17 research outputs found

    Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems

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    Many inland waters exhibit complete or partial desiccation, or have vanished due to global change, exposing sediments to the atmosphere. Yet, data on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from these sediments are too scarce to upscale emissions for global estimates or to understand their fundamental drivers. Here, we present the results of a global survey covering 196 dry inland waters across diverse ecosystem types and climate zones. We show that their CO2 emissions share fundamental drivers and constitute a substantial fraction of the carbon cycled by inland waters. CO2 emissions were consistent across ecosystem types and climate zones, with local characteristics explaining much of the variability. Accounting for such emissions increases global estimates of carbon emissions from inland waters by 6% (~0.12 Pg C y−1). Our results indicate that emissions from dry inland waters represent a significant and likely increasing component of the inland waters carbon cycle

    Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ccby/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Nature communications]. To access the final edited and published work see [https://doi.org/.1038/s41467-020-15929-y]Many inland waters exhibit complete or partial desiccation, or have vanished due to global change, exposing sediments to the atmosphere. Yet, data on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from these sediments are too scarce to upscale emissions for global estimates or to understand their fundamental drivers. Here, we present the results of a global survey covering 196 dry inland waters across diverse ecosystem types and climate zones. We show that their CO2 emissions share fundamental drivers and constitute a substantial fraction of the carbon cycled by inland waters. CO2 emissions were consistent across ecosystem types and climate zones, with local characteristics explaining much of the variability. Accounting for such emissions increases global estimates of carbon emissions from inland waters by 6% (~0.12 Pg C y−1). Our results indicate that emissions from dry inland waters represent a significant and likely increasing component of the inland waters carbon cycle

    Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins

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    Insight into how environmental change determines the production and distribution of cyanobacterial toxins is necessary for risk assessment. Management guidelines currently focus on hepatotoxins (microcystins). Increasing attention is given to other classes, such as neurotoxins (e.g., anatoxin-a) and cytotoxins (e.g., cylindrospermopsin) due to their potency. Most studies examine the relationship between individual toxin variants and environmental factors, such as nutrients, temperature and light. In summer 2015, we collected samples across Europe to investigate the effect of nutrient and temperature gradients on the variability of toxin production at a continental scale. Direct and indirect effects of temperature were the main drivers of the spatial distribution in the toxins produced by the cyanobacterial community, the toxin concentrations and toxin quota. Generalized linear models showed that a Toxin Diversity Index (TDI) increased with latitude, while it decreased with water stability. Increases in TDI were explained through a significant increase in toxin variants such as MC-YR, anatoxin and cylindrospermopsin, accompanied by a decreasing presence of MC-LR. While global warming continues, the direct and indirect effects of increased lake temperatures will drive changes in the distribution of cyanobacterial toxins in Europe, potentially promoting selection of a few highly toxic species or strains.Peer reviewe

    Quiste entérico mediastínico: presentación clínica e histopatología inusuales

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    El quiste entérico mediastínico es una entidad inusual. Es poco frecuente en adultos y es habitual que sea un hallazgo casual. La lesión en la mayoría de ocasiones presenta un revestimiento interno mucoso del tracto gastrointestinal, y existen diversas teorías para explicar el origen de estas lesiones. Presentamos un caso de quiste entérico torácico en adulto que comenzó con taponamiento cardíaco y que en el estudio histopatológico mostró presencia de tejido pancreático. En la bibliografía médica revisada, únicamente se ha encontrado un caso de quiste entérico mediastínico con tejido pancreático

    Diagnóstico no invasivo de la esplenosis torácica postraumática

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    La esplenosis torácica es una entidad poco frecuente, que habitualmente se diagnostica mediante técnicas invasivas que proporcionan un diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Con el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de imagen puede realizarse en la actualidad un diagnóstico seguro por métodos no invasivos. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 34 años con antecedente de traumatismo toracoabdominal grave, con rotura esplénica y diafragmática izquierda, al que de forma casual, y encontrándose asintomático, se le hallaron nódulos inespecíficos en una tomografía computarizada torácica. Con la sospecha clínica de esplenosis torácica, se realizó una gammagrafía de coloide de sulfuro marcada con 99mTc metaestable que confirmó el diagnóstico

    Tumor carcinoide bronquial. Análisis retrospectivo de 62 casos tratados quirúrgicamente

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    Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico del tumor carcinoide pulmonar. Pacientes y método: Se han revisado las historias clínicas de 62 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por un tumor carcinoide pulmonar entre mayo de 1985 y octubre de 2000. Resultados: Cincuenta y dos pacientes tenían un carcinoide típico y 10 un carcinoide atípico. Nueve pacientes presentaban metástasis ganglionares hiliares o mediastínicas y 5 presentaban metástasis a distancia. Estas últimas fueron más frecuentes en el subtipo histológico carcinoide atípico con diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Cinco pacientes tenían clínica de síndrome carcinoide. La supervivencia global a los 15 años fue del 70% y la supervivencia media de 138 ± 11 meses. No encontramos asociación estadística entre el hábito tabáquico y el desarrollo de tumor carcinoide. Conclusiones: Aunque el tumor carcinoide se comporta como un tumor de bajo grado de malignidad, su tratamiento debe realizarse de modo similar al del resto de los tumores malignos pulmonares; la resección quirúrgica con intención curativa es la técnica de elección siempre que sea posible