97 research outputs found
Intestinal volvulus in the pump twin of a twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence after laser therapy at 18 weeks: a case report
Background: Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence is a rare and potentially lethal condition affecting approximately 1% of monochorionic twin pregnancies and 1 in 35,000 pregnancies overall. An apparently normal (pump) twin perfuses its severely malformed cotwin with deoxygenated blood via retrograde flow in direct arterioarterial anastomoses between the umbilical arteries of each twin. Fetal intestinal volvulus is a rare condition usually manifesting after birth. We report a unique case of twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence in association with intestinal volvulus in the surviving pump twin. Case presentation: A 32-year-old Hispanic primigravida was referred to our clinic after a fetoscopy procedure of laser photocoagulation of anastomoses at 18 weeks of gestation. Follow up scans in the ex-pump twin revealed dilated bowel loops and a typical “whirlpool sign” at 26 weeks of gestation, and intrauterine intestinal volvulus was suspected. At 29 weeks of gestation, preterm premature rupture of membranes occurred, and an emergency cesarean section was performed. The newborn was diagnosed in the early neonatal period with intestinal perforation. The diagnosis was postnatally confirmed by surgery and histopathology. Conclusions: The type of fetal intervention and late gestational age of the procedure increase the risk of complications. This case alerts health providers to be vigilant in the follow-up of patients with complicated monochorionic pregnanciesBackground: Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence is a rare and potentially lethal condition affecting approximately 1% of monochorionic twin pregnancies and 1 in 35,000 pregnancies overall. An apparently normal (pump) twin perfuses its severely malformed cotwin with deoxygenated blood via retrograde flow in direct arterioarterial anastomoses between the umbilical arteries of each twin. Fetal intestinal volvulus is a rare condition usually manifesting after birth. We report a unique case of twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence in association with intestinal volvulus in the surviving pump twin. Case presentation: A 32-year-old Hispanic primigravida was referred to our clinic after a fetoscopy procedure of laser photocoagulation of anastomoses at 18 weeks of gestation. Follow up scans in the ex-pump twin revealed dilated bowel loops and a typical “whirlpool sign” at 26 weeks of gestation, and intrauterine intestinal volvulus was suspected. At 29 weeks of gestation, preterm premature rupture of membranes occurred, and an emergency cesarean section was performed. The newborn was diagnosed in the early neonatal period with intestinal perforation. The diagnosis was postnatally confirmed by surgery and histopathology. Conclusions: The type of fetal intervention and late gestational age of the procedure increase the risk of complications. This case alerts health providers to be vigilant in the follow-up of patients with complicated monochorionic pregnancie
Asociación entre cognición y depresión en adultos mayores panameños con cognición normal y deterioro cognitivo leve
Depression and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the elderly are related to the development of different types of dementia and decreased functionality. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 73 Panamanian older adults aged 65 years or older, from the cohort of the PanamaAgingResearch Initiative (PARI). Health status and functionality were measured in activities of daily living. Cognitive functioning was measured with neuropsychological tests whose scores were combined to form six domains: global cognition, memory, language, visuospatial skills, attention, and executive functions. To measure depressive symptoms, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30) was used. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed comparing subjects with and without possible depression for each cognitive domain, in subjects with MCI and normal cognition (NC) and controlling for the variables of age and education. Significant differences were found between the groups, the group with possible depression and MCI had lower scores compared to the other groups in global cognition. Two linear regression analyzes were performed to determine the factors associated with cognitive performance in each diagnostic group individually. In the NC group, education was a significant predictor of performance in the cognitive domains, while in the MCI it was found that age, education, depression and body mass index (BMI) were related to lower cognitive performance. , depression predicted poor performance in the cognitive domains of executive functions and attention. These results could contribute to the development of health policies aimed at older adults, and to specialized prevention and intervention efforts focused on minimizing disability and its mediators.La depresión y el deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL)en el adulto mayorestánrelacionadoscon el desarrollo de distintos tipos de demencia y disminución en la funcionalidad. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 73adultos mayores panameños de 65 años o más, de la cohorte del PanamaAgingResearchInitiative (PARI). Se midió estado de salud y funcionalidad en las actividades de la vida diaria. El funcionamiento cognitivo fue medido con pruebas neuropsicológicas cuyos puntajes se combinaron para formar seis dominios: cognición global, memoria, lenguaje, habilidades visuoespaciales, atención y funciones ejecutivas. Para medir síntomas depresivos se utilizó la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica (GDS-30). Se realizó un análisis de covarianza (ANCOVA) comparando sujetos con y sin posible depresión para cada dominio cognitivo, en sujetos con DCL y cognición normal (CN)y controlando por las variables de edad y escolaridad. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos, el grupo con posible depresión y DCL tenía menores puntuaciones en comparación con los otros grupos en cognición global. Se realizaron dos análisis de regresión lineal para determinar los factores asociados con el desempeño cognitivo en cada grupo diagnóstico individualmente. En el grupo CN la escolaridad fue un predictor significativo del desempeño en los dominios cognitivos, mientras queen el DCL se encontróque la edad,la educación,la depresión y elíndice de masa corporal (IMC) estaban relacionados con menor desempeñocognitivo.En el grupo de DCL, depresión predijo bajo desempeño en los dominios cognitivos de funciones ejecutivas y atención. Estos resultados podrían aportar al desarrollo depolíticas de salud dirigidas a adultos mayores, y a esfuerzos especializados de prevención e intervención enfocados enminimizar la discapacidad y sus mediadores
The effects of impaired cerebral circulation on Alzheimer's disease pathology: evidence from animal studies.
Persistent systemic hypoxia, a direct consequence of alterations in vascular function, can compromise the brain by
increasing the risk of developing dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment
and AD in aged individuals are common, and several vascular risk factors for AD are linked to hypoxia. Clinical evidence
confirms that structural and functional changes characteristic of AD pathology also occur following hypoxic-ischemic events
such as stroke and traumatic brain injury. Studies with transgenic and non-transgenic mouse models reliably show that hypoxia
increases the levels of amyloid- peptides that form the characteristic plaques in AD brains. Moreover, some studies suggest that
vascular lesions also promote tau phosphorylation, modulate apolipoprotein E expression, and have more profound in effects in
aged animals, but additional evidence is needed to establish these findings. Although the mechanisms underlying hypoxia-related
effects remain unclear, controlled animal studies continue to reveal mechanistic aspects of the relationship between hypoxia and
AD pathology that are necessary for therapeutic developments. The present review summarizes evidence from rodent studies
regarding the effects of hypoxia on AD-related pathology and evaluates its impact on understanding human disease.Persistent systemic hypoxia, a direct consequence of alterations in vascular function, can compromise the brain by
increasing the risk of developing dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment
and AD in aged individuals are common, and several vascular risk factors for AD are linked to hypoxia. Clinical evidence
confirms that structural and functional changes characteristic of AD pathology also occur following hypoxic-ischemic events
such as stroke and traumatic brain injury. Studies with transgenic and non-transgenic mouse models reliably show that hypoxia
increases the levels of amyloid- peptides that form the characteristic plaques in AD brains. Moreover, some studies suggest that
vascular lesions also promote tau phosphorylation, modulate apolipoprotein E expression, and have more profound in effects in
aged animals, but additional evidence is needed to establish these findings. Although the mechanisms underlying hypoxia-related
effects remain unclear, controlled animal studies continue to reveal mechanistic aspects of the relationship between hypoxia and
AD pathology that are necessary for therapeutic developments. The present review summarizes evidence from rodent studies
regarding the effects of hypoxia on AD-related pathology and evaluates its impact on understanding human disease
Relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico en una muestra de escolares
In the last decade, the integration between neuroscience and education has contributed to the understanding and improvement of the educational system, in addition, there has been an interest in the study of executive functions and the academic performance of students. Executive functions are a multimodal system that coordinate higher mental processes. Research with a child population has emphasized the relationship between executive functions and cognitive abilities, literacy skills, and mathematical skills. It has been reported that alterations in executive functions could lead to poor academic performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between executive functions and academic performance in a sample of schoolchildren.Materials and method: A correlational descriptive study was carried out with 34 students, to whom the ENFEN test was applied and the average of the first and second quarter grades of the school year as a value to measure academic achievement. Data were analyzed with Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: It was found that the performance of most of the students in the ENFEN test was low and medium, while the academic performance of the participants was medium and high. No significant correlations were found between performance on the ENFEN and academic performance. Conclusions: The results found were opposite to what was proposed by the literature, which would lead to propose a review by the educational system to the evaluation of the cognitive and academic capacities of the students. Increasing the sample size and the use of other research designs are recommended in future studies.En la última década, la integración entre las neurociencias y la educación hacontribuido a la comprensión y mejoramiento del sistema educativo, además, se ha mostrado un interés en el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Las funciones ejecutivas son un sistema multimodal que coordinan procesos mentales superiores. Las investigaciones con población infantil han enfatizado la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y las capacidades cognitivas, habilidades en lectoescritura y competencias matemáticas. Se ha reportado que alteracionesen las funciones ejecutivas podría llevar a un bajo rendimiento académico. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico en una muestra de escolares.Materiales y método:Se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional con 34 estudiantes, a los cuales se les aplicó la prueba ENFEN y se tomó el promedio de las notas del primer y segundo trimestre del año escolarcomo valor para medir rendimiento académico.Los datos se analizaron con el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados:Se encontró que el desempeño de la mayoría de los estudiantes en la prueba ENFEN fue bajo y medio, mientras el rendimiento académicode los participantesfue medio y alto. No se encontraron correlaciones significativasentre la ejecución en el ENFEN y el rendimiento académico. Conclusiones:Los resultados encontrados fueron opuestos a lo planteado por la literatura, lo que conllevaría a plantear una revisión por parte del sistema educativo a la evaluación de las capacidades cognitivasy académicasde los estudiantes. Se recomienda aumentar el tamaño de la muestra y el uso de otros diseños de investigaciónen estudios futuros
Inflammatory Biomarkers, Depressive Symptoms and Falls Among the elderly in Panama
Background: Falls are common among elderly adults, and are predictors of hospitalization, institutionalization and mortality. Objective: The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between blood-based markers of inflammation and fall events in a sample of elderly Hispanic adults. Method: Data were collected from 190 participants enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative study who completed baseline clinical and cognitive assessments. A non-fasting blood sample was obtained. Self-reported falls were classified as no falls, single falls or recurrent (two or more) falls reported in the 12 months prior to baseline evaluations. Serum levels of C Reactive Protein (CRP), T-lymphocyte secreting protein (I-309), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 7 (IL-7) were measured. Global cognition was assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30). Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the link between inflammation and fall events. Results: Depressive symptoms, limitations in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), IL-7 and I-309 were significantly related to fall events. Elevated levels of IL-7 increased the likelihood of single and recurrent falls, while increased levels of I-309 were associated only with recurrent falls. Greater IADL limitations and depressive symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood of recurrent falls. Conclusion: There is a lack of research investigating the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and fall events. These results provide evidence of risk factors for falls in Hispanic older adults, and could serve to guide public health professionals to establish clinical guidelines to reduce fall risks.Background: Falls are common among elderly adults, and are predictors of hospitalization, institutionalization and mortality. Objective: The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between blood-based markers of inflammation and fall events in a sample of elderly Hispanic adults. Method: Data were collected from 190 participants enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative study who completed baseline clinical and cognitive assessments. A non-fasting blood sample was obtained. Self-reported falls were classified as no falls, single falls or recurrent (two or more) falls reported in the 12 months prior to baseline evaluations. Serum levels of C Reactive Protein (CRP), T-lymphocyte secreting protein (I-309), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 7 (IL-7) were measured. Global cognition was assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30). Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the link between inflammation and fall events. Results: Depressive symptoms, limitations in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), IL-7 and I-309 were significantly related to fall events. Elevated levels of IL-7 increased the likelihood of single and recurrent falls, while increased levels of I-309 were associated only with recurrent falls. Greater IADL limitations and depressive symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood of recurrent falls. Conclusion: There is a lack of research investigating the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and fall events. These results provide evidence of risk factors for falls in Hispanic older adults, and could serve to guide public health professionals to establish clinical guidelines to reduce fall risks
Predictors of cognitive change in cognitively healthy older women in Panama: the PARI-HD study
BackgroundEvidence suggests that a combination of biological and social factors influence risk of dementia differently for women and men. In healthy older women, several factors may contribute to changes in cognition.ObjectiveDescribe the characteristics associated with variation in cognition in a sample of cognitively healthy older Panamanian women.MethodsThe study includes cross-sectional analyses of cognitive domains at baseline (n = 357) and 17-month (SD = 2.0) follow-up (n = 200) for women aged 60 years and older enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative-Health Disparities (PARI-HD) study. Instruments included clinical questionnaires, physiological measures, and a neuropsychological test battery assessing global cognition and seven cognitive domains. Multiple regression analyses examined the associations between demographic and clinical characteristics and cognition at baseline. Repeated measures analyses were used to investigate changes in cognition from baseline to follow-up.ResultsOn average, participants were 68.6 years of age (SD = 5.9) with 16.1 years of education (SD = 4.7). Age, income, and education showed robust associations with baseline cognition. Subjective cognitive impairment was associated with lower performance in global cognition, verbal learning, and memory domains. Only performance in the attention domain decreased at follow-up, and subjective health state and depressive symptoms significantly predicted the change in attention.DiscussionOur study findings contribute to the investigation of cognitive health in older Hispanic women and to the understanding of sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with cognitive decline and the progression to cognitive impairment and dementia
Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17
Background: Universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities is an essential human right, recognised in the Sustainable Development Goals as crucial for preventing disease and improving human wellbeing. Comprehensive, high-resolution estimates are important to inform progress towards achieving this goal. We aimed to produce high-resolution geospatial estimates of access to drinking water and sanitation facilities. Methods: We used a Bayesian geostatistical model and data from 600 sources across more than 88 low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) to estimate access to drinking water and sanitation facilities on continuous continent-wide surfaces from 2000 to 2017, and aggregated results to policy-relevant administrative units. We estimated mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive subcategories of facilities for drinking water (piped water on or off premises, other improved facilities, unimproved, and surface water) and sanitation facilities (septic or sewer sanitation, other improved, unimproved, and open defecation) with use of ordinal regression. We also estimated the number of diarrhoeal deaths in children younger than 5 years attributed to unsafe facilities and estimated deaths that were averted by increased access to safe facilities in 2017, and analysed geographical inequality in access within LMICs. Findings: Across LMICs, access to both piped water and improved water overall increased between 2000 and 2017, with progress varying spatially. For piped water, the safest water facility type, access increased from 40·0% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 39·4–40·7) to 50·3% (50·0–50·5), but was lowest in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to piped water was mostly concentrated in urban centres. Access to both sewer or septic sanitation and improved sanitation overall also increased across all LMICs during the study period. For sewer or septic sanitation, access was 46·3% (95% UI 46·1–46·5) in 2017, compared with 28·7% (28·5–29·0) in 2000. Although some units improved access to the safest drinking water or sanitation facilities since 2000, a large absolute number of people continued to not have access in several units with high access to such facilities (>80%) in 2017. More than 253 000 people did not have access to sewer or septic sanitation facilities in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe, despite 88·6% (95% UI 87·2–89·7) access overall. Many units were able to transition from the least safe facilities in 2000 to safe facilities by 2017; for units in which populations primarily practised open defecation in 2000, 686 (95% UI 664–711) of the 1830 (1797–1863) units transitioned to the use of improved sanitation. Geographical disparities in access to improved water across units decreased in 76·1% (95% UI 71·6–80·7) of countries from 2000 to 2017, and in 53·9% (50·6–59·6) of countries for access to improved sanitation, but remained evident subnationally in most countries in 2017. Interpretation: Our estimates, combined with geospatial trends in diarrhoeal burden, identify where efforts to increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are most needed. By highlighting areas with successful approaches or in need of targeted interventions, our estimates can enable precision public health to effectively progress towards universal access to safe water and sanitation
Mapping child growth failure across low- and middle-income countries
Child growth failure (CGF), manifested as stunting, wasting, and underweight, is associated with high 5 mortality and increased risks of cognitive, physical, and metabolic impairments. Children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) face the highest levels of CGF globally. Here we illustrate national and subnational variation of under-5 CGF indicators across LMICs, providing 2000–2017 annual estimates mapped at a high spatial resolution and aggregated to policy-relevant administrative units and national levels. Despite remarkable declines over the study period, many LMICs remain far from the World Health 10 Organization’s ambitious Global Nutrition Targets to reduce stunting by 40% and wasting to less than 5% by 2025. Large disparities in prevalence and rates of progress exist across regions, countries, and within countries; our maps identify areas where high prevalence persists even within nations otherwise succeeding in reducing overall CGF prevalence. By highlighting where subnational disparities exist and the highest-need populations reside, these geospatial estimates can support policy-makers in planning locally 15 tailored interventions and efficient directing of resources to accelerate progress in reducing CGF and its health implications
Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017
Since 2000, many countries have achieved considerable success in improving child survival, but localized progress remains unclear. To inform efforts towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.2—to end preventable child deaths by 2030—we need consistently estimated data at the subnational level regarding child mortality rates and trends. Here we quantified, for the period 2000–2017, the subnational variation in mortality rates and number of deaths of neonates, infants and children under 5 years of age within 99 low- and middle-income countries using a geostatistical survival model. We estimated that 32% of children under 5 in these countries lived in districts that had attained rates of 25 or fewer child deaths per 1,000 live births by 2017, and that 58% of child deaths between 2000 and 2017 in these countries could have been averted in the absence of geographical inequality. This study enables the identification of high-mortality clusters, patterns of progress and geographical inequalities to inform appropriate investments and implementations that will help to improve the health of all populations
Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: A systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
Background A key component of achieving universal health coverage is ensuring that all populations have access to
quality health care. Examining where gains have occurred or progress has faltered across and within countries is
crucial to guiding decisions and strategies for future improvement. We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries,
and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) to assess personal health-care access and quality with the Healthcare Access
and Quality (HAQ) Index for 195 countries and territories, as well as subnational locations in seven countries, from
1990 to 2016.
Methods Drawing from established methods and updated estimates from GBD 2016, we used 32 causes from which
death should not occur in the presence of effective care to approximate personal health-care access and quality by
location and over time. To better isolate potential effects of personal health-care access and quality from underlying
risk factor patterns, we risk-standardised cause-specific deaths due to non-cancers by location-year, replacing the local
joint exposure of environmental and behavioural risks with the global level of exposure. Supported by the expansion
of cancer registry data in GBD 2016, we used mortality-to-incidence ratios for cancers instead of risk-standardised
death rates to provide a stronger signal of the effects of personal health care and access on cancer survival. We
transformed each cause to a scale of 0–100, with 0 as the first percentile (worst) observed between 1990 and 2016, and
100 as the 99th percentile (best); we set these thresholds at the country level, and then applied them to subnational
locations. We applied a principal components analysis to construct the HAQ Index using all scaled cause values,
providing an overall score of 0–100 of personal health-care access and quality by location over time. We then compared
HAQ Index levels and trends by quintiles on the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary measure of overall
development. As derived from the broader GBD study and other data sources, we examined relationships between
national HAQ Index scores and potential correlates of performance, such as total health spending per capita.
Findings In 2016, HAQ Index performance spanned from a high of 97·1 (95% UI 95·8–98·1) in Iceland, followed by
96·6 (94·9–97·9) in Norway and 96·1 (94·5–97·3) in the Netherlands, to values as low as 18·6 (13·1–24·4) in
the Central African Republic, 19·0 (14·3–23·7) in Somalia, and 23·4 (20·2–26·8) in Guinea-Bissau. The pace of
progress achieved between 1990 and 2016 varied, with markedly faster improvements occurring between 2000 and
2016 for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia, whereas several countries in Latin America and
elsewhere saw progress stagnate after experiencing considerable advances in the HAQ Index between 1990 and 2000.
Striking subnational disparities emerged in personal health-care access and quality, with China and India having
particularly large gaps between locations with the highest and lowest scores in 2016. In China, performance ranged
from 91·5 (89·1–93·6) in Beijing to 48·0 (43·4–53·2) in Tibet (a 43·5-point difference), while India saw a 30·8-point
disparity, from 64·8 (59·6–68·8) in Goa to 34·0 (30·3–38·1) in Assam. Japan recorded the smallest range in
subnational HAQ performance in 2016 (a 4·8-point difference), whereas differences between subnational locations
with the highest and lowest HAQ Index values were more than two times as high for the USA and three times as high
for England. State-level gaps in the HAQ Index in Mexico somewhat narrowed from 1990 to 2016 (from a 20·9-point
to 17·0-point difference), whereas in Brazil, disparities slightly increased across states during this time (a 17·2-point
to 20·4-point difference). Performance on the HAQ Index showed strong linkages to overall development, with high
and high-middle SDI countries generally having higher scores and faster gains for non-communicable diseases.
Nonetheless, countries across the development spectrum saw substantial gains in some key health service areas from
2000 to 2016, most notably vaccine-preventable diseases. Overall, national performance on the HAQ Index was
positively associated with higher levels of total health spending per capita, as well as health systems inputs, but these
relationships were quite heterogeneous, particularly among low-to-middle SDI countries.
Interpretation GBD 2016 provides a more detailed understanding of past success and current challenges in improving
personal health-care access and quality worldwide. Despite substantial gains since 2000, many low-SDI and middle-
SDI countries face considerable challenges unless heightened policy action and investments focus on advancing access to and quality of health care across key health services, especially non-communicable diseases. Stagnating or
minimal improvements experienced by several low-middle to high-middle SDI countries could reflect the complexities
of re-orienting both primary and secondary health-care services beyond the more limited foci of the Millennium
Development Goals. Alongside initiatives to strengthen public health programmes, the pursuit of universal health
coverage hinges upon improving both access and quality worldwide, and thus requires adopting a more comprehensive
view—and subsequent provision—of quality health care for all populations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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