1,809 research outputs found

    Alvaro Cencini & Sergio Rossi, Economic and Financial Crises: A New Macroeconomic Analysis

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    Abstract. Thereviewed bookdevelops a newparadigm regarding economic and financial crisesat both the national and international level.That paradigm rests on the purely numerical and vehicular nature of money, from which Cencini and Rossi infer the fundamental laws governing a monetary economy of production. The pathologies of the economic system are then characterized in light of these laws. In order to avoid the recurrence of crises, the authors eventually put forward a reform of the domestic and the international payment systems, which rests on a distinction between money, income and fixed capital developed throughout the book. After a short introduction, this review offers a description of the book and ends up drawing some implications, especially as pertains to the nature of money and the characterization of crises.Keywords. Crisis, Money, Income, Monetary Reform.JEL. E31, E32, E42, E44, E50

    Les rites dans le quotidien d'un foyer pour adolescents

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    Aujourd’hui, la prĂ©sence des rites dans les diffĂ©rentes pĂ©riodes de la vie est un Ă©lĂ©ment visible et observable. Actuellement Ă©ducatrice au foyer la Chaloupe, je cĂŽtoie des adolescents pour lesquels, un quotidien structurĂ© et cadrant est nĂ©cessaire. Au sein de ce quotidien deux situations seront mises sous « la loupe » : le « colloque des jeunes » et le processus d’admission. Ces deux moments sont-ils des rites ? Quelle est la place des rites au sein d’une institution ? Comment sont-ils introduits dans le quotidien des rĂ©sidents ? Quelles fonctions prend le rite lors du quotidien institutionnel ? Dans quelle mesure le rite peut-il avoir un impact sur le jeune ? Mais dans le fond qu’est-ce que le quotidien ? Comment est-il construit ? Comment est-il pensĂ© dans l’institution ? Ainsi la thĂ©matique des rites au sein d’un quotidien institutionnel adolescent, est au coeur de ce travail de Bachelor

    Motorcycle helmets: what about their coating?

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    In traffic accidents involving motorcycles, paint traces can be transferred from the rider's helmet or smeared onto its surface. These traces are usually in the form of chips or smears and are frequently collected for comparison purposes. This research investigates the physical and chemical characteristics of the coatings found on motorcycles helmets. An evaluation of the similarities between helmet and automotive coating systems was also performed.Twenty-seven helmet coatings from 15 different brands and 22 models were considered. One sample per helmet was collected and observed using optical microscopy. FTIR spectroscopy was then used and seven replicate measurements per layer were carried out to study the variability of each coating system (intravariability). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were also performed on the infrared spectra of the clearcoats and basecoats of the data set. The most common systems were composed of two or three layers, consistently involving a clearcoat and basecoat. The coating systems of helmets with composite shells systematically contained a minimum of three layers. FTIR spectroscopy results showed that acrylic urethane and alkyd urethane were the most frequent binders used for clearcoats and basecoats. A high proportion of the coatings were differentiated (more than 95%) based on microscopic examinations. The chemical and physical characteristics of the coatings allowed the differentiation of all but one pair of helmets of the same brand, model and color. Chemometrics (PCA and HCA) corroborated classification based on visual comparisons of the spectra and allowed the study of the whole data set at once (i.e., all spectra of the same layer). Thus, the intravariability of each helmet and its proximity to the others (intervariability) could be more readily assessed. It was also possible to determine the most discriminative chemical variables based on the study of the PCA loadings. Chemometrics could therefore be used as a complementary decision-making tool when many spectra and replicates have to be taken into account. Similarities between automotive and helmet coating systems were highlighted, in particular with regard to automotive coating systems on plastic substrates (microscopy and FTIR). However, the primer layer of helmet coatings was shown to differ from the automotive primer. If the paint trace contains this layer, the risk of misclassification (i.e., helmet versus vehicle) is reduced. Nevertheless, a paint examiner should pay close attention to these similarities when analyzing paint traces, especially regarding smears or paint chips presenting an incomplete layer system

    Fibre persistence on static textiles under outdoor conditions

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    The persistence of fibres under outdoor conditions is seldom investigated. This research aimed to study simultaneously the influence of several factors (and their cross-interactions) on the persistence of fibres on static textile surfaces. In order to achieve this aim, a design of experiments was successfully implemented under laboratory conditions. Four factors were considered: time, inclination of the recipient textile, wind speed, and rainfall. The model obtained by this supervised method was compared with the results collected under actual outdoor conditions near a weather station. The resulting model appears to be reliable as long as the values of the factors are kept within the range used in the study. The results of the laboratory tests showed that wind speed and rainfall significantly influence the persistence of fibres while time and inclination of the recipient textile have been found to be nonsignificant. In general, the observed persistence was high: between 90.4 and 100 %. This might be attributed to the recipient textile surface possessing abundant protruding fibres which “traps” the transferred fibres. Outdoor experiments usually suffer from a higher variability and result in a higher fibre loss. In outdoor conditions, wind and rainfall have shown an extensive influence on the fibre persistence. Finally, the trend of fibre persistence on static textiles in outdoor conditions is generally linear with time, but extreme meteorological condition will induce exponential losses

    Réflexions sur la nature médiatrice de la monnaie

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    S’intĂ©ressant Ă  la nature vĂ©hiculaire de la monnaie, cet article rappelle que la parabole du troc (qui caractĂ©rise la thĂ©orie nĂ©oclassique), mais Ă©galement les thĂ©ories nĂ©o-chartaliste et institutionnaliste, ne restituent pas l’existence du moyen de paiement, qui est assimilĂ© Ă  l’objet du paiement. La solution pour dĂ©passer les Ă©cueils de l’échange indirect rĂ©side dans les principes de la comptabilitĂ© Ă  partie double, par lesquels Schmitt (1984) montre que la monnaie est un flux circulaire instantanĂ©, qui est dĂ©fini Ă  la fois sur le payeur, le payĂ© et l’émetteur du moyen de paiement. Il s’agit d’un actif-passif dont le contenu est donnĂ© par le paiement des salaires, qui rĂ©unit la monnaie et le produit rĂ©el sous la forme du revenu, ceci jusqu’à la dĂ©pense de consommation, raison pour laquelle la monnaie ne brise le troc, mais toujours le mouvement d’appropriation du produit. La nature Ă  la fois nominale et rĂ©elle du revenu montre finalement que les dĂ©pĂŽts bancaires sont toujours la symbiose d’un signifiant (Ă  savoir la monnaie) et d’un signifiĂ© (un objet marchand), ce qui va Ă  l’encontre des propos tenus par Aglietta (2017) dans le prĂ©sent numĂ©ro.Focusing on the vehicular nature of money, this article reminds that the parable of barter (which structure neoclassical theory), as well as neo-chartalist and institutionalist theories, do not grasp the existence of a means of payment, the latter being assimilated with the object of exchange. The solution for overcoming the pitfalls of indirect exchange lies in the principles of double-entry bookkeeping, whereby Schmitt (1984) shows that money is an instantaneous circular flow between the payer, the payee and the issuer of the means of payment. Money is an asset-liability whose content is given by the payment of wages, which associates money and real products between the formation of income and its final expenditure (consumption). That’s why money does not split barter but the product’s appropriation. The simultaneous nominal and real nature of income proves finally that bank deposits are always the association between a signifier (to wit, money) and a signified (real goods). This runs counter Aglietta’s contribution in the present issue of Papers in Political Economy

    Re-interpreting thermodynamic Arctic sea ice feedbacks

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    Transfer of Fibres onto Knife Blades in Stabbing Events: Distribution and Determination of the Stabbing Sequence

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    Knives are among the weapons most frequently involved in criminal cases. They represent the most encountered category of weapons in Swiss homicide cases (completed and attempted homicides considered) and are also frequently employed in assault cases, notably bodily injuries. Whenever a knife is involved in a stabbing event, DNA and fingerprints may be sought. When garments are damaged, fibres can also be investigated. Fibres from the victim's garments might transfer onto the blade of the knife used in the assault and can thus provide useful information to determine whether a particular weapon could have be used to stab the victim. This study simulates vertical stabbings into garments with the use of a special holding device. Different types of knives and blades straight or serrated were used as weapons. Two garments presenting different shedding capacities and garment structures were also considered for the simulations. The distribution of fibres transferred onto the blade (number and position) was recorded for each simulation performed. Sequences of stabbings into the two garments were also carried out to assess whether the order of the stabs could be determined. Several parameters were considered, notably the distribution of fibres transferred onto the blade. The transfer of fibres inside the stab damage ballistic soap was used in this study and on the area near the second damage was also investigated. This study provides new insight into the interpretation of fibres transferred onto knives after a single stab or a sequence of stabbings and into determining the stabbing sequence. Finally, the study brings some guidelines for the search and recovery of fibres on the crime scene and on the blades of knives
