1,290 research outputs found

    Criminal Defectors Lead to the Emergence of Cooperation in an Experimental, Adversarial Game

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    While the evolution of cooperation has been widely studied, little attention has been devoted to adversarial settings wherein one actor can directly harm another. Recent theoretical work addresses this issue, introducing an adversarial game in which the emergence of cooperation is heavily reliant on the presence of “Informants,” actors who defect at first-order by harming others, but who cooperate at second-order by punishing other defectors. We experimentally study this adversarial environment in the laboratory with human subjects to test whether Informants are indeed critical for the emergence of cooperation. We find in these experiments that, even more so than predicted by theory, Informants are crucial for the emergence and sustenance of a high cooperation state. A key lesson is that successfully reaching and maintaining a low defection society may require the cultivation of criminals who will also aid in the punishment of others

    Developmental changes in the role of different metalinguistic awareness skills in Chinese reading acquisition from preschool to third grade

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    Copyright @ 2014 Wei et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The present study investigated the relationship between Chinese reading skills and metalinguistic awareness skills such as phonological, morphological, and orthographic awareness for 101 Preschool, 94 Grade-1, 98 Grade-2, and 98 Grade-3 children from two primary schools in Mainland China. The aim of the study was to examine how each of these metalinguistic awareness skills would exert their influence on the success of reading in Chinese with age. The results showed that all three metalinguistic awareness skills significantly predicted reading success. It further revealed that orthographic awareness played a dominant role in the early stages of reading acquisition, and its influence decreased with age, while the opposite was true for the contribution of morphological awareness. The results were in stark contrast with studies in English, where phonological awareness is typically shown as the single most potent metalinguistic awareness factor in literacy acquisition. In order to account for the current data, a three-stage model of reading acquisition in Chinese is discussed.National Natural Science Foundation of China and Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Anàlisi de l'empresa a partir de l'estat de fluxos d'efectiu

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    La finalitat bàsica d’aquesta tesi doctoral ha consistit en determinar d’una banda la rellevància de l’Estat de fluxos d’efectiu (EFE), dins de l’anàlisi d’estats comptables, demostrant que per poder realitzar una anàlisi complet de la situació patrimonial, econòmica i financera de l’empresa és imprescindible l’estudi i anàlisi de l’EFE i d’altra banda fer una proposta metodològica amb la finalitat de millorar l’actual estructura de l’EFE que ens presenta el Pla general de comptabilitat actual. Els objectius secundaris d’aquest treball d’investigació han estat determinar la importància de l’EFE en l’anàlisi de la situació financera a curt termini; demostrar la importància de l’activitat econòmica en l’estudi d’aquest document; i per últim demostrar la vàlua de la informació que aquest document aporta de forma individualitzada de les diferents activitats que l’empresa desenvolupa i sobre el grau d’interrelació existent entre elles.La finalidad básica de esta tesis doctoral ha consistido en determinar la relevancia del Estado de flujos de efectivo (EFE), dentro del análisis de estados contables, demostrando que para poder realizar un análisis completo de la situación patrimonial, económica y financiera de la empresa es imprescindible el estudio y análisis del EFE y por otro lado hacer una propuesta metodológica con el fin de mejorar la actual estructura del EFE que nos presenta el Plan general de contabilidad actual. Los objetivos secundarios de este trabajo de investigación han sido determinar la importancia del EFE en el análisis de la situación financiera a corto plazo; demostrar la importancia de la actividad económica en el estudio de este documento; y por último demostrar la importancia de la información que este documento aporta de forma individualizada de las diferentes actividades que la empresa desarrolla y sobre el grado de interrelación existente entre ellas

    Urban Airborne Lead: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Establishes Soil as Dominant Source

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the dramatic decrease in airborne lead over the past three decades, there are calls for regulatory limits on this potent pediatric neurotoxin lower even than the new (2008) US Environmental Protection Agency standard. To achieve further decreases in airborne lead, what sources would need to be decreased and what costs would ensue? Our aim was to identify and, if possible, quantify the major species (compounds) of lead in recent ambient airborne particulate matter collected in El Paso, TX, USA. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used synchrotron-based XAFS (x-ray absorption fine structure) to identify and quantify the major Pb species. XAFS provides molecular-level structural information about a specific element in a bulk sample. Pb-humate is the dominant form of lead in contemporary El Paso air. Pb-humate is a stable, sorbed complex produced exclusively in the humus fraction of Pb-contaminated soils; it also is the major lead species in El Paso soils. Thus such soil must be the dominant source, and its resuspension into the air, the transfer process, providing lead particles to the local air. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Current industrial and commercial activity apparently is not a major source of airborne lead in El Paso, and presumably other locales that have eliminated such traditional sources as leaded gasoline. Instead, local contaminated soil, legacy of earlier anthropogenic Pb releases, serves as a long-term reservoir that gradually leaks particulate lead to the atmosphere. Given the difficulty and expense of large-scale soil remediation or removal, fugitive soil likely constrains a lower limit for airborne lead levels in many urban settings

    Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the B -> K(*) mu+ mu- Decay and First Observation of the Bs -> phi mu+ mu- Decay

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    We reconstruct the rare decays B+K+μ+μB^+ \to K^+\mu^+\mu^-, B0K(892)0μ+μB^0 \to K^{*}(892)^0\mu^+\mu^-, and Bs0ϕ(1020)μ+μB^0_s \to \phi(1020)\mu^+\mu^- in a data sample corresponding to 4.4fb14.4 {\rm fb^{-1}} collected in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at s=1.96TeV\sqrt{s}=1.96 {\rm TeV} by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Using 121±16121 \pm 16 B+K+μ+μB^+ \to K^+\mu^+\mu^- and 101±12101 \pm 12 B0K0μ+μB^0 \to K^{*0}\mu^+\mu^- decays we report the branching ratios. In addition, we report the measurement of the differential branching ratio and the muon forward-backward asymmetry in the B+B^+ and B0B^0 decay modes, and the K0K^{*0} longitudinal polarization in the B0B^0 decay mode with respect to the squared dimuon mass. These are consistent with the theoretical prediction from the standard model, and most recent determinations from other experiments and of comparable accuracy. We also report the first observation of the Bs0ϕμ+μdecayandmeasureitsbranchingratioB^0_s \to \phi\mu^+\mu^- decay and measure its branching ratio {\mathcal{B}}(B^0_s \to \phi\mu^+\mu^-) = [1.44 \pm 0.33 \pm 0.46] \times 10^{-6}using using 27 \pm 6signalevents.Thisiscurrentlythemostrare signal events. This is currently the most rare B^0_s$ decay observed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns

    Search for a New Heavy Gauge Boson Wprime with Electron + missing ET Event Signature in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV

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    We present a search for a new heavy charged vector boson WW^\prime decaying to an electron-neutrino pair in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96\unit{TeV}. The data were collected with the CDF II detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 5.3\unit{fb}^{-1}. No significant excess above the standard model expectation is observed and we set upper limits on σB(Weν)\sigma\cdot{\cal B}(W^\prime\to e\nu). Assuming standard model couplings to fermions and the neutrino from the WW^\prime boson decay to be light, we exclude a WW^\prime boson with mass less than 1.12\unit{TeV/}c^2 at the 95\unit{%} confidence level.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures Submitted to PR

    Measurements of the properties of Lambda_c(2595), Lambda_c(2625), Sigma_c(2455), and Sigma_c(2520) baryons

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    We report measurements of the resonance properties of Lambda_c(2595)+ and Lambda_c(2625)+ baryons in their decays to Lambda_c+ pi+ pi- as well as Sigma_c(2455)++,0 and Sigma_c(2520)++,0 baryons in their decays to Lambda_c+ pi+/- final states. These measurements are performed using data corresponding to 5.2/fb of integrated luminosity from ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV, collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Exploiting the largest available charmed baryon sample, we measure masses and decay widths with uncertainties comparable to the world averages for Sigma_c states, and significantly smaller uncertainties than the world averages for excited Lambda_c+ states.Comment: added one reference and one table, changed order of figures, 17 pages, 15 figure