22 research outputs found

    A origem das parcerias público-privada na governança global da educação

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    Durante a última década, a globalização da governança educacional por meio de parcerias público-privadas (PPP) tem gerado considerável debate quanto ao seu significado, propósito, status e resultados. Este debate é particularmente aquecido no setor da educação por causa da ampla aceitação da educação como atividade complexa, social e política que deve permanecer, em grande parte, se não totalmente, no setor público, servindo a interesses públicos. O artigo analisa a rápida expansão das parcerias público-privadas em educação (PPPE) articulada à introdução de regras de mercado no setor. Neste estudo nos concentramos sobre o papel de uma rede de desenvolvimento global, fundamental na globalização de um tipo particular de PPPE, indicando que a ideia de PPP encaixa-se em um projeto mais amplo de reconstituição da educação pública no âmbito do setor de serviços, a ser governada como parte da construção de uma sociedade de mercado.Over the past decade, the globalization and governing of education through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have generated considerable debate as to their meaning, purpose, status and outcomes. This debate is particularly heated in the education sector because of the widely-held view that education is a complex social and political activity that should remain largely, if not wholly, in the public sector serving public interests. The article analyses the rapid expansion of Education Public Private Partnerships (EPPPs) and the associated introduction of market rules into the education sector. We focus on the role of a key global development network in globalizing a particular kind of ePPPs, and show that the EPPP idea fi ts into a wider project of reconstituting public education as an education services industry to be governed as part of the construction of a market society

    A Candidate Approach Implicates the Secreted Salmonella Effector Protein SpvB in P-Body Disassembly

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    P-bodies are dynamic aggregates of RNA and proteins involved in several post-transcriptional regulation processes. P-bodies have been shown to play important roles in regulating viral infection, whereas their interplay with bacterial pathogens, specifically intracellular bacteria that extensively manipulate host cell pathways, remains unknown. Here, we report that Salmonella infection induces P-body disassembly in a cell type-specific manner, and independently of previously characterized pathways such as inhibition of host cell RNA synthesis or microRNA-mediated gene silencing. We show that the Salmonella-induced P-body disassembly depends on the activation of the SPI-2 encoded type 3 secretion system, and that the secreted effector protein SpvB plays a major role in this process. P-body disruption is also induced by the related pathogen, Shigella flexneri, arguing that this might be a new mechanism by which intracellular bacterial pathogens subvert host cell function

    Real-time compression feedback for patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest: a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Objective: To determine if real-time compression feedback using a non-automated hand-held device improves patient outcomes from in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA). Methods: We conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled, parallel study (no crossover) of patients with IHCA in the mixed medical–surgical intensive care units (ICUs) of eight academic hospitals. Patients received either standard manual chest compressions or compressions performed with real-time feedback using the Cardio First Angel™ (CFA) device. The primary outcome was sustained return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and secondary outcomes were survival to ICU and hospital discharge. Results: One thousand four hundred fifty-four subjects were randomized; 900 were included. Sustained ROSC was significantly improved in the CFA group (66.7% vs. 42.4%, P < 0.001), as was survival to ICU discharge (59.8% vs. 33.6%) and survival to hospital discharge (54% vs. 28.4%, P < 0.001). Outcomes were not affected by intra-group comparisons based on intubation status. ROSC, survival to ICU, and hospital discharge were noted to be improved in inter-group comparisons of non-intubated patients, but not intubated ones. Conclusion: Use of the CFA compression feedback device improved event survival and survival to ICU and hospital discharge

    Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams

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    Data analysis workflows in many scientific domains have become increasingly complex and flexible. To assess the impact of this flexibility on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results, the same dataset was independently analyzed by 70 teams, testing nine ex-ante hypotheses. The flexibility of analytic approaches is exemplified by the fact that no two teams chose identical workflows to analyze the data. This flexibility resulted in sizeable variation in hypothesis test results, even for teams whose statistical maps were highly correlated at intermediate stages of their analysis pipeline. Variation in reported results was related to several aspects of analysis methodology. Importantly, meta-analytic approaches that aggregated information across teams yielded significant consensus in activated regions across teams. Furthermore, prediction markets of researchers in the field revealed an overestimation of the likelihood of significant findings, even by researchers with direct knowledge of the dataset. Our findings show that analytic flexibility can have substantial effects on scientific conclusions, and demonstrate factors related to variability in fMRI. The results emphasize the importance of validating and sharing complex analysis workflows, and demonstrate the need for multiple analyses of the same data. Potential approaches to mitigate issues related to analytical variability are discussed

    Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams

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    Data analysis workflows in many scientific domains have become increasingly complex and flexible. To assess the impact of this flexibility on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results, the same dataset was independently analyzed by 70 teams, testing nine ex-ante hypotheses. The flexibility of analytic approaches is exemplified by the fact that no two teams chose identical workflows to analyze the data. This flexibility resulted in sizeable variation in hypothesis test results, even for teams whose statistical maps were highly correlated at intermediate stages of their analysis pipeline. Variation in reported results was related to several aspects of analysis methodology. Importantly, meta-analytic approaches that aggregated information across teams yielded significant consensus in activated regions across teams. Furthermore, prediction markets of researchers in the field revealed an overestimation of the likelihood of significant findings, even by researchers with direct knowledge of the dataset. Our findings show that analytic flexibility can have substantial effects on scientific conclusions, and demonstrate factors related to variability in fMRI. The results emphasize the importance of validating and sharing complex analysis workflows, and demonstrate the need for multiple analyses of the same data. Potential approaches to mitigate issues related to analytical variability are discussed

    Entry Mode Degree of Control, Firm Performance and Host Country Institutional Development: A Meta-Analysis

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    Among studies on performance outcomes of entry mode choices disagreement fueled by ambiguous research findings is apparent as regards whether the best per- formers are those firms that enter foreign countries with high or low entry mode degree of control. To solve this dilemma and test new hypotheses, the relationship between entry mode degree of control and firm performance is examined by meta- analyzing 133 studies (740,114 observations) covering entry mode choices from 1980 to 2010. We find that (a) overall high-control entry modes lead to higher per- formance, and (b) adopting high-control entry modes is particularly important for firms entering developing countries