2,237 research outputs found

    Effects of Energy Price Changes on Russian Economy

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    Energiewirtschaft, Preisniveau, Volkswirtschaft, Russland, Power industry, Price level, Economy, Russia


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    Start-ups have gained media attention since Google, Facebook and Amazon were launched in the 1990s. The book Lean Start-up, published in 2011, was another important milestone for digital start-up literature. As unicorn companies emerge around the world, topics highlighted in the news include the vast amount of capital that digital start-ups are raising, the ways in which these digital ventures are disrupting industries, and their global impact on digital economy. However, digital start-ups, digital venture ideas, and their venture creation process lack a unified venture creation model, as there is a gap in the re-search on entrepreneurial processes in a digital context. This research is an explorative study of the venture creation process of innovative digital start-ups that examines what is missing from entrepreneurial process models in a digital technology context and investi-gates how early stage digital start-ups conduct the venture creation process, starting with the pre-phase of antecedents and ending with the launch and scaling of the venture. The research proposes a novel process model of innovative digital start-up venture crea-tion and describes the nature and patterns of the process. A conceptual model was devel-oped based on the entrepreneurship, information systems, and digital innovation litera-ture and empirically assessed with a multi-method qualitative research design. The data collected from semi-structured interviews, internet sources, and observation field notes covered 34 innovative digital start-ups and their founders. Interviews were conducted in-ternationally in high-ranking start-up ecosystems, and the data were analysed with the-matic analysis and fact-checked by triangulating internet data sources. The contribution to entrepreneurship theory is a new illustrative model of the venture creation process of innovative digital start-ups, including the emergent outcome of the process having a digi-tal artefact at its core (e.g., mobile apps, web-based solutions, digital platforms, software solutions, and digital ecosystems). Digital platforms and their multiple roles in the process are presented, as well as the role of critical events as moderators of the process which trigger new development cycles. During the venture creation process, the recombining of digital technologies, modules, and components enabled by digital infrastructures, plat-forms, and ecosystem partners represent digital technology affordances. This recombina-tion provides opportunities for asset-free development of digital venture ideas

    Antibody regeneration on degenerate Si electrodes for calibration and reuse of impedance biosensors

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    Mild denaturing agents were studied for antibody regeneration atop degenerate (highly doped) Si and Au electrodes using comparable 11-carbon chain linker reagents onto which the mouse monoclonal antibody to peanut protein Ara h 1 is covalently immobilized. Of the reagents studied, only 200 mM KSCN is effective for antibody regeneration and detection of Ara h 1 atop Au electrodes, allowing 15 days of sensor usage after daily antibody unfolding and refolding, while 200 mM KSCN +10 mM HF is effective atop degenerate Si electrodes, allowing 30 days of sensor usage. The addition of HF is required for antibody regeneration atop Si electrodes, as demonstrated by cyclic voltammetry in the presence of 5.0 mM K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6 at pH 7.3, where the oxidation/reduction peaks can be observed only in the presence of HF. The impedance spectrum for detection of Ara h 1 gradually degrades during these multi-day regeneration trials, but calibration experiments performedwithin one day illustrate that sensor electrodes can be calibrated on the day of use towithin about 2%

    Muistitupa - Muistisairaiden ja omaisten kokemuksia Muistituvan toiminnasta

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata muistisairaiden ja heidän omaistensa kokemuksia Muistituvan toiminnasta ja sen kehittämisestä. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa Muistituvan toiminnasta. Toimeksiantaja oli Lapin Muistiyhdistys ry, joka on Muistiliiton jäsenjärjestö ja hallinnoi Lapin Muistiluotsia. Muistitupa on osa Muistiluotsin toimintaa ja sen tarkoituksena on tarjota muistisairaille sekä heidän omaisilleen vertaistuellista ja virikkeellistä ryhmätoimintaa. Opinnäytetyö on laadullinen ja sen teoriaosuus käsittelee muistisairaan ihmisen hoito- ja palveluketjuja, elämänlaatua, toimintakykyä ja kuntoutusta sekä muistisairaiden omaisia. Tutkimusaineiston keräsin haastattelemalla Muistituvan ryhmätoimintoja käyttäviä muistisairaita sekä lähettämällä toimintoja käyttävien omaisille avoimia kysymyksiä sisältäneen lomakkeen. Haastatteluissa ja lomakkeiden kysymyksissä toistuivat samat teemat. Aineiston analysoin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Muistisairaiden kokemukset Muistituvasta abstrahoituivat yläluokkiin psyykkinen hyvinvointi, osallisuus ja toiminnallisuus. Omaiset kokivat, että Muistitupa antoi muistisairaille kokemuksia psyykkisestä hyvinvoinnista, osallisuudesta ja toiminnallisuudesta. Omaisten kokemukset Muistituvasta abstrahoituivat luokkiin psyykkinen hyvinvointi, osallisuus sekä konkreettinen apu. Sekä omaisilla että muistisairailla yhdeksi luokaksi abstrahoituivat kokemukset ohjaajasta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella Muistituvan ryhmätoiminta lisää muistisairaiden sekä heidän omaistensa psyykkistä hyvinvointia. Muistitupa mahdollistaa muistisairaiden ja heidän omaistensa osallisuuden sekä lisää muistisairaiden toiminnallisuutta. Omaiset saavat Muistituvalta myös konkreettista tukea.The purpose of this thesis was to describe the experiences from Muistitupa by the people who are suffering from a memory related disease and by their relatives as well as to come up with development proposals for Muistitupa. The aim was also to produce new information about the activities of Muistitupa. This thesis was commissioned by Lapin Muistiyhdistys ry. It is a member-ship organization of the Alzheimer Society of Finland and it is administered by the Lapland Memory Pilot project i.e. Muistiluotsi. Muistitupa is part of the activities of the Muistiluotsi project and its aim is to provide stimulating activities and peer support to people who have a memory related disease and to their relatives. This is a qualitative study and its theoretical part deals with the care and service chains of people having a memory disorder, their quality of life, functional capacity and rehabilitation, not forgetting the relatives of these people. I collected the research data by interviewing people with a memory related disease and by sending them a form containing open-ended questions to the relatives of people with a memory disorder. The same themes were repeated in the interviews and the forms. I analysed the material by using inductive content analysis. Based on my thesis, Muistitupa provided the people having memory disorders with experiences of psychological wellbeing, inclusion and activities. The relatives also felt that Muistitupa gave them concrete help. Both, the people having a memory disorder and their relatives, brought up the im-portance of the group instructor’s role. Based on the results of thesis the group activities of Muistitupa increase the psychological well-being of its clients. Muistitupa also allows room for participation, as well as increases the activity level of people having a memory disorder. The relatives also received concrete support from Muistitupa

    Awareness of second language inflectional morphology: A case study on Finnish as a second language

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    The Finnish language has a very extensive inflectional morphology, whereas Vietnamese, as an isolating language, has no inflection at all. Therefore, the major challenge encountered by Vietnamese immigrants learning Finnish is to develop awareness of the existence, function and use of inflection. This paper examines how this process manifests itself in native-non-native speaker (NS-NNS) conversations during the initial stages of second language acquisition. All the negotiation sequences including overt signals of problems in understanding were subjected to a closer analysis, and the linguistic modifications performed to solve the problems were analysed on the level of both interaction and grammar. In this paper, the focus is on the observable signs of gradually growing morphological awareness, and especially the receptive segmenting skills of the learners


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    Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah (PILKADA) secara formal menuntut partisipasi politik yang tinggi, karena itu secara praktis pemilih milenial hadir dengan metode determinannya berupa media sosial terutama media facebook. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk melihat dampak Media facebook terhadap partisipasi Politik milenial.             Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk mendapatkan kedalaman informasi, maka menggunakan jenis metode pendekatan Fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan yang ditentukan adalah pemilih milenial pengguna facebook, berada di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara yang berpartisipasi pada pemilukada Kabupaten TTU tahun 2020,         Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah informan yang mengalami atau di anggap mengetahui fenomena atau dikategorikan mampu memberikan informasi terkait dengan Dampak Facebook Terhadap Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Milenial Pada Pilkada 2020. Teknik Penentuan Informan yakni snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Facebook berdampak terhadap milenial pada pilkada Timor Tengah Utara, yang mana melalui informasi yang di akses, pemilih milenial kemudian terlibat dalam proses politik yang berlangsung. Artinya Millenial tidak apatis ataupun aware terhadap politik akantetapi cara untuk menarik minat mileniallah yang menjadi permasalahannya. Oleh karena, media sosial menjadi ruang yang yang sangat di gemari dan sering di akses oleh milenial. &nbsp

    Computational methods and tools for protein phosphorylation analysis

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    Signaling pathways represent a central regulatory mechanism of biological systems where a key event in their correct functioning is the reversible phosphorylation of proteins. Protein phosphorylation affects at least one-third of all proteins and is the most widely studied posttranslational modification. Phosphorylation analysis is still perceived, in general, as difficult or cumbersome and not readily attempted by many, despite the high value of such information. Specifically, determining the exact location of a phosphorylation site is currently considered a major hurdle, thus reliable approaches are necessary for the detection and localization of protein phosphorylation. The goal of this PhD thesis was to develop computation methods and tools for mass spectrometry-based protein phosphorylation analysis, particularly validation of phosphorylation sites. In the first two studies, we developed methods for improved identification of phosphorylation sites in MALDI-MS. In the first study it was achieved through the automatic combination of spectra from multiple matrices, while in the second study, an optimized protocol for sample loading and washing conditions was suggested. In the third study, we proposed and evaluated the hypothesis that in ESI-MS, tandem CID and HCD spectra of phosphopeptides can be accurately predicted and used in spectral library searching. This novel strategy for phosphosite validation and identification offered accuracy that outperformed the other currently existing popular methods and proved applicable to complex biological samples. And finally, we significantly improved the performance of our command-line prototype tool, added graphical user interface, and options for customizable simulation parameters and filtering of selected spectra, peptides or proteins. The new software, SimPhospho, is open-source and can be easily integrated in a phosphoproteomics data analysis workflow. Together, these bioinformatics methods and tools enable confident phosphosite assignment and improve reliable phosphoproteome identification and reportin

    Foreshock Compressive Structures as the Cause of Magnetosheath Jets

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    Magnetosheath jets are a class of structures in the Earth's magnetosheath usually defined by an enhancement of the dynamic pressure of the plasma. Magnetosheath jets have been observed by several different spacecraft over the past few decades, but their origin and formation mechanism have remained unclear. The aim of this thesis is to use data from a global simulation to investigate the origin of magnetosheath jets. We defined two different kinds of structures, magnetosheath jets and foreshock compressive structures (FCS), and collected a database of individual jets and FCSs from 4 Vlasiator global hybrid-Vlasov simulation runs, all of which simulate only the ecliptic plane. We then conducted a statistical analysis of the properties of jets and FCSs, and their occurrence rates as a function of the definition of the FCS criterion. Jets were separated into two categories: jets that form in contact with FCSs (FCS-jets), and those that do not (non-FCS-jets). We found that up to 75% of magnetosheath jets form in association with an FCS impacting the Earth's bow shock. We also found that FCS-jets penetrate deeper into the magnetosheath than non-FCS-jets. Finally, we found no conclusive explanation for the formation of non-FCS-jets. The properties of both jets and FCSs agree qualitatively and to some extent quantitatively with spacecraft observations and other simulations in the literature. The formation of jets from FCSs impacting the bow shock is similar to the proposed theory that jets are linked to Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS). In the future, we will study magnetosheath jets and FCSs in polar plane simulation runs as well, and ultimately in full 3D simulation runs. If made possible by new simulations, the effects of electron kinetic effects on jets and FCSs will also be studied. Comparison studies with spacecraft observations of jet formation from FCSs will also be conducted, if and when such observations are found and become available