151 research outputs found

    Dicarbonyl­{3,3â€Č-di-tert-butyl-5,5â€Č-di­meth­oxy-2,2â€Č-bis­[(4,4,5,5-tetra­phenyl-1,3,2-dioxa­phospho­lan-2-yl)­oxy-ÎșP]biphen­yl}hydridorhodium(I) diethyl ether monosolvate

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    In the title compound, [Rh(C74H68O8P2)H(CO)2]·C4H10O, the C2HP2 coordination set at the RhI ion is arranged in a distorted trigonal–planar geometry with one P atom of the diphosphite mol­ecule and the H atom adopting the axial coordination sites

    Catalysis to discriminate single atoms from subnanometric ruthenium particles in ultra-high loading catalysts

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    We report a procedure for preparing ulta-high metal loading (10-20 % w/w Ru) Ru@C60 nanostructured catalysts comprising exclusively Ru single atoms. We show that by changing the Ru/C60 ratio and the nature of the solvent used during the synthesis, it is possible to increase the Ru loading up to 50% w/w, and to produce hetero-structures containing subnanometric Ru nanoparticles. Several techniques such as high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy – high angle annular dark field (STEM-HAADF), Raman spectroscopy, wideangle X-ray scattering (WAXS), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) together with theoretical calculations were used to characterize these materials. At such high metal loading, the distinction between Ru single atoms and clusters is not trivial, even with this combination of techniques. We evaluated the catalytic properties of these materials for the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene. The catalysts containing only Ru single atoms are much less active for these reactions than the ones containing clusters. For nitrobenzene hydrogenation, this is because electro-deficient Ru single atoms and few atom Run clusters are not performant for H2 activation compared to larger clusters (n ≄ 13), as shown by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. For the more crowded substrate 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene, DFT calculations have shown that this is due to steric hindrance. These simple tests can thus been used to distinguish samples containing metallic sub-nanometer nanoparticles. These novel catalysts are also extremely active for the hydrogenation of -substituted 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene

    Immobilization of pyrene - adorned N - heterocyclic carbene complexes of rhodium (I) on reduced graphene oxide and study of catalytic activity

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    Twopyrene-tagged N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes of rhodium(I) wereobtained and characterized. Thetwo complexes were supported onto reduced graphene oxide (rGO), generating two new materials in which the molecular complexes are immob ilized by p–p stacking interactions onto the surfaceofthe solid. The catalytic activity of both complexes and solid hybrid materials were studied in the 1,4-addition of phenylboronic acid to cyclohex-2-one, and in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes. The studies showed that for both reactions,the dimetallic complex displayed better catalytic performances than the monometallic one. This accounted for both the reactions performed in homogeneous conditions and for the reactions performed with the solid. In the case of the addition of phenylboronic acid to cyclohexanone,the solid containing the dimetallic catalystcould be effectively recycled up to five times, with negligible loss of activity,whereas the monometallic catalyst rapidlybecame inactive. In the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes, the selectivity towards the b-(Z)-vinylsilane was improved if the immobilized dimetallic catalyst was used, although the catalyst startedtolose activity after the second run

    Catalytic Hydrogen Production by Ruthenium Complexes from the Conversion of Primary Amines to Nitriles: Potential Application as a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier

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    The potential application of the primary amine/nitrile pair as a liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) has been evaluated. Ruthenium complexes of formula [(p-cym)Ru(NHC)Cl2] (NHC=N-heterocyclic carbene) catalyze the acceptorless dehydrogenation of primary amines to nitriles with the formation of molecular hydrogen. Notably, the reaction proceeds without any external additive, under air, and under mild reaction conditions. The catalytic properties of a ruthenium complex supported on the surface of graphene have been explored for reutilization purposes. The ruthenium-supported catalyst is active for at least 10 runs without any apparent loss of activity. The results obtained in terms of catalytic activity, stability, and recyclability are encouraging for the potential application of the amine/nitrile pair as a LOHC. The main challenge in the dehydrogenation of benzylamines is the selectivity control, such as avoiding the formation of imine byproducts due to transamination reactions. Herein, selectivity has been achieved by using long-chain primary amines such as dodecylamine. Mechanistic studies have been performed to rationalize the key factors involved in the activity and selectivity of the catalysts in the dehydrogenation of amines. The experimental results suggest that the catalyst resting state contains a coordinated amine.The authors thank the financial support from MINECO (CTQ2015-69153-C2-2-R), Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2015/ 039), and the UniversitatJaume I(P1.1B2015-09).The authors are very grateful to the “Serve is Centrals d’Instr umentac ij Cien- t&fica (SCIC)” of the Universitat Jaume I

    Rhodium nanoflowers stabilized by a nitrogen-rich PEG-tagged substrate as recyclable catalyst for the stereoselective hydrosilylation of internal alkynes

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    Morphology and size controllable rhodium nanoparticles stabilized by a nitrogen-rich polyoxyethylenated derivative have been prepared by reduction of RhCl3 with NaBH4 in water at room temperature and fully characterized. The flower-like Rh NPs are effective and recyclable catalysts for the stereoselective hydrosilylation of challenging internal alkynes and diynes, affording the (E)-vinylsilanes in quantitative yields for a wide range of substrates. The insolubility of the nanocatalyst in diethyl ether allows its easy separation and recycling

    3D Ruthenium Nanoparticle Covalent Assemblies from Polymantane Ligands for Confined Catalysis

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    The synthesis of metal nanoparticle (NP) assemblies stabilized by functional molecules is an important research topic in nanoscience, and the ability to control interparticle distances and positions in NP assemblies is one of the major challenges in designing and understanding functional nanostructures. Here, two series of functionalized adamantanes, bis-adamantanes, and diamantanes, bearing carboxylic acid or amine functional groups, were used as building blocks to produce, via a straightforward method, networks of ruthenium NPs. Both the nature of the ligand and the Ru/ligand ratio affect the interparticle distance in the assemblies. The use of 1,3-adamantanedicarboxylic acid allows the synthesis of three-dimensional (3D) networks of 1.7–1.9 nm Ru NPs presenting an interparticle distance of 2.5–2.7 nm. The surface interaction between Ru NPs and the ligands was investigated spectroscopically using a 13C-labeled ligand, as well as theoretically with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We found that Ru species formed during the NP assembly are able to partially decarbonylate carboxylic acid ligands at room temperature. Decarbonylation of a carboxylic acid at room temperature in the presence of dihydrogen usually occurs on catalysts at much higher temperatures and pressures. This result reveals a very high reactivity of ruthenium species formed during the network assembly. The Ru NP networks were found to be active catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of phenylacetylene, reaching good selectivity toward styrene. Overall, we demonstrated that catalyst activity, selectivity, and NP network stability are significantly affected by Ru NP interparticle distance and electronic ligand effects. As such, these materials constitute a unique set that should allow a better understanding of the complex surface chemistry in carbon-supported metal catalysts

    2D and 3D Ruthenium Nanoparticle Covalent Assemblies for Phenyl Acetylene Hydrogenation

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    The bottom‐up covalent assembly of metallic nanoparticles (NP) represents one of the innovative tools in nanotechnology to build functional heterostructures, with the resulting assemblies showing superior collective properties over the individual NP for a broad range of applications. The ability to control the dimensionality of the assembly is one of the major challenges in designing and understanding these advanced materials. Here, two new organic linkers were used as building blocks in order to guide the organization of Ru NP into two‐ or three‐dimensional covalent assemblies. The use of a hexa‐adduct functionalized C60 leads to the formation of 3D networks of 2.2 nm Ru NP presenting an interparticle distance of 3.0 nm, and the use of a planar carboxylic acid triphenylene derivative allows the synthesis of 2D networks of 1.9 nm Ru NP with an interparticle distance of 3.1 nm. The Ru NP networks were found to be active catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of phenylacetylene, reaching good selectivity toward styrene. Overall, we demonstrated that catalyst performances are significantly affected by the dimensionality (2D vs. 3D) of the heterostructures, which can be rationalize based on confinement effects

    New chiral ligands in asymmetric catalysis. Application in stabilization of metal nanoparticles

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    Thesis M. Rosa AxetThis thesis deals with the development and application of diphosphite ligands derived from carbohydrates to rhodium-catalysed asymmetric hydroformylation and hydrogenation reactions. The use of various carbohydrate derivative ligands as stabilisers of metal nanoparticles is also studied. The synthesis and the characterisation of the series of diphosphite ligands are described in Chapter 2. The results of the asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene and related vinyl arenes are also described. High-pressure NMR studies of [RhH(CO)2(L)] (L:diphosphite) under catalytic conditions reveal detailed information about the coordination behaviour of these diphosphite ligands. The respective cationic rhodium complexes of diphosphite ligands are prepared and characterised to be used in the hydrogenation of methyl acetamidoacrylate.New diphosphite ligands with C2-symmetry and a tetrahydrofuran backbone have been synthesised in moderate to good yields starting from D-glucosamine, D-glucitol and (2S,3S)-diethyl tartrate. The rhodium cationic complexes of diphosphite ligands of general formula [Rh(cod)(L)]BF4, (L= diphosphite ligand) were prepared.This new series of diphosphite ligands has been applied to the rhodium-catalysed asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene and related substituted vinyl arenes. High regioselectivities to the branched aldehyde (up to 90%) and moderate enantioselectivities (up to 46%ee) were obtained in the asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene. In the hydroformylation of p-methoxystyrene was obtained 60% of enantioselectivity. The configuration and substitution of the remote stereocenters at positions 2 and 5 of the tetrahydrofuran ring were observed to have a considerable influence on the enantioselectivity. The most significant result is thaTesi Doctoral M. Rosa AxetLa tesi consta del desenvolupament i aplicaciĂł de lligands difosfit derivats de carbohidrats a la reacciĂł d'hidroformilaciĂł i hidrogenaciĂł catalitzada per rodi. TambĂ© s'ha estudiat la aplicaciĂł de diferents lligands derivats de carbohidrats com ha estabilitzants de nanopartĂ­cules metĂ l·liques.En el capĂ­tol 2 es discuteix la sĂ­ntesi i caracteritzaciĂł de nous lligands difosfit. Aquesta nova sĂšrie de lligands modulables es caracteritza per tenir estructura de furanĂČsid amb simetria C2, on es poden introduir diferents substituents en l'anell i en els Ă toms de fĂČsfor i canviar la configuraciĂł dels estereocentres de les posicions 2 i 5 de l'anell tetrahidrofurĂ . TambĂ© s'estudien els respectius compostos de coordinaciĂł de rodi. Els lligands difosfit s'han utilitzat en la reacciĂł d'hidroformilaciĂł asimĂštrica de l'estirĂš. Els complexes de rodi s'han emprat com a catalitzadors en la reacciĂł de hidrogenaciĂł asimĂštrica de l' α-acetamidoacrilat de metil.Els lligands difosfit s'han sintetitzat a partir de la D-glucosamina, del D-glucitol i del (2S,3S)-tartrat de dietil. Els complexes de rodi [Rh(cod)(L)]BF4, on L Ă©s un lligand difosfit prĂšviament descrit, s'han sintetitzat per reacciĂł del complex de rodi [Rh(cod)2]BF4. Els lligands difosfit derivats de carbohidrats s'han emprat en la reacciĂł de hidroformilaciĂł asimĂštrica d'estirĂš catalitzada per rodi. Els sistemes Rh/difosfit han proporcionat moderades activitats i altes regioselectivitats en l'aldehid 2-fenilpropanal. Les enantioselectivitats observades en aquests sistemes van ser moderades (fins un ee del 46 % (S)) i fortament influĂŻdes per la natura del lligand. S'ha obtingut fins una del 60% (S) d'excĂ©s enantiomĂšric en la hidroformilaciĂł del 4-metoxiestirĂš. TambĂ© s'han estudiat les espĂšcies interm

    Carbon Nanotube Nanoreactors for Chemical Transformations

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