42,872 research outputs found

    The Interplay between Chemistry and Mechanics in the Transduction of a Mechanical Signal into a Biochemical Function

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    There are many processes in biology in which mechanical forces are generated. Force-bearing networks can transduce locally developed mechanical signals very extensively over different parts of the cell or tissues. In this article we conduct an overview of this kind of mechanical transduction, focusing in particular on the multiple layers of complexity displayed by the mechanisms that control and trigger the conversion of a mechanical signal into a biochemical function. Single molecule methodologies, through their capability to introduce the force in studies of biological processes in which mechanical stresses are developed, are unveiling subtle intertwining mechanisms between chemistry and mechanics and in particular are revealing how chemistry can control mechanics. The possibility that chemistry interplays with mechanics should be always considered in biochemical studies.Comment: 50 pages, 18 figure

    Kinetic approaches to lactose operon induction and bimodality

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    The quasi-equilibrium approximation is acceptable when molecular interactions are fast enough compared to circuit dynamics, but is no longer allowed when cellular activities are governed by rare events. A typical example is the lactose operon (lac), one of the most famous paradigms of transcription regulation, for which several theories still coexist to describe its behaviors. The lac system is generally analyzed by using equilibrium constants, contradicting single-event hypotheses long suggested by Novick and Weiner (1957). Enzyme induction as an all-or-none phenomenon. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 43, 553-566) and recently refined in the study of (Choi et al., 2008. A stochastic single-molecule event triggers phenotype switching of a bacterial cell. Science 322, 442-446). In the present report, a lac repressor (LacI)-mediated DNA immunoprecipitation experiment reveals that the natural LacI-lac DNA complex built in vivo is extremely tight and long-lived compared to the time scale of lac expression dynamics, which could functionally disconnect the abortive expression bursts and forbid using the standard modes of lac bistability. As alternatives, purely kinetic mechanisms are examined for their capacity to restrict induction through: (i) widely scattered derepression related to the arrival time variance of a predominantly backward asymmetric random walk and (ii) an induction threshold arising in a single window of derepression without recourse to nonlinear multimeric binding and Hill functions. Considering the complete disengagement of the lac repressor from the lac promoter as the probabilistic consequence of a transient stepwise mechanism, is sufficient to explain the sigmoidal lac responses as functions of time and of inducer concentration. This sigmoidal shape can be misleadingly interpreted as a phenomenon of equilibrium cooperativity classically used to explain bistability, but which has been reported to be weak in this system

    Stochastic dynamics of macromolecular-assembly networks

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    The formation and regulation of macromolecular complexes provides the backbone of most cellular processes, including gene regulation and signal transduction. The inherent complexity of assembling macromolecular structures makes current computational methods strongly limited for understanding how the physical interactions between cellular components give rise to systemic properties of cells. Here we present a stochastic approach to study the dynamics of networks formed by macromolecular complexes in terms of the molecular interactions of their components. Exploiting key thermodynamic concepts, this approach makes it possible to both estimate reaction rates and incorporate the resulting assembly dynamics into the stochastic kinetics of cellular networks. As prototype systems, we consider the lac operon and phage lambda induction switches, which rely on the formation of DNA loops by proteins and on the integration of these protein-DNA complexes into intracellular networks. This cross-scale approach offers an effective starting point to move forward from network diagrams, such as those of protein-protein and DNA-protein interaction networks, to the actual dynamics of cellular processes.Comment: Open Access article available at http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v2/n1/full/msb4100061.htm

    Real sequence effects on the search dynamics of transcription factors on DNA

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    Recent experiments show that transcription factors (TFs) indeed use the facilitated diffusion mechanism to locate their target sequences on DNA in living bacteria cells: TFs alternate between sliding motion along DNA and relocation events through the cytoplasm. From simulations and theoretical analysis we study the TF-sliding motion for a large section of the DNA-sequence of a common E. coli strain, based on the two-state TF-model with a fast-sliding search state and a recognition state enabling target detection. For the probability to detect the target before dissociating from DNA the TF-search times self-consistently depend heavily on whether or not an auxiliary operator (an accessible sequence similar to the main operator) is present in the genome section. Importantly, within our model the extent to which the interconversion rates between search and recognition states depend on the underlying nucleotide sequence is varied. A moderate dependence maximises the capability to distinguish between the main operator and similar sequences. Moreover, these auxiliary operators serve as starting points for DNA looping with the main operator, yielding a spectrum of target detection times spanning several orders of magnitude. Auxiliary operators are shown to act as funnels facilitating target detection by TFs.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Computational Investigations on Polymerase Actions in Gene Transcription and Replication Combining Physical Modeling and Atomistic Simulations

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    Polymerases are protein enzymes that move along nucleic acid chains and catalyze template-based polymerization reactions during gene transcription and replication. The polymerases also substantially improve transcription or replication fidelity through the non-equilibrium enzymatic cycles. We briefly review computational efforts that have been made toward understanding mechano-chemical coupling and fidelity control mechanisms of the polymerase elongation. The polymerases are regarded as molecular information motors during the elongation process. It requires a full spectrum of computational approaches from multiple time and length scales to understand the full polymerase functional cycle. We keep away from quantum mechanics based approaches to the polymerase catalysis due to abundant former surveys, while address only statistical physics modeling approach and all-atom molecular dynamics simulation approach. We organize this review around our own modeling and simulation practices on a single-subunit T7 RNA polymerase, and summarize commensurate studies on structurally similar DNA polymerases. For multi-subunit RNA polymerases that have been intensively studied in recent years, we leave detailed discussions on the simulation achievements to other computational chemical surveys, while only introduce very recently published representative studies, including our own preliminary work on structure-based modeling on yeast RNA polymerase II. In the end, we quickly go through kinetic modeling on elongation pauses and backtracking activities. We emphasize the fluctuation and control mechanisms of the polymerase actions, highlight the non-equilibrium physical nature of the system, and try to bring some perspectives toward understanding replication and transcription regulation from single molecular details to a genome-wide scale

    Concentration and Length Dependence of DNA Looping in Transcriptional Regulation

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    In many cases, transcriptional regulation involves the binding of transcription factors at sites on the DNA that are not immediately adjacent to the promoter of interest. This action at a distance is often mediated by the formation of DNA loops: Binding at two or more sites on the DNA results in the formation of a loop, which can bring the transcription factor into the immediate neighborhood of the relevant promoter. These processes are important in settings ranging from the historic bacterial examples (bacterial metabolism and the lytic-lysogeny decision in bacteriophage), to the modern concept of gene regulation to regulatory processes central to pattern formation during development of multicellular organisms. Though there have been a variety of insights into the combinatorial aspects of transcriptional control, the mechanism of DNA looping as an agent of combinatorial control in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes remains unclear. We use single-molecule techniques to dissect DNA looping in the lac operon. In particular, we measure the propensity for DNA looping by the Lac repressor as a function of the concentration of repressor protein and as a function of the distance between repressor binding sites. As with earlier single-molecule studies, we find (at least) two distinct looped states and demonstrate that the presence of these two states depends both upon the concentration of repressor protein and the distance between the two repressor binding sites. We find that loops form even at interoperator spacings considerably shorter than the DNA persistence length, without the intervention of any other proteins to prebend the DNA. The concentration measurements also permit us to use a simple statistical mechanical model of DNA loop formation to determine the free energy of DNA looping, or equivalently, the J-factor for looping

    Influence of mutations of Val226 on the catalytic rate of haloalkane dehalogenase

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    Haloalkane dehalogenase converts haloalkanes to their corresponding alcohols. The 3D structure, reaction mechanism and kinetic mechanism have been studied. The steady state kcat with 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane is limited mainly by the rate of release of the halide ion from the buried active-site cavity. During catalysis, the halogen that is cleaved off (Clα) from 1,2-dichloroethane interacts with Trp125 and the Clβ interacts with Phe172. Both these residues have van der Waals contacts with Val226. To establish the effect of these interactions on catalysis, and in an attempt to change enzyme activity without directly mutating residues involved in catalysis, we mutated Val226 to Gly, Ala and Leu. The Val226Ala and Val226Leu mutants had a 2.5-fold higher catalytic rate for 1,2-dibromoethane than the wild-type enzyme. A pre-steady state kinetic analysis of the Val226Ala mutant enzyme showed that the increase in kcat could be attributed to an increase in the rate of a conformational change that precedes halide release, causing a faster overall rate of halide dissociation. The kcat for 1,2-dichloroethane conversion was not elevated, although the rate of chloride release was also faster than in the wild-type enzyme. This was caused by a 3-fold decrease in the rate of formation of the alkyl-enzyme intermediate for 1,2-dichloroethane. Val226 seems to contribute to leaving group (Clα or Brα) stabilization via Trp125, and can influence halide release and substrate binding via an interaction with Phe172. These studies indicate that wild-type haloalkane dehalogenase is optimized for 1,2-dichloroethane, although 1,2-dibromoethane is a better substrate.

    An integrative approach for modeling and simulation of Heterocyst pattern formation in Cyanobacteria strands

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    A comprehensive approach to cellular differentiation in cyanobacteria is developed. To this aim, the process of heterocyst cell formation is studied under a systems biology point of view. By relying on statistical physics techniques, we translate the essential ingredients and mechanisms of the genetic circuit into a set of differential equations that describes the continuous time evolution of combined nitrogen, PatS, HetR and NtcA concentrations. The detailed analysis of these equations gives insight into the single cell dynamics. On the other hand, the inclusion of diffusion and noisy conditions allows simulating the formation of heterocysts patterns in cyanobacteria strains. The time evolution of relevant component concentrations are calculated allowing for a comparison with experiments. Finally, we discuss the validity and the possible improvements of the model.Comment: 20 pages (including the supporting information), 8 figure