40 research outputs found

    Satellite detection of dinoflagellate blooms off California by UV reflectance ratios

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Kahru, M., Anderson, C., Barton, A. D., Carter, M. L., Catlett, D., Send, U., Sosik, H. M., Weiss, E. L., & Mitchell, B. G. Satellite detection of dinoflagellate blooms off California by UV reflectance ratios. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1), (2021): 00157, https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2020.00157.As harmful algae blooms are increasing in frequency and magnitude, one goal of a new generation of higher spectral resolution satellite missions is to improve the potential of satellite optical data to monitor these events. A satellite-based algorithm proposed over two decades ago was used for the first time to monitor the extent and temporal evolution of a massive bloom of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra off Southern California during April and May 2020. The algorithm uses ultraviolet (UV) data that have only recently become available from the single ocean color sensor on the Japanese GCOM-C satellite. Dinoflagellates contain high concentrations of mycosporine-like amino acids and release colored dissolved organic matter, both of which absorb strongly in the UV part of the spectrum. Ratios 1, consistent with historical observations showing a sharp transition from dinoflagellate- to diatom-dominated waters in these areas. UV bands are thus potentially useful in the remote sensing of phytoplankton blooms but are currently available only from a single ocean color sensor. As several new satellites such as the NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and marine Ecosystem mission will include UV bands, new algorithms using these bands are needed to enable better monitoring of blooms, especially potentially harmful algal blooms, across large spatiotemporal scales.Part of this work was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants to the CCE-LTER Program, most recently OCE-1637632. Processing of Second-Generation Global Imager satellite data was funded by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Data shown in Figure 1 were collected by BGM and MK with support from the NASA SIMBIOS project. DC was supported by the NASA Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Program (Grant NNX14AR62A), the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management Ecosystem Studies Program (BOEM award MC15AC00006), and the NOAA through the Santa Barbara Channel Marine Biodiversity Observation Network. HMS was supported by NSF (Grant OCE-1810927) and the Simons Foundation (Grant 561126). ELW was supported by NSF GRFP (Grant DGE-1650112). Funding for Scripps and Santa Monica Piers sampling was through the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Program by NOAA NA16NOS0120022

    Report on IOCCG Workshop Phytoplankton Composition from Space: towards a validation\ud strategy for satellite algorithms

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    The IOCCG-supported workshop “Phytoplankton Composition from Space: towards a validation strategy for satellite algorithms” was organized as a follow-up to the Phytoplankton Functional Types from Space splinter session, held at the International Ocean Colour Science Meeting (Germany, 2013). The specific goals of the workshop were to: 1. Provide a summary of the status of activities from relevant IOCCG working groups, the 2nd PFT intercomparison working group, PFT validation data sets and other research developments. 2. Provide a PFT validation strategy that considers the different applications of PFT products: and seeks community consensus on datasets and analysis protocols. 3. Discuss possibilities for sustaining ongoing PFT algorithm validation and intercomparison activities. The workshop included 15 talks, breakout sessions and plenary discussions. Talks covered community algorithm intercomparison activity updates, review of established and novel methods for PFT validation, validation activities for specific applications and space-agency requirements for PFT products and validation. These were followed by general discussions on (a) major recommendations for global intercomparison initiative in respect to validation, intercomparison and user’s guide; (b) developing a community consensus on which data sets for validation are optimal and which measurement and analysis protocols should be followed to support sustained validation of PFT products considering different applications; (c) the status of different validation data bases and measurement protocols for different PFT applications, and (d) engagement of the various user communities for PFT algorithms in developing PFT product specifications. From these discussions, two breakout groups provided in depth discussion and recommendations on (1) validation of current algorithms and (2) work plan to prepare for validation of future missions. Breakout group 1 provided an action list for progressing the current international community validation and intercomparison activity. Breakout group 2 provided the following recommendations towards developing a future validation strategy for satellite PFT products: 1. Establish a number of validation sites that maintain measurements of a key set of variables. 2. This set of variables should include: • Phytoplankton pigments from HPLC, phycobilins from spectrofluorometry • Phytoplankton cell counts and ID, volume / carbon estimation and imaging (e.g. from flow cytometry, FlowCam, FlowCytobot type technologies) • Inherent optical properties (e.g. absorption, backscattering, VSF) • Hyperspectral radiometry (both above and in-water) • Particle size distribution • Size-fractionated measurements of pigments and absorption • Genetic / -omics data 3. Undertake an intercomparison of methods / instruments over several years at a few sites to understand our capabilities to fully characterize the phytoplankton community. 4. Organise workshops to address the following topics: • Techniques for particle analysis, characterization and classification • Engagement with modellers and understanding end-user requirements • Data storage and management, standards for data contributors, data challenges In conclusion, the workshop was assessed to have fulfilled its goals. A follow-on meeting will be organized during the International Ocean Colour Science Meeting 2015 in San Francisco. Specific follow-on actions are listed at the end of the report

    Sensor capability and atmospheric correction in ocean colour remote sensing

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    © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Accurate correction of the corrupting effects of the atmosphere and the water's surface are essential in order to obtain the optical, biological and biogeochemical properties of the water from satellite-based multi-and hyper-spectral sensors. The major challenges now for atmospheric correction are the conditions of turbid coastal and inland waters and areas in which there are strongly-absorbing aerosols. Here, we outline how these issues can be addressed, with a focus on the potential of new sensor technologies and the opportunities for the development of novel algorithms and aerosol models. We review hardware developments, which will provide qualitative and quantitative increases in spectral, spatial, radiometric and temporal data of the Earth, as well as measurements from other sources, such as the Aerosol Robotic Network for Ocean Color (AERONET-OC) stations, bio-optical sensors on Argo (Bio-Argo) floats and polarimeters. We provide an overview of the state of the art in atmospheric correction algorithms, highlight recent advances and discuss the possible potential for hyperspectral data to address the current challenges

    Remote Sensing of Human–Environment Interactions in Global Change Research: A Review of Advances, Challenges and Future Directions

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    The role of remote sensing and human–environment interactions (HEI) research in social and environmental decision-making has steadily increased along with numerous technological and methodological advances in the global environmental change field. Given the growing inter- and trans-disciplinary nature of studies focused on understanding the human dimensions of global change (HDGC), the need for a synchronization of agendas is evident. We conduct a bibliometric assessment and review of the last two decades of peer-reviewed literature to ascertain what the trends and current directions of integrating remote sensing into HEI research have been and discuss emerging themes, challenges, and opportunities. Despite advances in applying remote sensing to understanding ever more complex HEI fields such as land use/land cover change and landscape degradation, agricultural dynamics, urban geography and ecology, natural hazards, water resources, epidemiology, or paleo HEIs, challenges remain in acquiring and leveraging accurately georeferenced social data and establishing transferable protocols for data integration. However, recent advances in micro-satellite, unmanned aerial systems (UASs), and sensor technology are opening new avenues of integration of remotely sensed data into HEI research at scales relevant for decision-making purposes that simultaneously catalyze developments in HDGC research. Emerging or underutilized methodologies and technologies such as thermal sensing, digital soil mapping, citizen science, UASs, cloud computing, mobile mapping, or the use of “humans as sensors” will continue to enhance the relevance of HEI research in achieving sustainable development goals and driving the science of HDGC further

    Satellite Ocean Colour: Current Status and Future Perspective

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    Spectrally resolved water-leaving radiances (ocean colour) and inferred chlorophyll concentration are key to studying phytoplankton dynamics at seasonal and interannual scales, for a better understanding of the role of phytoplankton in marine biogeochemistry; the global carbon cycle; and the response of marine ecosystems to climate variability, change and feedback processes. Ocean colour data also have a critical role in operational observation systems monitoring coastal eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and sediment plumes. The contiguous ocean-colour record reached 21 years in 2018; however, it is comprised of a number of one-off missions such that creating a consistent time-series of ocean-colour data requires merging of the individual sensors (including MERIS, Aqua-MODIS, SeaWiFS, VIIRS, and OLCI) with differing sensor characteristics, without introducing artefacts. By contrast, the next decade will see consistent observations from operational ocean colour series with sensors of similar design and with a replacement strategy. Also, by 2029 the record will start to be of sufficient duration to discriminate climate change impacts from natural variability, at least in some regions. This paper describes the current status and future prospects in the field of ocean colour focusing on large to medium resolution observations of oceans and coastal seas. It reviews the user requirements in terms of products and uncertainty characteristics and then describes features of current and future satellite ocean-colour sensors, both operational and innovative. The key role of in situ validation and calibration is highlighted as are ground segments that process the data received from the ocean-colour sensors and deliver analysis-ready products to end-users. Example applications of the ocean-colour data are presented, focusing on the climate data record and operational applications including water quality and assimilation into numerical models. Current capacity building and training activities pertinent to ocean colour are described and finally a summary of future perspectives is provided