38 research outputs found

    It shall be good to come to school. Also for students with behavior problems.

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    Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelærerutdanning, 2014.Norsk: Tema for denne bacheloren er atferdsproblemer, både innagerende og utagerende atferd. Hvordan kan læreren legge til rette på mest mulig måte for barn med atferdsproblemer? Hvilke faktorer spiller inn for å oppnå dette? Det kan være vanskelig for oss lærere å rose og se elever med utagerende atferd, fordi de kan være veldig problematiske. Det er da viktig at vi ser hele eleven, for eleven vil ikke være problematisk hele tiden. Elever med atferdsproblemer trenger å vite at de blir likt og at vi vil ha dem der. Dette gjelder også elever med innagerende atferd. Vi må se dem hver dag, være bevisst på hvem de er og gi dem hyggelig bikk gjennom skoledagen, dette gir elevene følelsen av at de hører til og at det betyr noe at akkurat de er der. Gjennom denne oppgaven har jeg funnet frem til noen viktige begreper for å skape et godt læringsmiljø for elever med atferdsproblemer. Klasseledelse og relasjoner er utrolig viktig for å oppnå dette. Relasjoner hjelper oss til å komme nærmere elever med atferdsproblemer, og det er viktig at vi jobber med disse sammen med elevene. Læreren må være en tydelig klasseleder, som elevene er trygge på.English: The theme for this bachelor is behavior problems, both internalized and externalizing behavior. How can the teacher facilitating in the best way for children with behavior problems? What elements do we need to accomplish this? It can be difficult for teachers to praise and see students with externalizing behavior because they can be very problematic. It's important that we see the whole student, because the student will not be problematic all the time. Students with behavior problems need to know that they are liked and that we want them there. This also applies to students with internalized behavior. We need to see them every day and be aware on who they are. Give them decent looks through the school day, which gives the student a feeling that they belong there. Through this task I found some important elements that we need to create a good learning environment for students with behavior problems. Class management and relations is incredibly important to implement this. Relations help us to get closer to the students with behavior problems, and it’s important to work with this together with the students. The teacher needs to be apparent and the students need to be confident on the teacher

    Designoppgave og reguleringsplan for Spilderhaugvigå

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    Bacheloroppgaven markerer avslutningen på tre av fem år som student i Byutvikling og Urban Design ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Det har vært tre lærerike, spennende og interessante år som har skapt et engasjement innen byplanlegging. Oppgaven min ser på området langs Spilderhaugvigå og hvordan det kan gå fra industriområde til å bli et attraktivt oppholdssted med boliger og andre virksomheter. Først skal det skje en gjennomgang av historien til området, for bedre forståelse av hva som er tenkt ut i designforslaget. Deretter vil en analyse av planområdet gi en forståelse av fordeler og ulemper som området byr på. Videre vil en konseptutredning og designplan av Spilderhaugvigå vise til mine tanker og ideer til planforslaget. Til slutt kommer reguleringsplanen som beskriver alt som har blitt gjort i planområdet.The bachelor thesis marks the end of three out of five years as a student in Urban Development and Urban Design at the University of Stavanger. It has been three educational, exciting and interesting years that have created a commitment in urban planning. My thesis looks at the area along Spilderhaugvigå and how it can go from an industrial area to become an attractive place to live with homes and other businesses. First, there will be a review of the history of the area, for a better understanding of what is intended in the design proposal. Then, an analysis of the planning area will provide an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages that the area offers. Furthermore, a concept study and design plan by Spilderhaugvigå will refer to my thoughts and ideas for the plan proposal. Finally comes the zoning plan which describes everything that has been done in the planning area

    En statlig norm for livsfortolkning : en analyse av debatten om "Felles ekteskapslov for heterofile og homofile par” ved hjelp av Robert C. Nevilles teori om symbolsk engasjement

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    In this study, the process leading up to the adoption of the Norwegian Same-sex marriage laws is taken as an example of how normativity is institutionalized in a field related to the religious dimensions of life, in a pluralized society. A comparative analysis of interpretations of the personal identity and the norm for the primary human affiliation in three categories of documents is performed, based on Robert Cumming Neville’s hypothesis of theology as symbolic engagement. These documents are (1) The UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and Norwegian family laws, (2) the governmental hearing document proposing changes in Norwegian marriage- and family laws, including enclosed reports, and (3) hearing statements from three consultative bodies affiliated to Christian traditions. The study sheds light on the degree to which post-colonial criticisms of power at play and universalism are taken into consideration in the legislative process. Three theses are discussed and supported by the findings of the analysis: The hearing document proposing the Same-sex marriage laws presupposes that religious symbols, understood as interpretations constructing the world, are renegotiated. Through their statements, hearing bodies affiliated to Christian traditions are giving relevant observations, and backing up their critical comments with general and not dogmatic arguments. Through the proposal, symbols from one agent’s philosophy of life are institutionalized as normative for the many different philosophies of life, which the inhabitants of a pluralist society engage to orient and transform their lives. The study discloses that, through the proposal, homosexual orientation is inserted as an alternative interpretation of personal identity, and engaged as an orienting symbol for marriage and family law. Rather than following the Convention of the Rights of the Child in including human affiliations in its interpretation of personal identity, the government engages an interpretation, which ignores such affiliations. The consequences are that the conceptual framework engaged does not facilitate a much needed discussion about the consequence the reform has on the rights of the child, and the way in which Norwegian laws attend to the child’s best interest. The proposal neither clarifies the relationship between the two different interpretations of personal identity within the legislation, nor the consequences of introducing different rights based on different interpretations of personal identity into the legislation. By analyzing interpretations of the norm for the primary human affiliation, it is found that the proposal renegotiated this symbol. Biological origin, which has been taken to unconditionally constitute parenthood in UN conventions and Norwegian legislation, is made conditional through the proposal. A new symbol of the primary human affiliation is not accounted for, but intention is introduced as a constituting criterion alone and in combination with biological origin. In sum it is found that the proposal introduces inconsistencies into the legislation both with regards to equal rights between children, between women married to women and women married to men, between female married couples and male married couples, and between married and single women. These inconsistencies are not explained and clarified in the process. The hearing bodies did offer comments and objections to the proposal. These were hardly taken into consideration, and it is found that arguments were declined on the basis of the agents’ identities. The hearing statements included considerations about the ambition of the initiative. The reform was introduced as a measure to prevent discrimination and secure the human rights of lesbians and gays. Hence, the hearing document finds that the protection of the human rights of lesbians and gays through Norwegian legislation exceeds the demand of the UN conventions. It is found that the proposal disclosed an ambition to introduce a governmental norm for the inhabitants’, religious communities, and philosophies of lives’ interpretations of life, justified as a step against prejudice. Furthermore, the initiative is characterized by an international ambition of human rights development, to oppose discrimination and prejudice in the legislation and praxis of other countries. It is clear from the analysis that to the degree that post-colonial criticisms of power at play and universalism are taken into consideration in the legislative process, the hearing bodies affiliated to Christian traditions raised these considerations. Their arguments are not attended to and the Same-sex marriage laws repeats the practice of making one agent’s doctrine the norm for all inhabitants’ interpretations of what is good, true and just in a pluralist society

    Hva er sammenhengen mellom teologi og samfunnssyn i Lausannebevegelsens primærdokument fra 1974, Lausannepakten?

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    Masteroppgave i kristendomskunnskap - Høgskolen i Agder 200

    Structure of plastically compacting granular packings

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    The developing structure in systems of compacting ductile grains were studied experimentally in two and three dimensions. In both dimensions, the peaks of the radial distribution function were reduced, broadened, and shifted compared with those observed in hard disk- and sphere systems. The geometrical three--grain configurations contributing to the second peak in the radial distribution function showed few but interesting differences between the initial and final stages of the two dimensional compaction. The evolution of the average coordination number as function of packing fraction is compared with other experimental and numerical results from the literature. We conclude that compaction history is important for the evolution of the structure of compacting granular systems.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    A direct bonded fixed partial dental prosthesis: A clinical report

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    A direct bonded fixed partial dental prosthesis, with a composite resin denture tooth as a pontic, a tri-n-butylborane initiated adhesive resin, and screw posts for reinforcement, was still functioning after an observation period of 20 years. The prosthesis was found to be reliable for long-term clinical use when chemically and mechanically reinforced

    Scaling of fracture systems in geological media

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    Earthquakes: from chemical alteration to mechanical rupture

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    In the standard rebound theory of earthquakes, elastic deformation energy is progressively stored in the crust until a threshold is reached at which it is suddenly released in an earthquake. We review three important paradoxes, the strain paradox, the stress paradox and the heat flow paradox, that are difficult to account for in this picture, either individually or when taken together. Resolutions of these paradoxes usually call for additional assumptions on the nature of the rupture process (such as novel modes of deformations and ruptures) prior to and/or during an earthquake, on the nature of the fault and on the effect of trapped fluids within the crust at seismogenic depths. We review the evidence for the essential importance of water and its interaction with the modes of deformations. Water is usually seen to have mainly the mechanical effect of decreasing the normal lithostatic stress in the fault core on one hand and to weaken rock materials via hydrolytic weakening and stress corrosion on the other hand. We also review the evidences that water plays a major role in the alteration of minerals subjected to finite strains into other structures in out-of-equilibrium conditions. This suggests novel exciting routes to understand what is an earthquake, that requires to develop a truly multidisciplinary approach involving mineral chemistry, geology, rupture mechanics and statistical physics.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figures, submitted to Physics Report