335 research outputs found

    The feedback correct-related positivity : sensitivity of the event-related brain potential to unexpected positive feedback

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    The N200 and the feedback error-related negativity (fERN) are two components of the event-related brain potential (ERP) that share similar scalp distributions, time courses, morphologies, and functional dependencies, which raises the question as to whether they are actually the same phenomenon. To investigate this issue, we recorded the ERP from participants engaged in two tasks that independently elicited the N200 and fERN. Our results indicate that they are, in fact, the same ERP component and further suggest that positive feedback elicits a positive-going deflection in the time range of the fERN. Taken together, these results indicate that negative feedback elicits a common N200 and that modulation of fERN amplitude results from the superposition on correct trials of a positive-going deflection that we term the feedback correct-related positivity

    This ought to be good: Brain activity accompanying positive and negative expectations and outcomes

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    The current study employed a modified gambling task, in which probabilistic cues were provided to elicit positive or negative expectations. Event-related potentials (ERPs) to "final outcome" and "probabilistic cues" were analyzed. Difference waves between the negative condition and the corresponding positive condition were examined. The results confirm that feedback related negativity (FRN) amplitude is modulated by the interaction of outcome valence and expectancy by showing larger FRN difference waves for unexpected than expected outcomes. More interestingly, the difference wave between ERPs elicited by positive and negative expectations showed a negative deflection, with a frontal midline source density around 280 ms after onset of the predictive cue. Negative expectations were associated with larger FRN amplitudes than positive expectations. This suggests that FRN is elicited by probabilistic cues to pending outcomes. © 2011 Society for Psychophysiological Research


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    ONERA is developing TERRISCOPE, a new platform to characterize the environment and the continental surfaces by optical remote sensing using manned aircrafts and UAS (Unmanned Airborne System). The objective of TERRISCOPE is to make available to the scientific community combinations of optical measurements remotely sensed with the best level state-of-the-art sensors. Different kinds of sensors have already been acquired or are still being acquired: Hyperspectral sensors (0.5–2.5 μm range), visible high resolution cameras, multispectral infrared cameras and airborne laser scanners. Each sensor is declined in two versions: one high performance for manned aircrafts and one more compact for UAS. This paper describes the whole equipment, and presents the main characteristics and performances of the carriers, the sensors and the processing chain. Possible sensors combinations on airplanes and UAS are also presented, as well as preliminary results

    Kinematic Analysis of Spatial Geared Mechanisms

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    In this paper, a general method for kinematic analysis of complex gear mechanisms, including bevel gear trains and non-collinear input and output axes, is presented. This new approach is based on the null-space of the kinematic constraint matrix computed from the mechanism graph or its adjacency matrix. The novelty is that the elements of the adjacency matrix are weighted with complex coefficients allowing bevel gears to be taken into account and the angular velocity of each link to be directly expressed using polar coordinates. This approach is illustrated on a two-degree-of-freedom car differential and applied to a helicopter main gear box. A MATLAB open source software was developed to implement this method

    Differential Encoding of Factors Influencing Predicted Reward Value in Monkey Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex

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    Background: The value of a predicted reward can be estimated based on the conjunction of both the intrinsic reward value and the length of time to obtain it. The question we addressed is how the two aspects, reward size and proximity to reward, influence the responses of neurons in rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), a brain region thought to play an important role in reward processing. Methods and Findings: We recorded from single neurons while two monkeys performed a multi-trial reward schedule task. The monkeys performed 1–4 sequential color discrimination trials to obtain a reward of 1–3 liquid drops. There were two task conditions, a valid cue condition, where the number of trials and reward amount were associated with visual cues, and a random cue condition, where the cue was picked from the cue set at random. In the valid cue condition, the neuronal firing is strongly modulated by the predicted reward proximity during the trials. Information about the predicted reward amount is almost absent at those times. In substantial subpopulations, the neuronal responses decreased or increased gradually through schedule progress to the predicted outcome. These two gradually modulating signals could be used to calculate the effect of time on the perception of reward value. In the random cue condition, little information about the reward proximity or reward amount is encoded during the course of the trial before reward delivery, but when the reward is actually delivered the responses reflect both the reward proximity and reward amount

    Age-related prefrontal cortex activation in associative memory: an fNIRS pilot study.

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    Older adults typically perform more poorly than younger adults in free recall memory tests. This age-related deficit has been linked to decline of brain activation and brain prefrontal lateralization, which may be the result of compensatory mechanisms. In the present pilot study, we investigated the effect of age on prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation during performance of a task that requires memory associations (temporal vs. spatial clustering), using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). Ten younger adults, ten cognitively high-performing older individuals, and ten low-performing older individuals completed a free recall task, where either a temporal or spatial strategy (but not both simultaneously) could be employed to retrieve groups of same-category stimuli, whilst changes in PFC haemodynamics were recorded by means of a 12-channel fNIRS system. The results suggest PFC activation, and right lateralization specific to younger adults. Moreover, age did not affect use of memory organization, given that temporal clustering was preferred over spatial clustering in all groups. These findings are in line with previous literature on the aging brain and on temporal organization of memory. Our results also suggest that the PFC may be specifically involved in memory for temporal associations. Future research may consider whether age-related deficits in temporal organization may be an early sign of PFC pathology and possible neurodegeneration

    The role of the anterior cingulate cortex in prediction error and signaling surprise

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    In the past two decades, reinforcement learning (RL) has become a popular framework for understanding brain function. A key component of RL models, prediction error, has been associated with neural signals throughout the brain, including subcortical nuclei, primary sensory cortices, and prefrontal cortex. Depending on the location in which activity is observed, the functional interpretation of prediction error may change: Prediction errors may reflect a discrepancy in the anticipated and actual value of reward, a signal indicating the salience or novelty of a stimulus, and many other interpretations. Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has long been recognized as a region involved in processing behavioral error, and recent computational models of the region have expanded this interpretation to include a more general role for the region in predicting likely events, broadly construed, and signaling deviations between expected and observed events. Ongoing modeling work investigating the interaction between ACC and additional regions involved in cognitive control suggests an even broader role for cingulate in computing a hierarchically structured surprise signal critical for learning models of the environment. The result is a predictive coding model of the frontal lobes, suggesting that predictive coding may be a unifying computational principle across the neocortex. This paper reviews the brain mechanisms responsible for surprise; focusing on the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC), long-known to play a role in behavioral-error, with a recently-expanded role in predicting likely' events and signaling deviations between expected and observed events. It argues for ACC's role in in surprise and learning, based on recent modelling work. As such, the paper provides the neuroscience complement to the psychological and computational proposals of other papers in the volume

    A Functional and Structural Investigation of the Human Fronto-Basal Volitional Saccade Network

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    Almost all cortical areas are connected to the subcortical basal ganglia (BG) through parallel recurrent inhibitory and excitatory loops, exerting volitional control over automatic behavior. As this model is largely based on non-human primate research, we used high resolution functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate the functional and structural organization of the human (pre)frontal cortico-basal network controlling eye movements. Participants performed saccades in darkness, pro- and antisaccades and observed stimuli during fixation. We observed several bilateral functional subdivisions along the precentral sulcus around the human frontal eye fields (FEF): a medial and lateral zone activating for saccades in darkness, a more fronto-medial zone preferentially active for ipsilateral antisaccades, and a large anterior strip along the precentral sulcus activating for visual stimulus presentation during fixation. The supplementary eye fields (SEF) were identified along the medial wall containing all aforementioned functions. In the striatum, the BG area receiving almost all cortical input, all saccade related activation was observed in the putamen, previously considered a skeletomotor striatal subdivision. Activation elicited by the cue instructing pro or antisaccade trials was clearest in the medial FEF and right putamen. DTI fiber tracking revealed that the subdivisions of the human FEF complex are mainly connected to the putamen, in agreement with the fMRI findings. The present findings demonstrate that the human FEF has functional subdivisions somewhat comparable to non-human primates. However, the connections to and activation in the human striatum preferentially involve the putamen, not the caudate nucleus as is reported for monkeys. This could imply that fronto-striatal projections for the oculomotor system are fundamentally different between humans and monkeys. Alternatively, there could be a bias in published reports of monkey studies favoring the caudate nucleus over the putamen in the search for oculomotor functions

    Two spatiotemporally distinct value systems shape reward-based learning in the human brain

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    Avoiding repeated mistakes and learning to reinforce rewarding decisions is critical for human survival and adaptive actions. Yet, the neural underpinnings of the value systems that encode different decision-outcomes remain elusive. Here coupling single-trial electroencephalography with simultaneously acquired functional magnetic resonance imaging, we uncover the spatiotemporal dynamics of two separate but interacting value systems encoding decision-outcomes. Consistent with a role in regulating alertness and switching behaviours, an early system is activated only by negative outcomes and engages arousal-related and motor-preparatory brain structures. Consistent with a role in reward-based learning, a later system differentially suppresses or activates regions of the human reward network in response to negative and positive outcomes, respectively. Following negative outcomes, the early system interacts and downregulates the late system, through a thalamic interaction with the ventral striatum. Critically, the strength of this coupling predicts participants’ switching behaviour and avoidance learning, directly implicating the thalamostriatal pathway in reward-based learning

    Author response image 2. The fit of the model for each participant (measured as negative log likelihood, y-axis) strongly correlates with the estimate of inverse temperature (β) from the model (ρ=-0.78, p=3.5x10-6).

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    Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) mediates updating and maintenance of cognitive models of the world used to drive adaptive reward-guided behavior. We investigated the neurochemical underpinnings of this process. We used magnetic resonance spectroscopy in humans, to measure levels of glutamate and GABA in dACC. We examined their relationship to neural signals in dACC, measured with fMRI, and cognitive task performance. Both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters in dACC were predictive of the strength of neural signals in dACC and behavioral adaptation. Glutamate levels were correlated, first, with stronger neural activity representing information to be learnt about the tasks’ costs and benefits and, second, greater use of this information in the guidance of behavior. GABA levels were negatively correlated with the same neural signals and the same indices of behavioral influence. Our results suggest that glutamate and GABA in dACC affect the encoding and use of past experiences to guide behavior