1,136 research outputs found


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    Lehevaablaste perekonna Empria (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) taksonoomia ja fĂŒlogenees

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Elurikkust on teaduslikult kirjeldatud ĂŒle 250 aasta, kuid suurem osa (hinnanguliselt 80–90%) sellest on teadusele ikka veel tundmata. Suurema osa palja silmaga nĂ€htavast kirjeldatud ja kirjeldamata elurikkusest moodustavad putukad. Neid on teada ligi miljon liiki, kuid avastamata vĂ”ib olla lausa kĂŒmme korda rohkem. Üks liigirikkamaid putukaseltse on kiletiivalised (nt. herilased, mesilased ja sipelgad), kuhu kuulub ka doktoritöös uuritud pĂ”hja poolkeral levinud 60 liigiline perekond Empria. Tegemist on lehevaablastega, kes vastsestaadiumis on kĂ”ik taimtoidulised ja meenutavad liblikaröövikuid. TĂ€iskasvanud empriad on vĂ€iksed (4–9 mm) mustad putukad. Iseloomulikuks tunnuseks on tagakehal paiknevad valged laigud, mille pĂ”hjal on perekonda teistest lehevaablastest kerge eristada. Liikide mÀÀramine on paraku aga vĂ”imalik pea ainult mikroskoobi abiga ja seejuures tuleb tavaliselt isastel genitaalkapslist eraldada peenisvalvid ja emastel munetid. Aga kui see on tehtud, siis on liikide mÀÀramine ĂŒldjuhul lihtne igaĂŒhele, kuna tavaliselt erinevad eri liikidel peenisvalvid ja munetid vĂ€ga selgesti. VĂ”ib öelda, et on lihtsalt vaja galeriid kĂ”ikide liikide peenisvalvidest ja munetitest ning seejĂ€rel ĂŒles leida otsitav. Doktoritöö raames koostati ida poolkera empria liikide (50) jaoks mÀÀramistabel koos fotodega peenisvalvidest ja munetitest (lÀÀne poolkera liikide kohta oli vastav info juba olemas). Nende seas on 13 uut liiki teadusele, millest 9 ootab veel nimetamist. Lisaks kasutati 46 liigi (nii ida kui lÀÀne poolkeralt) DNA andmeid pĂ”lvnemissuhete vĂ€ljaselgitamiseks. Edasiste uurimuste ĂŒlesandeks oleks kirjeldada seni teadusele tundmatud liigid ja vĂ€lja selgitada kĂ”ikide liikide toidutaimed (rohkem kui pooltel teadmata). LĂ€hemat uurimist vÀÀriks empria ka liigitekke aspektist, kuna perekonnas paistab olevat enam-vĂ€hem pidev skaala nii rohkem kui vĂ€hem eristunud liikidest ja mĂ”nede liigirĂŒhmade vĂ”i -paaride puhul polegi liigipiirid pĂ€ris selged. Aga miks meil ĂŒldse neid empria liike vaja tunda? Otsest majanduslikku tĂ€htsust neil pole (PĂ”hja-Ameerikas vĂ”ivad paar liiki siiski olla maasika kahjurid). Teaduse seisukohalt on aga tegemist ĂŒhe pusletĂŒkiga teadmiste ĂŒldises mosaiikpildis, mille kokkupanemine aitab meil ĂŒha paremini mĂ”ista ĂŒmbritsevat maailma.Although scientists have been describing biodiversity for more than 250 years, most of the species (probably 80–90%) remain unknown. Insects form the largest proportion of known and unknown macroscopic biodiversity. Nearly million insect species have been described, but the number of undescribed species could be ten times greater. Among the insects, order Hymenoptera (e.g. ants, bees, and wasps) is one of the largest, which also includes the sawfly genus Empria (60 species). Sawflies are plant feeding and caterpillar-like in the immature stage. Adults of Empria are small (4–9 mm) black insects. Characteristic of the genus are pale paired patches on abdominal terga, which makes it easy to distinguish from other sawflies. Species identification, however, is possible only using a microscope and usually penis valves need to be dissected from genital capsules of males and ovipositors from females. If this is done, the species identification is generally quite easy for anyone with a microscope, because the differences between penis valves and ovipositors of different species are usually obvious. It could be said that you simply need a gallery of penis valves and ovipositors to determine a species. The doctoral thesis includes a key to adults of Empria from eastern hemisphere (50 species) with photos of penis valves and ovipositors (corresponding information was already available for species of western hemisphere). There are 13 species new to science, 9 of which are still without a name. In addition, DNA sequence data from 46 species (including both hemispheres) was used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus. Future studies should describe the remaining unknown species and elucidate the host plants of all the species (unknown in more than half of the species). Closer look at Empria could also contribute to speciation studies, as there appear to be more or less continuous variation from highly distinct species to species pairs or groups with fuzzy species boundaries. Why is it necessary to know Empria species at all? The genus is not economically particularly important (couple of species in North America can be pests of strawberry), but from a scientific point of view the knowledge about it can be considered as a piece of a puzzle, assembling of which continuously improves our ability to make sense of the world

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Vektory, ơíƙení a genetická variabilita patogenu račího moru v oblastech, kam byl zavlečen

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    - ABSTRACT - The crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci, is responsible for substantial declines and local extinctions of native European crayfish populations. As a consequence, the pathogen is now listed among 100 world's worst invasive alien species. The spread of A. astaci is greatly facilitated by its natural hosts, North American crayfish, that thanks to a long co-evolutionary history with the crayfish plague pathogen evolved efficient defence mechanisms. In contrast, European, Australian and Asian crayfish species are highly susceptible to this disease agent. However, progress of A. astaci infection in native European crayfish was observed to differ between distinct pathogen strains, indicating variability in their virulence. Indeed, we demonstrated a relationship between patterns in crayfish immune response and A. astaci virulence in an experimental infection involving the European noble crayfish and three differently virulent crayfish plague strains. The European continent is currently inhabited by at least eight North American crayfish species. The carrier status was confirmed in six of them, including also Orconectes cf. virilis occurring in the Netherlands and the UK. In this country, we detected Aphanomyces astaci presence in some populations of the non-indigenous crayfish species as well...- ABSTRAKT - Patogen račího moru, Aphanomyces astaci, je zodpovědnĂœ za vĂœznamnĂœ Ășbytek a lokĂĄlnĂ­ vymizenĂ­ populacĂ­ pĆŻvodnĂ­ch evropskĂœch druhĆŻ rakĆŻ, v dĆŻsledku čehoĆŸ byl zaƙazen mezi 100 nejhorĆĄĂ­ch invaznĂ­ch druhĆŻ světa. Pƙi ơíƙenĂ­ A. astaci majĂ­ vĂœznamnou roli jeho pĆŻvodnĂ­ hostitelĂ©, severoamerickĂ© druhy rakĆŻ, jeĆŸ si během dlouhĂ© koevoluce vybudovaly efektivnĂ­ obrannĂ© mechanismy proti tomuto patogenu. Naproti tomu evropskĂ©, asijskĂ© či australskĂ© druhy rakĆŻ jsou vƯči nĂĄkaze velmi citlivĂ©. PrĆŻběh infekce evropskĂœch populacĂ­ rĆŻznĂœmi kmenu patogenu se ale často liĆĄĂ­, coĆŸ naznačuje, ĆŸe existuje variabilita ve virulenci rĆŻznĂœch genotypĆŻ A. astaci. To se ukĂĄzalo i v experimentech, pƙi kterĂœch jsme evropskĂ© raky ƙíčnĂ­ vystavili infekci tƙemi rĆŻznĂœmi kmeny A. astaci: sledovanĂ© parametry račí imunity skutečně zĂĄvisely na virulenci pƙísluĆĄnĂ©ho patogenu. V evropskĂœch vodĂĄch se v současnosti vyskytuje minimĂĄlně osm americkĂœch druhĆŻ rakĆŻ. U ĆĄesti z nich, včetně Orconectes cf. virilis v NizozemĂ­ a Anglii, bylo prokĂĄzĂĄno, ĆŸe ve volnĂ© pƙírodě patogen račího moru pƙenĂĄĆĄejĂ­. V nizozemskĂœch vodĂĄch jsme potvrdili pƙítomnost A. astaci jak u několika americkĂœch druhĆŻ rakĆŻ, tak u migrujĂ­cĂ­ho kraba čínskĂ©ho. RozdĂ­ly v prevalenci patogenu v populacĂ­ch jednotlivĂœch potenciĂĄlnĂ­ch hostitelĆŻ souvisely zejmĂ©na s jejich introdukčnĂ­...Department of EcologyKatedra ekologieFaculty of SciencePƙírodovědeckĂĄ fakult

    Current Air Quality Issues

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    Air pollution is thus far one of the key environmental issues in urban areas. Comprehensive air quality plans are required to manage air pollution for a particular area. Consequently, air should be continuously sampled, monitored, and modeled to examine different action plans. Reviews and research papers describe air pollution in five main contexts: Monitoring, Modeling, Risk Assessment, Health, and Indoor Air Pollution. The book is recommended to experts interested in health and air pollution issues

    Forty years of carabid beetle research in Europe - from taxonomy, biology, ecology and population studies to bioindication, habitat assessment and conservation

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    Volume: 100Start Page: 55End Page: 14

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2007-2008

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    Strategic irrigation against apple scab (<em>Venturia inaequalis</em>)

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    Bulletin of scientific and art research : annual report for 2018

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    The SASA Fund allotted the available resources for the following purposes: scientific and art research projects, scientific publications, international scientific cooperation, the organization of scientific meetings, participation of SASA members and their associates in scientific meetings in the country and abroad, acquisition of scientific literature and other purposes under the SASA Scientific and Art Research Programme. In 2018, the SASA Scientific and Art Research Programme contained 28 projects in the fields of mathematics, physics and earth sciences, 20 in the fields of chemical and biological sciences; 13 in the fields of technical and technological sciences; 28 in the field of medical sciences, 12 in the fields of language and literature; 16 in the field of social sciences; 25 in the field of historical sciences, and 8 in the fields of visual arts and music. During the year, the SASA published 52 editions, including 13 journal issues, 19 collections of papers, 13 catalogues, five monographs, two jubilee bibliographies and Volume XX of the SASA Dictionary, while 1,162 authors published 540 papers. The first-ever commercial Catalogue of the SASA Editions: 2016–2017–2018 (Katalog izdanja SANU: 2016–2017–2018) was prepared and published. In addition, 22 manuscripts were technically processed and prepared for publication; the make-up and cover design of six publications were finished. The SASA maintained regular contact with the National Library of Serbia concerning the preparation of a Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) record for all SASA editions. Fourteen manuscripts in the Serbian language underwent orthographic editing and 15 publications underwent proofreading, thus being prepared for publishing. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts hosted the meeting of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action titled “Maximizing Impact of Research in Neurodevelopmental Disorders”. It was the first formal meeting of the COST Action which has so far been joined by about 50 researchers from 20 European countries. During 2018, two lecture cycles were held: “The Fascinating World of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” (Fascinantni svet nanonauke i nanotehnologije) and “Geohazard in 21st Century Serbia: Knowledge Is the Best Bulwark Against the Elements” (Geohazard u Srbiji u 21. veku – Znanje je najbolji bedem protiv stihije), totalling 11 lectures. In 2018, at the proposal of the SASA Departments and SASA Executive Board, 12 lectures were held. Pursuant to the Decision of the Professional Council of the SASA Library, the SASA Library Day will be celebrated on 14 June. The SASA Library started working on this day, when it received the first books from Dimitrije Tirol. Its first librarian was Konstantin Bogdanović. The SASA Library Day was marked by the celebration honouring Aleksa Ć antić. In 2018, the SASA Library organized 17 forums. It presented 18 books and 13 collections of papers by SASA members, SASA editions, as well as the research institutes and centres founded by the SASA. It staged 12 chamber exhibitions. Pursuant to the Decision of the Professional Council of the SASA Library, the SASA Library Day will be celebrated on 14 June. The SASA Library started working on this day, when it received the first books from Dimitrije Tirol. Its first librarian was Konstantin Bogdanović. The SASA Library Day was marked by the celebration honouring Aleksa Ć antić. In 2018, the SASA Library organized 17 forums. It presented 18 books and 13 collections of papers by SASA members, SASA editions, as well as the research institutes and centres founded by the SASA. It staged 12 chamber exhibitions. The SASA Library also published the jubilee Bibliography of Academician Nikola Tasić’s Works, authored by Milena Obradović, and the sixth issue of the SASA Library Forum Almanac (GodiĆĄnjak “Tribina Biblioteke SANU”). The 293-page issue of the Almanac contains the presentations given at the forums in 2017. In 2018, the SASA Gallery staged eight thematic exhibitions on its premises: “Stojan Novaković and His Era” (Stojan Novaković i njegovo doba), “So, you are UroĆĄ Predić?“ (Dakle, vi ste taj UroĆĄ Predić), “35 Years of Petnica” (35 godina Petnice), “Mihailo Petrović Alas, the Founding Father of the Serbian School of Mathematics” (Mihailo Petrović Alas, rodonačelnik srpske matematičke ĆĄkole), “Nedeljko Gvozdenović. On a Quest for Absolute Painting” (Nedeljko Gvozdenović. U potrazi za apsolutnim slikarstvom), “Roman Limes and Cities in Serbia” (Rimski limes i gradovi u Srbiji), 57th October Salon. “The Marvellous Cacophony” (57. Oktobarski salon. Čudo kakofonije), “Marko Čelebonović (1902-1986)”, Retrospective Exhibition (Marko Čelebonović /1902-1986/. Retrospektivna izloĆŸba). All exhibitions were accompanied by catalogues, lectures and expert guidance. Six catalogues were printed and one was prepared for printing. The exhibitions staged outside the SASA Gallery included: “SASA Art Collection – Academician Artists” (Umetnička zbirka SANU – likovni umetnici akademici), which toured PoĆŸarevac, Leskovac and Svilajnac, and “Olga Jevrić Exhibition – Sculptures” (IzloĆŸba Olga Jevrić – skulpture) in UĆŸice. Seven new exhibitions were also prepared. In 2018, the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized 74 concerts within the relevant cycles. The concert-related activity of the SASA Gallery is headed by Academician Ivan Jevtić. During the year, the SASA Gallery of Science and Technology staged 15 exhibitions, supported by rich accompanying programmes. The names of these exhibitions were “Roma Tribulation in World War I” (Stradanje Roma u Prvom svetskom ratu); “Ivan Djaja. The Belgrade School of Physiology – from the Sorbonne to Belgrade” (Ivan Djaja. Beogradska ĆĄkola fiziologije – od Sorbone do Beograda); “Brain Awareness Week 2018 – All Sides of Consciousness” (Nedelja svesti o mozgu – Sve strane svesti); “Traditional Architectural Heritage in the Area of the Stara Planina” (Tradicionalno arhitektonsko nasledje u regionu Stare planine); “The History of Toxicology” (Istorija toksikologije); THE POWER OF HERBS – The 70th Anniversary of the Institute for Medicinal Herb Research “Dr Josif Pančić” (MOĆ BILJA – povodom 70 godina rada Instituta za proučavanje lekovitog bilja “Dr Josif Pančić”); “This too Is Serbia, ’68 in Student” (I ovo je Srbija, ’68. u Studentu); “Archaeological Forensics – 20 Years of New Archaeological Invesigations of Vinča” (Forenzika drevnosti – 20 godina novih arheoloĆĄkih istraĆŸivanja lokaliteta Vinča); “Serbian Lexicography from Vuk to the Present Day” (Srpska leksikografija od Vuka do danas); “Jovan Stejić, First Serbian Doctorof Medicine in Restored Serbia” (Jovan Stejić, prvi Srbin doktor medicine u obnovljenoj Srbiji); The Salonika Front, 1916-1918 (Solunski front 1916- 1918); World War One in Miniature (Prvi svetski rat u minijaturi), and ON ARCHITECTURE 2018 (O ARHITEKTURI 2018). The exhibitions were supported by the relevant catalogues (5) and rich accompanying programmes. In 2018, the SASA Archives enriched its holdings by numerous gifts. It finished processing Academician Vasa Čubrilović’s manuscript legacy and Patriarch German Andjelić’s legacy. The processing of Dragoljub Jovanović’s legacy will be finished during the first few months of 2019. The work on organizing the collection held in the Cabinet for Medals was carried out. The electronic Incoming Inventory of the Cabinet was prepared. All decorations were sorted out and placed into archival boxes in order to ensure better protection and facilitate handling. The Central Institute for Conservation conserved 169 decorations. More than 800 decorations were photographed and cataloguing was done in accordance with all museological processing rules. The website and digital presentation were created, and the biographies of all donors were written. The result of this work is the permanent exhibition of the Cabinet for Medals, which was opened on the Day of the Academy on 19 November 2018. During the past year, the SASA archivists catered to 223 researchers. The reference library of the SASA Archives was enriched by 70 new books.Ima izdanje na drugom jeziku: Đ‘ĐžĐ»Ń‚Đ”Đœ Đ€ĐŸĐœĐŽĐ° САНУ Đ·Đ° ОстражОĐČања у ĐœĐ°ŃƒŃ†Đž Đž ŃƒĐŒĐ”Ń‚ĐœĐŸŃŃ‚Đž = ISSN 2466-428
