38 research outputs found

    Studying Magnetic Fields and Dust in M17 Using Polarized Thermal Dust Emission Observed by SOFIA/HAWC

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    We report on the highest spatial resolution measurement to date of magnetic fields (B-fields) in M17 using thermal dust polarization measurements taken by SOFIA/HAWC+ centered at a wavelength of 154 ÎŒm. Using the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method, in which the polarization angle dispersion calculated using the structure function technique is the quantity directly observed by SOFIA/HAWC+, we found the presence of strong B-fields of 980 ± 230 and 1665 ± 885 ÎŒG in the lower-density M17-N and higher-density M17-S regions, respectively. The B-field morphology in M17-N possibly mimics the fields in gravitationally collapsing molecular cores, while in M17-S the fields run perpendicular to the density structure. M17-S also displays a pillar feature and an asymmetric large-scale hourglass-shaped field. We use the mean B-field strengths to determine AlfvĂ©nic Mach numbers for both regions, finding that B-fields dominate over turbulence. We calculate the mass-to-flux ratio, λ, finding λ = 0.07 for M17-N and 0.28 for M17-S. These subcritical λ values are consistent with the lack of massive stars formed in M17. To study dust physics, we analyze the relationship between dust polarization fraction, p, emission intensity, I, gas column density, N(H2), polarization angle dispersion function, S, and dust temperature, T d. p decreases with intensity as I −α with α = 0.51. p tends to first increase with T d, but then decreases at higher T d. The latter feature, seen in M17-N at high T d when N(H2) and S decrease, is evidence of the radiative torque disruption effect

    DNA intercalator stimulates influenza transcription and virus replication

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    Influenza A virus uses its host transcription machinery to facilitate viral RNA synthesis, an event that is associated with cellular RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). In this study, various RNAPII transcription inhibitors were used to investigate the effect of RNAPII phosphorylation status on viral RNA transcription. A low concentration of DNA intercalators, such as actinomycin D (ActD), was found to stimulate viral polymerase activity and virus replication. This effect was not observed in cells treated with RNAPII kinase inhibitors. In addition, the loss of RNAPIIa in infected cells was due to the shift of nonphosphorylated RNAPII (RNAPIIa) to hyperphosphorylated RNAPII (RNAPIIo)

    A First Search for coincident Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos using LIGO, Virgo and ANTARES data from 2007

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    We present the results of the first search for gravitational wave bursts associated with high energy neutrinos. Together, these messengers could reveal new, hidden sources that are not observed by conventional photon astronomy, particularly at high energy. Our search uses neutrinos detected by the underwater neutrino telescope ANTARES in its 5 line configuration during the period January - September 2007, which coincided with the fifth and first science runs of LIGO and Virgo, respectively. The LIGO-Virgo data were analysed for candidate gravitational-wave signals coincident in time and direction with the neutrino events. No significant coincident events were observed. We place limits on the density of joint high energy neutrino - gravitational wave emission events in the local universe, and compare them with densities of merger and core-collapse events.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, science summary page at http://www.ligo.org/science/Publication-S5LV_ANTARES/index.php. Public access area to figures, tables at https://dcc.ligo.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=p120000

    Modeling CO Line Profiles in Shocks of W28 and IC 443

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    Molecular emission arising from the interactions of supernova remnant (SNR) shock waves and molecular clouds provide a tool for studying the dispersion and compression that might kick-start star formation as well as understanding cosmic-ray production. Purely rotational CO emission created by magnetohydrodynamic shock in the SNR–molecular cloud interaction is an effective shock tracer, particularly for slow-moving, continuous shocks into cold inner clumps of the molecular cloud. In this work, we present a new theoretical radiative transfer framework for predicting the line profile of CO with the Paris–Durham 1D shock model. We generated line profile predictions for CO emission produced by slow, magnetized C shocks into gas of density ∌10 ^4 cm ^−3 with shock speeds of 35 and 50 km s ^−1 . The numerical framework to reproduce the CO line profile utilizes the large velocity gradient (LVG) approximation and the omission of optically thick plane-parallel slabs. With this framework, we generated predictions for various CO spectroscopic observations up to J = 16 in SNRs W28 and IC 443, obtained with SOFIA, IRAM-30 m, APEX, and KPNO. We found that CO line profile prediction offers constraints on the shock velocity and pre-shock density independent of the absolute line brightness and requires fewer CO lines than diagnostics using a rotational excitation diagram

    Latitude-dependent Atmospheric Waves and Long-period Modulations in Luhman 16 B from the Longest Light Curve of an Extrasolar World

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    In this work, we present the longest photometric monitoring of up to 1200 hr of the strongly variable brown dwarf binaries Luhman 16 AB and provide evidence of ±5% variability on a timescale of several to hundreds of hours for this object. We show that short-period rotational modulation around 5 hr ( k = 1 wavenumber) and 2.5 hr ( k = 2 wavenumber) dominate the variability under 10 hr, where the planetary-scale wave model composed of k = 1 and k = 2 waves provides good fits to both the periodograms and light curve. In particular, models consisting of three to four sine waves could explain the variability of the light-curve durations up to 100 hr. We show that the relative range of the k = 2 periods is narrower compared to the k = 1 periods. Using simple models of zonal banding in solar system giants, we suggest that the difference in period range arises from the difference in wind-speed distribution at low and mid-to-high latitudes in the atmosphere. Last, we show that Luhman 16 AB also exhibits long-period ±5% variability, with periods ranging from 15 hr up to 100 hr over the longest monitoring of this object. Our results for the k = 1 and k = 2 waves and long-period evolution are consistent with previous 3D atmosphere simulations, demonstrating that both latitude-dependent waves and slow-varying atmospheric features are potentially present in Luhman 16 AB atmospheres and are a significant contribution to the light-curve modulation over hundreds of rotations

    Modeling Extinction and Reddening Effects by Circumstellar Dust in the Betelgeuse Envelope in the Presence of Radiative Torque Disruption

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    International audienceCircumstellar dust forms and evolves within the envelope of evolved stars, including asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars. The extinction of stellar light by circumstellar dust is vital for interpreting RSG/AGB observations and determining high-mass RSG progenitors of core-collapse supernovae. However, circumstellar dust properties are not well understood. Modern understanding of dust evolution suggests that intense stellar radiation can radically change dust properties across the circumstellar envelope through the RAdiative Torque Disruption (RAT-D) mechanism. In this paper, we study the impacts of RAT-D on the grain size distribution (GSD) of circumstellar dust and model its effects on photometric observations of α Orionis (Betelgeuse). Due to the RAT-D effects, large grains formed in the dust formation zone are disrupted into smaller species of size a < 0.5 Όm. Using the GSD constrained by the RAT-D effects, we model the visual extinction of background stars and Betelgeuse. We find that the extinction decreases at near-UV, optical, and IR wavelengths while increasing at far-UV wavelengths. The resulting flux potentially reproduces the observation from the near-UV to the near-IR range. Our results can be used to explain dust extinction and photometric observations of other RSG/AGB stars

    Modeling Extinction and Reddening Effects by Circumstellar Dust in the Betelgeuse Envelope in the Presence of Radiative Torque Disruption

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    International audienceCircumstellar dust forms and evolves within the envelope of evolved stars, including asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars. The extinction of stellar light by circumstellar dust is vital for interpreting RSG/AGB observations and determining high-mass RSG progenitors of core-collapse supernovae. However, circumstellar dust properties are not well understood. Modern understanding of dust evolution suggests that intense stellar radiation can radically change dust properties across the circumstellar envelope through the RAdiative Torque Disruption (RAT-D) mechanism. In this paper, we study the impacts of RAT-D on the grain size distribution (GSD) of circumstellar dust and model its effects on photometric observations of α Orionis (Betelgeuse). Due to the RAT-D effects, large grains formed in the dust formation zone are disrupted into smaller species of size a < 0.5 Όm. Using the GSD constrained by the RAT-D effects, we model the visual extinction of background stars and Betelgeuse. We find that the extinction decreases at near-UV, optical, and IR wavelengths while increasing at far-UV wavelengths. The resulting flux potentially reproduces the observation from the near-UV to the near-IR range. Our results can be used to explain dust extinction and photometric observations of other RSG/AGB stars