9 research outputs found

    The State of Children and Families: 2009

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    This report contains information on current trends in the United States in areas including poverty, violence and crimes, unwed and teen pregnancy, education, nutrition, child health, child welfare, and housing

    The State of Child Welfare in America: 2009

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    In terms of physical and emotional suffering, an estimated 905,000 children were determined to be victims of child abuse or neglect in 2006 according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. From the fiscal perspective, Prevent Child Abuse America has estimated that child abuse and neglect in the U.S. costs over $284 million dollars per day. This report also includes statistics on adoption and foster care

    The State of Early Childhood Programs: 2009

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    Enriching experiences in the context of high quality early childhood programs give young children an enhanced chance at success in school. Poor children, who are particularly at risk for academic failure, can benefit greatly from early childhood programs that include not only education but other wide-ranging services for themselves and their families. Benefits of high quality early childhood experiences have been found to extend far beyond the young years, as they include a marked decrease in the likelihood children will some day engage in criminal activity or be dependent on public welfare programs

    The State of Missouri's Children: 2009

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    Includes bibliographical references.A variety of problems affect the children of Missouri. The report contains details in categories including poverty, nutrition, education, health and welfare, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and violence

    Distance burning: How gut microbes promote extraintestinal cancers

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    Gut microbes play a major role in carcinogenesis of the gastrointestinal tract. We and others have shown in mouse models that colonic bacteria also influence the development of extraintestinal cancers including hepatocellular and mammary carcinomas. Microbes such as Helicobacter hepaticus invoke a proinflammatory microenvironment in the lower bowel that may extend to distant organs, often in the absence of histologically evident inflammation. Innate immunity plays a crucial role in the promotion of liver cancer and other systemic diseases by gut microbes. Additional mechanisms include type 1 adaptive immunity, altered metabolism and oxidative stress. Emerging links between host genetics, gut microbes, inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer also may prove useful for the correlation of specific bacterial populations with extraintestinal neoplasms. Interruption of deleterious host-microbe networks through judicious use of antibiotics and targeted molecular therapies may help reduce the incidence of liver, breast and other human cancers

    Analysis of Phenotype

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    Predation impacts and management strategies for wildlife protection

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