28 research outputs found

    Pan-European rural monitoring network shows dominance of NH3 gas and NH4NO3 aerosol in inorganic atmospheric pollution load

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    A comprehensive European dataset on monthly atmospheric NH3, acid gases (HNO3, SO2, HCl), and aerosols (NH4+, NO3-, SO42-, Cl−, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) is presented and analysed. Speciated measurements were made with a low-volume denuder and filter pack method (DEnuder for Long-Term Atmospheric sampling, DELTAÂź) as part of the EU NitroEurope (NEU) integrated project. Altogether, there were 64 sites in 20 countries (2006–2010), coordinated between seven European laboratories. Bulk wet-deposition measurements were carried out at 16 co-located sites (2008–2010). Inter-comparisons of chemical analysis and DELTAÂź measurements allowed an assessment of comparability between laboratories. The form and concentrations of the different gas and aerosol components measured varied between individual sites and grouped sites according to country, European regions, and four main ecosystem types (crops, grassland, forests, and semi-natural). The smallest concentrations (with the exception of SO42- and Na+) were in northern Europe (Scandinavia), with broad elevations of all components across other regions. SO2 concentrations were highest in central and eastern Europe, with larger SO2 emissions, but particulate SO42- concentrations were more homogeneous between regions. Gas-phase NH3 was the most abundant single measured component at the majority of sites, with the largest variability in concentrations across the network. The largest concentrations of NH3, NH4+ and NO-3 were at cropland sites in intensively managed agricultural areas (e.g. Borgo Cioffi in Italy), and the smallest were at remote semi-natural and forest sites (e.g. LompolojĂ€nkkĂ€, Finland), highlighting the potential for NH3 to drive the formation of both NH4+ and NO3- aerosol. In the aerosol phase, NH4+ was highly correlated with both NO3- and SO42-, with a near-1:1 relationship between the equivalent concentrations of NH4+ and sum(NO3- + SO42-) of which around 60 % was as NH4NO3. Distinct seasonality was also observed in the data, influenced by changes in emissions, chemical interactions, and the influence of meteorology on partitioning between the main inorganic gases and aerosol species. Springtime maxima in NH3 were attributed to the main period of manure spreading, while the peak in summer and trough in winter were linked to the influence of temperature and rainfall on emissions, deposition, and gas–aerosol-phase equilibrium. Seasonality in SO2 was mainly driven by emissions (combustion), with concentrations peaking in winter, except in southern Europe, where the peak occurred in summer. Particulate SO42− showed large peaks in concentrations in summer in southern and eastern Europe, contrasting with much smaller peaks occurring in early spring in other regions. The peaks in particulate SO42- coincided with peaks in NH3 concentrations, attributed to the formation of the stable (NH4)2SO4. HNO3 concentrations were more complex, related to traffic and industrial emissions, photochemistry, and HNO3:NH4NO3 partitioning. While HNO3 concentrations were seen to peak in the summer in eastern and southern Europe (increased photochemistry), the absence of a spring peak in HNO3 in all regions may be explained by the depletion of HNO3 through reaction with surplus NH3 to form the semi-volatile aerosol NH4NO3. Cooler, wetter conditions in early spring favour the formation and persistence of NH4NO3 in the aerosol phase, consistent with the higher springtime concentrations of NH4+ and NO3−. The seasonal profile of NO3- was mirrored by NH4+, illustrating the influence of gas–aerosol partitioning of NH4NO3 in the seasonality of these components. Gas-phase NH3 and aerosol NH4NO3 were the dominant species in the total inorganic gas and aerosol species measured in the NEU network. With the current and projected trends in SO2, NOx , and NH3 emissions, concentrations of NH3 and NH4NO3 can be expected to continue to dominate the inorganic pollution load over the next decades, especially NH3, which is linked to substantial exceedances of ecological thresholds across Europe. The shift from (NH4)2SO4 to an atmosphere more abundant in NH4NO3 is expected to maintain a larger fraction of reactive N in the gas phase by partitioning to NH3 and HNO3 in warm weather, while NH4NO3 continues to contribute to exceedances of air quality limits for PM2.5

    Markovian Dynamics on Complex Reaction Networks

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    Complex networks, comprised of individual elements that interact with each other through reaction channels, are ubiquitous across many scientific and engineering disciplines. Examples include biochemical, pharmacokinetic, epidemiological, ecological, social, neural, and multi-agent networks. A common approach to modeling such networks is by a master equation that governs the dynamic evolution of the joint probability mass function of the underling population process and naturally leads to Markovian dynamics for such process. Due however to the nonlinear nature of most reactions, the computation and analysis of the resulting stochastic population dynamics is a difficult task. This review article provides a coherent and comprehensive coverage of recently developed approaches and methods to tackle this problem. After reviewing a general framework for modeling Markovian reaction networks and giving specific examples, the authors present numerical and computational techniques capable of evaluating or approximating the solution of the master equation, discuss a recently developed approach for studying the stationary behavior of Markovian reaction networks using a potential energy landscape perspective, and provide an introduction to the emerging theory of thermodynamic analysis of such networks. Three representative problems of opinion formation, transcription regulation, and neural network dynamics are used as illustrative examples.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, for freely available MATLAB software, see http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~goutsias/CSS%20lab/software.htm

    Air pollution trends in the EMEP region between 1990 and 2012

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    The present report synthesises the main features of the evolution over the 1990-2012 time period of the concentration and deposition of air pollutants relevant in the context of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution: (i) ozone, (ii) sulfur and nitrogen compounds and particulate matter, (iii) heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. It is based on observations gathered in State Parties to the Convention within the EMEP monitoring network of regional background stations, as well as relevant modelling initiatives. Joint Report of: EMEP Task Force on Measurements and Modelling (TFMM), Chemical Co-ordinating Centre (CCC), Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East (MSC-E), Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West (MSC-W)

    Solving the chemical master equation using sliding windows

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The chemical master equation (CME) is a system of ordinary differential equations that describes the evolution of a network of chemical reactions as a stochastic process. Its solution yields the probability density vector of the system at each point in time. Solving the CME numerically is in many cases computationally expensive or even infeasible as the number of reachable states can be very large or infinite. We introduce the sliding window method, which computes an approximate solution of the CME by performing a sequence of local analysis steps. In each step, only a manageable subset of states is considered, representing a "window" into the state space. In subsequent steps, the window follows the direction in which the probability mass moves, until the time period of interest has elapsed. We construct the window based on a deterministic approximation of the future behavior of the system by estimating upper and lower bounds on the populations of the chemical species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to show the effectiveness of our approach, we apply it to several examples previously described in the literature. The experimental results show that the proposed method speeds up the analysis considerably, compared to a global analysis, while still providing high accuracy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The sliding window method is a novel approach to address the performance problems of numerical algorithms for the solution of the chemical master equation. The method efficiently approximates the probability distributions at the time points of interest for a variety of chemically reacting systems, including systems for which no upper bound on the population sizes of the chemical species is known a priori.</p

    Gendered vocational identities – female students\u27 strategies for identity formation during workplace-based learning in male-dominated work

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    Purpose: This article investigates female vocational students\u27 strategies for becoming part of a workplace community, what these strategies are and how they are tied to the formation of vocational identities within male-dominated industrial work. Of particular interest is how female students enrolled on Swedish upper secondary industrial programmes experience workplace-based learning at industrial workplaces as part of their vocational education. The theoretical framework derives from Wenger\u27s concept of community of practice, but his theoretical concept does not explicitly include gender dimensions. Therefore, the concept of community of practice is also combined with Paechter\u27s assumption of gender, whereby femininity and masculinity can be considered as different communities of practice. Methods: The article draws on evidence from a Swedish study based on interviews with 20 female students enrolled on the industrial programme at six upper secondary schools. In this vocational programme, there is a distinct gender distribution and only a small minority of the students on the programme are girls. In the analysis, the focus is on the female students\u27 strategies used during workplace-based learning to become part of the work community which consists almost exclusively of male workers. Findings: The female students deliberately negotiated vocational identities as female industrial workers to become accepted in the male-dominated work community. The findings highlight three specific strategies that the female students used: Acting like gender does not matter, acting like boys (not like drama queens), and acting tough and joking around. The female students\u27 strategies were part of – and tied to – a complex vocational identity formation process that featured contradictory requirements. By taking individual responsibility, they identified relevant information for becoming industrial workers and chose to act like boys. The female students saw no problem with being a girl, yet they struggled with implicit, diffuse and hidden gender structures and prejudices in the male-dominated industrial companies. Nevertheless, they strived for what they perceived to be an attractive vocational identity as industrial workers; it was an alternative, atypically feminine way of being that attracted the female students. Conclusions: The study concludes that female students mostly rely on their individual agency when interacting with others in the male-dominated workplace community. A "gendered vocational identity" is formed which shows that the identity formation of female students is a complex double process, in which vocational and gender identities are formed simultaneously and in parallel within the male-dominated workplace. (DIPF/Orig.

    Speaking of oral presentations : Primary school teachers’ perspective on scaffolding strategies for speaking activities in the teaching of Swedish

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    Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka vilka stödstrukturer lÄgstadielÀrare uppger att de bygger i klassrummet för att stötta organiserade samtal i svenskundervisningen. Studien tar sin utgÄngspunkt i den sociokulturella teorin dÀr begreppet stödstruktur Àr centralt. Vidare har semistrukturerade intervjuer besvarats skriftligt av sju lÄgstadielÀrare och i analysen av empirin anvÀndes tvÄ kategoriseringar av stödstrukturer: intellektuella och fysiska (SÀljö, 2000:100). De intellektuella stödstrukturer som framkom i studien Àr lÀraren som kommunikativ förebild, det sociala klassrumsklimatet, elevens sjÀlvkÀnsla samt kamratlÀrande. De fysiska stödstrukturer som utkristalliserades i materialet var klassrumsmöblering, text- och bildstöd samt andra fysiska artefakter. Av dessa ansÄg flertalet lÀrare att textoch bildstöd var den bÀst fungerande stödstrukturen. LÀrarens sÀtt att visa och vÀgleda eleverna till att föra samtal, det vill sÀga att vara en kommunikativ förebild, var ytterligare en stödstruktur som uppfattades som framgÄngsrik. Bland intervjusvaren nÀmndes tÀmligen fÄ fysiska artefakter, vilket var ett ovÀntat resultat.

    Speaking of oral presentations : Primary school teachers’ perspective on scaffolding strategies for speaking activities in the teaching of Swedish

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    Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka vilka stödstrukturer lÄgstadielÀrare uppger att de bygger i klassrummet för att stötta organiserade samtal i svenskundervisningen. Studien tar sin utgÄngspunkt i den sociokulturella teorin dÀr begreppet stödstruktur Àr centralt. Vidare har semistrukturerade intervjuer besvarats skriftligt av sju lÄgstadielÀrare och i analysen av empirin anvÀndes tvÄ kategoriseringar av stödstrukturer: intellektuella och fysiska (SÀljö, 2000:100). De intellektuella stödstrukturer som framkom i studien Àr lÀraren som kommunikativ förebild, det sociala klassrumsklimatet, elevens sjÀlvkÀnsla samt kamratlÀrande. De fysiska stödstrukturer som utkristalliserades i materialet var klassrumsmöblering, text- och bildstöd samt andra fysiska artefakter. Av dessa ansÄg flertalet lÀrare att textoch bildstöd var den bÀst fungerande stödstrukturen. LÀrarens sÀtt att visa och vÀgleda eleverna till att föra samtal, det vill sÀga att vara en kommunikativ förebild, var ytterligare en stödstruktur som uppfattades som framgÄngsrik. Bland intervjusvaren nÀmndes tÀmligen fÄ fysiska artefakter, vilket var ett ovÀntat resultat.

    Screening av nutritionsstatus hos kritiskt sjuka : en systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Syftet med denna studie var att kartlÀgga screeningsinstrument som mÀter nutritionsstatus hos kritiskt sjuka samt se hur de anvÀnds i vÄrden. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Artiklar söktes i databaserna Cinahl och Medline. Tretton artiklar identifierades, efter kvalitetsgranskning, till studien. I resultatet framkom flera nutritionsscreeningsinstrument och tre utav dessa; SGA, MUST och NRS 2002, var mer anpassade för screening av kritiskt sjuka. NRS 2002 hade av dessa tre högst specifitet, dÄ instrumentet bedömer sjukdomens eller skadans svÄrhetsgrad som en risk för undernÀring. Resultaten om hur screeningsinstrumenten anvÀnds i vÄrden visar att anvÀndandet av dessa instrument var sÀllsynt, rekommendationer följs inte. Orsaker till det Àr bland annat personalens attityder och kunskapsbrist, ansvarsfördelning och rutiner. NÄgra sjuksköterskor föredrog att anvÀnda sig av egna bedömningar av patienternas nutritionsstatus. I studier dÀr nutritionsförbÀttringsprojekt införts ökade nutritionsscreeningen och dokumentationen signifikant. Slutsatsen Àr att NRS 2002 Àr det nutritionsscreeningsinstrument som passar bÀst för kritiskt sjuka. Screeningsinstrumenten anvÀnds dock inte som rekommenderat och orsaker till det Àr bland annat personalens kunskapsbrist och attityder

    Gendered Vocational Identities - Female Students' Strategies for Identity Formation During Workplace-Based Learning in Male-Dominated Work

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    Purpose: This article investigates female vocational students' strategies for becoming part of a workplace community, what these strategies are and how they are tied to the formation of vocational identities within male-dominated industrial work. Of particular interest is how female students enrolled on Swedish upper secondary industrial programmes experience workplace-based learning at industrial workplaces as part of their vocational education. The theoretical framework derives from Wenger's concept of community of practice, but his theoretical concept does not explicitly include gender dimensions. Therefore, the concept of community of practice is also combined with Paechter's assumption of gender, whereby femininity and masculinity can be considered as different communities of practice. Methods: The article draws on evidence from a Swedish study based on interviews with 20 female students enrolled on the industrial programme at six upper secondary schools. In this vocational programme, there is a distinct gender distribution and only a small minority of the students on the programme are girls. In the analysis, the focus is on the female students' strategies used during workplace-based learning to become part of the work community which consists almost exclusively of male workers. Findings: The female students deliberately negotiated vocational identities as female industrial workers to become accepted in the male-dominated work community. The findings highlight three specific strategies that the female students used: Acting like gender does not matter, acting like boys (not like drama queens), and acting tough and joking around. The female students' strategies were part of - and tied to - a complex vocational identity formation process that featured contradictory requirements. By taking individual responsibility, they identified relevant information for becoming industrial workers and chose to act like boys. The female students saw no problem with being a girl, yet they struggled with implicit, diffuse and hidden gender structures and prejudices in the male-dominated industrial companies. Nevertheless, they strived for what they perceived to be an attractive vocational identity as industrial workers; it was an alternative, atypically feminine way of being that attracted the female students. Conclusions: The study concludes that female students mostly rely on their individual agency when interacting with others in the male-dominated workplace community. A "gendered vocational identity" is formed which shows that the identity formation of female students is a complex double process, in which vocational and gender identities are formed simultaneously and in parallel within the male-dominated workplace

    You can count on me : A qualitative study about teachers' perspective on collaborative learning in the teaching of mathematics

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    Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka och beskriva lÀrares instÀllning till grupparbete inom matematikundervisningen pÄ lÄgstadiet. Dessutom studeras vilka metoder lÄgstadielÀrare sÀger sig anvÀnda vid arbete i grupp inom Àmnet matematik, samt vilka av matematikens kunskapsomrÄden som lÀmpar sig bÀst för grupparbete enligt lÀrare. Studien tar sin utgÄngspunkt i den sociokulturella teorin dÀr samarbetslÀrande Àr en central del. Vidare har empiri samlats in genom skriftliga semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio lÄgstadielÀrare och i analysen kategoriserades sedan svaren utifrÄn fyra sociokulturella begrepp: redskap, scaffolding, den proximala utvecklingszonen och metakognition. I studien framkom det att samtliga deltagare tillÀmpar grupparbete i matematikundervisningen vid ett eller flera tillfÀllen i veckan. DÀrtill lyfter lÀrarna en rad fördelar med arbetsformen och tolkas dÀrför ha en positiv instÀllning till grupparbete i matematik. De arbetsformer som utkristalliserades i materialet var EPA, kompisrÀtta och lÀrpar. Av dessa ansÄg flest lÀrare att EPA var en vÀl fungerande metod för arbete i grupp inom matematikundervisningen. De kunskapsomrÄden som var mest framtrÀdande i empirin var Problemlösning och Geometri. Dock understryker samtliga lÀrare att det inte finns nÄgot kunskapsomrÄde inom matematik som bör undvikas helt vid arbete i grupp. Av de tio lÀrare som intervjuats uppgav samtliga att grupparbete Àr sÀrskilt gynnsamt vid arbete med problemlösning medan sex av deltagarna framhöll geometri som ett lÀmpligt omrÄde för samarbetslÀrande