1,751 research outputs found

    School Choice by the Numbers: The Fiscal Effect of School Choice Programs, 1990-2006

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    Calculates the fiscal impact of existing school voucher and tax-credit scholarship programs, and maintains that school choice programs produce substantial savings for states and school districts

    Hjerneføde til lunsj

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    Folkebibliotekene kan bli viktige samarbeidspartnere i forskningsformidling. I arrangementsrekken "Akademisk lunsj" samarbejder fagbibliotek og folkebibliotek om å bringe gode formidlere i kontakt med offentligheten

    Å møte en helt ny verden. Minoritetsforeldres opplevelser av å ha et barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne : en kvalitativ studie

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    Bakgrunn: Mitt formål med masteroppgaven er å belyse hvordan minoritetsforeldre som har barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne opplever sin situasjon. Det å inneha minoritetsbakgrunn og funksjonsnedsettelse er i politiske dokumenter beskrevet som en «dobbel minoritetsstatus». Det er lite forskningsbasert kunnskap om dette feltet og med denne oppgaven ønsker jeg å bidra med å synliggjøre disse foreldrenes erfaringer og opplevelser. Problemstilling: Studiens problemstilling er tredelt. Jeg har en hovedproblemstilling og to underspørsmål.1) Hvordan opplever foreldre med minoritetsbakgrunn det å ha et barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne? Som utdypende spørsmål har jeg følgende; 1.1. Hvordan forholder de seg til egne følelser og til barnet? 1.2. Hvordan forholder de seg til andre nære relasjoner og hjelpeapparatet? Metode: Jeg har valgt kvalitativ studie med intervju av åtte familier fra fem ulike land. Intervjuene ble tatt opp på bånd og analysert inspirert av prinsippene i Grounded Theory. Analysemetoden er diskutert i forskerteam med spesialkompetanse innen GT. Resultat: I studien laget jeg fire hovedkategorier og en kjernekategori. Hovedkategoriene peker på fire ulike aspekt ved kjernekategorien; «å møte en helt ny verden». Hovedkategoriene «å legge egne reaksjoner på is» og «å forstå hva funksjonshemming innebærer» belyser samtidig den ene underproblemstillingen. I de to siste hovedkategoriene «å håndtere den praktiske hverdagen» og «å forholde seg til et hjelpeapparat» belyses også den andre underproblemstillingen. Diskusjon: Problemstillingen besvares med kjernekategorien «å møte en helt ny verden» og i diskusjonsdelen drøftes fremtredende trekk ved denne. Sentralt for den nye situasjonen familien befinner seg i er at den i stor grad oppleves som en ensom og isolert tilværelse. I forhold til egne følelser og til barnet så formidler mange at de ikke har behov for å snakke om hvordan de har det, å gå inn i egne følelser ville ikke hjelpe barnet, som var deres hovedfokus. Å bli møtt med varme og engasjement fra fagpersoner og sosialt nettverk er vesentlig for foreldrene, og er av betydning for hvordan de håndterer hverdagen. For at vi som fagpersoner kan bidra til at møte med den nye verden blir mer forståelig er kommunikasjon en viktig faktor, med kommunikasjon kan vi skape et meningsfullt samhandlingsrom. Konklusjon: Minoritetsforeldre som har barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne har med sin doble minoritetsstatus noen tilleggsutfordringer når de møter «en helt ny verden». De er i et nytt land, men mestrer ikke å ta ut sine egne følelser, men setter inn all oppmerksomhet på barnet. Mange av disse reaksjonene vil de dele med foreldre som er etnisk norske. Men det å ha et begrenset nettverk, kommunikasjonsutfordringer og liten oversikt over offentlige tilbud er eksempel på at de har det ekstra vanskelig. En fast kontaktperson som de kan ha tillit til og som bistår og veileder dem i forhold til hjelpeapparatet og som har oversikt over familiens behov er noe som mange av dem har etterspurt.My purpose with the thesis is to examine how minority parents who have children with disabilities experience their situation. There is little knowledge on this field and with this task, I want to contribute these parents' experiences. Both minority and disabled are in policy documents described as a "double minority status." Problem: The issue is divided into three. The main issue is: “How parents from minority groups experience having a child with disabilities?” The questions are: “How do they relate to their own feelings and the child”, and, “How do they relate to other close relationships and support system?” Method: A qualitative interview method has been used where 8 families from 5 different countries, have been interviewed. In the study, Grounded Theory was applied as the main research method. The analysis method is discussed in a research team with expertise in GT The results: The core category of the study became “meeting a whole new world”. This emerges from the four main categories. The main categories point to four different aspects of the core category. The main categories "to add their own reactions on ice" and "understanding what disability means" illuminate the first question. In the last two main categories "to deal with the everyday practice" and "to deal with the supporting service" also point to the second question. Discussion: This issue is answered with the core category "to meet a whole new world" and in this section prominent features will be discussed. Central to the new situation the family is in is that it is largely perceived as a lonely and isolated existence. In relation to their own feelings and the child they explain that they do not need to talk about how they feel, to enter into their own feelings would not help the child, which was their main focus. Being greeted with warmth and commitment from professionals and social networks are important for the parents, and its importance for how they handle their everyday life. As professionals we can contribute the families to meet and understand the new world better. Communication is an important factor; with communication we can create a meaningful interaction. Conclusion: Minority Parents who have children with disabilities have some additional challenges when facing "a whole new world." They are in a new country, and they don`t manage to take out their own feelings, but inserting all the attention on the child. Many of these reactions they share with parents who are ethnically Norwegian. But having a limited network, communication challenges and little information on public services give them problems. A coordinator who can assist and guide is something that many of them want.Master i rehabiliterin

    Municipal risk management : implications of the use of different risk tools

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    PhD thesis in Risk management and societal safetyThis thesis is based on the following papers:PAPER 1: Nilsen, A. S. & Olsen, O. E. (2004) Universal and contextual tools as a double strategy in emergency planning. International Journal of Emergency Management, 2, 81-97.PAPER 2: Nilsen, A. S. & Olsen, O. E. (2005) Different strategies equal practice? Risk assessment and management in municipalities. Risk Management: An International Journal, 7, 37-47.PAPER 3: Nilsen, A. S. & Olsen, O. E. (2007) Resistance or acceptance? Mitigation strategies in risk management. Risk management. An International Journal. 9, 255–270PAPER 4: Nilsen, A. S. (2008) Tools for empowerment in local risk management. Safety Science, 5, 858-868The municipalities are part of an overall emergency and risk management system in Norway. The municipalities have a sole responsibility for daily social welfare and safety at the local level. The Supervisory Authorities‟ (SA) tasks are to guide and inspect how municipalities conduct emergency and risk management. The intention of the thesis is to contribute knowledge for improving the quality of municipal risk management. The main research question addressed in this thesis is: How does the use of different risk tools influence risk management in municipalities? The risk tools that are analysed and compared are Risk and Vulnerability Analysis (RAV) and Mini Risk Analysis (MRA). Part 1 Part one covers the main research question and background, addressing the research as a whole and considering both theoretical and methodological issues common to the articles presented in part 2. Theories of planning, organisation and risk have given a wide variety of perspectives with which to examine the tools. Rational and communicative planning perspectives have provided a useful way of analysing the different approaches to municipal risk management revealed in the empirical material. In 1994, the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DCPEP) made the Risk and Vulnerability analysis guideline (RAV), which is still a risk tool recommended for use in municipalities. RAV can be considered as a rational planning approach due to an underlying assumption of having an overview of all possible risks and their consequences. RAV is used within a top-down strategy, where the top management and experts conduct the analysis. The Mini Risk Analysis guideline (MRA), developed in Klepp municipality in 2002, is a risk tool made to fit a municipal context and is thus of interest to this research. MRA shares elements with a communicative approach. It is mostly used in a bottom-up strategy where the middle and street level bureaucrats in the municipal organisation conduct MRA as a tool for assessing daily risks. This is a qualitative study based on a case study design. The context is the municipalities Klepp and Time, who use MRA and RAV respectively. Klepp has developed MRA. Time uses the ordinary RAV ..

    Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Terhadap Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Di TK Bustanul Athfal 5 Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Pattern proper family education will provide opportunities for children to learn optimally, it implies that the treatment used in the lives of children in the family can help develop the intellect and creativity to think efficiently and effectively to achieve the learning objectives in school. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship Parenting Parents against children in Kindergarten Language Development Bustanul Athfal 5 Sragen Academic Year 2015-2016. This study took place in kindergarten Bustanul Athfal 5 Sragen with this type of research is descriptive correlational. The population in this study were 63 children, and a sample of 46 children, using simple random sampling. The data used to authoritarian parenting parents and language development using a questionnaire. While data analysis using product moment correlation analysis technique. Based on the results of correlation r_xy = 0.422 (r count> r table) or 0.422> 0.422 at significant level of 0.1% can be concluded that authoritarian parenting parents has a negative correlation to the development of children's language. This indicates that the two variables were not interconnected

    Mortality and injuries of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) that are caught by pelagic longline

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    By-catches of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) below legal size (44 cm total length) in the seasonal pelagic longline fisheries for haddock off the coast of Finnmark, northern Norway, are often high. The small fish are torn off the hook at the vessel side by means of a crucifier or a gaff and returned to the sea. It is generally thought that most of the discarded haddock die. An investigation to quantify this mortality was done in the season for this fishery in 1997. The undersized haddock that were torn off the longline hook were recaptured by gently catching them in a dip net as they reached the sea surface. Survival of haddock torn off by means of crucifier alone was compared to haddock torn of the hook by means of a gaff. The fish were transferred in tanks onboard a vessel to holding pens made of small meshed knotless netting floating at the surface. They were visually monitored for 7-11 days. The control group consisted of haddock fished with clean hooks without barbs and gently released by hand. At the end of the observation period the live and dead fish were examined for external damage. The experiment showed a total mortality of 39% for fish that had been torn off by means of a crucifier, and 53% mortality of fish released by means of a gaff. The mortality of the control group was 9%. The injuries of the fish were also analysed