77,255 research outputs found

    The Effects of Lean Management in Nonprofit Operations

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    Many nonprofits desire to serve the segment of society that is helpless or in distress, and this paper seeks to demonstrate that the implementation of Lean management into nonprofit operations aids a nonprofit in accomplishing its vision of service. The goal of this essay is to combine Lean management with nonprofit operations to develop a more sustainable method of managing nonprofit operations. This essay will be written from a Christian point of view, so partnership with the Church will be considered when discussing Lean operations. Lean management is effective in reducing waste and increasing efficiency in nonprofit operations; however, only through partnership with the Church will long-term results be realized, and a nonprofit see multiplication of its relief efforts

    Método para implantação da filosofia Lean na gestão portuária

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    A filosofia lean contempla uma variedade de princípios, metodologias e ferramentas de gestão que objetivam eliminar desperdícios por meio da melhoria contínua dos processos e, entregar apenas valor aos clientes. A implantação desta em organizações de serviço ainda se encontra em estágio inicial, principalmente quanto aos portos. Logo, o objetivo geral desta dissertação foi desenvolver um método para a implantação da filosofia lean na gestão portuária, intitulado Lean Port Implementation (LPI). Para isso traçou-se objetivos específicos como: a) explicar a filosofia lean e suas ferramentas; b) apresentar o ramo dos serviços e modelos de aplicação da filosofia lean em indústrias de serviço; c) realizar revisão bibliográfica sobre serviços lean; d) compreender as operações portuárias, o conceito de porto lean e identificar os modelos existentes na implantação da filosofia lean na gestão portuária. Em virtude da ausência de recursos financeiros, humanos e tempo para implantar o método, delimitou-se também como objetivo específico a proposição de um Plano de Implantação do LPI no terminal público do Porto de Vitória- ES. Sendo assim, foram estabelecidas três etapas principais nesta pesquisa sendo a primeira a definição do universo pesquisado (Porto de Vitória- ES), a segunda a proposição do método e a terceira o desenvolvimento de um Plano de Implantação do método LPI. Os resultados previstos foram alcançados e o método LPI apresenta diferenciais significativos. Está estruturado em fases de implantação bem definidas e detalhadas contendo o respectivo foco de atuação, a ação principal e passos a serem realizados, sugestões de ferramentas lean e desafios que podem surgir durante a implantação de cada etapa. Ademais, sugere métricas para medir os processos, e indicadores para monitorar a satisfação dos clientes portuários e as operações gerais do porto, aspectos não contemplados nos modelos identificados na literatura. Desta forma, conclui-se que por ser considerado mais detalhado e completo, facilita o entendimento da autoridade portuária sobre como implantar a filosofia lean minimizando erros e falhas. O método trouxe contribuições para o campo científico, organizações públicas e privadas, clientes portuários e sociedade.The lean philosophy encompasses a variety of principles, methodologies and management tools that aim to eliminate waste by continuously improving processes and delivering only value to customers. The deployment of this in service organizations is still at an early stage, mainly regarding ports. Therefore, the general objective of this dissertation was to develop a method for the implementation of the lean philosophy in port management, entitled Lean Port Implementation (LPI). For this purpose, specific objectives were established such as: a) explain lean philosophy and its tools; b) present the service branch and application models of lean philosophy in service industries; c) carry out literature review on lean services; d) understand the port operations, the concept of lean port and identify the existing models in the implementation of lean philosophy in port management. Due to the lack of financial resources, human resources and time to implement the method, it was also defined as a specific objective to propose an LPI Implementation Plan in the public terminal of the Port of Vitoria- ES. Thus, three main steps were established in this research, the first being the definition of the universe searched (Port of Vitoria - ES), the second the proposal of the method and the third the development of an Implementation Plan of the LPI method. The expected results were achieved and the LPI method presented significant differentials. It is structured in well-defined and detailed implementation phases containing the respective focus of action, the main action and steps to be carried out, suggestions of lean tools and challenges that may arise during the implementation of each step. In addition, it suggests metrics to measure the processes, and indicators to monitor the satisfaction of the port clients and the general operations of the port, aspects not contemplated in the models identified in the literature. In this way, it is concluded that because it is considered more detailed and complete, it facilitates the understanding of the port authority on how to implement the lean philosophy, minimizing errors and failures. The method brought contributions to the scientific field, public and private organizations, port clients and societ

    Lean Thinking: Theory, Application and Dissemination

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    This book was written and compiled by the University of Huddersfield to share the learnings and experiences of seven years of Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded projects with the National Health Service (NHS). The focus of these projects was the implementation of Lean thinking and optimising strategic decision making processes. Each of these projects led to major local improvements and this book explains how they were achieved and compiles the lessons learnt. The book is split into three chapters; Lean Thinking Theory, Lean Thinking Applied and Lean Thinking Dissemination

    Practitioner Perceptions of the A3 Method for Process Improvement in Health Care

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    The focus of this article is to present students’ perceptions of the recently developed A3 method, a structured problem-solving approach based on lean concepts and tools that have been adapted to the health care environment. The students were all employees of a large health care provider and were enrolled in a customized health care executive MBA Program. Each student was required to complete an individual A3 Project in order to improve a process at the department for which they worked. At the end of the semester the students presented their A3 projects to their peers who voted on the best projects. A survey measuring perceptions of the A3 method for problem solving in health care was administered and from it we present propositions for A3 implementation. These propositions are applicable both to health care practitioners and to academic researchers

    Applications of lean thinking: a briefing document

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    This report has been put together by the Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC) at the University of Salford for the Department of Health. The need for the report grew out of two main simple questions, o Is Lean applicable in sectors other than manufacturing? o Can the service delivery sector learn from the success of lean in manufacturing and realise the benefits of its implementation?The aim of the report is to list together examples of lean thinking as it is evidenced in the public and private service sector. Following a review of various sources a catalogue of evidence is put together in an organised manner which demonstrates that Lean principles and techniques, when applied rigorously and throughout an entire organization/unit, they can have a positive impact on productivity, cost, quality, and timely delivery of services

    Visual Performance Management: Does it work in Public Service Organisations?

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    Visual Performance Management (VPM) has been prominent within Lean manufacturing environments for a number of decades, but its use has only recently started to emerge in service organisations. We consider the transition of VPM approaches to service environments and, utilising a case study method with two public service organisations, we explore four aspects of visual performance implementation. We start by exploring the strategic drivers for VPM adoption, the transparency of VPM, the performance management approach used, and changes in organisational effectiveness resulting from the introduction of VPM. Findings indicate that VPM approaches do work within public service environments, and have a tangible impact on management, but strategic alignment and data integrity are common concerns, and should be considered essential prerequisites

    Lean thinking in the European hotel industry

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    Lean towards learning: connecting Lean Thinking and human resource management in UK higher education

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    From its origins in the automotive industry, Lean Thinking is increasingly being seen as a solution to problems of efficiency and quality in other industries and sectors. In recent years attempts have been made to transfer Lean principles and practice to the higher education sector with indications of mixed consequences and debate over its suitability. This paper contributes to the debate by drawing evidence from thirty-four interviews conducted across two UK universities that have implemented Lean in some of their activities and we pay particular attention to the role of the HR function in facilitating its introduction. The findings suggest there are problems in understanding, communicating and transferring Lean Thinking in the higher education context; that, despite HR systems being vital facets of Lean, HR professionals are excluded from participation; and that as a consequence the depth and breadth of Lean application in the two institutions is very limited

    Lean and green – a systematic review of the state of the art literature

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    The move towards greener operations and products has forced companies to seek alternatives to balance efficiency gains and environmental friendliness in their operations and products. The exploration of the sequential or simultaneous deployment of lean and green initiatives is the results of this balancing action. However, the lean-green topic is relatively new, and it lacks of a clear and structured research definition. Thus, this paper’s main contribution is the offering of a systematic review of the existing literature on lean and green, aimed at providing guidance on the topic, uncovering gaps and inconsistencies in the literature, and finding new paths for research. The paper identifies and structures, through a concept map, six main research streams that comprise both conceptual and empirical research conducted within the context of various organisational functions and industrial sectors. Important issues for future research are then suggested in the form of research questions. The paper’s aim is to also contribute by stimulating scholars to further study this area in depth, which will lead to a better understanding of the compatibility and impact on organisational performance of lean and green initiatives. It also holds important implications for industrialists, who can develop a deeper and richer knowledge on lean and green to help them formulate more effective strategies for their deployment

    Applying value stream mapping to reduce food losses in supply chains : a systematic review

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