871 research outputs found

    Building Community Through Non-Traditional Collections in Public Libraries

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    This poster will explore the wide range of non-traditional, non-media collections circulating in our nation's public library systems, with an eye to how we can use these collections to enhance community engagement with libraries here in Hawaii

    The Good, the Bad, the Green: How Sustainable is Your Library?

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    This poster explores sustainability as it relates to libraries. It raises issues, asks questions, and offers inspiration, along with a few suggestions to get started

    Brothers Behind Bars: Salvation, Insult, and the College Education

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    A group of University of Virginia undergraduates read and discuss Russian literature with residents at Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center every week. They not only learn about each other’s lives, but also about the contradictions within their conceptions of themselves as young people in America. In fleeting moments, through literature and friendship, they find solace and maybe even transcendent meaning in one another

    Proton beam therapy

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    Ob kirurškem in sistemskem zdravljenju je radioterapija eden od treh stebrov zdravljenja raka. Izjemen tehnološki razvoj na področju pospeševalnikov nabitih delcev je pripeljal do uveljavitve protonske radioterapije kot terapije izbora pri določenih skupinah bolnikov obolelih za rakom, v prvi vrsti otrok. Velika konkurenčnost med proizvajalci je botrovala postopnemu znižanju cen protonskih pospeševalnikov, ki so v zadnjih letih postali dostopni tudi državam, ki ne sodijo med najbogatejše. Kompleksnost radioterapije s protoni, velikost naprav in še vedno sorazmerno visoka cena so glavne ovire, da protonskih centrov že v tem trenutku ni več in da takšnega centra še vedno ni niti v Sloveniji niti ne drugod v jugovzhodni Evropi. Izbor bolnikov, ki bi imeli pomembno klinično korist od protonske radioterapije, je zahteven in tudi v svetu še ne docela dorečen. Prednost protonske pred konvencionalno fotonsko radioterapijo je v večji biološki učinkovitosti protonskih žarkov. Tudi fizikalno gledano so dozimetrične lastnosti protonskih žarkov bistveno ugodnejše glede sevalne obremenitve zdravih tkiv in rizičnih organov: večina njihove energije se sprosti na mestu, kjer je tumor, za razliko od fotonskih žarkov, kjer se večina energije sprosti v prvih nekaj centimetrih pod površino kože, kjer žarki vstopajo v telo. Podobno kot mnoge druge države je tudi Slovenija pred odločitvijo, kdaj in kako ustvariti pogoje za protonsko terapijo, ki pa jo bo treba sprejeti hitro in transparentno.Together with surgery and systemic treatment, radiotherapy constitutes one of the three pillars of cancer treatment. Tremendous technological development of particle accelerators has led to the implementation of proton beam therapy as the treatment of choice for a specific group of patients with cancer, especially children. Competition among several manufacturers has contributed to the lowering of prices of proton accelerator, which have lately also become accessible to less wealthy countries. The complexity of proton therapy, size of accelerators, and lingering high prices are the three main reasons for a relatively low number of proton therapy centres around the world, and the fact that there are no such centres in Slovenia as of yet. While proton therapy is a valid treatment of choice for the particular patient group, it is still difficult to determine unambiguously which patients would benefit from it most. From a strictly physical point of view, the dosimetric properties of proton beams differ significantly from those of photons, and are advantageous compared to photons. Protons traverse the tissue and deposit only a small part of their energy until they reach a certain depth where nearly all of their energy is deposited, while photons deposit their energy almost entirely in the first few centimetres of the tissue exposed to the beams. Like many other countries, Slovenia is at a crossing where it has to decide on the time and mode of photon therapy implementation, which will have to be carried out in a prompt and transparent manner

    ERK Signals: Scaffolding Scaffolds?

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    ERK1/2 MAP Kinases become activated in response to multiple intra- and extra-cellular stimuli through a signaling module composed of sequential tiers of cytoplasmic kinases. Scaffold proteins regulate ERK signals by connecting the different components of the module into a multi-enzymatic complex by which signal amplitude and duration are fine-tuned, and also provide signal fidelity by isolating this complex from external interferences. In addition, scaffold proteins play a central role as spatial regulators of ERKs signals. In this respect, depending on the subcellular localization from which the activating signals emanate, defined scaffolds specify which substrates are amenable to be phosphorylated. Recent evidence has unveiled direct interactions among different scaffold protein species. These scaffold-scaffold macro-complexes could constitute an additional level of regulation for ERK signals and may serve as nodes for the integration of incoming signals and the subsequent diversification of the outgoing signals with respect to substrate engagement.PC lab is supported by grants BFU2011-23807 and SAF-2015 63638R (MINECO/FERDER, UE) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy – Fondos FEDER; by the Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC) (RD/12/0036/0033), Spanish Ministry of Health and by Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), grant GCB141423113. BC is a CSIC JAE-Doc program postdoctoral fellow supported by the European Social Fund.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    A depiction of Don Juan Manuel’s political life from manuscript sources

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    Se trata de analizar la figura de Don Juan Manuel, destacado autor de la Literatura medieval española, como personaje político, ya que jugó un papel protagonista en el reino de Castilla en el siglo XIV, especialmente durante el reinado de Alfonso XI, de quien fue tutor en la etapa de su minoría. Además su hija, Doña Juana Manuel, esposa de Enrique de Trastámara, legitimará el linaje de esta dinastía, como queda patente en el discurso de Juan I en las Cortes de Segovia de 1386. Hemos recogido fuentes escritas e imágenes de distintos diplomas y manuscritos para documentar la importancia política del hijo del infante Don Manuel, hermano menor de Alfonso X el Sabio.It’s an analisis of the personality of Don Juan Manuel, not only a remarkable author of Medieval Spanish Literature, but a very important politician, because he played a main role in the kingdom of Castile in the XIV century, specially during the reign of Alfonso XI, as he was his tutor throughout his minority. Besides, her daughter Juana Manuel, Henry of Trastámara’s wife, legitimized this royal dinasty as it was showed clearly with the king John I’s speech, pronounced at the Cortes of Segovia in 1386. We have collected written sources and images from different historical documents and manucripts to document the political importance of the Infante Don Manuel’s son, who was the youngest brother of Alfonso X the Wise