50 research outputs found

    Case report: Canine distemper virus infection as a cause of central nervous system disease in a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx)

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    The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) represents an endangered species with only small populations remaining in Central Europe. Knowledge about the threat posed by potential infectious agents to these animals is crucial for informing ongoing protection measures. Canine distemper virus (CDV) is known to have a wide host range with infection reported in many mammalian species including several lynx species (Lynx pardinus, Lynx canadensis, Lynx rufus), but is an extremely rare finding in the Eurasian lynx. The present report describes a case of a Eurasian lynx showing central nervous signs, including apathy and ataxia. A CT scan revealed multiple hypodense areas in different localizations within the brain as well as enlarged liquid filled areas, leading to the suspicion of a degenerative process. Due to clinical deterioration, the animal was euthanized and submitted for macroscopical and histological investigations. Histological investigations revealed multifocal demyelinations in the cerebellum, brain stem and cervical spinal cord as well as a multifocal, perivascular, lymphohistiocytic meningoencephalitis. A CDV infection was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analyses. This CDV infection of a Eurasian lynx resembles a classical chronic manifestation of distemper in dogs and highlights the threat posed by canine distemper to this species

    Gothic Revival Architecture Before Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill

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    The Gothic Revival is generally considered to have begun in eighteenth-century Britain with the construction of Horace Walpole’s villa, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, in the late 1740s. As this chapter demonstrates, however, Strawberry Hill is in no way the first building, domestic or otherwise, to have recreated, even superficially, some aspect of the form and ornamental style of medieval architecture. Earlier architects who, albeit often combining it with Classicism, worked in the Gothic style include Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor, William Kent and Batty Langley, aspects of whose works are explored here. While not an exhaustive survey of pre-1750 Gothic Revival design, the examples considered in this chapter reveal how seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Gothic emerged and evolved over the course of different architects’ careers, and how, by the time that Walpole came to create his own Gothic ‘castle’, there was already in existence in Britain a sustained Gothic Revivalist tradition

    Entwicklung eines Konzeptes fĂŒr die Improvisationsmethodik zur Sprache - im Rahmen der Eurythmieausbildungim

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    Meiner langjĂ€hrigen Erfahrung nach werden ImprovisationsĂŒbungen in den meisten Eurythmieausbildungen praktiziert, aber kaum als Unterrichtsmethode reflektiert. Um den kollegialen Austausch darĂŒber und die Weiterentwicklung dieser Methodik im Kontext der Eurythmieausbildung zu unterstĂŒtzen, möchte ich deshalb in dieser Disser-tation geeignete Beobachtungskriterien formulieren, die helfen, den Prozess eurythmi-scher Improvisationen besser zu verstehen. Methodisch habe ich diese Untersuchung anhand einer Fallstudie durchgefĂŒhrt, die die Anleitungsmethoden von lauteurythmi-schen Improvisationen des ersten Studienjahres reflektiert und auswertet. Um das Wissen und die Erfahrungen der Fachwelt mit einzubeziehen, wurden die erhobenen Praxisdaten insbesondere anhand der relevanten Fachliteratur aus Tanz und Theater untersucht, da bislang keine Literatur zu eurythmischer Improvisation vorliegt. Auf diese Weise konnten so zwei Improvisationstypen mit unterschiedlicher Methodik unterschieden werden, von denen eine den Zielsetzungen der untersuchten Improvisa-tionen zugeordnet werden konnte. Die Untersuchung der Praxis zeigte aber, dass wirk-lich improvisatorische Momente besonders da entstanden, wo auch die Methodik des komplementĂ€ren Improvisationstyps verwendet wurde. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse bestĂ€tigten außerdem, dass die in der Literaturrecherche formulierten Gesichtspunkte zur Beobachtungshilfe und Methodenwahl auch fĂŒr eurythmische Improvisationen relevant sind. Es konnten aber auch spezifisch eurythmische Improvisationsmethoden und Gesichtspunkte identifiziert werden.Faculty of Educatio

    Heimat in der Globalisierung - Heimat in der Schweiz

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    Taking Max Frisch?s speech Was ist Heimat? as a starting point, this contribution investigates in a first more general part, how our understanding of Heimat changes under the conditions of globalisation. Drawing on recent work especially on the cultural effects of globalisation, it asks in particular how the relationship between place, territory and cultural identity is affected and how this in turn affects the concept of Heimat, as it is so closely linked to notions of place and belonging. In doing so it looks also at the important nostalgic and imaginary components of Heimat. It then asks how an active concept of Heimat could look like that would overcome its inherent mechanisms of othering and exclusion and would be more comaptible with models of hybrid identities. This would be a concept of Heimat more adaptable to the challenges of globalisation than the historic ones with their strong emphasis on continuity, homgeneity and settledness. In a second part these ideas are tested and concretised by looking at texts from two very different Swiss authors. Thomas H?rlimann?s essayistic reflections about the changes globalisation has brought upon his hometown Zug articulate an insightful and sharp critique of globalisation, which observes the loss of Heimat on the temporal axis of a lived life. In doing so H?rlimann relates in a convincing way economic, societal and cultural processes. Melinda Nadj Abonji?s autobiographical novel Tauben fliegen auf negotiates difficult and painful processes of loosing once Heimat and of actively working to gaining a new one under the conditions of increased mobility and migration. It is doing so by tracing the transitory movements of its first-person narrator and protagonist between her original Serbian Heimat in the Vojvodina and the Zurich of the so called goldcoast and by reflecting on them

    Die Krankheiten des Uhus (Bubo bubo) und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Wiedereinbuergerung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    Available from: Zentralstelle fuer Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI), Villichgasse 17, D-53177 Bonn / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Trinity Education Project Closure Report. September 2020

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    The Trinity Education Project (TEP) has been an ambitious project, articulated as one of the goals of the University?s Strategic Plan 2014-2019: to renew the Trinity Education. This Project Closure Report follows on from the Interim Reports provided to Council in June 2016 and September 2018. It sets out the background and original definition of TEP; its performance and outcomes; any unrealised or outstanding outputs; and the lessons that have been learned from delivering TEP

    Airplanes P.3

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    W.W. Barkhoff, photo. Mail plane leaving Salt Lake City at dawn. Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce, donor

    Strategic Plan 2020-2025

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    Taken from the Provost\u27s introduction to the Strategic Plan "This Strategic Plan will shape the future of this university to benefit Irish society and the wider world. The plan?s title, ?Community and Connection?, reflects our conviction that, in an increasingly interdependent world, we need to work together more intensely and in new ways to address the formidable challenges facing us.