1,815 research outputs found

    Evaluation of three tractor-guidance methods for parallel swathing at two field speeds

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    This study compared the accuracy (mean error and rms error) and precision (standard deviation of error) of three tractor-guidance methods (foam-marker, light-bar, and assisted-steering systems) at two field speeds (5.6 – and 11.5 km/h) for parallel swathing operations. Eighty-four replications of each combination of guidance method and field speed were conducted between 15 October and 22 December 2006 (504 total field passes). The foam-marker system was found to be significantly less accurate [larger mean error (p \u3c .0001) and had a larger rms error (p \u3c .0001)] than either the light-bar or the assisted-steering system. There was no significant difference in mean error (p = .6718) or rms error (p = .8841) by field speed. There was a significant interaction between guidance method and field speed for both mean error (p = .0009) and rms error (p = .003). Mean and rms errors for the foam-marker and the assisted-steering systems increased at higher field speed, while the mean and rms errors for the light-bar system decreased at higher speed. The assisted-steering system had a significantly lower (p = .0164) standard deviation of error (higher precision) than the foam-marker or the light-bar systems. There was no significant difference in the standard deviation of error by field speed (p = .6258) or by the interaction of guidance method and field speed (p = .2748)

    Influences of obese (ob/ob) and diabetes (db/db) genotype mutations on lumber vertebral radiological and morphometric indices: Skeletal deformation associated with dysregulated systemic glucometabolism

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    BACKGROUND: Both diabetes and obesity syndromes are recognized to promote lumbar vertebral instability, premature osteodegeneration, exacerbate progressive osteoporosis and increase the propensity towards vertebral degeneration, instability and deformation in humans. METHODS: The influences of single-gene missense mutations, expressing either diabetes (db/db) or obese (ob/ob) metabolic syndromes on vertebral maturation and development in C57BL/KsJ mice were evaluated by radiological and macro-morphometric analysis of the resulting variances in osteodevelopment indices relative to control parameters between 8 and 16 weeks of age (syndrome onset @ 4 weeks), and the influences of low-dose 17-B-estradiol therapy on vertebral growth expression evaluated. RESULTS: Associated with the indicative genotypic obesity and hyper-glycemic/-insulinemic states, both db/db and ob/ob mutants demonstrated a significant (P ≤ 0.05) elongation of total lumbar vertebrae column (VC) regional length, and individual lumbar vertebrae (LV1-5) lengths, relative to control VC and LV parameters. In contrast, LV1-5 width indices were suppressed in db/db and ob/ob mutants relative to control LV growth rates. Between 8 and 16 weeks of age, the suppressed LV1-5 width indices were sustained in both genotype mutant groups relative to control osteomaturation rates. The severity of LV1-5 width osteosuppression correlated with the severe systemic hyperglycemic and hypertriglyceridemic conditions sustained in ob/ob and db/db mutants. Low-dose 17-B-estradiol therapy (E2-HRx: 1.0 ug/ 0.1 ml oil s.c/3.5 days), initiated at 4 weeks of age (i.e., initial onset phase of db/db and ob/ob expressions) re-established control LV 1–5 width indices without influencing VC or LV lengths in db/db groups. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that the abnormal systemic endometabolic states associated with the expression of db/db and ob/ob genomutation syndromes suppress LV 1–5 width osteomaturation rates, but enhanced development related VC and LV length expression, relative to control indices in a progressive manner similar to recognized human metabolic syndrome conditions. Therapeutic E2 modulation of the hyperglycemic component of diabetes-obesity syndrome protected the regional LV from the mutation-induced osteopenic width-growth suppression. These data suggest that these genotype mutation models may prove valuable for the evaluation of therapeutic methodologies suitable for the treatment of human diabetes- or obesity-influenced, LV degeneration-linked human conditions, which demonstrate amelioration from conventional replacement therapies following diagnosis of systemic syndrome-induced LV osteomaturation-associated deformations


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    An Exploratory Analysis of Psychological and Genetic Based Outcomes Related to Binge Drinking and Binge Eating Behaviors in a College-Age Population

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    Purpose: The purpose of this dissertation was to explore psychological and genetic associations of binge drinking and eating in college-age individuals, and to assess if overlap exists across phenotypes. Key contributing factors of binge drinking and binge eating informed the development of a hypothesized biobehavioral conceptual framework for binge behavior. Next, an integrative review of existing instruments that measure binge eating was conducted to observe concepts related to binge eating as applied clinically. Finally, a secondary analysis was carried out to investigate the phenotypes of interest in a study aim that focused on key concepts in the framework from survey data as well as an aim that investigated physiological concepts by way of genetic data. Problem: Binge drinking and eating are prevalent behaviors in our society and within the college-age population. Binge eating rates are increasing, and binge eating disorder (BED) was included as a primary diagnosis in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM-5. Little is known about the etiology of binge eating; however, binge eating is regularly equated to substance use disorders in the literature. The specific aims of the dissertation study were to determine: Aim 1: If binge behaviors are associated with stress, impulsivity, and health outcome risks of obesity, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Aim 2: If shared single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) present for binge drinking and binge eating from a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) and a candidate gene approach. Design: A secondary analysis of cross-sectional self-report data was conducted to achieve aim one within the framework of a mediation analysis, while a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) was conducted to achieve aim two. Findings: Binge as a mediator applied to binge eating but not to binge drinking. Females demonstrated higher rates of binge eating, anxiety, and depressive symptoms than males. Overweight and obese participants were more likely to binge eat than binge drink. Racial differences showed that more Whites binge drink compared to Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics. No racial differences were noted among binge eating outcomes. No genetic overlap was noted among phenotypes nor was statistically significant output noted for the binge drink GWAS. Gene-based significance for binge eat included the following: PURG, LYPD5, SKAP2, TRAPPC1, and NCOA2. Conclusions: While binge drinking and binge eating are prevalent behaviors in college-age youth, binge eating shows heightened associations to pathologies without taking frequency into account. For the GWAS, preliminary analyses suggest that the binge drinking phenotype was oversaturated. It is probable that risky drinking behaviors were inseparable from problem drinking at this age by forming the phenotype from a binary approach assessing binge drinking within a month

    Postpartum Job Involvement

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    The effect of mothers\u27 employment on their children has been investigated repeatedly; however, there is little research on how motherhood affects womens\u27 employment attitudes. The research being reported here addresses this question. Subjects consisted of 126 working pregnant women and a comparable group of 45 working non-pregnant women who completed four questionnaires soliciting measures of the following attitudes: job involvement, home role attitude, employment role attitude, and interaction strain. Modest support was found for the prediction that giving birth would affect mothers\u27 attitudes. Job involvement was found to decline, and home role attitude was found to be less favorable after the birth of a child

    Diabetes (db/db) mutation-induced endometrial epithelial lipoapoptosis: Ultrastructural and cytochemical analysis of reproductive tract atrophy

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    BACKGROUND: The diabetes (db/db) mutation in C57BL/KsJ mice promotes a progressive cytolipidemia within the endometrial epithelial (EE) layer of the female reproductive tract which results in premature cellular and organ atrophy. The current studies focus on the ultrastructural and cytochemical changes which promote nuclear apoptosis and cytostructural disruption following the expression of endometrial hypercytolipidemia which promotes diabetes-associated organoinvolution and manifest infertility. METHODS: Control (normal:+/+) and diabetes (db/db) genotype groups were prepared for high resolution light microscopic analysis of cytolipidemia and nuclear apoptosis (TUNEL-labeled 3'-DNA fragmentation) indices and compared to the transmission electron (TEM) microscopic analysis of endometrial tissue samples collected from 8–16 week-old groups. RESULTS: Compared to controls, db/db mutation expression induced a dramatic increase in EE cytolipid vacuole volume and density within the epithelial endometrial layer. TEM analysis revealed that cytolipid vacuole accumulations initially aggregated at the baso-polar regions of UEE cells in response to the systemic hyperglycemic/hypertriglyceridemic conditions which characterized the (db/db) groups. Progressive cytoplasmic movement of the lipid pools into perinuclear compartments of affected EE cells induced nuclear isolation from organelles that were displaced towards peripheral cytoplasmic compartments. Cytochemical analysis of lipid vacuole accumulations indicated attraction towards, and incorporation within, the nuclear envelope of hyperlipidemic cells. Co-localization of nuclear apoptotic 3'-DNA fragments within identified hyperlipidemic EE cells was coincident with the cytochemical and ultrastructural identification of lipid penetration through the nuclear envelope in db/db mutants. CONCLUSION: These results are the first cytochemical indication that the metabolic disturbances in db/db mutants which promote hypercytolipidemia are coincident with lipoapoptosis-induced nuclear dissolution, as denoted by DNA fragmentation analysis. The lipidemia-induced alterations in intracellular organelle and nuclear architectures suggests that the metabolic disturbances in glucose and lipid metabolic cascades in diabetes (db/db) mutants disrupts cytointegrity, culminating in nuclear disregulation (as indicated by lipoapoptosis) and eventual premature reproductive tract organoinvolution and resultant, manifest, reproductive sterility

    Bosnia and the Limitations of International Law

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