25 research outputs found

    Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Single-Channel Speech Separation Algorithms

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    An evaluation of intrusive instrumental intelligibility metrics

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    Instrumental intelligibility metrics are commonly used as an alternative to listening tests. This paper evaluates 12 monaural intrusive intelligibility metrics: SII, HEGP, CSII, HASPI, NCM, QSTI, STOI, ESTOI, MIKNN, SIMI, SIIB, and sEPSMcorr\text{sEPSM}^\text{corr}. In addition, this paper investigates the ability of intelligibility metrics to generalize to new types of distortions and analyzes why the top performing metrics have high performance. The intelligibility data were obtained from 11 listening tests described in the literature. The stimuli included Dutch, Danish, and English speech that was distorted by additive noise, reverberation, competing talkers, pre-processing enhancement, and post-processing enhancement. SIIB and HASPI had the highest performance achieving a correlation with listening test scores on average of ρ=0.92\rho=0.92 and ρ=0.89\rho=0.89, respectively. The high performance of SIIB may, in part, be the result of SIIBs developers having access to all the intelligibility data considered in the evaluation. The results show that intelligibility metrics tend to perform poorly on data sets that were not used during their development. By modifying the original implementations of SIIB and STOI, the advantage of reducing statistical dependencies between input features is demonstrated. Additionally, the paper presents a new version of SIIB called SIIBGauss\text{SIIB}^\text{Gauss}, which has similar performance to SIIB and HASPI, but takes less time to compute by two orders of magnitude.Comment: Published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 201

    Non-native consonant acquisition in noise: Effects of exposure/ test similarity

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    When faced with speech in noise, do listeners rely on robust cues or can they make use of joint speech-plus-noise patterns based on prior experience? Recent studies have suggested that listeners are better able to identify words in noise if they experienced the same word-in-noise tokens in an earlier exposure phase. The current study examines the role of token similarity in exposure and test conditions. In three experiments, Spanish learners of English were exposed to intervocalic consonants during an extensive training phase, bracketed by pre- and post-tests. Distinct cohorts experienced tokens that were either matched or mismatched across test and training phases in one or both of two factors: signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and talker. Cohorts with fully matching test-training exposure were no better at identifying consonants at the post-test phase than those trained in partially or fully mismatched conditions. Indeed, at more adverse test SNRs, training at more favourable SNRs was beneficial. These findings argue against the use of joint speech-plus-noise representations at the segmental level and instead suggest that listeners are able to extract useful acoustic-phonetic information across a range of exposure conditions.This study was carried with funding from the Basque Government Consolidados grant to the Language and Speech Laboratory at the University of the Basque Country

    Learning static spectral weightings for speech intelligibility enhancement in noise

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    Near-end speech enhancement works by modifying speech prior to presentation in a noisy environment, typically operating under a constraint of limited or no increase in speech level. One issue is the extent to which near-end enhancement techniques require detailed estimates of the masking environment to function effectively. The current study investigated speech modification strategies based on reallocating energy statically across the spectrum using masker-specific spectral weightings. Weighting patterns were learned offline by maximising a glimpse-based objective intelligibility metric. Keyword scores in sentences in the presence of stationary and fluctuating maskers increased, in some cases by very substantial amounts, following the application of masker- and SNR-specific spectral weighting. A second experiment using generic masker-independent spectral weightings that boosted all frequencies above 1 kHz also led to significant gains in most conditions. These findings indicate that energy-neutral spectral weighting is a highly-effective near-end speech enhancement approach that places minimal demands on detailed masker estimation

    The listening talker: A review of human and algorithmic context-induced modifications of speech

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    International audienceSpeech output technology is finding widespread application, including in scenarios where intelligibility might be compromised - at least for some listeners - by adverse conditions. Unlike most current algorithms, talkers continually adapt their speech patterns as a response to the immediate context of spoken communication, where the type of interlocutor and the environment are the dominant situational factors influencing speech production. Observations of talker behaviour can motivate the design of more robust speech output algorithms. Starting with a listener-oriented categorisation of possible goals for speech modification, this review article summarises the extensive set of behavioural findings related to human speech modification, identifies which factors appear to be beneficial, and goes on to examine previous computational attempts to improve intelligibility in noise. The review concludes by tabulating 46 speech modifications, many of which have yet to be perceptually or algorithmically evaluated. Consequently, the review provides a roadmap for future work in improving the robustness of speech output

    The impact of the Lombard effect on audio and visual speech recognition systems

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    When producing speech in noisy backgrounds talkers reflexively adapt their speaking style in ways that increase speech-in-noise intelligibility. This adaptation, known as the Lombard effect, is likely to have an adverse effect on the performance of automatic speech recognition systems that have not been designed to anticipate it. However, previous studies of this impact have used very small amounts of data and recognition systems that lack modern adaptation strategies. This paper aims to rectify this by using a new audio-visual Lombard corpus containing speech from 54 different speakers – significantly larger than any previously available – and modern state-of-the-art speech recognition techniques. The paper is organised as three speech-in-noise recognition studies. The first examines the case in which a system is presented with Lombard speech having been exclusively trained on normal speech. It was found that the Lombard mismatch caused a significant decrease in performance even if the level of the Lombard speech was normalised to match the level of normal speech. However, the size of the mismatch was highly speaker-dependent thus explaining conflicting results presented in previous smaller studies. The second study compares systems trained in matched conditions (i.e., training and testing with the same speaking style). Here the Lombard speech affords a large increase in recognition performance. Part of this is due to the greater energy leading to a reduction in noise masking, but performance improvements persist even after the effect of signal-to-noise level difference is compensated. An analysis across speakers shows that the Lombard speech energy is spectro-temporally distributed in a way that reduces energetic masking, and this reduction in masking is associated with an increase in recognition performance. The final study repeats the first two using a recognition system training on visual speech. In the visual domain, performance differences are not confounded by differences in noise masking. It was found that in matched-conditions Lombard speech supports better recognition performance than normal speech. The benefit was consistently present across all speakers but to a varying degree. Surprisingly, the Lombard benefit was observed to a small degree even when training on mismatched non-Lombard visual speech, i.e., the increased clarity of the Lombard speech outweighed the impact of the mismatch. The paper presents two generally applicable conclusions: i) systems that are designed to operate in noise will benefit from being trained on well-matched Lombard speech data, ii) the results of speech recognition evaluations that employ artificial speech and noise mixing need to be treated with caution: they are overly-optimistic to the extent that they ignore a significant source of mismatch but at the same time overly-pessimistic in that they do not anticipate the potential increased intelligibility of the Lombard speaking style

    The effect of multitalker background noise on speech intelligibility in Parkinson\u27s disease and controls

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    This study investigated the effect of multi-talker background noise on speech intelligibility in participants with hypophonia due to Parkinson’s disease (PD). Ten individuals with PD and 10 geriatric controls were tested on four speech intelligibility tasks at the single word, sentence, and conversation level in various conditions of background noise. Listeners assessed speech intelligibility using word identification or orthographic transcription procedures. Results revealed non-significant differences between groups when intelligibility was assessed in no background noise. PD speech intelligibility decreased significantly relative to controls in the presence of background noise. A phonetic error analysis revealed a distinct error profile for PD speech in background noise. The four most frequent phonetic errors were glottal-null, consonant-null in final position, stop place of articulation, and initial position cluster-singleton. The results demonstrate that individuals with PD have significant and distinctive deficits in speech intelligibility and phonetic errors in the presence of background noise