1,165 research outputs found

    ‘Bele Quadrant’ as Philosophy of Life to Live in Harmony

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    To live in harmony with the others and nature is the way of life of the Buna’ people in Timor, Indonesia.  Love each other is not only a philosophical or theological term for them. They practice it as a tradition. The root of this tradition of living in harmony is the object of our research done from 2005 to 2019, fourteen years. The Buna’ people is a local tribe, about 100,000 members live in the Island of Timor, Indonesia & the Democratic Repubblic of Timor. Here we present the result of our study that they live for centuries on the basis of their way of live: Nopil, Nawas, Nejel, Nimil, in English: desire, reason, instinct and conscience. We named this four aspects: ‘Bele Quadrant’ as four parts of human being. Keywords: ‘Bele Quadrant’, desire, reason, instinct, conscience. DOI: 10.7176/JPCR/48-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Strategies for reducing stigma through contact

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    3D Geological Modeling in Mineral Deposits (Copper Ore Body Cases)

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    Munella's deposit is one of the most important mineral deposits of Albania. It is rich in mineral resources such as copper, zinc, gold, etc. For this reason Geological 3D modeling is very important because it gives detailed information on management in the most optimal way to mine. In this article, 3D modeling of copper bodies was carried out through modeling software using the implicit method. This method uses advanced algorithms that are Polyharmonic Radial Basis Functions (RBF) generates the best surface area of the ore that can have some Z values and can perfectly customize the incomplete surfaces by utilizing 211 drilling data. The ore bodies that are created with this method are divided into blocks that represent the distribution of copper in%. The results achieved in this study provide an accurate overview of the most important sources of deposits and major concentrations of copper for the efficient management and exploitation of the mine

    Pengaruh Implementasi the 4-E Learning Cycle terhadap Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan Proses Dasar, dan Sikap IlmiahIPA Siswa SDK Kererobbo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model 4-Elearning cycle terhadap: (1) pengetahuan IPA siswa SD, (2) ketrampilan proses dasar IPA siswa SD, dan (3) sikap ilmiah IPA siswa SD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SDK Kererobbo, kecamatan Kota Tambolaka semester II tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampling jenuh untuk dijadikan sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen dilaksanakan pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan model 4-E Learning Cycle, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah (1) tes terintegrasi untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan ketrampilan proses dasar IPA dan (2) skala sikap untuk mengukur sikap ilmiah. Analisis data menggunakan (1) statistik deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan data pengetahuan, ketrampilan proses dasar dan sikap ilmiah; dan (2) statistik inferensial dengan menggunakan independent sampel t-test untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian pada taraf signifikansi 5% (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) penerapan model 4-Elearning cycle berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengetahuan IPA siswa di SDK Kererobbo dengan nilai sig 0,044; (2) penerapan model 4-Elearning cycleberpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap ketrampilan proses dasar IPA siswa di SDK Kererobbo dengan nilai sig 0,020;dan (3) penerapan model 4-Elearning cycle berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap sikap ilmiah siswa di SDK Kererobbo dengan nilai sig 0,000

    Section 3(d) for precluding patent evergreening: India's attempts to improve access to medicines

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    In the year 2013, India created a stir in the world of pharmaceutica

    Implementation of STEM-Based Learning for Strengthening Science Literacy of Students

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    This study aims to analyze the STEM approach in learning to strengthen the scientific literacy of students. The method used in this research is qualitative research with data collection techniques, namely literature studies. The data collection method is by reading, identifying, and analyzing, then categorizing, classifying, and describing. In this research, the study of relevant journals, articles, are used to find out how to increase students’ science literacy by using STEM in elementary schools.   Based on the results of research, the literature study states that the use of STEM-based learning effectively improves the student's science literacy.  The results of the research analysis showed that the results of the pretest scores of students had low concept understanding in the experimental class and the control class. After being given treatment, the results of the posttest scores showed a significant increase in the experimental clas

    The unique disulfide linked activation loop of DYRK kinases and possible redox activity control

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    The cysteine of HCD (C286) in DYRK1A is involved in disulfide bridge formation with a cysteine (C312) in the DFGSSC sequence. The purpose of this project was to investigate how the state of the disulfide bridge would affect enzyme catalytic and ligand binding properties of the protein kinase. A mutant, DYRK1A C312A, was thus designed to eliminate the disulfide bridge. The mutant was expressed and purified following the same protocol as for DYRK1A wt, including HisTrap purification, TEV cleavage and size exclusion chromatography. Crystallization trials were performed for both the wt and the mutant with the kinase inhibitor Staurosporine. DYRK1A wt with STU crystallized and diffracted with at a resolution of 2.33 Å. The DYRK1A C312A mutant with STU crystallized and diffracted with a resolution of 2.59 Å. The structure was solved by molecular replacement in Molrep (CCP4) and refined by Refmac5 and Phenix. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (SCHRODINGER) were performed with the intent to compare diverse disulfide bridge states. Ligand binding and enzyme catalytic properties were analyzed using a combination of techniques, including activity assays, microscale thermophoresis, and isothermal calorimetry. The Thermofluor assay confirmed that both the wt and the mutant bind tightly to STU and AZ-191. It also showed that the mutant consistently has a slightly lower melting temperature than the wt, which would indicate that it is less stable. Solvent accessible surface area (SASA) analysis support the theory of accessibility to conserved cysteine residues

    Ranljivost slovenskega prehranskega sistema v povezavi z vojno v Ukrajini

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    The Russian-Ukrainian war brings many economic and social challenges. Among other, it causes turmoil in the global energy and food markets, affects the functioning of global food systems and threatens food security. Ukraine and Russia are important global exporters of cereals, oilseeds, fossil fuels, and mineral fertilizers. The war disrupts the flow of these goods to the world market, which has greatly increased their prices and in some countries caused food shortages. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the war on food chains in Slovenia. For this purpose, the self-sufficiency in cereals, the agri-food trade between Slovenia and the two countries at war, and the prices of some agricultural commodities and inputs were analysed. The results show that the import of agri-food products from Ukraine and Russia to Slovenia is not significant, but the negative effects of the war are felt nevertheless. These are shown mainly through the rising prices of production inputs, as well as uncertain political and economic developments, which affect stakeholders along the entire food chains. Due to various factors, the world prices of agricultural inputs and commodities were already at a very high level even before the Russian invasion, and additional pressure on prices was caused by the outbreak of war. The European Union, which is Slovenia’s main trading partner, covers domestic needs for most agricultural products through production, so there is no threat of food shortages. Nevertheless, food affordability remains a major concern due to high market prices and inflationary trends.Trenutna rusko-ukrajinska vojna prinaša mnogo ekonomskih in družbenih izzivov. Med drugim povzroča pretrese na svetovnih energetskih in živilskih trgih, vpliva na delovanje globalnih prehranskih sistemov in ogroža prehransko varnost držav. Ukrajina in Rusija sta pomembni svetovni izvoznici žit, oljnic in fosilnih goriv, Rusija pa tudi mineralnih gnojil. Vojna ovira pretok tega blaga na svetovne trge, kar je sprožilo rast cen kmetijskih inputov in s tem hrane, v nekaterih državah tudi pomanjkanje hrane. Namen tega prispevka je raziskati vpliv vojne na prehranske verige v Sloveniji. V ta namen je bila analizirana samooskrba z glavnimi vrstami žit, blagovna menjava kmetijskih in živilskih proizvodov med Slovenijo in državama v vojni, ter cene nekaterih kmetijskih proizvodov in kmetijskih inputov. Analiza kaže, da uvoz agro-živilskih proizvodov iz Ukrajine in Rusije v Slovenijo ni pomemben, negativni vplivi vojne pa so kljub temu občuteni. Ti se kažejo predvsem prek rasti cen energentov in drugih proizvodnih inputov ter negotovega političnega in gospodarskega razvoja, ki vpliva na deležnike vzdolž celotnih prehranskih verig. Že pred rusko invazijo so bile svetovne cene energentov in drugih proizvodnih inputov ter kmetijskih proizvodov na zelo visoki ravni (predvsem zaradi posledic pandemije Covid-19), izbruh vojne pa je povzročil dodatne cenovne pritiske. Evropska unija, ki je glavni trgovinski partner Slovenije, s proizvodnjo pokriva domače potrebe pri večini kmetijskih proizvodov, zato državam članicam in tudi Sloveniji pomanjkanje hrane ne grozi. Glavna skrb pa ostaja cenovna dostopnost hrane zaradi visokih tržnih cen in inflacijskih trendov, še posebej za ranljivejše potrošnike