62 research outputs found

    Search for dark photons in Higgs boson production via vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    A search is presented for a Higgs boson that is produced via vector boson fusion and that decays to an undetected particle and an isolated photon. The search is performed by the CMS collaboration at the LHC, using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 130 fb−1, recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in 2016–2018. No significant excess of events above the expectation from the standard model background is found. The results are interpreted in the context of a theoretical model in which the undetected particle is a massless dark photon. An upper limit is set on the product of the cross section for production via vector boson fusion and the branching fraction for such a Higgs boson decay, as a function of the Higgs boson mass. For a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV, assuming the standard model production rates, the observed (expected) 95% confidence level upper limit on the branching fraction is 3.5 (2.8)%. This is the first search for such decays in the vector boson fusion channel. Combination with a previous search for Higgs bosons produced in association with a Z boson results in an observed (expected) upper limit on the branching fraction of 2.9 (2.1)% at 95% confidence level

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Measurement of the Higgs boson production rate in association with top quarks in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons at s√=13TeV

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    The rate for Higgs (H) bosons production in association with either one (tH) or two (ttÂŻH) top quarks is measured in final states containing multiple electrons, muons, or tau leptons decaying to hadrons and a neutrino, using proton–proton collisions recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV by the CMS experiment. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 137fb−1. The analysis is aimed at events that contain H→WW, H→ττ, or H→ZZ decays and each of the top quark(s) decays either to lepton+jets or all-jet channels. Sensitivity to signal is maximized by including ten signatures in the analysis, depending on the lepton multiplicity. The separation among tH, ttÂŻH, and the backgrounds is enhanced through machine-learning techniques and matrix-element methods. The measured production rates for the ttÂŻH and tH signals correspond to 0.92±0.19(stat)+0.17−0.13(syst) and 5.7±2.7(stat)±3.0(syst) of their respective standard model (SM) expectations. The corresponding observed (expected) significance amounts to 4.7 (5.2) standard deviations for ttÂŻH, and to 1.4 (0.3) for tH production. Assuming that the Higgs boson coupling to the tau lepton is equal in strength to its expectation in the SM, the coupling yt of the Higgs boson to the top quark divided by its SM expectation, Îșt=yt/ySMt, is constrained to be within −0.9<Îșt<−0.7 or 0.7<Îșt<1.1, at 95% confidence level. This result is the most sensitive measurement of the ttÂŻH production rate to date.SCOAP

    Importancia del ultrasonido en el diagnóstico de la Hipertrofia congénita del píloro

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    Con las nuevas tecnologĂ­as de imagen se han reevaluados muchos problemas clĂ­nicos entre los que tenemos al infante vomitador para el cual uno de los diferenciales principales es la Estenosis HipertrĂłfica CongĂ©nita del PĂ­loro (EHCP). La EHCP, es una de las causas mĂĄs frecuentes de vĂłmitos persistentes, que ha recibido renovada atenciĂłn en los Ășltimos años. Es la lesiĂłn gĂĄstrica mĂĄs importante, durante las primeras semanas de vida. Walgreen estimĂł que ocurre en 1:150 varones y en 1:775 mujeres, con una relaciĂłn de 5:1 niño – niña. Esta predilecciĂłn por lo varones, aĂșn no ha sido establecida. La estenosis hipertrĂłfica de pĂ­loro es una anomalĂ­a congĂ©nita, caracterizada por la hipertrofia de la capa muscular circular del estĂłmago en la regiĂłn pilĂłrica, la que requiere de modo obligatorio cirugĂ­a para su correcciĂłn. La edad usual en la que se presenta el cuadro es de la tercera a la sexta semana, con un cuadro emĂ©tico no bilioso, progresivamente continuo hasta llegar al estado del vĂłmito permanente e incontrolable. El presente estudio trata sobre los casos que se obtuvieron en la ClĂ­nica Central de Aprofe por un perĂ­odo desde Enero del 2010 a Diciembre del 2012 en el que existieron 6 casos de lactantes entre las 3 semanas y hasta los 6 meses de edad detallĂĄndose la importancia del estudio de ultrasonido sobre los demĂĄs medios de diagnĂłstico

    Colocación de catéter venoso central guiado por ultrasonido

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    Before the appearance of the ultrasound-guided central venous catheter placement technique, it was practically done blind, since anatomical points were used as reference points, however, this technique is associated with greater com-plications such as multiple punctures, damage to veins, nerves and arteries, pneumothorax, thrombosis, among others. The research methodology is a bibliographic review that relied on electronic means to obtain relevant information for this research. The most relevant conclusion is that the placement of the central catheter guided by ultrasound, either due to failures and the generation of complications, is more successful and reliable than the anatomical technique, the studies reviewed and referenced here confirm this, with rates of up to 100% successful and without complications, in cases where there have been complications and more than one puncture to perform it, the placement of the catheter through the central line guided by ultrasound has continued to be more successful than the reference by anatomical points, with great statis-tical differences.Antes de la apariciĂłn de la tĂ©cnica de colocaciĂłn del catĂ©ter venoso central guiado por ultrasonido, prĂĄcticamente esta se hacia a ciegas, ya que se usaban como referencia puntos anatĂłmicos, sin embargo, esta tĂ©cnica esta asociada a mayores complicaciones como punciones mĂșltiples, daño a venas, nervios y arterias, neumotĂłrax, trombosis, entre otras. La metodologĂ­a de la investigaciĂłn, es una revisiĂłn bibliogrĂĄfica que se apoyĂł en medios electrĂłnicos para la obtenciĂłn de la informaciĂłn relevante para esta investigaciĂłn. La conclusiĂłn mas relevante, es que la colocaciĂłn del catĂ©ter central guiado por ultrasonido, ya sea por fallas y por generaciĂłn de complicaciones es mĂĄs exitosa y confiable que la tĂ©cnica anatĂłmica, los estudios revisados y aquĂ­ referenciados lo confirman, con tasas de hasta 100% de Ă©xitos y sin complicaciones, en los casos donde ha habido complicaciones y mas de una punciĂłn para su realizaciĂłn, la colocaciĂłn del catĂ©ter por vĂ­a central guiado por ultrasonido ha seguido siendo mas exitosa que la referenciada por puntos anatĂłmicos, con grandes diferencias estadĂ­sticas

    Encefalocele intrauterino a propĂłsito de un caso

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    Encefalocele podemos definirlo como una protrusión en forma de saco del contenido    encefålico y las membranas que lo recubren a través de una abertura en el cråneo.  Se produce durante la 4ta semana (día 24) del embarazo por un defecto en el cierre del neuroporo anterior, cuando el tubo neural no se cierra completamente durante el embarazo. Es un defecto óseo del cråneo debido a la falta de separación del ectodermo superficial del neuroectodermo, lo que determina un defecto mesodérmico El encéfaloce tiene una incidencia de 1 caso por 5000-10000 nacidos vicos, con claro predominio del sexo femenino, de acuerdo a su localización la mås frecuente es en la región occipital 70-75%, luego la región anterior 15 % y la región frontal 10%

    Biodiversity 2016. Status and Trends of Colombian Continental Biodiversity

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    This third volume of the annual report on biodiversity in Colombia continues the editorial line that begun in 2014. Using novel analytical and graphic proposals, these reports have the goal of communicating the contents to a broad public, making it available for discussion without sacrificing the quality of information. The challenge of communication continues to be a major part of the institutional project, and the new languages with which we are learning to communicate with society and other institutions are an experiment that we expect to be increasingly gratifying. The report for 2017 is already under construction and it counts on new digital technologies so the power of a colombian vital connection may be entirely expressed. The included content evidences that we are still far away from having a systematic follow-up about most of the topics related to the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services, which is the only way to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and investments made by society. In fact, a limitation that is recognized is that of identifying positive or negative changes that affect different levels of organization of life on this planet; therefore, our global navigation route of the Aichi targets is still to be verified. An additional purpose of this process includes the invitation of all Colombians to contribute in constructing and maintaining basic monitoring indicators for management since it is impossible to identify long-term trends of flora and fauna in the country without the support of institutions, researchers, and citizens. This challenge is immense in a megadiverse country such as Colombia. For this reason, the report will continue to open its pages to experts, and even indigenous peoples or local communities, for them to present their perspectives about environmental change and its effects on biodiversity in a systematic and documented manner. This has the objective of stimulating the commitment of everyone in the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The only way of overcoming the risk of extinction is through the active process of social learning in which all sectors assume a part of the complex responsibility in protecting the forms of life of the country, a roughly counted tenth of all creatures on Earth. I thank all the people that contributed in this Report, those who have supported us in the phases of production, and all readers and users, who are the ultimate judges of its utility.BogotĂĄ, D. C

    Biodiversidad 2016. Estado y Tendencias de la Biodiversidad Continental de Colombia

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    Esta tercera entrega del reporte anual de la biodiversidad en Colombia profundiza en la lĂ­nea editorial iniciada el año 2014 mediante nuevas propuestas analĂ­ticas y grĂĄficas, con la intenciĂłn de garantizar que la informaciĂłn llegue a todos los pĂșblicos y pueda ser discutida de manera amena sin sacrificio de calidad. La apuesta comunicativa sigue siendo central en el proyecto institucional y los nuevos lenguajes con los que estamos aprendiendo a conversar con la sociedad y las instituciones son un experimento que esperamos sea cada vez mĂĄs satisfactorio: ya estamos construyendo la versiĂłn 2017 con el apoyo de las nuevas tecnologĂ­as digitales de manera que la potencia de la conexiĂłn vital colombiana se exprese en toda su capacidad. Por los contenidos es evidente que aĂșn distamos mucho de tener una capacidad de seguimiento sistemĂĄtico para la mayorĂ­a de temas relativos a la gestiĂłn de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistĂ©micos, la Ășnica manera de evaluar si las medidas de polĂ­tica y las inversiones que realiza la sociedad estĂĄn teniendo los efectos deseados. De hecho, parte de las limitaciones reconocidas por robustamente los cambios positivos o negativos que afectan los diferentes niveles de organizaciĂłn de la vida planetaria, por lo cual las mismas metas de Aichi, nuestra carta de navegaciĂłn global, estĂĄn pendientes de verificaciĂłn. Un propĂłsito adicional de este proceso es la invitaciĂłn a todos los colombianos para contribuir con la construcciĂłn y alimentaciĂłn de los indicadores bĂĄsicos de seguimiento a la gestiĂłn, ya que es imposible identificar las tendencias de largo plazo en que estĂĄn inmersas la flora y fauna colombianas sin el apoyo de las instituciones, los investigadores y los ciudadanos: en el paĂ­s de la megadiversidad, el reto es inmenso. Por este motivo, este reporte irĂĄ abriendo sus pĂĄginas a expertos, incluso indĂ­genas o de comunidades locales, para que presenten de manera sistemĂĄtica y documentada sus perspectivas del cambio ambiental y sus efectos en la biodiversidad, con el ĂĄnimo de promover el compromiso de todos en su gestiĂłn. La Ășnica manera de superar el riesgo de extinciĂłn es mediante un activo proceso de aprendizajes sociales que haga que todos los sectores asuman una parte de la compleja responsabilidad que significa proteger todas las formas de vida del paĂ­s, una dĂ©cima parte mal contada de las planetarias. Agradezco a las decenas de personas que contribuyeron con este reporte, a quienes nos han apoyado en todas las etapas de producciĂłn y a sus lectores y usuarios, quienes son en Ășltimo tĂ©rmino los jueces de su utilidad.BogotĂĄ, D. C

    New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias

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    Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/‘proxy’ AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE Δ4 allele

    Freeze-out radii extracted from three-pion cumulants in pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC

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    In high-energy collisions, the spatio-temporal size of the particle production region can be measured using the Bose–Einstein correlations of identical bosons at low relative momentum. The source radii are typically extracted using two-pion correlations, and characterize the system at the last stage of interaction, called kinetic freeze-out. In low-multiplicity collisions, unlike in high-multiplicity collisions, two-pion correlations are substantially altered by background correlations, e.g. mini-jets. Such correlations can be suppressed using three-pion cumulant correlations. We present the first measurements of the size of the system at freeze-out extracted from three-pion cumulant correlations in pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE. At similar multiplicity, the invariant radii extracted in p–Pb collisions are found to be 5–15% larger than those in pp, while those in Pb–Pb are 35–55% larger than those in p–Pb. Our measurements disfavor models which incorporate substantially stronger collective expansion in p–Pb as compared to pp collisions at similar multiplicity
