509 research outputs found

    Advanced data driven visualisation for geo-spatial data

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    Most current 3D landscape visualisation systems either use bespoke hardware solutions, or offer a limited amount of interaction and detail when used in realtime mode. We are developing a modular, data driven 3D visualisation system that can be readily customised to specific requirements. By utilising the latest software engineering methods and bringing a dynamic data driven approach to geo-spatial data visualisation we will deliver an unparalleled level of customisation in near-photo realistic, realtime 3D landscape visualisation. In this paper we show the system framework and describe how this employs data driven techniques. In particular we discuss how data driven approaches are applied to the spatiotemporal management aspect of the application framework, and describe the advantages these convey

    Diversity in virtual reality landscape modelling

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    This paper examines the range of decisions that landscape architects need to consider in communicating the future of the landscape. The objective of this research paper was to investigate the issues affecting the landscape modelling process. It also aimed to provide a better understanding of the creators of landscape visualisations and the role they play in determining what audiences, often from many disciplines, see and debate. Interviews were conducted to gather ideas from practice and academia. The paper acknowledges that this was a limited exploration with the intention of establishing a base for a further study. Issues relating to the diversity of audiences, diversity of interpretation, appropriate levels of representation and representing the passage of time in VR models and technologies currently available for VR modelling were the focus of the interviews

    Google Maps to collect spatial responses in a survey environment

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    This paper examines the use of Google Maps-based tools to collect spatial responses from participants during academic research surveys conducted via the Internet. Using two recent examples from the University of East Anglia it discusses the online survey context and how Google Maps was used, issues surrounding the technical implementation of these tools, processing and use of the collected data, and concludes with considerations for future research that might employ similar methods

    Realtime Weather in a Landscape Visualisation

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    Díky obrovskému výpočetnímu výkonu se virtuální realita stává stále pestřejší a dynamičtější. Tato práce si klade za cíl prozkoumat vybrané povětrnostní vlivy v terénu, možnosti jejich simulace a dynamického zobrazení v reálném čase na současných osobních počítačích. Cílem je spíš nalezení dobře vypadajících rychlých aproximací než dokonalý fyzikální model. Je zde rozebráno použití moderních programovatelných GPU nejen pro účely zobrazování, ale také jako velmi silný výpočetní prostředek pro simulaci přírodních dějů. Práce je zaměřena zejména na pohyb vody terénem a její vliv na něj. Jedná se například o tání sněhu, erozi nebo výskyt různých druhů rostlin podle preferované vlhkosti. Pro tyto účely je využito dynamické texturování terénu a algoritmy umožňující rychlou úpravou zobrazované geometrie včetně počítání normál.Thanks to the increasing computation power the complexity and dynamism of virtual reality is continuously improving. This work aims to examine influences of weather in a landscape and the means to simulate and dynamically visualize them in real time on the current personal computer hardware. The main goal is to find quick well looking approximations rather than a complex physically correct simulation. The work covers using modern programmable GPU not only for visualization but also as a powerful simulation instrument. The main topic is water movement in the terrain and its effects on it like erosion, snow melting and moisture impact on vegetation. This requires dynamic terrain texturing and algorithms supporting fast geometry and normals updates.

    The use of mobile devices in participatory decision-making

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    Simulations have always been used for public participation in the form of maps, photos, sketches and models. Technological developments in computing and mobile platform have brought a new perspective to simulations and their use for participation. To our best knowledge, no in-depth study has been conducted related to the strengths and weaknesses of mobile device 3D visualisation use in landscape architecture. Therefore, this paper investigates the opportunities and challenges and mobile device use during a participatory decision-making process, with the help of related literature and experiences from the surveys conducted. Although pre-prepared visualisations have positive influence on engaging the public and enhancing the understanding, there is still need for future research to decide which specific mobile visualisation technique is advantageous compared to the rest of visualisation techniques

    Public opinion on energy crops in the landscape: considerations for the expansion of renewable energy from biomass

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    Public attitudes were assessed towards two dedicated biomass crops – Miscanthus and Short Rotation Coppice (SRC), particularly regarding their visual impacts in the landscape. Results are based on responses to photographic and computer-generated images as the crops are still relatively scarce in the landscape. A questionnaire survey indicated little public concern about potential landscape aesthetics but more concern about attendant built infrastructure. Focus group meetings and interviews indicated support for biomass end uses that bring direct benefits to local communities. Questions arise as to how well the imagery used was able to portray the true nature of these tall, dense, perennial plants but based on the responses obtained and given the caveat that there was limited personal experience of the crops, it appears unlikely that wide-scale planting of biomass crops will give rise to substantial public concern in relation to their visual impact in the landscape

    Photorealistic visualisation of urban greening in a low-cost high- density housing settlement.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.Apartheid housing policies of the pre-1994 South African government, and the low-cost highdensity housing programmes of the post-1994 government, has given rise to numerous urban environmental problems, some of which could be addressed in a cost-effective and sustainable manner through urban greening, while simultaneously promoting biodiversity. Public participation in the planning of urban greening has been identified as being of vital importance, without which urban greening projects run a high, and expensive, risk of failure. Previous studies indicate that the greening priorities of residents in low-cost high-density housing settlements may differ considerably from those of managers and experts tasked with the protection and extension of the natural environment resource base. A system of participatory decision support is therefore required to reconcile the greening requirements of the community, and the ecological benefits of biodiversity. If language, literacy, map literacy and numeracy difficulties are to be avoided, and a sense of place or belonging is to be invoked, such a participatory decision support system should, ideally, be visually based, and capable of generating realistic eye-level depictions of the urban landscape. New computer-based landscape visualisation applications, which can directly utilise GIS, CAD and DEM data to produce detailed photo-realistic viewsheds, were deemed better suited to the task of visualising urban greening than existing GIS based mapping systems, CAD and traditional landscape visualisation methods. This dissertation examines the process of constructing a 3D computer model of the Mount Royal low-cost high-density housing settlement, situated in the eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Visualisations including terrain, natural features, indigenous vegetation, houses and roads were produced and submitted, with a questionnaire, to experts from different disciplines, Mount Royal residents and neighbors. Results from the expert survey indicate moderate support for visualisation in professional decision-making. However, both experts and residents expressed strong support for the accuracy and credibility ofthe visualisations, as well as for their potential in a participatory decision support system

    Customising virtual globe tours to enhance community awareness of local landscape benefits

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    Our wellbeing depends upon the services provided by ecosystems and their components. Despite recent advances in academic understanding of ecosystem services, and consideration in UK national environmental policy, a greater awareness is needed at community and individual levels. Dynamic features of virtual globe applications have considerable potential for helping convey the multi-dimensional context of ecosystem services and promoting general awareness. In a case study targeting residents in a small urban fringe river catchment in Norfolk, UK, representatives from local authorities and responsible agencies collaborated with scientists to produce extensive customisation of virtual globes in this context. By implementing a virtual flight over the catchment, different views and scales are traversed to set the context for landscape features and ecosystem services. Characteristic sites, e.g. supplying cultural services, are displayed and relationships with the natural environment are explained using linked on-screen text. Implementation is cost-effective and described for practitioners in ecosystem and landscape management, who may be inexperienced in landscape visualisation. Supplied as three pre-packaged virtual tours, products are made available for download and are publicised at a variety of engagement events, including teaching events with schoolchildren. The tours have attracted public interest and generated positive feedback about improving knowledge of local natural assets. Schoolchildren show confidence with the interface, but supplementary problem-based activities can improve learning opportunities. The capacity of virtual globes to support more participatory involvement of the public in local ecosystem management may increase in the future, but such visualisations can already help promote community awareness of local landscape benefits