6,519 research outputs found

    Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays - BigWallHCI 2013 3rd JRC ECML Crisis Management Technology Workshop

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    The 3rd JRC ECML Crisis Management Technology Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays in Situation Rooms and Monitoring Centres was co-organised by the European Commission Joint Research Centre and the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Austria. It took place in the European Crisis Management Laboratory (ECML) of the JRC in Ispra, Italy, from 18 to 19 April 2013. 40 participants from stakeholders in the EC, civil protection bodies, academia, and industry attended the workshop. The hardware of large display areas is on the one hand mature since many years and on the other hand changing rapidly and improving constantly. This high pace developments promise amazing new setups with respect to e.g., pixel density or touch interaction. On the software side there are two components with room for improvement: 1. the software provided by the display manufacturers to operate their video walls (source selection, windowing system, layout control) and 2. dedicated ICT systems developed to the very needs of crisis management practitioners and monitoring centre operators. While industry starts to focus more on the collaborative aspects of their operating software already, the customized and tailored ICT applications needed are still missing, unsatisfactory, or very expensive since they have to be developed from scratch many times. Main challenges identified to enhance big wall display systems in crisis management and situation monitoring contexts include: 1. Interaction: Overcome static layouts and/or passive information consumption. 2. Participatory Design & Development: Software needs to meet users’ needs. 3. Development and/or application of Information Visualisation & Visual Analytics principle to support the transition from data to information to knowledge. 4. Information Overload: Proper methods for attention management, automatic interpretation, incident detection, and alarm triggering are needed to deal with the ever growing amount of data to be analysed.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    An Activity-Centric Approach to Configuration Work in Distributed Interaction

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    The widespread introduction of new types of computing devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers, large interactive displays or even wearable devices, has led to setups in which users are interacting with a rich ecology of devices. These new device ecologies have the potential to introduce a whole new set of cross-device and cross-user interactions as well as to support seamless distributed workspaces that facilitate coordination and communication with other users. Because of the distributed nature of this paradigm, there is an intrinsic difficulty and overhead in managing and using these kind of complex device ecologies, which I refer to as configuration work. It is the effort required to set up, manage, communicate, understand and use information, applications and services that are distributed over all devices in use and people involved. Because current devices and their containing software are still document- and application-centric, they fail to capture and support the rich activities and context in which they are being used. This leaves users without a stable concept for cross-device information management, forcing them to perform a large amount of manual configuration work. In this dissertation, I explore an activity-centric approach to configuration work in distributed interaction. The central goal of this dissertation is to develop and apply concepts and ideas from Activity-Centric Computing to distributed interaction. Using the triangulation approach, I explore these concepts on a conceptual, empirical and technological level and present a framework and use cases for designing activitycentric configurations in multi-device information systems. The dissertation presents two major contributions: First, I introduce the term configuration work as an abstract analytical unit that describes and captures the problems and challenges of distributed interaction. Using both empirical data and related work, I argue that configuration work is composed of: curation work, task resumption lag, mobility work, physical handling and articulation work. Using configuration work as a problem description, I operationalize Activity Theory and Activity-Centric Computing to mitigate and reduce configuration work in distributed interaction. By allowing users to interact with computational representations of their real-world activities, creating complex multi-user device ecologies and switching between cross-device information configurations will be more efficient, more effective and provide better support for users’ mental model about a multi-user and multi-device environment. Using activity configuration as a central concept, I introduce a framework that describes how digital representations of human activity can be distributed, fragmented and used across multiple devices and users. Second, I present a technical infrastructure and four applications that apply the concepts of activity configuration. The infrastructure is a general purpose platform for the design, development and deployment of distributed activitycentric systems. The infrastructure simplifies the development of activity-centric systems as it presents complex distributed computing processes and services into high level activity system abstractions. Using this infrastructure and conceptual framework, I describe four fully working applications that explore multi-device interactions in two specific domains: office work and hospital work. The systems are evaluated and tested with end-users in a number of lab and field studies

    Fall prevention intervention technologies: A conceptual framework and survey of the state of the art

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    In recent years, an ever increasing range of technology-based applications have been developed with the goal of assisting in the delivery of more effective and efficient fall prevention interventions. Whilst there have been a number of studies that have surveyed technologies for a particular sub-domain of fall prevention, there is no existing research which surveys the full spectrum of falls prevention interventions and characterises the range of technologies that have augmented this landscape. This study presents a conceptual framework and survey of the state of the art of technology-based fall prevention systems which is derived from a systematic template analysis of studies presented in contemporary research literature. The framework proposes four broad categories of fall prevention intervention system: Pre-fall prevention; Post-fall prevention; Fall injury prevention; Cross-fall prevention. Other categories include, Application type, Technology deployment platform, Information sources, Deployment environment, User interface type, and Collaborative function. After presenting the conceptual framework, a detailed survey of the state of the art is presented as a function of the proposed framework. A number of research challenges emerge as a result of surveying the research literature, which include a need for: new systems that focus on overcoming extrinsic falls risk factors; systems that support the environmental risk assessment process; systems that enable patients and practitioners to develop more collaborative relationships and engage in shared decision making during falls risk assessment and prevention activities. In response to these challenges, recommendations and future research directions are proposed to overcome each respective challenge.The Royal Society, grant Ref: RG13082

    Virtual Representations for Cybertherapy: A Relaxation Experience for Dementia Patients

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    The development of serious games has enabled new challenges for the healthcare sector in psychological, cognitive and motor rehabilitation. Thanks to Virtual Reality, stimulating and interactive experiences can be reproduced in a safe and controlled environment. This chapter illustrates the experimentation conducted in the hospital setting for the non-pharmacological treatment of cognitive disorders associated with Dementia. The therapy aims to relax patients of the agitation cluster through a gaming approach through the immersion in multisensory and natural settings in which sound and visual stimuli are provided. The study is supported by a technological architecture, including the Virtual Wall system for stereoscopic wall projection and rigid body tracking

    Collaborative Affordances of Medical Records

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    The Interactive Medical Emergency Department (iMED): Architectural Integration of Digital Systems into the Emergency Care Environment

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    In healthcare, the architectural response to the development of information technologies has largely been relegated to a reactive role, essentially waiting for systems to develop and simply accommodating them with appropriately sized spaces. Designing IT systems independently from, rather than integrally with, their environment impedes them from reaching their full potential as vital components in the delivery of care by creating a lack of flexibility, decelerating performance, and degrading the healing environment. The flexibility of the environment is compromised by fixed position, single user data systems which prevent it from actively adapting to changing conditions, especially during volumetric surges associated with mass casualty events. Additionally, the delivery of care is hindered by traditional data entry points which minimize the caregiver\u27s ability to utilize information effectively by increasing distances to, and wait times for, available platforms. Furthermore, the overall quality of the healing environment is degraded by the increasing amount of technological clutter which can be difficult to sanitize, intimidating to patients, and unsafe by frustrating care. Dissolving the disconnect between architectural environments and information technology can be achieved by devising architectural elements and treatment protocols which would fuse both entities together, creating a more holistic, digitally integrated setting in which to deliver care. Utilizing advances such as integrated wall interfaces and environmental sensor systems would improve the delivery of care by empowering users and architectural settings with the ability to effectively adapt to changing conditions, increase accessibility to information, and streamline care for improved patient outcomes. Replacing fixed position, single user data entry systems with environmentally integrated surface interfaces would improve flexibility and performance by creating a multitude of localized points to access data, as well as streamline and simplify the environment by eliminating technological clutter. The process in which to derive an architectural response to the thesis statement was initiated by performing a series of interviews with nationally prominent professionals in the fields of healthcare architecture and information technology, attending international design conferences, interning in health facilities, assembling a cross-disciplinary thesis committee, and conducting a thorough literature review. The thesis research phase began by studying the historical progression and significance of information technology in healthcare environments in order to discern the architectural role in the implementation of these systems. The research focus was then shifted to all areas of architecture, identifying applicable precedent studies in which the environmental integration of information technology had enhanced the quality of the setting, highlighting characteristics that would improve flexibility, performance, and outcomes in the field of healthcare. From this exploration, a series of typological selection criteria were developed in order to determine which area within the healthcare spectrum would best demonstrate the potentials of this union. The emergency care environment was selected as an appropriate vessel to implement the thesis, due to its need for flexibility in order to accommodate ever changing demographic needs, significant volumetric shifts, fast paced care delivery which is dependent on the rapid utilization of information, and high patient turnover rate requiring an efficient throughput processes. Specific problems relevant to contemporary emergency departments were then identified, including overcrowding, staffing issues, and inability to accommodate for volumetric surges, all of which stem from inadequate throughput methodologies. The thesis then explored how the fusion of digital modalities with architectural elements in the emergency care environment would remediate these problems by improving the throughput of the facility. To ensure the final design holistically satisfies the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of emergency care through the environmental integration of information technology, a series of design principles were developed to serve as its basis. In order to optimize data flow, access to input areas must be maximized by conceiving the building as an interface, where spatial boundaries become digital connections. If integrated data systems are to be accessible from a universal architectural interface and respond in a safe and controlled manner, digital scanning technologies such as biometrics and RFID tagging must be fused with physical threshold conditions in order to enable the digital system\u27s recognition of its inhabitants. In an additional effort to maintain safety, maximize workability, and ensure a level of sterility in sensitive environments, the facility needs to be designed into layers of penetration, regulating access to only those users who meet proper security clearances. Furthermore, the facility needs to act like a sponge, easily expanding and contracting the layers of penetration in an effort to accommodate unpredictable volumetric increases during mass casualty events. In addition to increasing its capacity, the facility should also be prepared to appropriate adjacent, existing infrastructure for overflow shelter and staging operations during such events. The programmatic typology of a freestanding medical emergency department, in which there is no connection to an existing facility, was selected with the intention of deriving a pure condition which eliminated extraneous influences from diluting the focus of this thesis on the relationship between information technology and architecture. Although rare in the US, freestanding emergency care facilities are a viable option for expanding healthcare provider\u27s coverage, capturing areas with growing populations, and improving the regional capability to respond effectively during mass casualty events. The base program was derived from the Swedish Medical Issaquah Campus Freestanding Emergency Department in Seattle, Washington, and then modified to function as a Point of Distribution (POD) site during mass casualty events. A series of potential mass casualty event scenarios were then developed in order to effectively prepare conceptual simulations to test possible responses from the facility\u27s program. The thesis proposal consists of a freestanding, 40,000+ square foot Interactive Medical Emergency Department (iMED) located in Charleston, SC. The proposal is guided by an established set of design principles, aiming to improve the delivery of emergency care during daily operations and mass casualty surge events through the architectural integration of information technology. In order to provide a range of possible disaster response situations, the building was located in the densely populated peninsula area of Charleston, South Carolina, within a region which is susceptible to an assortment of mass casualty events (including hurricanes, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks). The final site within the urban context adheres to a set of established criteria, including placement on open, stable, elevated land adjacent to the major access arterials of I-26, Hwy 17, and Meeting Street. Additionally, the site was located within a rapidly expanding, non-historical sector of the city which is not part of an existing healthcare complex. By meeting regional and urban conditions defined in the criteria, the site\u27s location strengthens the facility\u27s ability to deliver care during both daily and surge conditions substantially

    Medical image computing and computer-aided medical interventions applied to soft tissues. Work in progress in urology

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    Until recently, Computer-Aided Medical Interventions (CAMI) and Medical Robotics have focused on rigid and non deformable anatomical structures. Nowadays, special attention is paid to soft tissues, raising complex issues due to their mobility and deformation. Mini-invasive digestive surgery was probably one of the first fields where soft tissues were handled through the development of simulators, tracking of anatomical structures and specific assistance robots. However, other clinical domains, for instance urology, are concerned. Indeed, laparoscopic surgery, new tumour destruction techniques (e.g. HIFU, radiofrequency, or cryoablation), increasingly early detection of cancer, and use of interventional and diagnostic imaging modalities, recently opened new challenges to the urologist and scientists involved in CAMI. This resulted in the last five years in a very significant increase of research and developments of computer-aided urology systems. In this paper, we propose a description of the main problems related to computer-aided diagnostic and therapy of soft tissues and give a survey of the different types of assistance offered to the urologist: robotization, image fusion, surgical navigation. Both research projects and operational industrial systems are discussed

    Design and Implementation of Indoor Disinfection Robot System

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    After the outbreak of COVID-19 virus, disinfection has become one of the important means of epidemic prevention. Traditional manual disinfection can easily cause cross infection problems. Using robots to complete disinfection work can reduce people's social contact and block the spread of viruses. This thesis implements an engineering prototype of a indoor disinfection robot from the perspective of product development, with the amin of using robots to replace manual disinfection operations. The thesis uses disinfection module, control module and navigation module to compose the hardware of the robot. The disinfection module uses ultrasonic atomizers, UV-C ultraviolet disinfection lamps, and air purifiers to disinfect and disinfect the ground and air respectively. The control module is responsible for the movement and obstacle avoidance of the robot. The navigation module uses Raspberry Pi and LiDAR to achieve real-time robot positioning and two-dimensional plane mapping. In terms of robot software,we have done the following work: (1) Based on the ROS framework, we have implemented functions such as SLAM mapping, location positioning, and odometer data calibration.(2) Customize communication protocols to manage peripheral devices such as UV-C lights, ultrasonic atomizers, air purifiers, and motors on the control board. (3) Develop an Android mobile app that utilizes ROSBridge's lightweight communication architecture to achieve cross platform data exchange between mobile devices and navigation boards, as well as network connectivity and interaction between mobile phones and robots Finally, this thesis implements an engineering prototype of a household disinfection robot from the perspective of product development