45 research outputs found

    Energy Levels of Light Nuclei. III

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    Hecke operators and Hilbert modular forms Hecke operators and Hilbert modular forms

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    Abstract. Let F be a real quadratic field with ring of integers Ø and with class number 1. Let Γ be a congruence subgroup of GL2(Ø). We describe a technique to compute the action of the Hecke operators on the cohomology H 3 (Γ ; C). For F real quadratic this cohomology group contains the cuspidal cohomology corresponding to cuspidal Hilbert modular forms of parallel weight 2. Hence this technique gives a way to compute the Hecke action on these Hilbert modular forms

    Hyperbolic tessellations and generators of for imaginary quadratic fields

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    We develop methods for constructing explicit generators, modulo torsion, of the K3 -groups of imaginary quadratic number fields. These methods are based on either tessellations of hyperbolic 3 -space or on direct calculations in suitable pre-Bloch groups and lead to the very first proven examples of explicit generators, modulo torsion, of any infinite K3 -group of a number field. As part of this approach, we make several improvements to the theory of Bloch groups for K3 of any field, predict the precise power of 2 that should occur in the Lichtenbaum conjecture at −1 and prove that this prediction is valid for all abelian number fields

    On the topological computation of K_4 of the Gaussian and Eisenstein integers

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    In this paper we use topological tools to investigate the structure of the algebraic K-groups K4(R) for R=Z[i] and R=Z[ρ] where i:=−1−−−√ and ρ:=(1+−3−−−√)/2. We exploit the close connection between homology groups of GLn(R) for n≀5 and those of related classifying spaces, then compute the former using Voronoi’s reduction theory of positive definite quadratic and Hermitian forms to produce a very large finite cell complex on which GLn(R) acts. Our main result is that K4(Z[i]) and K4(Z[ρ]) have no p-torsion for p≄5