47 research outputs found
La dĂ©fense de lâEtat de droit peut-elle (re)devenir lâenjeu central de la lutte contre le terrorisme ?
Cet entretien a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© avec Dick Marty qui a maintes fois Ă©tĂ© activement confrontĂ© â au long de sa carriĂšre de Parlementaire mais Ă©galement de magistrat â Ă la dĂ©fense de lâEtat de droit et des libertĂ©s civiles. Cet entretien porte notamment sur les suites de son action en tant que rapporteur pour le compte du Conseil de lâEurope sur lâaffaire dite des prisons secrĂštes de la CIA en Europe dans le cadre de la « guerre contre le terrorisme » depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 , ains..
Analyse du champ de la sécurité en Suisse : vers une hypertrophie de la sécurité intérieure et autres réflexions méthodologiques
Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats dâune recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de sĂ©curitĂ© en Suisse. Il dĂ©taille les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes mises en Ćuvre pour construire le champ de la sĂ©curitĂ© en Suisse. Lâanalyse des prises de positions des acteurs de la sĂ©curitĂ©, par lâanalyse des menaces gĂ©rĂ©es par ces acteurs, valide la thĂšse de la globalisation de lâ(in)sĂ©curitĂ© dont la spĂ©cificitĂ© est lâĂ©tablissement dâune sorte de continuum entre des menaces qui relĂšvent des champs de la sĂ©curitĂ© intĂ©rieure et extĂ©rieure, consacrant ainsi la dĂ©-diffĂ©renciation entre les acteurs de la sĂ©curitĂ© intĂ©rieure et extĂ©rieure, avec notamment une convergence vers les questions migratoires et la lutte contre le terrorisme. Lâespace des positions du champ de la sĂ©curitĂ© suisse est construit Ă partir des diffĂ©rents types de capitaux possĂ©dĂ©s par les individus (capital social, capital culturel, capital technologique et capital international) et permet de dĂ©gager la dimension transnationale des luttes qui structurent ce champ. Lâanalyse tire parti de la complĂ©mentaritĂ© des mĂ©thodes statistiques utilisĂ©es, Ă savoir lâanalyse des correspondances multiples, lâanalyse en composantes principales et lâanalyse de rĂ©seau, qui sont parfaitement adaptĂ©es Ă une perspective relationnelle et Ă la construction dâespaces sociaux ou de champs.Investigating the possible emergence of a transnational field of security in Europe constitutes a very stimulating research venue for literature on critical approaches to security. However, the operationalization of such an agenda entails some challenges. Notably, time-consuming data collection and analytical processes are needed in order to fully grasp the characteristics and resources of numerous actors. Drawing on a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), the aim of this paper is double. It offers both an analysis of the contemporary dynamics of the field of security in Switzerland and a presentation of practical solutions for researchers willing to conduct empirically-oriented studies of different settings of the transnational field of security in Europe. In order to do so, this contribution stands as a methodological roadmap, presenting the various steps leading to the construction of a national social space dedicated to âsecurity issuesâ. Given the significant volume of data collected in this research project, a series of statistical analysis methods are mobilized in this paper: multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), principal component analysis (PCA), and network analysis. Lastly, in summarizing the projectâs results, the paper points to the growing influence of transnational security dynamics on Swiss security actors
Les effets de la lutte contre le terrorisme et la radicalisation sur les populations musulmanes en France
The Institutions of Politics; Design, Workings, and implications ( do not use, ended 1-1-2020
Unraveling the diverse nature of service quality in a sharing economy: a social exchange theory perspective of Airbnb accommodation
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Emerald in International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management on 11/09/2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-08-2016-0420
The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Purpose- This study investigates customersâ perceptions of the service quality facets of Airbnb accommodation using social exchange theory as a suitable conceptual framework to explain aspects of interactivity between guests and hosts. Design/methodology/approach- A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 25 accommodation- specific service quality attributes, structured according to Akbabaâs (2006) measurement scale and based on the service quality hierarchical conceptualization described by Brady and Cronin (2001) and Cronin and Taylor (1992), was distributed to Airbnb international guests visiting Phuket, Thailand. The sample was chosen through a two-stage sampling process and the PLS-SEM technique was used for data analysis. Findings- The results showed that convenience and assurance are critical contributors to the measurement of service quality in remote Airbnb lodgings. The findings further revealed that Airbnb guests are mainly interested in lodgings which have access to certain tourist sights, and in easily accessible information and efficient resolution of problems during their stay. We also found that guests greatly value the convenience and flexibility offered by Airbnb, and that they particularly appreciate the warm hospitality provided by the hosts. Finally, Airbnb guests have very low expectations of the amenities and services available at the lodgings. Research limitations/implications-Airbnb is one of the most well-known examples of hospitality in the sharing economy and results cannot be generalized to similar accommodation providers in sharing economies. Despite the appropriateness of using the measurement tool provided by Akbaba (2006), it is only one option among others for measuring service quality. Practical implications- The current study can assist hosts in gaining better knowledge of guestsâ decision making processes and in designing effective marketing strategies by focusing on guestsâ requirements in terms of service quality. The effective use of competitive strengths and the prioritization of business resources would potentially enhance guestsâ positive experiences at the accommodation and at the destination. Originality/value-Limited numbers of studies have focused on the sharing economy and hospitality and in particular on Airbnb and this is the first study with a focus on service quality issues in terms of Airbnb accommodation
The effects of online social networking on retail consumer dynamics in the attractions industry: The case of âE-daâ theme park, Taiwan
Purpose of this study is to examine the trends in retail consumersâ consumption dynamics and patterns of purchase behavior within this new-technology-mediated environment. A behavioral purchase model was developed and tested to understand the ways social networks influence the decision making of individuals planning to visit a theme park. In particular, the proposed model delineates how online social networking (OSN) experience factors affect actual use (AU) of social media for purchasing of theme park services through an assessment of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). An electronic survey was conducted with members of a theme parkâs brand fan page on the Facebook social media site namely, the E-da World Theme park in the southern Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung. Smart PLS 3, a partial least squares analysis, was employed to examine a series of eleven research hypotheses. The findings revealed a series of statistically significant influences from five exogenous variables on PU and PEOU, as well as the mediating role of PU on the PEOU â AU relationship. The results also provide important practical implications both for academics and practitioners by shedding light on the way social media works to encourage and support online purchasing of amusement services.
Destination images, holistic images and personal normative beliefs: Predictors of intention to revisit a destination
This research examines the complex relationship between components of images of destinations and behavioral intentions, incorporating two pivotal constructs that have not been explored in the related literature, namely holistic image and personal normative beliefs (PNBs). Previous studies incorporating destination images as predictors of intention to revisit have mostly investigated their direct effect. This research integrates holistic image as a mediator and PNBs as a moderating variable. The findings verify the mediating role of holistic image for predicting touristsâ intentions to revisit a destination, supporting a model that incorporates a partial effect and two indirect mediations. Interestingly, only affective and conative images contribute to the prediction of touristsâ intentions to revisit a destination through the holistic image towards this destination. Moreover, PNBs moderate the effect that conative destination images have on touristsâ holistic images. Practically, the research sheds light to factors that affect tourists' tendency to select a tourism destination, which can serve as a basis for tailoring the effective positioning of destinations
Le haut représentant pour la pesc et les relations ue-onu : une extension du domaine de la lutte ?
Cette contribution aborde la question de lâĂ©mergence de capacitĂ©s militaires europĂ©ennes, comprises comme un outil au sein dâun continuum de sĂ©curitĂ© fourni par lâue, en tant que produit de lâextension des luttes bureaucratiques strictement bruxelloises Ă dâautres arĂšnes. En sâinspirant de travaux dâinspiration sociologique sur la construction europĂ©enne et les relations internationales, elle se penche sur le cas de lâapprofondissement de la coopĂ©ration entre lâue et lâonu dans le domaine de la gestion de crise comme une condition fondamentale de la construction de la psdc. Lâargument sâarticule autour de la double logique dâinternationalisation et dâautonomisation et du rĂŽle jouĂ© par lâancien haut reprĂ©sentant pour la politique Ă©trangĂšre et de sĂ©curitĂ© commune Javier Solana et ses proches collaborateurs.This paper aims at analyzing the emergence of European militaries capabilities â understood as a tool incorporated in a wider security continuum â as the expansion of European bureaucratic struggles towards new arenas. Drawing on sociological work in eu studies and in International Relations, it presents an account of the eu-un cooperation as a central locus enabling the construction of csdp. The argument is articulated through a dual-dynamic of internationalization and autonomization, and on the role played by the former High Representative for cfsp, Javier Solana, and his staff.El presente artĂculo trata de la emergencia de las capacidades militares europeas como herramienta de un continuum de seguridad gestado por la UE en el marco de la extensiĂłn a otros temas de las tensiones burocrĂĄticas estrictamente bruselenses. BasĂĄndose en los trabajos de inspiraciĂłn sociolĂłgica acerca de la construcciĂłn europea y las relaciones internacionales, el artĂculo se centra en el caso de la profundizaciĂłn de la cooperaciĂłn entre la UE y la ONU en la gestiĂłn de crisis como condiciĂłn fundamental para la construcciĂłn de la PolĂtica ComĂșn de Seguridad y Defensa (PCSD). La argumentaciĂłn gira en torno a la doble lĂłgica de internacionalizaciĂłn y de empoderamiento asĂ como al papel que jugaron el ex Alto Representante para la PolĂtica Exterior y de Seguridad ComĂșn, Javier Solana, y sus mĂĄs prĂłximos colaboradores
A survey of speech and theatre programs in the Iowa high schools
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industrie
Europeâs Defence Dimension and the UN
In the EUâs declaratory policy, the EU-UN relationship is presented as a ânatural partnershipâ, as a part of the âadded valueâ that the EU brings to the UN. However, the reality is more complex. Closer analysis reveals UN rhetoric in âEuropean crisis managementâ, mainly in its military aspects. It would therefore appear that the legitimising of Europeâs defence dimension has in large part benefited from UN impetus in a context where the use of military force was not taken for grantedâwas even something of a taboo subjectâwithin the architecture of European security. This leads us to question the nature of Europeâs emerging defence dimension.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedDĂ©fense nationale et sĂ©curitĂ© collective (ENGLISH EDITION
Differing Worldviews ?EU and NATO Interaction in the Balkans
IEP de Paris, leonardo.itrg.wmin.ac.uk/csd/Interaction in the Balkans.pdfinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe