185 research outputs found

    Germinal centers in human lymph nodes contain reactivated memory B cells

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    To reveal migration trails of antigen-responsive B cells in lymphoid tissue, we analyzed immunoglobulin (Ig)M-VH and IgG-VH transcripts of germinal center (GC) samples microdissected from three reactive human lymph nodes. Single B cell clones were found in multiple GCs, one clone even in as many as 19 GCs. In several GCs, IgM and IgG variants of the same clonal origin were identified. The offspring of individual hypermutated IgG memory clones were traced in multiple GCs, indicating repeated engagement of memory B cells in GC reactions. These findings imply that recurring somatic hypermutation progressively drives the Ig repertoire of memory B cells to higher affinities and infer that transforming genetic hits in non-Ig genes during lymphomagenesis do not have to arise during a single GC passage, but can be collected during successive recall responses

    In vivo quantification of photosensitizer fluorescence in the skin-fold observation chamber using dual-wavelength excitation and NIR imaging

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    A major challenge in biomedical optics is the accurate quantification of in vivo fluorescence images. Fluorescence imaging is often used to determine the pharmacokinetics of photosensitizers used for photodynamic therapy. Often, however, this type of imaging does not take into account differences in and changes to tissue volume and optical properties of the tissue under interrogation. To address this problem, a ratiometric quantification method was developed and applied to monitor photosensitizer meso-tetra (hydroxyphenyl) chlorin (mTHPC) pharmacokinetics in the rat skin-fold observation chamber. The method employs a combination of dual-wavelength excitation and dualwavelength detection. Excitation and detection wavelengths were selected in the NIR region. One excitation wavelength was chosen to be at the Q band of mTHPC, whereas the second excitation wavelength was close to its absorption minimum. Two fluorescence emission bands were used; one at the secondary fluorescence maximum of mTHPC centered on 720 nm, and one in a region of tissue autofluorescence. The first excitation wavelength was used to excite the mTHPC and autofluorescence and the second to excite only autofluorescence, so that this could be subtracted. Subsequently, the autofluorescence-corrected mTHPC image was divided by the autofluorescence signal to correct for variations in tissue optical properties. This correction algorithm in principle results in a linear relation between the corrected fluorescence and photosensitizer concentration. The limitations of the presented method and comparison with previously published and validated techniques are discussed

    EV-Elute: a universal platform for enrichment of functional surface marker-defined extracellular vesicle subpopulations

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    Intercellular communication via extracellular vesicles (EVs) has been identified as a vital component of a steadily expanding number of physiological and pathological processes. To accommodate these roles, EVs are equipped with specific proteins, lipids, and RNA molecules by EV-secreting cells. Consequently, EVs have highly heterogeneous molecular compositions. Given that surface molecules on EVs determine their interactions with their environment, it is conceivable that EV functionality differs between subpopulations with varying surface compositions. However, it has been technically challenging to examine such functional heterogeneity due to a lack of non-destructive methods to separate EV subpopulations based on their surface markers. Here, we used Design-of-Experiments methodology to rapidly optimize a protocol, which we name ‘EV-Elute’, to elute intact EVs from commercially available Protein G-coated magnetic beads. We captured EVs from various cell types on these beads using antibodies against CD9, CD63, CD81 and a custom-made protein binding phosphatidylserine (PS). When applying EV-Elute, over 70% of bound EVs could be recovered from the beads in a pH– and incubation time-dependent fashion. EV subpopulations were found to be devoid of co-isolated protein contaminants observed in whole EV isolates and showed intact morphology by electron microscopy. Proteinase K protection assays showed a mild and reversible decrease of EV membrane integrity during elution. Depending on the type of capturing antibody used, some antibodies remained EV-associated after elution. EV subpopulations showed uptake patterns similar to whole EV isolates in co-cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and endothelial cells. However, in Cas9/sgRNA delivery assays, CD63+ EVs showed a lower capacity to functionally deliver cargo as compared to CD9+, CD81+ and PS+ EVs. Taken together, we developed a novel, easy-to-use platform to isolate and functionally compare surface marker-defined EV subpopulations. Importantly, this platform does not require specialized equipment or reagents and is universally applicable to any capturing antibody and EV source. Hence, EV-Elute can open new opportunities to study EV functionality at the subpopulation level

    EV-Elute: a universal platform for enrichment of functional surface marker-defined extracellular vesicle subpopulations

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    Intercellular communication via extracellular vesicles (EVs) has been identified as a vital component of a steadily expanding number of physiological and pathological processes. To accommodate these roles, EVs are equipped with specific proteins, lipids, and RNA molecules by EV-secreting cells. Consequently, EVs have highly heterogeneous molecular compositions. Given that surface molecules on EVs determine their interactions with their environment, it is conceivable that EV functionality differs between subpopulations with varying surface compositions. However, it has been technically challenging to examine such functional heterogeneity due to a lack of non-destructive methods to separate EV subpopulations based on their surface markers. Here, we used Design-of-Experiments methodology to rapidly optimize a protocol, which we name ‘EV-Elute’, to elute intact EVs from commercially available Protein G-coated magnetic beads. We captured EVs from various cell types on these beads using antibodies against CD9, CD63, CD81 and a custom-made protein binding phosphatidylserine (PS). When applying EV-Elute, over 70% of bound EVs could be recovered from the beads in a pH– and incubation time-dependent fashion. EV subpopulations were found to be devoid of co-isolated protein contaminants observed in whole EV isolates and showed intact morphology by electron microscopy. Proteinase K protection assays showed a mild and reversible decrease of EV membrane integrity during elution. Depending on the type of capturing antibody used, some antibodies remained EV-associated after elution. EV subpopulations showed uptake patterns similar to whole EV isolates in co-cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and endothelial cells. However, in Cas9/sgRNA delivery assays, CD63+ EVs showed a lower capacity to functionally deliver cargo as compared to CD9+, CD81+ and PS+ EVs. Taken together, we developed a novel, easy-to-use platform to isolate and functionally compare surface marker-defined EV subpopulations. Importantly, this platform does not require specialized equipment or reagents and is universally applicable to any capturing antibody and EV source. Hence, EV-Elute can open new opportunities to study EV functionality at the subpopulation level

    Immunophototherapy Using PDT Combined with Rapid Intratumoral Dendritic Cell Injection

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    The capacity of photodynamic therapy (PDT) to induce localized cell death and tissue damage suggests that when applied to tumors it could create a local depot of tumor-associated antigens, which would be available for uptake and presentation to the immune system, potentially leading to improved tumor control. Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent cells for antigen uptake, presentation, and stimulation of the immune system. However, it is unclear whether DCs would retain their viability and functional capacity for the requisite trafficking to draining lymph nodes when adoptively transferred in close temporal and anatomic proximity to the site of PDT-induced cytotoxicity. We conducted studies of combined PDT and adoptive DC therapy, “immunophototherapy,” in a female, Fisher 344 rat orthotopic mammary tumor model. Using 5-aminolevulinic acid as a pro-drug, we demonstrated kinetically favorable biologic conversion to the photosensitive protoporphyrin IX, appropriate trafficking of syngeneic bone marrow-derived DCs injected into PDT-treated tumors within 15 min of completion of therapy, and improved survival over either modality alone. These data indicate that DCs rapidly administered into the site of PDT retain their viability and functional status, supporting the further evaluation of immunophototherapy strategies

    Light-Activated Hypoxia-Responsive Nanocarriers for Enhanced Anticancer Therapy

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    A light-activated hypoxia-responsive conjugated polymer-based nanocarrier is developed for efficiently producing singlet oxygen ((1) O2 ) and inducing hypoxia to promote release of its cargoes in tumor cells, leading to enhanced antitumor efficacy. This dual-responsive nanocarrier provides an innovative design guideline for enhancing traditional photodynamic therapeutic efficacy integrated with a controlled drug-release modality

    Phage Therapy and Photodynamic Therapy: Low Environmental Impact Approaches to Inactivate Microorganisms in Fish Farming Plants

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    Owing to the increasing importance of aquaculture to compensate for the progressive worldwide reduction of natural fish and to the fact that several fish farming plants often suffer from heavy financial losses due to the development of infections caused by microbial pathogens, including multidrug resistant bacteria, more environmentally-friendly strategies to control fish infections are urgently needed to make the aquaculture industry more sustainable. The aim of this review is to briefly present the typical fish farming diseases and their threats and discuss the present state of chemotherapy to inactivate microorganisms in fish farming plants as well as to examine the new environmentally friendly approaches to control fish infection namely phage therapy and photodynamic antimicrobial therapy