501 research outputs found
O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar o papel das couraças como indicador da evolução do relevo, principalmente no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento da rede de drenagem. As couraças ferruginosas teriam sido formadas concomitantemente às depressões fechadas, e com o rebaixamento do nível de base foram expostas. Atualmente, a maioria das couraças observadas está em áreas de depressões que foram capturadas pela rede de drenagem, constituindo-se como registros da evolução do relevo
Multicriteria power engineering problems and fuzzy set based methods of their solution
The results of research into the use of models and methods of multicriteria decision making in a fuzzy environment for solving power engineering problems are presented. Two general classes of models related to multiobjective ( models) and multiattribute ( models) problems as well as methods of their analysis based on the application of the Bellman-Zadeh approach to decision making in a fuzzy environment and techniques of fuzzy preference modeling, respectively, are briefly considered. A review of the authors’ results associated with the application of these models and methods for solving diverse types of problems of power system and subsystems planning, operation, and control is presented. The recent results on the use of and models and methods of their analysis for the allocation of reactive power sources in distribution systems and for the prioritization in maintenance planning in distribution systems, respectively, are considered.Наведено результати щодо досліджень використання моделей та методів багатокритеріального прийняття рішень в нечіткому середовищі при розв'язанні задач електроенергетичного спрямування. Розглянуто два класи моделей, які належать до багатоцільових ( модель) та багатоатрибутних ( модель) задач, а також методи їхнього аналізу, що засновані як на використанні підхода Беллмана-Заде до прийняття рішень у нечіткому середовищі, так і на техніці, пов'язаній з визначенням нечітких переваг. Представлено огляд результатів, які отримано авторами при використанні вказаних моделей та методів для вирішення задач проектування та управління роботою енергетичних систем і підсистем. Останні результати, пов'язані з використанням і моделей та методів їхнього аналізу, належать до задач роз- поділу джерел реактивної потужності у розподільних мережах та визначення пріоритетів при плануванні їхнього обслуговування.Представлены результаты исследований по использованию моделей и методов многокритериального принятия решений в нечеткой среде при решении задач электроэнергетического характера. При этом рассматривается два класса моделей, относящихся к многоцелевым (модель) и многоатрибутным (модель) задачам, а также методы их анализа, основанные как на использовании подхода Беллмана-Заде к принятию решений в нечеткой среде, так и технике, связанной с определением нечетких предпочтений. Представлен обзор результатов, полученных авторами при использовании указанных моделей и методов для решения различных задач, связанных с проектированием и управлением работой энергетических систем и подсистем. Последние результаты, связанные с применением и моделей и методов их анализа, относятся к задачам распределения источников реактивной мощности в распределительных сетях и определения приоритетов при планировании их обслуживания
Reserve size, dispersal and population viability in wide ranging carnivores : the case of jaguars in Emas National Park, Brazil
Protected areas may be important refuges for large carnivores, but many are not large enough to sustain viable populations. Without sufficient dispersal between protected areas, large carnivore populations inside them are at risk of becoming genetically isolated and demographically vulnerable. In this study, we use the jaguar population in and around Emas National Park in the Brazilian Cerrado as a case study to evaluate the demographic sustainability of a large carnivore population within a small and potentially isolated protected area. We used camera trapping data and spatially explicit capture‐recapture models to estimate density and corresponding population size of jaguars in Emas National Park. We then used a matrix‐based age and sex structured stochastic population model to evaluate the demographic viability of jaguar populations across a range of population sizes, including those estimated for Emas. We detected 10 individual jaguars during our survey with a total of 74 detections. Our density estimation became unbiased using a buffer width of 30 km and produced a density of 0.17 jaguars per 100 km2. The estimated population sizes of 10–60 animals suffered extinction risks of 70–90% without net immigration. However, only a low number of immigrants were required to suppress extinction risk towards zero. Our density estimate for jaguars was lower than in previous studies, and our simulations suggested that this population may have a substantial extinction risk. Ensuring dispersal and connectivity outside of protected areas, through the implementation of habitat corridors, can greatly reduce this extinction risk, and we suggest that this scenario is potentially applicable to many other large carnivore populations.Supplementary material: Table S1. Parameters used for the PVA models, including their sources. Appendix S1. Pseudo code for an age and sex structured matrix based population viability model using the R language.Memphis Zoo; Ramón y Cajal fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Liverpool John Moores University.https://zslpublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14691795hj2021Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog
Dimensão econômica de sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária
Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) têm sido propostos como solução tecnológica para atender critérios de sustentabilidade, mas tal assertiva tem-se baseado principalmente em indicadores agronômicos e ambientais. Neste trabalho, explorou-se a perspectiva econômica da ILP. Os benefícios econômicos potenciais desses sistemas podem refletir-se em economia de escopo (diminuição do custo, em razão da produção de múltiplos produtos) ou nos efeitos de redução de risco pela diversificação. Além disso, eles podem envolver menor variabilidade produtiva e maior produtividade. A mensuração acurada das interações entre os componentes lavoura e animal (pastagem) é etapa-chave a ser perseguida. A tomada de decisão em prol de sistemas diversificados vis-à-vis sistemas especializados deve ser feita de acordo com os preços relativos. A ILP compete com sistemas especializados de pecuária, mas não apresenta taxas de retorno competitivas em comparação a sistemas especializados com soja. A elevada demanda por capital da ILP, particularmente para a aquisição de animais em recria para a engorda, explica as menores taxas de retorno da ILP e é vista como uma das principais restrições para a ampla adoção de sistemas mistos. O desenho de mecanismos de financiamento inovadores será essencial para promover e acelerar a adoção em larga escala da tecnologia
Stomatal behavior and components of the antioxidative system in coffee plants under water stress
Coffee (Coffea arabica) plants show a positive relationship between stomatal closure and formation and accumulation of H2O2. However, for coffee plants under water restriction such relationship has never been studied. The objective of the present study was evaluate the stomatal movement and the antioxidant capacity of coffee seedlings under different water regimes. Eight months old coffee seedlings of cv. Catuaí IAC 99 were submitted to field capacity, gradual and total suspension of irrigation during a period of 21 days. Evaluations of leaf water potential (Ψw) were performed in the beginning of the morning, and stomatal resistance, transpiration rate and vapor pressure deficit were determined at 10 am and 5 pm. All biochemical and enzymatic determinations were performed in leaves collected at 5 pm. Evaluations and samplings were performed at three days intervals. There was no variation in Ψw during the evaluated period for plants in field capacity. However, an expressive decrease of Ψw following day 12, reaching values near -2.5 MPa at the end of the experiment was observed for plants submitted to gradual suspension of irrigation. For plants submitted to total suspension of irrigation, Ψw decreases after the sixth day, reaching -2.5 MPa at day 15. The decay of Ψw in plants submitted to gradual and total suspension of irrigation reflected in increased stomatal resistance and in a decreased transpiration rate leading to an increase in hydrogen peroxide formation and, on final stages, increase in lipid peroxidation. As a conclusion, an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes as well as in the levels of ascorbate and dehydroascorbate was observed, which act in the detoxification of free radicals formed as result of the water stress.Para o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica) existe uma comprovada relação positiva entre fechamento estomático e formação e acúmulo de H2O2. Entretanto, tal relação para a cultura sob restrição hídrica ainda não foi estudada. Avaliou-se o movimento estomático e a capacidade antioxidante em mudas de cafeeiro sob diferentes regimes hídricos. Mudas de cafeeiro cv. Catuaí IAC 99, com oito meses de idade, foram submetidas à capacidade de campo, suspensão gradativa e suspensão total da irrigação por um período de 21 dias. Foram realizadas avaliações do potencial hídrico (Ψw) foliar na antemanhã e resistência estomática, taxa transpiratória e déficit de pressão de vapor foram avaliados as 10h00 e 17h00. As determinações bioquímicas e enzimáticas foram realizadas em folhas coletadas às 17h00. Todas as avaliações e coletas foram realizadas em intervalos de três dias. Nas plantas em capacidade de campo não houve variação no Ψw durante o período de avaliação. Para a suspensão gradativa da irrigação, houve queda expressiva a partir dos 12 dias, chegando próximo a -2,5 Mpa, ao final do experimento. Já nas plantas em suspensão total da irrigação observou-se queda no Ψw a partir do sexto dia, chegando a -2,5 MPa aos 15 dias. A queda no Ψw para as plantas em suspensão gradual e total da irrigação refletiu em aumentos na resistência estomática e diminuição da taxa transpiratória, ocasionando aumento na formação de peróxido de hidrogênio e nos períodos finais, aumentos na peroxidação de lipídios. Em conseqüência obervaram-se aumentos na atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, bem como nos teores de ascorbato e dehidroascorbato, atuando na detoxificação dos radicais livres formados em função do estresse
Search for a W' boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Results are presented from a search for a W' boson using a dataset
corresponding to 5.0 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity collected
during 2011 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV.
The W' boson is modeled as a heavy W boson, but different scenarios for the
couplings to fermions are considered, involving both left-handed and
right-handed chiral projections of the fermions, as well as an arbitrary
mixture of the two. The search is performed in the decay channel W' to t b,
leading to a final state signature with a single lepton (e, mu), missing
transverse energy, and jets, at least one of which is tagged as a b-jet. A W'
boson that couples to fermions with the same coupling constant as the W, but to
the right-handed rather than left-handed chiral projections, is excluded for
masses below 1.85 TeV at the 95% confidence level. For the first time using LHC
data, constraints on the W' gauge coupling for a set of left- and right-handed
coupling combinations have been placed. These results represent a significant
improvement over previously published limits.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters B. Replaced with version publishe
Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two photons in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV
A search for a Higgs boson decaying into two photons is described. The
analysis is performed using a dataset recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC
from pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, which corresponds to an
integrated luminosity of 4.8 inverse femtobarns. Limits are set on the cross
section of the standard model Higgs boson decaying to two photons. The expected
exclusion limit at 95% confidence level is between 1.4 and 2.4 times the
standard model cross section in the mass range between 110 and 150 GeV. The
analysis of the data excludes, at 95% confidence level, the standard model
Higgs boson decaying into two photons in the mass range 128 to 132 GeV. The
largest excess of events above the expected standard model background is
observed for a Higgs boson mass hypothesis of 124 GeV with a local significance
of 3.1 sigma. The global significance of observing an excess with a local
significance greater than 3.1 sigma anywhere in the search range 110-150 GeV is
estimated to be 1.8 sigma. More data are required to ascertain the origin of
this excess.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters
Measurement of the Lambda(b) cross section and the anti-Lambda(b) to Lambda(b) ratio with Lambda(b) to J/Psi Lambda decays in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
The Lambda(b) differential production cross section and the cross section
ratio anti-Lambda(b)/Lambda(b) are measured as functions of transverse momentum
pt(Lambda(b)) and rapidity abs(y(Lambda(b))) in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7
TeV using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The measurements are
based on Lambda(b) decays reconstructed in the exclusive final state J/Psi
Lambda, with the subsequent decays J/Psi to an opposite-sign muon pair and
Lambda to proton pion, using a data sample corresponding to an integrated
luminosity of 1.9 inverse femtobarns. The product of the cross section times
the branching ratio for Lambda(b) to J/Psi Lambda versus pt(Lambda(b)) falls
faster than that of b mesons. The measured value of the cross section times the
branching ratio for pt(Lambda(b)) > 10 GeV and abs(y(Lambda(b))) < 2.0 is 1.06
+/- 0.06 +/- 0.12 nb, and the integrated cross section ratio for
anti-Lambda(b)/Lambda(b) is 1.02 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.09, where the uncertainties are
statistical and systematic, respectively.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters
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