness and variance, and propose a rule-of-thumb and a data-driven cross-validation approach to choose the amount of smoothing to apply. Finally we apply our proposed intensity estimation scheme to two datasets: locations of pine saplings (planar point pattern) and motor vehicle traffic accidents (linear network point pattern)

    Risk Factors for Primary Clostridium difficile Infection; Results From the Observational Study of Risk Factors for Clostridium difficile Infection in Hospitalized Patients With Infective Diarrhea (ORCHID)

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    Background: There are inconsistent data on the risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in the literature. Aims: To use two C. difficile infection (CDI) case-control study groups to compare risk factors in hospitalized patients with diarrhea across different countries. Methods: A multi-center group of CDI cases/controls were identified by standardized testing from seven countries from the prior EUropean, multi-center, prospective bi-annual point prevalence study of CLostridium difficile Infection in hospitalized patients with Diarrhea (EUCLID). A second group of CDI cases/controls was identified from a single center in Germany [parallel study site (PSS)]. Data were extracted from the medical notes to assess CDI risk factors. Univariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify and compare risk factors between the two groups. Results: There were 253 and 158 cases and 921 and 584 controls in the PSS and EUCLID groups, respectively. Significant variables from univariate analyses in both groups were age ≥65, number of antibiotics (OR 1.2 for each additional antibiotic) and prior hospital admission (all p < 0.001). Congestive heart failure, diabetes, admission from assisted living or Emergency Department, proton pump inhibitors, and chronic renal disease were significant in PSS (all p < 0.05) but not EUCLID. Dementia and admitted with other bacterial diseases were significant in EUCLID (p < 0.05) but not PSS. Following multivariate analyses, age ≥ 65, number of antibiotics and prior hospital admission were consistently identified as CDI risk factors in each individual group and combined datasets. Conclusion: Our results show that the same CDI risk factors were identified across datasets. These were age ≥ 65 years, antibiotic use and prior hospital admission. Importantly, the odds of developing CDI increases with each extra antibiotic prescribed

    Total Synthesis of a Dimeric Thymol Derivative Isolated from Arnica sachalinensis

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    The total synthesis of a dimeric thymol derivative (thymarnicol) isolated from Arnica sachalinensis was accomplished in 6 steps. A key biomimetic Diels–Alder dimerization was found to occur at ambient temperature and the final oxidative cyclization occurs when the substrate is exposed to air and visible light. These results indicate that this natural product is likely the result of spontaneous (non‐enzyme‐mediated) reactivity

    Quantum Fluctuations and the Unruh Effect in Strongly-Coupled Conformal Field Theories

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    Through the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study a uniformly accelerated quark in the vacuum of strongly-coupled conformal field theories in various dimensions, and determine the resulting stochastic fluctuations of the quark trajectory. From the perspective of an inertial observer, these are quantum fluctuations induced by the gluonic radiation emitted by the accelerated quark. From the point of view of the quark itself, they originate from the thermal medium predicted by the Unruh effect. We scrutinize the relation between these two descriptions in the gravity side of the correspondence, and show in particular that upon transforming the conformal field theory from Rindler space to the open Einstein universe, the acceleration horizon disappears from the boundary theory but is preserved in the bulk. This transformation allows us to directly connect our calculation of radiation-induced fluctuations in vacuum with the analysis by de Boer et al. of the Brownian motion of a quark that is on average static within a thermal medium. Combining this same bulk transformation with previous results of Emparan, we are also able to compute the stress-energy tensor of the Unruh thermal medium.Comment: 1+31 pages; v2: reference adde

    Planck Intermediate Results. IX. Detection of the Galactic haze with Planck

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    Using precise full-sky observations from Planck, and applying several methods of component separation, we identify and characterize the emission from the Galactic "haze" at microwave wavelengths. The haze is a distinct component of diffuse Galactic emission, roughly centered on the Galactic centre, and extends to |b| ~35 deg in Galactic latitude and |l| ~15 deg in longitude. By combining the Planck data with observations from the WMAP we are able to determine the spectrum of this emission to high accuracy, unhindered by the large systematic biases present in previous analyses. The derived spectrum is consistent with power-law emission with a spectral index of -2.55 +/- 0.05, thus excluding free-free emission as the source and instead favouring hard-spectrum synchrotron radiation from an electron population with a spectrum (number density per energy) dN/dE ~ E^-2.1. At Galactic latitudes |b|<30 deg, the microwave haze morphology is consistent with that of the Fermi gamma-ray "haze" or "bubbles," indicating that we have a multi-wavelength view of a distinct component of our Galaxy. Given both the very hard spectrum and the extended nature of the emission, it is highly unlikely that the haze electrons result from supernova shocks in the Galactic disk. Instead, a new mechanism for cosmic-ray acceleration in the centre of our Galaxy is implied.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic