573 research outputs found

    Inventory Games

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    AMS classifications: 90D12, 90B05.inventory management;information;cooperative games;proportional division


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    RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo tem a finalidade de traçar o Perfil Epidemiológico das internações por Pancreatite Aguda no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil, no período de 2010 a 2019. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico de natureza descritiva, quantitativa e transversal, onde os dados foram coletados no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS (SIH/SUS), disponível no Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS). As variáveis investigadas foram o número de internações por pancreatite aguda, assim como, sexo, cor/raça, faixa etária, caráter de atendimento, média de permanência e internações por município no Tocantins entre 2010 e 2019. Resultados: Dentro do período analisado houve 1424 internações e o ano com mais casos foi 2018 com 188 internações. Foi verificado que 64% eram do sexo masculino, 71,7% pardos e as faixas etárias com mais casos eram de 30 a 39 anos (20,2%) e de 40 a 49 anos (21,3%). 99,86% dos atendimentos tiveram caráter de urgência, e o tempo médio de internação ficou em torno de 7,6 dias. O município mais acometido pela afecção foi Araguaína com 239 casos. Conclusão: A pesquisa, portanto, demonstrou que o perfil epidemiológico da pancreatite aguda no Tocantins no período em questão é composto por homens, pardos com idade de 30 a 49 anos, tendo predomínio de atendimento de urgência, com média de 7,6 dias de internação. Desse modo, os esforços de prevenção devem se centrar no planejamento de políticas públicas, levando em consideração os resultados evidenciados por esta pesquisa. Palavras-chave: Pancreatite; Hospitalização; Perfil de Saúde.   ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims to outline the epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for acute pancreatitis in the State of Tocantins, Brazil, from 2010 to 2019. Methods: Epidemiological study of a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional nature, where data were collected in the SUS Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS), available at the SUS Informatics Department (DATASUS). The investigated variables were the number of hospitalizations for acute pancreatitis, as well as, sex, color/race, age group, character of care, average length of stay and hospitalizations per municipality in Tocantins between 2010 and 2019. Results: Within the analyzed period, there were 1424 hospitalizations, where 64% were male, 71% brown and the age groups with the most cases were 30 to 39 years old (20.2%) and 40 to 49 years old (21.3%). 99.86% of the visits were of na urgente nature, and the average hospital stay was around 7.6 days. The municipality most affected by the condition was Araguaína with 239 cases. Conclusions: The research, therefore, demonstrated that the epidemiological profile of acute pancreatitis in Tocantins in the period in question is composed of men, browns between the ages of 30 and 49 years, with a predominance of emergency care, with an average of 7.6 days of hospitalization. Thus, preventions efforts should focus on public policy planning, taking into account the results evidenced by this research. Keywords: Pancreatitis; Hospitalization; Epidemiology

    Neoangiogenesis in early cervical cancer: Correlation between color Doppler findings and risk factors. A prospective observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the present article was to evaluate whether angiogenic parameters as assessed by transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound (TVCD) may predict those prognostic factors related to recurrence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 27 patients (mean age: 51.3 years, range: 29 to 85) with histologically proven early stage invasive cervical cancer were evaluated by TVCD prior to surgery. Subjective assessment of the amount of vessels within the tumor (scanty-moderate or abundant) and pulsatility index (PI) were recorded. All patients underwent radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection. Postoperative treatment (RT or chemoradiotherapy) was given according to risk factors (positive lymph nodes, parametrial and vaginal margin involvement, depth stromal invasion, lymph-vascular space involvement)</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tumors with "abundant" vascularization were significantly associated with pelvic lymph node metastases, depth stromal invasion > 10 mm, lymph-vascular space involvement, tumor diameter > 17.5 mm, and parametrial involvement. Postoperative treatment was significantly more frequent in patients with "abundant" vascularization (OR: 20.8, 95% CIs: 2 to 211). The presence of scanty-moderate vascularization with a PI < 0.82 or abundant vascularization with either PI > 0.82 or PI < 0.82 was associated with high-risk group in 94.4% of the cases (OR: 21.2, 95% CI: 1.9 to 236.0)</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results are consistent with a relationship between tumor angiogenesis and prognostic factors for recurrence in early cervical cancer. "Abundant" vascularization and PI < 0.82 may be related to postoperative treatment due to risk factors.</p

    Numerical Simulation of Fatigue in Composites

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    For the past several years, composite marine structures have been designed but without having a complete characterization the composite materials. The main reason is due to the large quantity of variables that affect the behavior of said materials. One of the tasks that has not been properly characterized is the behavior of composite structures under fatigue loads that appear in marine structures that are subjected to cyclic loads. Therefore, numerical tools that characterize fatigue performance are required in order to design more reliable structures. The formulation proposed in this work is based on the Serial/Parallel Rule of Mixtures [1] and a fatigue damage model [2]. The Serial/Parallel Rule of Mixtures can be understood as a constitutive law manager that provides the response of the composite from the constitutive performance of its constituents. Therefore, the constitutive laws chosen to represent the behavior of each constituent material have to fit with their real performance. Also, the fatigue damage model is based on the use of a reduction function which takes into account the cyclic degradation of the materials, both strength and stiffness degradation, in function of the number of cycles, maximum stress and stress amplitude. Current work presents a numerical tool developed to characterize fatigue in composites. The fatigue behavior of constituent materials is defined using mechanic parameters taken from literature. Afterwards, a reproduction of the tests will be done in order to validate the fatigue formulation proposed. [1] Car, E., Oller, S., O&ntilde;ate, E. &quot;Estudio del comportamiento no lineal en materiales compuestos&quot;, Techincal Report 264,CIMNE, 1997. [2] Oller, Salomon, O., O&ntilde;ate, E. &ldquo;A continuum mechanics model for mechanical fatigue analysis&quot;, Composite Materials Science, Vol 32, Issue 2, pp 175-195, 2005

    Registres ornitològics

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    Registres ornitològics

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    The TERRANOVA project aims to produce new knowledge to support policy makers and stakeholders cope with the transition towards low carbon societies. Improving existing knowledge of past land-use management strategies will allow TERRANOVA partners to gain a better understanding of long-term and complex landscape dynamics. Beginning in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) onwards in NW Iberia, gradual softening of climate conditions allowed hunter-gatherer societies to broaden their natural resource exploitation strategies, based on a Guided Solar Energy Regime (ER1). As the mutually interconnected climate conditions and natural resources evolved with time, human subsistence strategies remained nonetheless static, only changing with the Neolithization process. The transition to a novel Devised Solar Energy Regime (ER2), largely based changes in food production approaches, would largely impact the landscapes. Human societies would soon need new sources of food and energy to sustain their coupled cultural and biological evolution processes, and more importantly, to deal with the consequences of their impact upon their own lived landscapes. A substantial archaeological database has been constructed, and spatial and temporal analysis has been conducted in order to identify and document and characterize ER1 and its transition to ER2. Unravelling the process of this transition will help archaeologists, paleontologists, paleo-geographers and earth and environmental scientists, amongst other specialists, better understand the time-bounded continuities and discontinuities in past societies. Focusing on energy regimes allows to identify the “time-loop” that defines transitions along different subsistence strategies, resulting from continuous new demands that arise by filling previous ones, in substitution of the classic understanding of a “stack” of cultural phases. Our current World is actually not exception to this loop. Unsustainable rates of fossil fuel consumption have solved many challenges whilst also triggering new ones. The transition towards green energies and allowing the environment to recover through more sustainable and resilient land and natural resource use strategies should thus become the next logic step in the loop


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    En este trabajo se realiza una sistematización de la información de suelos estabilizados con cal, se da a conocer la importancia que tiene este procedimiento en el análisis de los esfuerzos y deformaciones que se presentan en las estructuras de pavimentos semi-rígidos, como también se determina la influencia del espesor de la carpeta asfáltica en las deformaciones de la estructura de pavimentos con materiales estabilizados y no estabilizados. Finalmente se hace una comparación de las deformaciones que se presentan en cada una de las capas de la estructura del pavimento