398 research outputs found

    L-Band Vegetation optical depth and effective scattering albedo estimation from SMAP

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    Over land the vegetation canopy affects the microwave brightness temperature by emission, scattering and attenuation of surface soil emission. Attenuation, as represented by vegetation optical depth (VOD), is a potentially useful ecological indicator. The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission carries significant potential for VOD estimates because of its radio frequency interference mitigation efforts and because the L-band signal penetrates deeper into the vegetation canopy than the higher frequency bands used for many previous VOD retrievals. In this study, we apply the multi-temporal dual-channel retrieval algorithm (MT-DCA) to derive global VOD, soil moisture, and effective scattering albedo estimates from SMAP Backus-Gilbert enhanced brightness temperatures posted on a 9 km grid and with three day revisit time. SMAP VOD values from the MT-DCA follow expected global distributions and are shown to be highly correlated with canopy height. They are also broadly similar in magnitude (though not always in seasonal amplitude) to European Space Agency Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) VOD. The SMOS VOD values are based on angular brightness temperature information while the SMAP measurements are at a constant incidence angle, requiring an alternate approach to VOD retrieval presented in this study. Globally, albedo values tend to be high over regions with heterogeneous land cover types. The estimated effective scattering albedo values are generally higher than those used in previous soil moisture estimation algorithms and linked to biome classifications. MT-DCA retrievals of soil moisture show only small random differences with soil moisture retrievals from the Baseline SMAP algorithm, which uses a prior estimate of VOD based on land cover and optical data. However, significant biases exist between the two datasets. The soil moisture biases follow the pattern of differences between the MT-DCA retrieved and Baseline-assigned VOD values

    Soil moisture remote-sensing applications for identification of flood-prone areas along transport infrastructure

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    AbstractThe expected increase in precipitation and temperature in Scandinavia, and especially short-time heavy precipitation, will increase the frequency of flooding. Urban areas are the most vulnerable, and specifically, the road infrastructure. The accumulation of large volumes of water and sediments on road-stream intersections gets severe consequences for the road drainage structures. This study integrates the spatial and temporal soil moisture properties into the research about flood prediction methods by a case study of two areas in Sweden, Västra Götaland and Värmland, which was affected by severe flooding in August 2014. Soil moisture data are derived from remote-sensing techniques, with a focus on the soil moisture-specific satellites ASCAT and SMOS. Furthermore, several physical catchments descriptors (PCDs) are analyzed and the result shows that larger slopes and drainage density, in general, mean a higher risk of flooding. The precipitation is the same; however, it can be concluded that more precipitation in most cases gives higher soil moisture values. The lack, or the dimensioning, of road drainage structures seems to have a large impact on the flood risk as more sediment and water can be accumulated at the road-stream intersection. The results show that the method implementing soil moisture satellite data is promising for improving the reliability of flooding

    Monitoring soil moisture dynamics and energy fluxes using geostationary satellite data

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    Assessing Global Surface Water Inundation Dynamics Using Combined Satellite Information from SMAP, AMSR2 and Landsat

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    A method to assess global land surface water (fw) inundation dynamics was developed by exploiting the enhanced fw sensitivity of L-band (1.4 GHz) passive microwave observations from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission. The L-band fw (fw(sub LBand)) retrievals were derived using SMAP H-polarization brightness temperature (Tb) observations and predefined L-band reference microwave emissivities for water and land endmembers. Potential soil moisture and vegetation contributions to the microwave signal were represented from overlapping higher frequency (Tb) observations from AMSR2. The resulting (fw(sub LBand)) global record has high temporal sampling (1-3 days) and 36-km spatial resolution. The (fw(sub LBand)) annual averages corresponded favourably (R=0.84, p<0.001) with a 250-m resolution static global water map (MOD44W) aggregated at the same spatial scale, while capturing significant inundation variations worldwide. The monthly (fw(sub LBand)) averages also showed seasonal inundation changes consistent with river discharge records within six major US river basins. An uncertainty analysis indicated generally reliable (fw(sub LBand)) performance for major land cover areas and under low to moderate vegetation cover, but with lower accuracy for detecting water bodies covered by dense vegetation. Finer resolution (30-m) (fw(sub LBand)) results were obtained for three sub-regions in North America using an empirical downscaling approach and ancillary global Water Occurrence Dataset (WOD) derived from the historical Landsat record. The resulting 30-m (fw(sub LBand)) retrievals showed favourable spatial accuracy for water (70.71%) and land (98.99%) classifications and seasonal wet and dry periods when compared to independent water maps derived from Landsat-8 imagery. The new (fw(sub LBand)) algorithms and continuing SMAP and AMSR2 operations provide for near real-time, multi-scale monitoring of global surface water inundation dynamics and potential flood risk

    2000 days of SMOS at the Barcelona Expert Centre: a tribute to the work of Jordi Font

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    Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is the first satellite mission capable of measuring sea surface salinity and soil moisture from space. Its novel instrument (the L-band radiometer MIRAS) has required the development of new algorithms to process SMOS data, a challenging task due to many processing issues and the difficulties inherent in a new technology. In the wake of SMOS, a new community of users has grown, requesting new products and applications, and extending the interest in this novel brand of satellite services. This paper reviews the role played by the Barcelona Expert Centre under the direction of Jordi Font, SMOS co-principal investigator. The main scientific activities and achievements and the future directions are discussed, highlighting the importance of the oceanographic applications of the mission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimation of field-scale soil moisture content and its uncertainties using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery

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    Ground, Proximal, and Satellite Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture

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    Soil moisture (SM) is a key hydrologic state variable that is of significant importance for numerous Earth and environmental science applications that directly impact the global environment and human society. Potential applications include, but are not limited to, forecasting of weather and climate variability; prediction and monitoring of drought conditions; management and allocation of water resources; agricultural plant production and alleviation of famine; prevention of natural disasters such as wild fires, landslides, floods, and dust storms; or monitoring of ecosystem response to climate change. Because of the importance and wide‐ranging applicability of highly variable spatial and temporal SM information that links the water, energy, and carbon cycles, significant efforts and resources have been devoted in recent years to advance SM measurement and monitoring capabilities from the point to the global scales. This review encompasses recent advances and the state‐of‐the‐art of ground, proximal, and novel SM remote sensing techniques at various spatial and temporal scales and identifies critical future research needs and directions to further advance and optimize technology, analysis and retrieval methods, and the application of SM information to improve the understanding of critical zone moisture dynamics. Despite the impressive progress over the last decade, there are still many opportunities and needs to, for example, improve SM retrieval from remotely sensed optical, thermal, and microwave data and opportunities for novel applications of SM information for water resources management, sustainable environmental development, and food security

    Satellite and in situ observations for advancing global Earth surface modelling: a review

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    In this paper, we review the use of satellite-based remote sensing in combination with in situ data to inform Earth surface modelling. This involves verification and optimization methods that can handle both random and systematic errors and result in effective model improvement for both surface monitoring and prediction applications. The reasons for diverse remote sensing data and products include (i) their complementary areal and temporal coverage, (ii) their diverse and covariant information content, and (iii) their ability to complement in situ observations, which are often sparse and only locally representative. To improve our understanding of the complex behavior of the Earth system at the surface and sub-surface, we need large volumes of data from high-resolution modelling and remote sensing, since the Earth surface exhibits a high degree of heterogeneity and discontinuities in space and time. The spatial and temporal variability of the biosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and anthroposphere calls for an increased use of Earth observation (EO) data attaining volumes previously considered prohibitive. We review data availability and discuss recent examples where satellite remote sensing is used to infer observable surface quantities directly or indirectly, with particular emphasis on key parameters necessary for weather and climate prediction. Coordinated high-resolution remote-sensing and modelling/assimilation capabilities for the Earth surface are required to support an international application-focused effort

    Coupled land surface and radiative transfer models for the analysis of passive microwave satellite observations

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    Soil moisture is one of the key variables controlling the water and energy exchanges between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. Therefore, remote sensing based soil moisture information has potential applications in many disciplines. Besides numerical weather forecasting and climate research these include agriculture and hydrologic applications like flood and drought forecasting. The first satellite specifically designed to deliver operational soil moisture products, SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), was launched 2009 by the European Space Agency (ESA). SMOS is a passive microwave radiometer working in the L-band of the microwave domain, corresponding to a frequency of roughly 1.4 GHz and relies on a new concept. The microwave radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface is measured as brightness temperatures in several look angles. A radiative transfer model is used in an inversion algorithm to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation optical depth, a measure for the vegetation attenuation of the soil’s microwave emission. For the application of passive microwave remote sensing products a proper validation and uncertainty assessment is essential. As these sensors have typical spatial resolutions in the order of 40 – 50 km, a validation that relies solely on ground measurements is costly and labour intensive. Here, environmental modelling can make a valuable contribution. Therefore the present thesis concentrates on the question which contribution coupled land surface and radiative transfer models can make to the validation and analysis of passive microwave remote sensing products. The objective is to study whether it is possible to explain known problems in the SMOS soil moisture products and to identify potential approaches to improve the data quality. The land surface model PROMET (PRocesses Of Mass and Energy Transfer) and the radiative transfer model L-MEB (L-band microwave emission of the Biosphere) are coupled to simulate land surface states, e.g. temperatures and soil moisture, and the resulting microwave emission. L-MEB is also used in the SMOS soil moisture processor to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation optical depth simultaneously from the measured microwave emission. The study area of this work is the Upper Danube Catchment, located mostly in Southern Germany. Since model validation is essential if model data are to be used as reference, both models are validated on different spatial scales with measurements. The uncertainties of the models are quantified. The root mean squared error between modelled and measured soil moisture at several measuring stations on the point scale is 0.065 m3/m3. On the SMOS scale it is 0.039 m3/m3. The correlation coefficient on the point scale is 0.84. As it is essential for the soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave data that the radiative transfer modelling works under local conditions, the coupled models are used to assess the radiative transfer modelling with L-MEB on the local and SMOS scales in the Upper Danube Catchment. In doing so, the emission characteristics of rape are described for the first time and the soil moisture retrieval abilities of L-MEB are assessed with a newly developed LMEB parameterization. The results show that the radiative transfer modelling works well under most conditions in the study area. The root mean squared error between modelled and airborne measured brightness temperatures on the SMOS scale is less than 6 – 9 K for the different look angles. The coupled models are used to analyse SMOS brightness temperatures and vegetation optical depth data in the Upper Danube Catchment in Southern Germany. Since the SMOS soil moisture products are degraded in Southern Germany and in different other parts of the world these analyses are used to narrow down possible reasons for this. The thorough analysis of SMOS brightness temperatures for the year 2011 reveals that the quality of the measurements is degraded like in the SMOS soil moisture product. This points towards radio frequency interference problems (RFI), that are known, but have not yet been studied thoroughly. This is consistent with the characteristics of the problems observed in the SMOS soil moisture products. In addition to that it is observed that the brightness temperatures in the lower look angles are less reliable. This finding could be used to improve the brightness temperature filtering before the soil moisture retrieval. An analysis of SMOS optical depth data in 2011 reveals that this parameter does not contain valuable information about vegetation. Instead, an unexpected correlation with SMOS soil moisture is found. This points towards problems with the SMOS soil moisture retrieval, possibly under the influence of RFI. The present thesis demonstrates that coupled land surface and radiative transfer models can make a valuable contribution to the validation and analysis of passive microwave remote sensing products. The unique approach of this work incorporates modelling with a high spatial and temporal resolution on different scales. This makes detailed process studies on the local scale as well as analyses of satellite data on the SMOS scale possible. This could be exploited for the validation of future satellite missions, e.g. SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive) which is currently being prepared by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Since RFI seems to have a considerable influence on the SMOS data due to the gained insights and the quality of the SMOS products is very good in other parts of the world, the RFI containment and mitigation efforts carried out since the launch of SMOS should be continued