492 research outputs found

    Diaqua­tris­[4,4,4-trifluoro-3-oxo-1-(thio­phen-2-yl)but-1-en-1-olato]neodymium(III) acetonitrile monosolvate

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    The title complex, [Nd(C8H4F3O2S)3(H2O)2]·CH3CN, consists of an NdIII ion surrounded by three 4,4,4-trifluoro-3-oxo-1-(thio­phen-2-yl)but-1-en-1-olate ligands, coordinated through the O atoms, and two water mol­ecules. The Nd—O bond lengths range from 2.372 (2) to 2.513 (2) Å. The metal ion displays a coordination number of eight and a square-anti­prismatic coordination geometry. A single uncoordinated acetonitrile mol­ecule is present in the asymmetric unit. Two of the three thio­phene rings are disordered, resulting from a 180° rotation with respect to the β-diketonate moiety. The coordinated water mol­ecules act as hydrogen-bond donors towards the acetonitrile N atom and the β-diketonate O atoms

    Cuadro explicativo de los diagnósticos de enfermería en una unidad de neumología

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify the most frequent nursing diagnoses according to NANDA International´s Taxonomy II; the defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors, in patients with respiratory disorders. METHODS: Cross-sectional study in a university hospital in São Paulo. The nursing diagnoses were determined by the researcher, and subjected to consensual validation by three experts. Results are based on absolute frequency and percentage. RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were evaluated and 35 nursing diagnoses were identified that achieved consensus across the researcher and the experts. CONCLUSION: Epidemiological studies that report on the frequency of nursing diagnoses in a population contribute to organizing the knowledge base of nursing and the appropriate provision of nursing care required by a specific population.OBJETIVOS: Identificar los diagnósticos de enfermería más frecuentes, según la taxonomia II de la NANDA - I; las características definidoras, factores relacionados y de riesgo que dieron soporte a la elaboración de los mismos, en pacientes con disturbios respiratorios. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, realizado en un hospital universitario de la ciudad de São Paulo. Los diagnósticos de enfermería fueron elaborados por la investigadora y sometido a la validación consensual de tres especialistas. Los resultados fueron descritos basados en la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual. RESULTADOS: Fueron evaluados treinta y cuatro pacientes presentando concordancia entre la investigadora y los especialistas 35 diagnósticos de enfermería. CONCLUSIÓN: Estudios epidemiológicos que informan sobre la frecuencia de los diagnósticos de enfermería en una población, contribuyen para organizar la base del conocimiento de enfermería y prever los cuidados de enfermería necesarios a una población específica.OBJETIVOS: Identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem mais frequentes, segundo a taxonomia II da NANDA - I; as características definidoras, fatores relacionados e de risco que deram suporte para elaboração dos mesmos, em pacientes com distúrbios respiratórios. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado em um hospital universitário da cidade de São Paulo. Os diagnósticos de enfermagem foram elaborados pela pesquisadora e submetido à validação consensual de três especialistas. Os resultados foram descritos baseados na frequência absoluta e percentual. RESULTADOS: Trinta e quatro pacientes foram avaliados e 35 diagnósticos de enfermagem apresentaram concordância entre a pesquisadora e os especialistas. CONCLUSÃO: Estudos epidemiológicos que informam sobre a frequência dos diagnósticos de enfermagem em uma população contribuem para organizar a base de conhecimento de enfermagem e prever os cuidados de enfermagem necessários a uma população específica.Hospital São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de EnfermagemHospital São PauloUNIFESP, EPESciEL

    Lanthanoid/Alkali Metal ß-Triketonate Assemblies: A Robust Platform for Efficient NIR Emitters.

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    The reaction of hydrated lanthanoid chlorides with tribenzoylmethane and an alkali metal hydroxide consistently resulted in the crystallization of neutral tetranuclear assemblies with the general formula [Ln(Ae⋅HOEt)(L)4]2 (Ln=Eu3+, Er3+, Yb3+; Ae=Na+, K+, Rb+). Analysis of the crystal structures of these species revealed a coordination geometry that varied from a slightly distorted square antiprism to a slightly distorted triangular dodecahedron, with the specific geometrical shape being dependent on the degree of lattice solvation and identity of the alkali metal. The near-infrared (NIR)-emitting assemblies of Yb3+ and Er3+ showed remarkably efficient emission, characterized by significantly longer excited-state lifetimes (τobs≈37–47 μs for Yb3+ and τobs≈4–6 μs for Er3+) when compared with the broader family of lanthanoid β-diketonate species, even in the case of perfluorination of the ligands. The Eu3+ assemblies show bright red emission and a luminescence performance (τobs≈0.5 ms, equation image≈35–37 %, ηsens≈68–70 %) more akin to the β-diketonate species. The results highlight that the β-triketonate ligand offers a tunable and facile system for the preparation of efficient NIR emitters without the need for more complicated perfluorination or deuteration synthetic strategies

    Ria de Aveiro F: un probable naufragio colonial de principios del siglo XVI en la costa portuguesa

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    The Ria de Aveiro F site was discovered during preventive archaeological works carried out in the scope of the 2002 expansion of Aveiro’s harbour into the Ria de Aveiro, a lagoon system located in northern Portugal which played a great role in the salt trade of the Early Modern period. Despite the global destruction of the context caused by the dredging works, several well preserved structural elements were recovered. They belonged to two ships, a carvel-built one and a clinker-built one. The former features several construction characteristics that are common in the Mediterranean. The latter possibly corresponds to a small support boat. Beside the structural findings, several rigging elements wooden and rope artifacts, some pottery shards, ballast stones and a limestone cannonball were also recovered. The global study of the findings allowed to assign these remains to a chronology around the first half of the 16th century. Wood identification analysis were recently carried out; the results indicate the use of tropical, South American species in the construction of the clinker-built vessel. This data allows us to suggest that this site may belong to an initial phase of the relationship between the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula. El sitio de la Ría de Aveiro F se descubrió durante los trabajos arqueológicos preventivos realizados en el marco de la expansión de 2002 del puerto de Aveiro a la Ría de Aveiro, un sistema lagunar ubicado en la costa noroeste de Portugal que desempeñó un papel importante en el comercio de sal de la Edad Moderna. A pesar de la destrucción global del contexto causada por los trabajos de dragado, se recuperaron varios elementos estructurales bien conservados. Pertenecían a dos barcos, uno construido en casco liso y uno construido en casco a tingladillo. El primero presenta varias características de construcción que son comunes en el Mediterráneo. Este último posiblemente corresponda a un pequeño barco de apoyo. Además de los hallazgos estructurales, varios elementos de aparejo de madera y artefactos de cuerda, también se recuperaron algunos fragmentos de cerámica, piedras de lastre y una bala de cañón de piedra caliza. El estudio global de los hallazgos permitió asignar estos restos a una cronología alrededor de la primera mitad del siglo XVI. Recientemente se llevaron a cabo análisis de identificación de la madera; los resultados indican el uso de especies tropicales de América del Sur en la construcción del barco construido en casco tingladillo. Estos datos nos permiten sugerir que este sitio puede pertenecer a una fase inicial de la relación entre las Américas y la Península Ibérica.

    Cereal landraces genetic resources in worldwide GeneBanks. A review

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    Since the dawn of agriculture, cereal landraces have been the staples for food production worldwide, but their use dramatically declined in the 2nd half of the last century, replaced by modern cultivars. In most parts of the world, landraces are one of the most threatened components of agrobiodiversity, facing the risk of genetic erosion and extinction. Since landraces have a tremendous potential in the development of new cultivars adapted to changing environmental conditions, GeneBanks holding their genetic resources potentially play an important role in supporting sustainable agriculture. This work reviews the current knowledge on cereal landraces maintained in GeneBanks and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of existing information about their taxonomy, origin, structure, threats, sampling methodologies and conservation and GeneBanks’ documentation and management. An overview of major collections of cereal landraces is presented, using the information available in global metadatabase systems. This review on winter cereal landrace conservation focuses on: (1) traditional role of GeneBanks is evolving beyond their original purpose to conserve plant materials for breeding programmes. Today’s GeneBank users are interested in landraces’ history, agro-ecology and traditional knowledge associated with their use, in addition to germplasm traits. (2) GeneBanks therefore need to actively share their germplasm collections’ information using different channels, to promote unlimited and effective use of these materials for the further development of sustainable agriculture. (3) Access to information on the 7.4 million accessions conserved in GeneBanks worldwide, of which cereal accessions account for nearly 45 %, particularly information on cereal landraces (24 % of wheat, 23 % of barley, 14 % of oats and 29 % of rye accessions), is often not easily available to potential users, mainly due to the lack of consistent or compatible documentation systems, their structure and registration. (4) Enhancing the sustainable use of landraces maintained in germplasm collections through the effective application of recent advances in landrace knowledge (origin, structure and traits) and documentation using the internet tools and data providing networks, including the use of molecular and biotechnological tools for the material screening and detection of agronomic traits. (5) Cereal landraces cannot be exclusively conserved as seed samples maintained under ex situ conditions in GeneBanks. The enormous contribution of farmers in maintaining the crop and landraces diversity is recognised. Sharing of benefits and raising awareness of the value of cereal landraces are the most effective ways to promote their conservation and to ensure their continued availability and sustainable use. (6) Evaluation of costs and economic benefits attributed to sustainable use of cereal landraces conserved in the GeneBanks requires comprehensive studies conducted on a case-by-case basis, that take into consideration species/crop resources, conservation conditions and quality and GeneBank location and functions.This work was support by the European Community, through the INTERREG IIIB and MAC programmes, research projects Germobanco Agrícola da Macaronesia and AGRICOMAC. This paper was edited by Olga Spellman (Bioversity International)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Probing the effect of ß-triketonates in visible and NIR emitting lanthanoid complexes

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    An isomorphous series of lanthanoid complexes containing tribenzoylmethanide (tbm) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) ligands has been synthesised and structurally characterised. These complexes, formulated as [Ln(phen)(tbm)3] (Ln = Eu3+, Er3+ and Yb3+), were compared with analogous dibenzoylmethanide (dbm) [Ln(phen)(dbm)3] complexes to investigate the effect of changing ß-diketonate to ß-triketonate ligands on the photophysical properties of the complex. The photophysical properties for the Eu3+ complexes were similar for both systems, whereas a modest enhancement was observed for Yb3+ and Er3+ moving from the dbm to the tbm complexes. A detailed study of the NIR photophysical properties was achieved by adapting the integrating sphere method for the calculation of overall quantum yields in the solid state

    Multifunctional hybrid materials based on transparent poly(methyl methacrylate) reinforced by lanthanoid hydroxo clusters

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    Three pentanuclear lanthanoid hydroxo clusters of composition [Ln(OH)5(abzm)10], where Ln = Eu, Tb,Ho and abzm = di(4-allyloxy)benzoylmethanide, have been prepared. The structures have beencharacterised by means of IR, Raman, elemental analyses and X-ray diffraction, showing a pyramidalsquare-based cluster core. The clusters (Tb and Ho) exhibit Curie?Weiss Law behaviour, displayingantiferromagnetic ordering at low temperatures. The emission properties of the Eu cluster demonstratethe abzm- ligand is an efficient antenna (lex = 420 nm) only for the sensitisation of Eu luminescence inthe visible range, via energy transfer to the 5D0 state of the trivalent metal. The clusters have beenreacted in the presence of methyl methacrylate and azobisisobutyronitrile to prepare reinforcedpolymers via radical polymerisation. The obtained materials exhibit swelling upon immersion intoorganic solvents up to 110% of their original size, in agreement with the presence of cluster-crosslinked polymeric chains. Also, no loss of transparency was observed in the preparation of the materials. The characteristic red emission of the Eu cluster in also retained in the polymeric material

    TrainMiC® Presentations Translated in Portuguese

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    TrainMiC® is a European programme for life-long learning about how to interpret the metrological requirements in chemistry. It is operational across many parts of Europe via national teams. These teams use shareware pedagogic tools which have been harmonized at European level by a joint effort of many experts across Europe working in an editorial board. The material has been translated into fourteen different languages. In this publication, TrainMiC® presentations translated in Portuguese language by the Portuguese TrainMiC® team are published.JRC.D.3-Knowledge Transfer and Standards for Securit

    Scandium complexes bearing bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amide ligands: an analysis of their reactivity, solution-state structures and photophysical properties

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    The coordination chemistry of scandium supported by bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amide (R-BOPA) ligands is reported. The R-BOPA ligand is too sterically demanding to afford bis(amide) complexes [Sc(R-BOPA){N(SiMe3)2}2], but reaction of the protio-ligand with [Sc{N(SiMe3)2}2Cl(THF)] (1) afforded the mixed amido-chloride complexes [Sc(R-BOPA){N(SiMe3)2}Cl] (2). The selective reaction of the amido and chloride co-ligands in 2 has been investigated; whilst the chloride ligand can be removed cleanly by metathesis, protonation of the N(SiMe3)2 ligand results in competitive protonation of the R-BOPA ligand. The complexes [Sc(R-BOPA)(CH2SiMe2Ph)2] (5) have been synthesised. Each R-BOPA-containing complex exists in two isomeric forms. The equilibrium has been investigated both experimentally and computationally, and the data suggest that a concerted rotation of the phenyl rings interconverts the two diastereomeric isomers. All of the R-BOPA complexes were found to be luminescent; an analysis of the photophysics, aided by TD-DFT calculations, suggests ligand-centred luminescence with distinct emission lifetimes for each isomer

    A Cell Cycle Role for the Epigenetic Factor CTCF-L/BORIS

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    CTCF is a ubiquitous epigenetic regulator that has been proposed as a master keeper of chromatin organisation. CTCF-like, or BORIS, is thought to antagonise CTCF and has been found in normal testis, ovary and a large variety of tumour cells. The cellular function of BORIS remains intriguing although it might be involved in developmental reprogramming of gene expression patterns. We here unravel the expression of CTCF and BORIS proteins throughout human epidermis. While CTCF is widely distributed within the nucleus, BORIS is confined to the nucleolus and other euchromatin domains. Nascent RNA experiments in primary keratinocytes revealed that endogenous BORIS is present in active transcription sites. Interestingly, BORIS also localises to interphase centrosomes suggesting a role in the cell cycle. Blocking the cell cycle at S phase or mitosis, or causing DNA damage, produced a striking accumulation of BORIS. Consistently, ectopic expression of wild type or GFP- BORIS provoked a higher rate of S phase cells as well as genomic instability by mitosis failure. Furthermore, downregulation of endogenous BORIS by specific shRNAs inhibited both RNA transcription and cell cycle progression. The results altogether suggest a role for BORIS in coordinating S phase events with mitosis