691 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas with Clinical Personality Patterns in Prisoners having Personality Disorders

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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas with clinical personality patterns in prisoners having personality disorder The study population consisted of male prisoners in Behshahr city The total of 80 male prisoners was selected as Sample Purposeful sampling was used Minnesota Multiphase asic Personality Inventory MMPIII and Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory MCMI - III were applied to collect the needed information Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics mean SD inferential statistics Pearson correlation and regression The findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between early maladaptive schemas of mistrust abuse with paranoid personality disorder early maladaptive schemas of dependence incompetence with dependent personality disorder and early maladaptive schemas of social isolation alienation with avoidant personality disorders and early maladaptive schemas of entitlement with narcissistic personality disorde

    Characterization of Rare Earth Elements in the Illinois Basin Coals

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    The purpose of this study is to characterize the distribution and occurrence of rare earth elements (REEs) in the coal and coal-related material from the Illinois Basin. For characterizing the distribution of REEs, 17 core samples were investigated from various parts in the basin. Also, several individual samples from coal preparation plants and isolated geological occurrences were included in the study. In result, the average REE concentrations were calculated on a bed-to-bed basis, although the distribution of REEs in the coal beds was found laterally and vertically heterogeneous. A number of trends were found that describe the variations. Most importantly, it was found that where samples of the Springfield and Herrin coal beds are away from syndepositional paleochannels, they have a higher ratio of heavy to light REEs; whereas nearer to contemporaneous channels, the ratio is lower. However, the total REE concentration was found to be higher near the channels. A similar trend was not observed in the Baker coal bed. Samples representing the Springfield and Herrin coal beds at places near to, and away from, the syndepositional paleochannels were prepared. The samples were subjected to leaching studies, both in raw and roasted forms. It was found that the near-channel samples are more desirable for REE leaching. Leaching was also done on a coal refuse sample originated from the Baker coal bed. The sample contained the highest concentration of REEs among the coal preparation plant samples. Approximately 55% of the REE concentration was released in the test—the highest recovery in the leaching studies. The Anna shale was found to contain the highest concentration of REEs between the roof rocks. Leaching an Anna shale sample resulted in a leachate with the same level of REEs as the Baker refuse, but with a higher concentration of heavy REEs. Another leachate with a high level of heavy REEs was produced through leaching of a clean coal product of a coal preparation plant. The concentration of Ce in the leachate was below detection limits and other light REEs were at a minimum. A sample representing the Baker coal bed was investigated by a chemical sequential extraction study. The study showed that most of the REEs can only get mobilized by complete digestion of the sample. The fraction the REEs that were mobilized were mostly heavy REEs, which increased in the mineral matter of the low-ash coals. Despite the obtained information, sequential extraction was found inefficient for assessing REE-mineral associations due to the highly interlocked minerals. A novel characterization method was developed for investigating the REE-mineral associations. The method is based on creating a mineralogical array by dividing the sample into several subsamples and investigating the way the REEs vary respectively to the mineralogical array. The method was applied to the same Baker coal sample and showed that 65% of the sample’s REE content is associated with clay minerals, and 25% with calcite

    Long-term Comparison of Bond Strength Between One/Two Bottle and Self/ Total-Etch Universal Adhesive Systems

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to compare the shear bond strength and durability of one/two-bottle All-Bond Universal used in self-etch (SE) and total-etch (TE) modes on dentin discs. Methods In this in vitro study, 144 human premolars were allocated to 12 groups for use of one-bottle or two-bottle adhesive in SE and TE modes and their assessment at three time points. Dentin discs with 2 mm thickness were prepared. They were polished with 600 and 800 grit silicon carbide abrasive papers. One/two-bottle All-Bond Universal bonding agent was used in SE and TE modes in the groups. Composite resin cylinders were made by the Tygon tubes on the bonding surface and then cured . Shear bond strength was measured by a universal testing machine at 24 h, and 6 and 12 months, and the mode of failure was determined under a stereomicroscope at x10 magnification. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test.  Results After 24 h and 6 and 12 months, the micro-shear bond strength was significantly lower in one-bottle SE compared with other groups. The two-bottle TE group showed the highest bond strength (P<0.001). In all groups, the bond strength significantly decreased at 12 months, compared with 24 h (P<0.05). Conclusion Two-bottle TE system showed higher bonding durability and bond strength compared with other groups

    Role of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate in Dentistry

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    Objective: Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) is a reactive solution capable of releasing calcium and phosphate ions, conversion to apatite and remineralization of mineral tooth structure. This study reviews ACP structure, its properties and its applications in dentistry.Methods: In this review study, keywords including “amorphous calcium phosphate”, “mineralization”, “hydroxyapatite”, “casein phosphopeptide”, “tissue engineering” and “dentistry” were searched in articles published during 1953-2013 in PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Embase and Medline databases. A total of 134 articles were evaluated.Results: ACP had high adhesion, adjustable dissociation rate, bone induction and excellent biocompatibility without cell toxicity. ACP alone or in combination with casein phosphopeptide (CPP) is incorporated into toothpastes, chewing gums, mouth rinses, tooth bleaching gels and food products to enhance remineralization and prevent demineralization. Also, it is used as filler in many dental materials namely glass ionomers, composite resins and bonding agents. Implant surface coating with ACP by radio frequency magnetron sputtering improves osseointegration especially at the final stages of healing.Conclusion: ACP is suitable for tissue regeneration and healing and is a potential remineralizing agent in dentistry


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    Blog as one of the media applicationson the Internethas been used all aroundIndonesia. The user wasnot limited by age,ranging from children to the elderly. A lot of people notrealize that blogs can beoptimizedso thatthe bloggettingtoppositionsin search engines. Metatagwasone ofoptimization techniquesinSearch Engine Optimization (SEO). The main target washow to increaseblogtraffc requests. Afteroptimization, the next stepwasmonitoring, whichaims to determinethe extent to whichthe success ofoptimizationhas been done onSEO.The resultwas ablog sitegettingtoppositionsinthe search enginesandthe monitoring process resultsindicatethat thetitleand content was veryappropriatethat was 100%, description and contentwere alsoappropriatethat was 91%

    The Genetic Role of Retinoic Acid Receptors in Embryonic Development: Study of Genetic Mutations in Retinoic Acid Receptors, Resulting in Tissue Abnormalities

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    Retinoic acid (RA) is a vitamin A derivative that exerts profound influences in vertebrate development and physiology. All-trans RA and 9-cis RA, are important regulators of embryonic development, cellular activity and tissue homeostasis. Their biological effects are mediated by two families of nuclear hormone receptors, retinoic acid (RAR) and retinoid X (RXR) receptors, which are ligand-dependent transcription factor. In the form of RAR-RXR or RXR-RXR dimers, the receptors act through binding to retinoic acid response elements (RAREs) present in the transcription regulatory region (promoter) of target genes. The identification of the pattern of expression of each isoform is crucial to our complete understanding of retinoid physiology. Compound null mutations of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) genes lead to lethality in uterus or shortly after birth and to numerous developmental abnormalities. The role of RXRs in the mediation of the developmental retinoid signal is less clear, because RXRβ and RXRγ null mutant mice are viable and do not display any abnormality obviously related to a known function of vitamin A. Effects of retinoids in normal as well as abnormal development may be mediated by two members of retinoid receptors together, RARs and RXRs

    Peran Content Specialist di PT Gibby International

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    Bilingualism, executive function, and beyond: Questions and insights

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    The papers in this volume continue the quest to investigate the moderating factors and understand the mechanisms underlying effects (or lack thereof) of bilingualism on cognition in children, adults, and the elderly. They grew out of a 2015 workshop organized by two of us (Irina Sekerina and Virginia Valian) at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, funded by NSF’s Developmental and Learning Sciences and Linguistics Programs (grant #1451631). The workshop’s goal was to bring together researchers whose fields did not always overlap and who could learn from each other’s insights. In attendance were linguists working on bilingualism, cognitive psychologists interested in executive function and working memory, and medical researchers studying executive function in the laboratory and in the field. Until our workshop, the conditions and factors instrumental to connecting bilingualism and executive function were primarily explored from within bilingualism, with less direct input from cognitive psychologists, linguists, and researchers on aging. Thus, our goal was to bring together experts from different disciplines – who rarely had the opportunity to interact at the same scientific venues – and facilitate inderdisciplinary conversation that could bridge the gaps between the fields

    Pengaruh Kampanye #SuaraTanpaRokok Melalui Media Sosial Instagram Terhadap Sikap dan Perilaku Merokok

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada isu kebiasaan merokok di Indonesia yang sudah menjamur. Indonesia menduduki peringkat tertinggi negara dengan persentase perokok terbanyak di ASEAN. Hadirnya akun Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok membantu memerangi rokok dengan cara melakukan kampanye #SuaraTanpaRokok di Instagram. Akun @suara_tanpa_rokok berisi tentang ajakan untuk berhenti atau mengurangi rokok, mengingatkan bahaya rokok, dan lainnya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh kampanye #SuaraTanpaRokok melalui konten akun media sosial Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok terhadap sikap merokok followers akun media sosial Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok serta mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kampanye #SuaraTanpaRokok melalui konten akun media sosial Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok terhadap sikap merokok followers akun media sosial Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif eksplanatif yang dilakukan dengan teknik survei online dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada 400 responden. Responden dari penelitian ini sendiri adalah pengikut akun Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok yang dipilih secara acak. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji korelasi dan uji regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara konten media sosial dengan sikap pada perilaku merokok dan terdapat pengaruh sebesar 57,2% antara konten media sosial dengan sikap. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat diartikan bahwa kebaruan konten dalam akun Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok sangat berpengaruh terhadap emosi followers akun Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok dalam perilaku merokok

    Designing the Book of History and Folklore Prambanan and Borobudur

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    Sejarah budaya di Indonesia memulai pengaruh agama dan budaya India melalui Hindu dan Budha baik norma-norma budaya normatif yang ada dalam masyarakat dan warisan budaya dalam arti fisik. Salah satu hasilnya adalah bentuk khusus dari budaya material kuil. Di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta, ada dua candi utama yang mewakili Agama Hindu dan Budha. Candi Prambanan adalah warisan agama dan budaya Hindu Candi Borobudur sebagai warisan budaya Buddha. Kedua kuil tersebut masuk dalam daftar WHL UNESCO (World Heritage List) sebagai warisan budaya dunia. Karya tesis ini merupakan diskusi informasi tentang warisan budaya dunia berupa pengetahuan tentang warisan budaya nusantara, khususnya sejarah candi, cerita rakyat dan sebagian Prambanan dan Borobudur untuk meningkatkan apresiasi terhadap kebesaran warisan budaya bangsa. Cerita rakyat terdiri dari legenda, musik, histo oral