18 research outputs found

    Physiological thermal niches, elevational ranges and thermal stress in dendrobatid frogs: An integrated approach

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    Aim: We investigated the relationship between thermal physiology, elevational distribution and thermal stress among nine closely related dendrobatid frogs during their aquatic stage by employing an integrated approach, combining thermal physiology, environmental temperature modelling and predictive assessments of current and future exposure to thermal variation. Location: Ecuador. Taxon: Amphibians; Anura, Dendrobatidae, Epipedobates, Hyloxalus. Methods: We determined the thermal performance curves (TPCs) of larval growth for each species and modelled the thermal variation in contrasting aquatic larval environments for both present and future times. This allowed us to estimate the expected elevational distributions and forecast periods of exposure to stressful temperatures that inhibit larval growth due to elevation and global warming. Results: We found significant correlations between optimum temperature (Topt), 50% maximum performance temperature (maxB50), 50% minimum performance temperature (minB50) and cold resistance (survival at 9°C) with the current elevational distributions. However, thermal physiology predicted lower than observed distributions for high-elevation dendrobatids and higher than observed maximum elevations for lowland species. Nonetheless, our models predicted that low thermal variability habitats (i.e. streams and deep permanent ponds) can buffer the future temperature increase for all taxa, even when considering the most extreme scenario. In contrast, all species within high thermal variation habitats (open forest temporary ponds) are expected to experience stressful temperatures under present conditions. Main Conclusions: The findings indicate that thermal physiology may not be a limiting factor for dendrobatid frog species' ranges in this equatorial mountain gradient. Highland species may need to adapt to suboptimal performance, while some lowland species could occupy higher elevations. This study emphasizes the importance of habitat buffering to mitigate thermal stress in the face of climate change for amphibians in tropical mountainsEx situ frog management was funded by the General Academic Board of PUCE through research grant L13227 to AMV. This research was supported by AECID (AP/038788/11) and MINECO (CGL2012-40246-C02-01) grants to MT and AMV and SeveroOchoa (SEV-69) funds to MT. PP was supported by an MAE-AECIDgrant (BOE-A-2015-12270). Ministerio del Ambiente of Ecuador provided the permits to conduct this research (003-15/012-015/00216IC-FAU-DNB/MA). AC was supported by a MSCAH2020: 897901fellowshi

    Diet of the neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis (Carnivora: Mustelidae) from the Santiago River basin, Mexico

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    The diet of the neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis is reported in the Santiago River, Nayarit - Jalisco, Mexico. A diet based on fish was found (percentage of occurrence 43.86%), with lower frequencies of insects (22.81%), reptiles (9.36%) and amphibians (8.77%), with the introduced fish Oreochromis aureus and Cyprinus carpio, the most consumed.Se reporta la dieta de la nutria neotropical Lontra longicaudis en el Río Santiago, Nayarit/Jalisco, México. Se encontró una dieta basada en peces (porcentaje de ocurrencia 43.86%), con frecuencias menores de insectos (22.81%), reptiles (9.36%) y anfibios (8.77%), siendo los peces introducidos Oreochromis aureus y Cyprinus carpio, las especies más consumidas

    Evolution of fossoriality in lizards of the tribe Gymnophthalmini (Gymnophthalmidae, Squamata)

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    A evolução da fossorialidade (capacidade de locomover-se no subsolo) em lagartos está associada à evolução ecomorfos serpentiformes fossoriais. Esta é uma das mais importantes transformações ecomorfológicas nos lagartos e, pelo tanto, seu entendimento é necessário para explicar a evolução da diversidade morfológica nos Squamata. Porém, a falta de dados comparativos funcionais impede um melhor entendimento de quais funções ou capacidades foram beneficiadas pela evolucão de ecomorfos serpentiformes fossoriais, de como co-evoluiram a morfologia, comportamento e fisiologia durante a aquisição de ecomorfos fossoriais e de quais ambientes favorecem a evolução e persistência destes ecomorfos. Aqui são apresentados dados funcionais de 10 espécies de lagartos Gymnopthalmideos da tribo Gymnophthalmini. As espécies estudadas estão filogenéticamente divididas por dois grupos monofiléticos, os quais estão compostos por espécies lacertiformes ou serpentiformes fossoriais. Pares de representantes de ambos grupos convivem em umas poucas localidades de habitat arenoso da Caatinga. Neste estudo foram avaliadas: a capacidade de termoregular mediante escavação, de escapar de predadores visualmente orientados e de alimentar-se em diferentes contextos e tipos de presas. Para isso foram mensuradas: 1) a profundidade da escavação durante um choque térmico experimental, 2) a tolerância e preferência térmicas, 3) a escolha do modo de fuga e sua dependência do ambiente na qual a fuga é realizada (areia e folhiço), 4) a velocidade de escape e sua dependência da temperatura e substrato (areia solta e solo duro) durante escape na horizontal, 5) o desempenho na alimentação de presas epígeas e enterradas no substrato, assim como de presas rápidas e lentas. Além disto, para avaliar potenciais restrições ou oportunidades do ambiente sobre a termoregulação destes lagartos foi gerado um modelo espaço-temporal da distribuição e dinâmica das temperaturas ambientais enfrentadas pelos lagartos estudados. Para avaliar o sucesso de escape de lagartos fossoriais e lacertiformes foi gerado um videojogo que simulava as condições de fuga destes animais. Por último, a disponibilidade de presas acima e abaixo da vegetação foi estimada em regiões onde lagartos fossoriais são endêmicos e convivem com espécies lacertiformes. Os resultados indicam que: 1) que a evolução de ecomorfos fossoriais na tribo Gymnophthalmini tem levado a uma maior eficiência no enterramento, a qual tem aumentado as opções para termoregular escavando. Porém, a capacidade de enterramento per se não tem co-evoluido com a fisiologia térmica, sugerindo que mudanças evolutivas do comportamento (aquisição de hábitos noturnos) é necessária para evitar temperaturas extremas. 2) Ecomorfos fossoriais são piores no escape a predadores visualmente orientados. 3) Ecomorfos fossoriais têm maior acesso a recursos alimentares enterrados que espécies lacertiformes. Estes resultados permitem explicar porque lagartos fossoriais da tribo Gymnophthalmini, tem áreas de distribuição menores, persistindo apenas em ambientes quentes, secos, e com solo solto e folhiço. Estes ambientes lhes oferecem opções para termoregular, evitar predadores visualmente orientados e aproveitar a disponibilidade de alimento enterradoThe evolution of fossoriality (ability of underground locomotion) in lizards represents one of the three main evolutionary pathways for the acquisition of burrowing snake-like ecomorphs (BSLEs). This is a major ecomorphological transformation among lizards, which makes its understanding fundamental to explain the evolution of diversity within Squamata. However, the lack of comparative data on function of typically lacertoid and BSLEs prevents a better understanding of the functions that actually benefitted from the evolution of a BSLE, the co-evolution of morphology, behavior and physiology during that process, and what environments favour their evolution or persistence of BSLEs, behavior and physiology during this process. Herein, we provide functional comparative data for 10 species of Gymnopthalmidae lizards from the Gymnophthalmini tribe. The study species group splits into two sister groups of monophyletic branches, each one being composed by either, lacertoid or BSLE species. Different pairs of species of the two branches live in syntopy and are endemic at a few localities of sandy habitats within the Caatingas. During this study it was measured: 1) the vertical burrowing performance, 2) thermal tolerance and preference, 3) escape behavior and its dependence of environment (leaf-litter and open sand), 4) escape speed and its dependence of temperature and substrate (loose versus glued sand), and 5) feeding performance over buried, epigeal, fast and slow prey. To estimate environmental opportunities and restrictions for the evolution and persistence of BSLE, it was generated a model of the distribution and dynamics of soil temperatures. To compare relative success of escape to visual predators, it was generated a videogame which simulated escape conditions of these animals. Finally, the availability of prey over and under the soil was estimated in regions were these BSLEs and lacertoid species coexists. Results show that: 1) The evolution of BSLE led to better burrowing abilities in Gymnophtalmini, increasing options for thermoregulation within the sub-soil. However, a better burrowing ability did not co-evolve with thermal physiology, suggesting that a change in behavior (the acquisition of nocturnal habits) is necessary to relax thermal pressures existing over BSLEs. 2) BSLEs were worse avoiding visually oriented predators. 3) BSLEs have more access to buried feeding resources than their lacertoid relatives. These results allow explaining why Gymnopthalmini BSLEs have smaller distribution areas and have persisted only in warm, dry habitats with protective microenvironments (loose sand and leaf litter). These environments offer them special opportunities for thermoregulation, avoiding visual predators and profit on buried feeding resource

    Rediscovery of the Earless Microteiid Lizard Anotosaura collaris Amaral, 1933 (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae): A redescription complemented by osteological, hemipenial, molecular, karyological, physiological and ecological data

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    Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut, Jr, Mauro Teixeira, Vechio, Francisco Dal, Amaro, Renata Cecília, Nisa, Carolina, Guerrero, Agustín Camacho, Damasceno, Roberta, Roscito, Juliana Gusson, Sales Nunes, Pedro M., Recoder, Renato Sousa (2013): Rediscovery of the Earless Microteiid Lizard Anotosaura collaris Amaral, 1933 (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae): A redescription complemented by osteological, hemipenial, molecular, karyological, physiological and ecological data. Zootaxa 3731 (3): 345-370, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3731.3.

    FIGURE 11 in A morphological and molecular study of Psilops, a replacement name for the Brazilian microteiid lizard genus Psilophthalmus Rodrigues 1991 (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae), with the description of two new species

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    FIGURE 11. Hemipenes of Psilops paeminosus (MZUSP 106186, from Gameleira do Assuruá, Bahia) (Clade B—type lineage), in its sulcate, lateral and asulcate faces (A), P. mucugensis (MZUSP 106196, from Miguel Calmon, Bahia) (Clade E), in its sulcate and asulcate faces (B) and, P. seductus (MNRJ 19099, from Jaborandi, Bahia) (Clade A) (C). Scale bars = 1 mm.Published as part of Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut, Recoder, Renato, Jr, Mauro Teixeira, Roscito, Juliana Gusson, Guerrero, Agustín Camacho, Sales Nunes, Pedro M., Freitas, Marco Antonio De, Fernandes, Daniel Silva, Bocchiglieri, Adriana, Vechio, Francisco Dal, Leite, Felipe Sá Fortes & Nogueira, Cristiano De Campos, 2017, A morphological and molecular study of Psilops, a replacement name for the Brazilian microteiid lizard genus Psilophthalmus Rodrigues 1991 (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae), with the description of two new species, pp. 451-482 in Zootaxa 4286 (4) on page 471, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4286.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/82866

    Psilops mucugensis Rodrigues, Recoder, Jr, Roscito, Guerrero, Nunes, Freitas, Fernandes, Bocchiglieri, Vechio, Leite & Nogueira, 2017, sp. nov.

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    <i>Psilops mucugensis</i> sp. nov. <p>(Figs. 4–5)</p> <p> <i>Psilophthalmus</i> sp.—Cassimiro and Rodrigues (2009: 49); Freitas <i>et al.</i> (2012: 18, 20, 22); Magalhães <i>et al.</i> (2015: 247, 249, 258, 261)</p> <p> <b>Holotype.</b> an adult male, MZUSP 106188, collected by M.A. Freitas and T.F. Santos Silva on October 5th 2005 (field number MTR 11787) from Fazenda Três Irmãos (12°53'06"S 41°31'41"W, 1075 m above sea level, hereafter asl), district of Guiné, municipality of Mucugê, Serra do Espinhaço (Chapada Diamantina), Bahia, Brazil.</p> <p> <b>Paratypes.</b> MZUSP 96918, 106187 (field number MTR 11520–21), collected on 8th October 2005 in the same locality and collectors as for the holotype.</p> <p> <b>Referred specimens.</b> AAG 6640, 6652, 6663, 6692, 6715–6716, 7026, 7040–7041, 7065, 7080, 7109, 7120, 7142, 7144, 7190, 7199, 7220, 7228, 7249 from Palmeiras (12°32'S, 41°29'W), Bahia, Brazil; collected by Adrian Garda <i>et al</i>. on 6th January to 6th February 2013. MZUSP 106196, 106208, 106209 (all from 11°22'24.17"S, 40°31'4.22"W, 1141 m asl), MZUSP 106197 (11°22'23.74"S, 40°31'4.12"W, 1141 m asl), MZUSP 106210 (11°21'32"S, 40°31'37"W), all from Parque Estadual das Sete Passagens, municipality of Miguel Calmon: Bahia: Brazil; collected by the authors between 29th May 2010 to 10th March 2011, field numbers MTR 19871, RPD 0 40, RPD 110, MTR 20012, RPD 260, respectively. MZUSP 106206, from Morro do Chapéu hill (11°35'34.45"S, 41°12'27.65"W, 1271 m asl), municipality of Morro do Chapéu, Bahia, Brazil; collected by the authors on 30th December 2011, field number MTR 22533.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Psilops mucugensis</i> differs from <i>P. paeminosus</i> (data in parenthesis) by having a higher number of smooth subcaudal scales, 7–14 (3–7), a higher number of total pores, 16–20 (14–16), two conspicuous dorsolateral white stripes running from supraciliaries to the tail (absent), a bright red tail (brownish in adults) and longer forelimbs, 25.9% SVL (21.5% SVL). <i>Psilops mucugensis</i> differs from <i>P. seductus</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> (described below, data in parenthesis) by having lower number of scale rows around midbody, 17–21 (22), a higher number of subdigital lamellae under Finger IV, 16–19 (13–16) and Toe IV, 11–14 (9–11), a higher number of smooth subcaudal scales, 7–14 (2–5), a higher number of total pores, 16–20 (10–13), a larger foot, 17.6% SVL (14.8% SVL), and by the presence of calcified spines (absent) and by lacking papillae ornamenting the hemipenial flounces (present).</p> <p> <b>Description of the holotype.</b> Rostral broad, visible from above wider than high, contacting first supralabial, nasal and frontonasal. Frontonasal hexagonal, slightly wider than long, in broad contact with rostral, nasal, prefrontals, and frontal. Prefrontals hexagonal, as long as wide, contacting frontonasal, frontal, first supraocular, first supraciliary, loreal, and nasal; separate at midline by contact between frontonasal and frontal. Frontal hexagonal with posteriorly convergent lateral margins, approximately twice as long as broad, wider anteriorly; in broad contact with first supraocular, its suture with frontonasal as broad as that of interparietal. Frontoparietals absent. Interparietal hexagonal, posteriorly rounded, with strongly posteriorly convergent lateral margins, longer than wide, longer and wider than frontal and contacting frontal, first supraocular, parietals, and occipitals. Parietals irregularly hexagonal, as long as wide, and smaller and shorter than interparietal, contacting first and second supraoculars, temporals, occipitals, and interparietal. Two supraoculars, first the largest, longer than wide, occupying most of supraocular area, second very small, sub-squared, with the same approximate size of the adjacent temporal. Three supraciliaries, first slightly larger than second, third the smallest; first supraciliary expanding on the lateral face of head and in contact with loreal and preocular; second supraciliary in the center of eye. Nasal large, subrectangular, longer than wide, with the nostril in the center, contacting first and second supralabials. Loreal narrow, as high as nasal, diagonally oriented and contacting second and third supralabials, frenocular, first supraciliary, prefrontal and nasal. Frenocular as large as loreal with its postero-ventral corner divided in a small scute and followed posteriorly by a series of small and narrow irregular preoculars and suboculars. Seven supralabials, fourth the largest, under the eye, fifth the highest, separated from parietal by two postocular scutes; seventh supralabial contacting ear border. Eyelid absent. Eye large, pupil rounded. Anterior and lower margin of eye with an irregularly narrow, smooth, and elongate semidivided scute, thinner at lower margin of eye; posterior margin of eye with a series of juxtaposed smooth granules. Temporal region covered by enlarged, smooth, and imbricate cycloid scales. Tympanum recessed. Ear opening bordered by cycloid, smooth, and imbricate scales, those on posterior margin smaller, those above tympanum larger, higher than wide and covering anterior and superior margin of ear.</p> <p>Mental wider than long. Postmental single, as wide as long, contacting first and second infralabials. Two pairs of enlarged genials in medial contact and contacting infralabials; first pair the largest, longer than wide, second one wider than long. Six infralabials, second and third the largest. All head scales smooth with irregularly disposed sensorial pits. Gulars disposed in nine irregularly transverse rows, smooth, imbricate, posteriorly rounded; central ones wider than long, diagonally disposed anteriorly, becoming gradually transverse posteriorly. Lateral gular scales smaller, cycloid, smooth, imbricate. Interbrachial row with five enlarged imbricate scales, central one the largest, subtriangular.</p> <p>Anterior dorsal scales disposed in three longitudinal rows until the level of arm, dorsolateral ones wider than long, scales in central row smaller, as wide as long. Scales of the first transverse dorsal row smooth or slightly striate becoming gradually tri or pentacarinate. After arm level dorsal scales become progressively more elongate, mucronate and tricarinate, having the central keel sharper. Thirty-four transverse rows between interparietal and posterior level of hindlimbs. Lateral scales cycloid, smooth, imbricate, except for an area with small, flat, smooth and juxtaposed scales around arm insertion. Eighteen scales around midbody. Ventrals wide, smooth, imbricate, in four longitudinal rows from interbrachials to precloacals and in 24 transverse rows between interbrachials and precloacals. Central rows distinctively enlarged, wider than long. Posterior margin of vent with four scales; central ones smaller. Total pores 20, two precloacals and eight femoral on each side.</p> <p>Scales of dorsal and lateral portion of tail imbricate, strongly keeled, elongate, mucronate, in complete rings; those covering dorsal portion of base of tail tricarinate, becoming unicarinate more elongate and lanceolate posteriorly. Scales of ventral portion of tail smooth, larger than correspondent dorsals at the base of tail but becoming gradually identical to them in shape and ornamentation toward the tip; 15 irregularly transverse rows of smooth subcaudals.</p> <p>Forelimbs with large, smooth and imbricate scales except for those on ventral parts of arm and forearm which are smaller. Anterior and posterior parts of tights with large, smooth and imbricate scales; posterior part of tights with granular, juxtaposed, smooth scales which grade progressively to a posterior irregular row of enlarged, mucronate, and keeled scales, identical to those covering dorsal part of tibia. Ventral parts of tibia with smooth, enlarged and imbricate scales. Palmar and plantar surfaces with small, conical, juxtaposed granules. Subdigital lamellae single, 12 on finger IV and 19 on toe IV. Fingers and toes clawed; first finger absent externally. Toes and fingers with the following relative sizes, respectively: 2=5<3<4 and 1<2<5<3<4.</p> <p>Dorsal surface of body and tail olive brown with irregular and scattered dark brown reticulum. A dorsolateral white stripe runs from supraciliaries to the tail, becoming inconspicuous toward its extremity. Below it a dark brown lateral stripe extends from posterior margin of eye to tail. Between supraocular region and midbody the white stripe is also dorsally emarginated by an irregularly dark brown stripe which makes its anterior third highly conspicuous. Dorsal and lateral surfaces of head identical to corresponding parts of dorsum and flanks. Ventral parts of head, body, and tail creamy white with dark brown to black spots especially concentrated on external rows of ventral scales and in gular region which is mottled with dark spots. Limbs olive brown dorsally, mottled with darker pigment; ventrally creamy white, almost immaculate. Tail dorsal color identical to that of body proximally, becoming uniformly light brown posteriorly. Ventral portion of tail with dark spots proximally, creamily immaculate posteriorly.</p> <p> <b>Measurements.</b> SVL= 35.3 mm; TAL = 42.3 mm (regenerated); TRL = 20.2 mm; HW = 4.3 mm; HL = 6.7 mm; FEM = 4.0 mm; TIB = 3.5 mm; FTL = 6.3 mm; HUM = 2.7 mm; FAL = 5.4 mm.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> Individuals from southern (municipalities of Mucugê and Palmeiras) and northern (Morro do Chapéu and Miguel Calmon) populations, agree in most scale counts. Nevertheless, northern populations show fewer femoral pores (15–16, 16– 20 in south) and number of smooth subcaudals (6–8, 10– 14 in south) (Table 2). Males and females are sexually dimorphic in body size, with females having larger SVL than males (ANOVA; <i>F</i> 1,17 = 7,95; <i>P</i> <0,05). Differences in shape are also significant, with females showing proportionally larger TRL (ANCOVA, SVL as covariate; <i>F</i> 1,16 = 13.42; <i>P</i> <0,01), but shorter HL (<i>F</i> 1,16 = 13.67; <i>P</i> <0,01), FEM (<i>F</i> 1,16 = 12.37; <i>P</i> <0.01) and TIB (<i>F</i> 1,16 = 10.49; <i>P</i> <0.01).</p> <p> <b>Distribution and natural history.</b> Known from the municipalities of Mucugê, Palmeiras (Parque Nacional Chapada Diamantina), Morro do Chapéu and Miguel Calmon, state of Bahia, Brazil (Fig. 6). At Miguel Calmon it is found at high altitude open areas over quartzite sandy soils (1140 m asl), while at Morro do Chapéu, the single specimen was found within a semi-deciduous montane open forest (1270 m asl) (Fig. 7). At Mucugê it was found at a flat plateau (1100 m a.s.l.) covered by a type of low semi-deciduous arborescent vegetation. At Palmeiras it was found in areas of rocky grasslands <i>campos rupestres</i> (Magalhães <i>et al.</i> 2015).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> Named after the type locality, Mucugê, at Chapada Diamantina, Bahia.</p>Published as part of <i>Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut, Recoder, Renato, Jr, Mauro Teixeira, Roscito, Juliana Gusson, Guerrero, Agustín Camacho, Sales Nunes, Pedro M., Freitas, Marco Antonio De, Fernandes, Daniel Silva, Bocchiglieri, Adriana, Vechio, Francisco Dal, Leite, Felipe Sá Fortes & Nogueira, Cristiano De Campos, 2017, A morphological and molecular study of Psilops, a replacement name for the Brazilian microteiid lizard genus Psilophthalmus Rodrigues 1991 (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae), with the description of two new species, pp. 451-482 in Zootaxa 4286 (4)</i> on pages 462-466, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4286.4.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/828661">http://zenodo.org/record/828661</a&gt

    Memorias: primer encuentro de la RED internacional de investigación en el marco de la X Jornada de Investigación 2019

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    ERII 2019 es el Primer Encuentro de la Red Internacional Universitaria para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y las Publicaciones Científicas, conformada por la Universidad Católica de Colombia, la Universidad Católica de Salta (Argentina), la Universidad de Monterrey (México) y la Universidad Gabriela Mistral (Chile). Esta red tiene como principal objetivo potenciar el desarrollo de la actividad investigativa, mediante la formalización de redes de investigadores, la promoción de actividades conjuntas, el diseño de planes y movilidad y el trabajo en una red editorial. La actividad académica fue un espacio abierto para compartir experiencias y resultados de investigación no solo de las universidades adscritas a la red, sino de otras instituciones que participaron en el evento. (Tomado de la fuente).1ra ediciónIntroducción ponencias I. Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Análisis del marco institucional vinculado a la implementación de las salvaguardas REDD+ en la Provincia de Salta, Argentina Guadalupe Zapata: intersticios en la construcción histórica fundacional de Pereira, Colombia La notificación por aviso como garantía al debido proceso y tutela judicial efectiva en el proceso monitorio colombiano: análisis en el marco de la Sentencia C-031/2019 Migración y prácticas territoriales de la comunidad boliviana en la ciudad de Salta, Argentina El derecho de infancia y adolescencia en Colombia: reflexiones sobre su estatuto jurídico-doctrinal La soberanía funcional en Colombia para los derechos humanos Agnición de los militares víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia Elementos politológicos y jurídicos del voto en blanco, el voto nulo y el abstencionismo en las elecciones presidenciales de Ecuador 2017, Costa Rica 2018 y Colombia 2018 La democracia: ¿un fruto envenenado? Una propuesta de jerarquización de las democracias liberales Estudio sobre las relaciones de similitud, causalidad y simbólicas en niños de 3 a 13 años Garantías para el ejercicio de los derechos de los usuarios y estudiantes con discapacidad, enfocado en la inclusión desde el consultorio jurídico de CECAR II. Arte, Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño La industrialización como motor de suburbanización y metropolización de Monterrey, México, en el siglo XX Reivindicación del campesinado desde sus prácticas y saberes: tradiciones en tiempos del posacuerdo en el Sumapaz (Colombia) Diseño geométrico de “calado” para potencializar la ventilación natural en edificaciones El Anfiteatro de la quebrada de Las Conchas: caracterización acústica direccional Estrategia de intervención urbana para la reconfiguración de las redes caminables del borde urbano. Caso de estudio: Sierra Morena, USME Instrumentos musicales del Caribe colombiano en vías de extinción: guandú, arco de boca y marimba de pierna Dispositivos de cambio: intervenciones colectivas en el borde urbano suroriental de Bogotá Creación de nuevos procesos y diseños para la arquitectura de América Latina con la ayuda de indicadores III. Ingeniería y Tecnología Diseño de inclusión tecnológica educativa a través del B-Learning y las TIC Diseño de soluciones tecnológicas a problemas del contexto local en región a través del semillero de investigación TECSIS de la Universidad de Caldas Aplicación de las tecnologías semánticas a la forensia digital: ontología del correo electrónico y su trazabilidad para el análisis forense M-Learning aplicado para estudio de mercados en la formulación de proyectos Análisis en la generación de caudales pico a partir del cambio de la cobertura vegetal en la cuenca Sardinata, departamento del Norte de Santander, Colombia Análisis de impactos ambientales provocados por el aprovechamiento de recursos naturales renovables: metodologías que desarrollan nuevas fuentes generadoras de energía en Panamá y Colombia Aplicación de un modelo unificado para arcillas y arenas a suelos típicos de la ciudad de Salta Estudio técnico para la planeación de la emisora radial de la Universidad Católica de Colombia con migración hacia radio digital La transferencia de las tecnologías limpias en la vivienda social en Brasil y Colombia Desarrollo de un contador Geiger-Müller para verificar la exposición a la radiación en salas de radiología convencional Diseño de un controlador tolerante a fallas en un vehículo de suspensión semiactiva IV. Ciencias de la Salud Biorremediación de residuos peligrosos generados por laboratorios de docencia de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca Morbilidad en Ecuador, 2007-2016 El desplazamiento del metabolismo de atorvastatina es afectado por los polimorfismos SLCO1B1 y ABCB1 en la población mexicana Terapia ocupacional basada en la evidencia y razonamiento profesional en equipos interdisciplinares de tecnología de apoyo: prótesis impresas en 3D de la Corporación Fabrilab Vicisitudes actuales de la autoridad en las familias de Salta, Argentina Efecto de la lesión por leishmaniasis cutánea (Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania amazonensis) en el nervio periférico y dermis en ratones Balb/C. Estudio in vivo Diseño y validación del cuestionario de gravedad social percibida del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes Diseño y construcción de una aplicación virtual para rehabilitación auditiva en adultos Revisión sistemática: propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos utilizados para evaluar las actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria en joven, adulto y persona mayor V. Negocios, Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas Estudio de factibilidad para la conformación de una empresa prestadora de servicios para motocicletas en Manizales Oferta productiva del cacao colombiano en el posconflicto: estrategias para el aprovechamiento de oportunidades comerciales en el marco del acuerdo comercial entre Colombia y la Unión Europea VI. Educación y Humanidades La infantilización del estudiante universitario: origen, situación actual e implicaciones Promoción de competencias socioafectivas en el aula Análisis de la estructura curricular de la Licenciatura en Higiene y Seguridad en el Trabajo: el sistema modular La familia cristiana, una nueva buena para el tercer milenio: los Encuentros Mundiales de las Familias, de Juan Pablo II a Francisco (1994-2018) Perspectivas de la innovación educativa que caracterizan los trabajos de investigación de la Maestría en E-Learning de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia) Análisis de las nuevas tendencias laborales y formativas del trabajador social de Uniminuto (Girardot) Articulación entre la educación religiosa escolar y el derecho a la libertad religiosa Análisis correlacional del aporte de la educación pregradual a la educación secundaria de los egresados del programa de Trabajo Social del 2018 del CRG Uniminuto El aprendizaje en la resignificación de la vida de las infancias Modelo teórico predictor de la retención estudiantil a partir del engagement en la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores La letra con sangre entra: castigo permitido en la educación escolar en Bogotá La diferencia en la educación pósteres I. Arte, Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño Restructuración de los paisajes naturales presentes en los bordes urbanos de Bogotá ¿Paisaje, medioambiente y tecnología como bioarquitectura del paisaje? El equipamiento de culto en la construcción del borde urbano de la ciudad II. Ingeniería y Tecnología Nueva matriz para registrar la experiencia consolidada de los oferentes que contratan con el Estado en el sector de la infraestructura vial, en la empresa JOYCO S. A. S Seguridad a un ojo de distancia Sistema de radio sobre fibra para la transmisión de imágenes Estructuras en guadua (quiosco) y bambú (yurta)* Análisis de la utilización de fibras de guadua como refuerzo del concreto Laboratorios con simulación y con equipo real en la enseñanza de redes de computadoras en el nivel universitario Análisis bibliométrico de la correlación existente entre los tópicos de “identificadores de radiofrecuencia” y “gestión de cadena de suministros” como caso de estudio II. Ciencias de la Salud Presencia en manos y conocimiento de Staphylococcus aureus coagulasa positivo en estudiantes de áreas de la salud IV. Educación y Humanidades Del refugio de la virtualidad a la exposición del contacto real Conclusione

    On Sexual Subjects and Public Spheres

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