43 research outputs found

    Landskapsarkitekten och kommunikationen

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    Att arbeta som landskapsarkitekt innebĂ€r att möta mĂ„nga olika mĂ€nniskor med olika önskemĂ„l och krav. Det innebĂ€r att arbeta problemlösningsbaserat, platsorienterat, och som detta arbete vill belysa, med en medveten kommunikativ instĂ€llning gentemot alla de olika aktörer som man samverkar med. Jag menar att det goda resultatet i stadsutvecklings- och stadsbyggnadsprocesser ligger i den dialog och det gemensamma lĂ€rande som uppstĂ„r vid en positiv samverkan mellan alla involverade aktörer. Fokus ligger pĂ„ det gemensamma arbetet och en god samverkansprocess pĂ„ vĂ€g fram till mĂ„let, snarare Ă€n pĂ„ sjĂ€lva mĂ„let. Syftet med detta examensarbete Ă€r att belysa, undersöka, samt frĂ€mja ett fortsatt arbete med och en ökad medvetenhet om, kommunikationens betydelse, tillĂ€mpning och resultatpĂ„verkan inom landskapsarkitekturen. Den typ av kommunikation som frĂ€mst behandlas i detta arbete Ă€r den som kan kategoriseras kring det fysiska mötet. Det vill sĂ€ga den kommunikation som uppstĂ„r i mötet mellan mĂ€nniskor och det vĂ€xelspel som Ă€ger rum nĂ€r de olika parterna delger och tar del av varandras perspektiv för att tillsammans vinna gemensam kunskap. Den ensidiga överföring av information som ibland felaktigt benĂ€mns som kommunikation tas hĂ€r endast upp som förmedling eller information. I examensarbetet fungerar stadsutvecklingsprocessen för Dragarbrunnsgatan i Uppsala som fallstudie och inom detta projekt har mötesobservationer och intervjuer med involverade landskapsarkitekter utförts. Projektet har följts under perioden som strĂ€cker sig frĂ„n april 2010 till och med december 2010. Tre landskapsarkitekter har intervjuats för arbetet; en processledare, en projektledare och en ansvarig projekterande landskapsarkitekt. Dessa har fĂ„tt dela med sig av sin syn pĂ„ processen, kommunikation, helhet, gemensamhet och landskapsarkitektens roll. Arbetets undersökning i form av intervjuer och observationer kopplat till frĂ„gorna om betydelse, tillĂ€mpning och resultatpĂ„verkan visar att kommunikation och samverkan Ă€r viktigt för landskapsarkitekten. Det finns en önskan om att lĂ€ra sig mer och att bli bĂ€ttre pĂ„ att kommunicera, men en svĂ„righet i att veta hur detta ska gĂ„ till. Den visar att landskapsarkitektens arbets- metoder i form av exempelvis skisser och bilder kan vara till hjĂ€lp i arbetet med att bĂ„de förmedla information och att kommunicera tillsammans med andra aktörer. I frĂ„gan om förmedling av information eller kommunikation framkommer en svĂ„righet i att skilja mellan dessa tvĂ„ företeelser och en tendens att felaktigt benĂ€mna viss förmedling som kommunikation. Fallstudien och litteraturstudier visar pĂ„ vikten av en anpassad struktur som kan frĂ€mja en kommunikativ process. Som följd av detta presenteras en struktur för samverkansprocesser med en kommunikativ infallsvinkel. För att samverkan och dialog ska frĂ€mjas bör en sĂ„ pass vĂ€l anpassad processtruktur som möjligt ligga till grund för ett projekt. Denna processtruktur bestĂ„r av sex olika delar, som dĂ€refter kan modifieras och anpassas till det specifika projektet. Delarna Ă€r; organisera, relatera, utveckla, etablera, agera, samt utvĂ€rdera och bygga vidare. Slutligen vill detta arbete försöka att bidra till den i fallstudien framkomna önskan hos landskapsarkitekten att lĂ€ra sig mer om kommunikation. Detta görs genom att presentera en guide till landskapskommunikatören dĂ€r olika kommunikativa aspekter som kan pĂ„verka utfallet i ett projekt tas upp tillsammans med korta tips pĂ„ hur man kan tĂ€nka kring dessa aspekter. Nyckelord: landskapsarkitektur, kommunikation, designstrategi, stadsutveckling, designteori, process- och projektledning.To practise landscape architecture is to meet many different people with different needs and requirements. This means working on a problem solving basis, to be place-oriented, and as this thesis wants to highlight, to have a conscious communicative attitude towards all the different actors that the landscape architect interact with. I believe that a good result of urban development and city planning processes lies in the dialogue and joint learning that occurs at a positive interaction between all actors involved. Focusing on the joint work and a good collaboration process during the project, rather than the project result itself. The purpose of this paper is to illuminate, explore, and encourage further use of, and a greater awareness of, the importance of communication, its application and impact on earnings in landscape architecture. The communication, which is primarily dealt with in this paper is the one which can be categorized within the physical meeting. The communication that occurs in encounters between people and the interaction that takes place when the various parties communicates and partake of each other’s perspectives to reach joint knowledge. The unilateral transfer of information that is sometimes erroneously referred to as communication is in this paper only referred to as mediation or information. This thesis uses the city development project of Dragarbrunnsgatan in Uppsala as a case study and within this project meeting observations and interviews with involved landscape architects has been performed. The study of the project has been carried out during a period from April 2010 to December 2010. Three landscape architects have been interviewed for the case study, a process manager, a project manager and an accountable design manager. These three have been sharing their views on the process, communication, entirety, community and the role of the landscape architect. The case study of interviews and observations related to the issues of meaning, application and results of impact shows that communication and interaction is important for the landscape architect. There is a desire to learn more and become better at communicating, but a difficulty in knowing how this is to be done. It shows that the landscape architects working tools such as drawings and pictures can be helpful in efforts to both disseminate information and to communicate with other actors. The issue of mediating information or to communicate reveals a difficulty in distinguishing between these two phenomena and the tendency to incorrectly designate certain mediation as communication. The case study and literature studies show the importance of a customized structure that can promote a communicative process. As a result, this thesis presents an application structure for collaboration processes with a communicative approach. To promote cooperation and dialogue a process structure as well-adapted as possible should form the basis for a project. This presented process structure consists of six parts, which can be modified and adapted to the specific project in mind. The six parts are; organize, relate, develop, establish, operate, and evaluate and reshape. Finally, these efforts attempt to contribute to the presented desire of the landscape architect to deepen his or hers knowledge of communication. This is done by presenting a guide to the landscape communicator where different communicative aspects that may affect the outcome of a project are issued along with brief tips on how to reason concerning these aspects. Keywords: landscape architecture, communication, design strategy, city development, design theory, process and project management

    Recent revelations and future directions using single-cell technologies in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a clinically and biologically heterogeneous disease with varying outcomes. In the last decade, the application of next-generation sequencing technologies has allowed extensive mapping of disease-specific genomic, epigenomic, immunogenetic, and transcriptomic signatures linked to CLL pathogenesis. These technologies have improved our understanding of the impact of tumor heterogeneity and evolution on disease outcome, although they have mostly been performed on bulk preparations of nucleic acids. As a further development, new technologies have emerged in recent years that allow high-resolution mapping at the single-cell level. These include single-cell RNA sequencing for assessment of the transcriptome, both of leukemic and non-malignant cells in the tumor microenvironment; immunogenetic profiling of B and T cell receptor rearrangements; single-cell sequencing methods for investigation of methylation and chromatin accessibility across the genome; and targeted single-cell DNA sequencing for analysis of copy-number alterations and single nucleotide variants. In addition, concomitant profiling of cellular subpopulations, based on protein expression, can also be obtained by various antibody-based approaches. In this review, we discuss different single-cell sequencing technologies and how they have been applied so far to study CLL onset and progression, also in response to treatment. This latter aspect is particularly relevant considering that we are moving away from chemoimmunotherapy to targeted therapies, with a potentially distinct impact on clonal dynamics. We also discuss new possibilities, such as integrative multi-omics analysis, as well as inherent limitations of the different single-cell technologies, from sample preparation to data interpretation using available bioinformatic pipelines. Finally, we discuss future directions in this rapidly evolving field.</p

    Recent revelations and future directions using single-cell technologies in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a clinically and biologically heterogeneous disease with varying outcomes. In the last decade, the application of next-generation sequencing technologies has allowed extensive mapping of disease-specific genomic, epigenomic, immunogenetic, and transcriptomic signatures linked to CLL pathogenesis. These technologies have improved our understanding of the impact of tumor heterogeneity and evolution on disease outcome, although they have mostly been performed on bulk preparations of nucleic acids. As a further development, new technologies have emerged in recent years that allow high-resolution mapping at the single-cell level. These include single-cell RNA sequencing for assessment of the transcriptome, both of leukemic and non-malignant cells in the tumor microenvironment; immunogenetic profiling of B and T cell receptor rearrangements; single-cell sequencing methods for investigation of methylation and chromatin accessibility across the genome; and targeted single-cell DNA sequencing for analysis of copy-number alterations and single nucleotide variants. In addition, concomitant profiling of cellular subpopulations, based on protein expression, can also be obtained by various antibody-based approaches. In this review, we discuss different single-cell sequencing technologies and how they have been applied so far to study CLL onset and progression, also in response to treatment. This latter aspect is particularly relevant considering that we are moving away from chemoimmunotherapy to targeted therapies, with a potentially distinct impact on clonal dynamics. We also discuss new possibilities, such as integrative multi-omics analysis, as well as inherent limitations of the different single-cell technologies, from sample preparation to data interpretation using available bioinformatic pipelines. Finally, we discuss future directions in this rapidly evolving field

    Diversity of respiratory parameters and metabolic adaptation to low oxygen tension in mesenchymal stromal cells

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    Objective Cell metabolism has been shown to play an active role in regulation of stemness and fate decision. In order to identify favorable culture conditions for mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) prior to transplantation, this study aimed to characterize the metabolic function of MSCs from different developmental stages in response to different oxygen tension during expansion. Materials and methods We cultured human fetal cardiac MSCs and human adult bone-marrow MSCs for a week under hypoxia (3% O2) and normoxia (20% O2). We performed mitochondrial characterization and assessed oxygen consumption- and extracellular acidification-rates (OCR and ECAR) in addition to oxygen-sensitive respiration and mitochondrial complex activities, using both the Seahorse and Oroboros systems. Results Adult and fetal MSCs displayed similar basal respiration and mitochondrial amount, however fetal MSCs had lower spare respiratory capacity and apparent coupling efficiency. Fetal MSCs expanded in either hypoxia or normoxia demonstrated similar acidification rates, while adult MSCs downregulated their aerobic glycolysis in normoxia. Acute decrease in oxygen tension caused a higher respiratory inhibition in adult compared to fetal MSCs. In both sources of MSCs, minor changes in complex activities in normoxic and hypoxic cultures were found. Conclusions In contrast to adult MSCs, fetal MSCs displayed similar respiration and aerobic glycolysis at different O2 culture concentrations during expansion. Adult MSCs adjusted their respiration to glycolytic activities, depending on the culture conditions thus displaying a more mature metabolic function. These findings are relevant for establishing optimal in vitro culturing conditions, with the aim to maximize engraftment and therapeutic outcome.CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Corresponding author: Department of Surgical Sciences, Uppsala University, 751 85, Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail address: [email protected] (K.-H. Grinnemo).Available online 3 February 2022, Version of Record 5 February 2022The project was funded by Karolinska Institute-Mayo Clinic Collaborative Grant 2013; The Swedish Research Council young investigator: 2013–3590; Stockholm county; The Swedish Research Council; The Family Erling-Persson Foundation; ERC-2018-AdG (834860 EYELETS); Uppsala county; Uppsala County Association against Heart and Lung Diseases; and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (agreement no. 075-15-2020-899).</p

    Soluble CD93 Is Involved in Metabolic Dysregulation but Does Not Influence Carotid Intima-Media Thickness

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    Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are complex disorders involving metabolic and inflammatory mechanisms. Here we investigated whether sCD93, a group XIV c-type lectin of the endosialin family, plays a role in metabolic dysregulation or carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). Although no association was observed between sCD93 and IMT, sCD93 levels were significantly lower in subjects with type 2 diabetes (n = 901, mean ± SD 156.6 ± 40.0 ng/mL) compared with subjects without diabetes (n = 2,470, 164.1 ± 44.8 ng/mL, P < 0.0001). Genetic variants associated with diabetes risk (DIAGRAM Consortium) did not influence sCD93 levels (individually or combined in a single nucleotide polymorphism score). In a prospective cohort, lower sCD93 levels preceded the development of diabetes. Consistent with this, a cd93-deficient mouse model (in addition to apoe deficiency) demonstrated no difference in atherosclerotic lesion development compared with apoe(-/-) cd93-sufficient littermates. However, cd93-deficient mice showed impaired glucose clearance and insulin sensitivity (compared with littermate controls) after eating a high-fat diet. The expression of cd93 was observed in pancreatic islets, and leaky vessels were apparent in cd93-deficient pancreases. We further demonstrated that stress-induced release of sCD93 is impaired by hyperglycemia. Therefore, we propose CD93 as an important component in glucometabolic regulation

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Tissue Factor in Transplantation -aspects on expression and inhibition

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    Organ transplantation provides a treatment of end-stage disease primarily in the kidney, liver and heart. The immunosuppressive treatment regimens of today efficiently prevent early acute rejection; however the long-term survival has not improved to the same extent. Within months/years the majority of transplanted organs develop chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD), associated with fibrosis and intimal hyperplasia. Both alloantigen-dependent and -independent factors are suspected to affect the deteriorative process. Among the latter are ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) injury and also drug-induced nephrotoxicity. Tissue factor (TF) is the principal initiator of blood coagulation and triggers the coagulation cascade upon complex formation with FVIIa. TF is normally not expressed on cells in contact with blood, but can be induced as a response to a multitude of stimuli. Among those, many are associated with events occurring at transplantation, such as hypoxia and I/R injury. TF has also been implicated as a mediator of cellular adhesion, migration and proliferation, which are important features of vascular remodelling during CAD. By employing an isogenic aortic transplant model in the rat, the role of TF for development of intimal hyperplasia caused by long cold ischemia, was studied. Inhibition of TF reduced formation of neo-intima in treated animals as compared to controls. TF was further studied as a potential chemo-attractant for smooth muscle cells, monocytes and also endothelial precursor cells. Allthree cell types migrated towards TF in a migration assay. With the aim to decrease the pro-thrombotic and inflammatory properties of activated endothelium, RNA interference was used to down-regulate TF expression in these cells. The total antigen content and also TF expression on the cell surface were diminished, however this did not result in a decreased catalytic activity of TF/FVIIa. Efficient TF reduction was reflected in morphological alterations and decreased cell viability. Additionally we studied the presence of TF antigen in human renal allografts afflicted by rejection or cyclosporin (CsA) nephrotoxicity. Grafts with acute CsA nephrotoxicity displayed a marked TF staining in the tubular brush border, significantly increased in terms of intensity and spread, compared to allografts undergoing acute rejection. Vascular endothelial staining was present in grafts afflicted by chronic vasculopaty as well as chronic CsA nephrotoxicity. The results of these studies collectively imply that TF acts as a mediator in processes associated with chronic vascular remodelling after transplantation. Furthermore, TF may be used as a histological marker for acute CsA nephrotoxicity, a condition which is difficult to diagnose in a straightforward manner

    Improvisation i folkmusik? : En svensk folkmusiker improviserar: Mats Edén i NorafjÀlls

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    Cecilia Österholm: Improvisation i folkmusik? En svensk folkmusiker improviserar: Mats EdĂ©n i NorafjĂ€lls. C-uppsats. Institutionen för musikvetenskap, Uppsala universitet, vt 2004. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur improvisation kan utformas i svensk instrumental folkmusik. Undersökningsobjektet Ă€r en lĂ„t, spelad av Mats EdĂ©n, verksam inom svensk folkmusik. Undersökningen Ă€r baserad pĂ„ litteratur och artiklar om improvisation i folkmusik, skrivna av musiketnologer och verksamma musiker, samt en intervju med Mats EdĂ©n och en lĂ„t spelad av denne.För att se var och hur improvisation sker i lĂ„ten har tvĂ„ olika metoder anvĂ€nts. Den första metoden Ă€r en formanalys som visar var i lĂ„ter improvisationerna sker. Den andra metoden bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ teoretiska modeller för improvisation; den ena Ă€r en modell som anger ramverket inom vilket musiken improviserar, den andra visar att olika improvisationer av en musiker uppvisar stor melodisk likhet. Applicerar man dessa pĂ„ svensk folkmusik, sĂ€tter den första modellen traditionen i centrum, medan den andra modellen sĂ€tter musikern i centrum.I undersökningen definieras fyra typer av improvisation: melodi-, metrisk, frimetrisk och formelimprovisation. Dessa förekommer i olika grad i lĂ„tens formdelar som bestĂ„r av ett förspel, en melodidel och en efterslĂ€ng (efterspel). Resultatet av analysen visar att EdĂ©n anvĂ€nder ett formaliserat musiksprĂ„k som bestĂ„r av ett begrĂ€nsat ton- och rytmmaterial, nĂ€r han improviserar.

    Psykosociala arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för utmattningssymtom hos universitetsstudenter

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    Begreppet stress innebÀr en obalans mellan de krav som stÀlls pÄ en person och resurserna för att uppfylla dessa. Om detta tillstÄnd Àr lÄngvarigt och utdraget kan det kopplas till utmattningssyndrom. Tidigare studier har indikerat att höga krav och lÄg nivÄ av kontroll och eller svagt stöd kan generera stress och i förlÀngningen utmattning. Det Äterfinns bevis för att starkt socialt stöd underlÀttar hanteringen av stress. Dock finns endast fÄ studier pÄ studenter. Syftet med denna studie var sÄledes att undersöka om krav, kontroll och socialt stöd Àr relaterade till utmattningssymtom hos universitetsstudenter. Studien utfördes pÄ 100 studenter frÄn Stockholms universitet dÀr deltagarna fick besvara en enkÀt avsedd att mÀta utmattningssymtom samt graden av upplevda krav, kontroll och socialt stöd. Data analyserades genom hierarkiska multipla regressionsanalyser dÀr sambandet mellan utmattningssymtom och upplevda krav var statistiskt signifikant. Sambanden mellan utmattningssymtom och socialt stöd samt kontroll var dock ej signifikanta. Spekulationer görs kring huruvida en kombination av högt socialt stöd samt lÄg arbetsbelastning utöver studierna kan agera modererande för utmattningssymtom

    HöglĂ€sning i verkligheten : En kvalitativ studie om F–3 lĂ€rares syfte och arbetssĂ€tt med höglĂ€sning i undervisningen

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    Studien syftar till att fĂ„ fördjupad kunskap om hur lĂ€rare verksamma i Ă„rskurserna F–3 arbetar med höglĂ€sning i sin undervisning, vad det har för syfte och vilka arbetssĂ€tt som anvĂ€nds. Som datainsamling genomfördes observationer med efterföljande intervjuer med sex verksamma lĂ€rare inom Ă„rskurs F–3. Resultatet visar att lĂ€rarna Ă€r positiva till höglĂ€sning och att det finns mĂ„nga fördelar med att lĂ€sa högt för barn samt att det anvĂ€nds i högsta grad som en lugn stund under dagen. Det resultatet Ă€ven visar Ă€r att nĂ„got arbete kring boken före, under och efter inte sker i samma utstrĂ€ckning som forskning pĂ„visar som effektiva arbetssĂ€tt. Studiens slutsats blir sĂ„ledes att lĂ€rarna efterstrĂ€var ett arbete kring boken, men som inte tydligt framkommer under observationerna, lĂ€rarna Ă€r alla eniga om att höglĂ€sning har mĂ„nga positiva effekter för att bidra till elevernas sprĂ„kutveckling. Trots denna positiva instĂ€llning sĂ„ hamnar arbetet kring boken i skymundan och höglĂ€sning för mĂ„nga av lĂ€rarna anvĂ€nds som en lugn stund